Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1162: 20 seconds into the fight!

The huge number of 74 aircraft gave the Japanese fleet unprecedented confidence!

They entered the battlefield from the northwest, dived from an altitude of 3,000 meters, 6 fighters in a row, and 60 fighters formed a long column.

The distance between single aircraft is 200 meters, so it is enough to cover the battlefield with a width of 1,200 meters. The column formation can strike all the ground targets that can be struck in the field of vision.

Such a column formation of aircraft passed over the battlefield thousands of meters away, and the attacked position would be hit by dozens of heavy bombs. There was almost no need for any onboard machine guns to strafe, and the positions belonging to Chinese soldiers on the ground were already a mess!

In the future, this is called 360-degree bombing without dead ends!

If, as a large number of Japanese pilots headed by Iwamoto Tetsuzo thought, this sky belonged to the eagle of the Great Japanese Empire, then the mistakes they made before the war were not mistakes.

Diving with their backs to the sun made their front view extremely clear, but the observation of the rear of the aircraft was almost non-existent!

The rearview mirror installed next to the cockpit showed a completely bright light that was setting in the west!

Therefore, they could not see the biplane group that was swooping down from the sky behind the group and then chasing them!

Of course, this was at most a small mistake, not fatal.

Before entering the battlefield, there was no battlefield reconnaissance, only 14 aircraft were left to perform high-altitude alert, and most of the other fighters were so anxious to attack the enemy on land, which was a taboo in the military!

And 60 fighters were arranged in a long dragon. From the perspective of the ground, looking at this "dragon" that was speeding and dropping terrible bombs, it was naturally terrified, but from the perspective of the Chinese pilots who were swooping down from the sky, wasn't this a complete idiocy?

Aircraft also need to form a formation, just like the hand-to-hand combat of the army, basically two or three people in a group, so that they can deal with enemies from all angles. If you are alone, can you take care of the front, the back, and the left and right? No one is Nezha with three heads and six arms, right?

The bombing effect of Japanese planes is very brutal, but it is definitely not conducive to air combat!

In the high-speed and ever-changing air combat, one mistake is already fatal enough, not to mention that they made three in a row?

Of course, as the supreme commander of this huge Japanese aircraft formation, Fujikino Yuzhongzuo, who was sitting at an altitude of 3,000 meters, also had his considerations.

The 39th Infantry Brigade originally provided the coordinates of its own position. Before the arrival of the fleet, it also used red fireworks cans as a mark. The khaki color that cheered for the arrival of the fleet also marked the location of its own position. Apart from that, it was all Chinese positions.

From the perspective of the Japanese flight formation, there was almost no need to adjust the nose of the aircraft. As long as it dived, it could blow all the Chinese on the ridge into slag.

The temporary air corps has been very frustrated in recent months. Compared with the losses six months ago, the losses in the past six months are nearly ten times higher. Not only is the front army headquarters dissatisfied, but even the army headquarters has specially sent someone to investigate why the losses of the temporary air corps suddenly surged like a flood.

The name of the Four-Line Regiment appeared countless times in the reports of the temporary air corps. In the words of Major General Tokugawa Haoming, it is the biggest victim of the temporary air corps!

Now, the legendary victim is in front of you. Do you think this Army Aviation Lieutenant General Tokugawa Haoming can bear it?

It's like a person who has been hungry for three days and suddenly sees a table of Manchu Han banquet a few meters ahead. How many people can resist the temptation to go around and see if there is any threat before eating?

Of course, in addition to the eagerness for revenge, the underlying psychological logic that made this veteran pilot who has served in the Army Aviation for many years make so many mistakes must be inflated.

In the past, when we were beaten by the anti-aircraft guns of the Four-line Group, there were only a dozen or twenty of them, but now there are 74 aircraft. I want to ask, who can stop them?

Just like in a team battle in a game, the opponent has already killed three, and you have five of them. I just want to ask if you are arrogant or not. Flashing over the tower to kill people is just basic operations.

Because you know that you are sure to win, just want heads, not health bars!

Indeed, even if the Four-line Group now has 24 20mm anti-aircraft guns and 48 7mm heavy machine guns, facing such a large number of aircraft, even if they fight, most of them will end in a desperate battle.

It seems easy to fight a gray aircraft, but when you really do it, you will find that it is very difficult!

But it is relatively easier to fight a gray aircraft with a gray aircraft, especially a gray aircraft with a height advantage.

In the sky, 48 Yin-15s in a double formation also formed a column and dived down from an altitude of 4,500 meters, like a group of agile swifts. Although they were 1,500 meters higher than the Japanese planes, they were faster.

The dull roar of the 1,000-horsepower M--62 air-cooled aircraft engine resounded through the battlefield, tearing the nerves of everyone on the ground.

Whether Chinese or Japanese.

Facing the roaring and high-speed diving planes in the sky, these brave soldiers hid in the bunkers they thought were safe enough and stared at the sky.

As far as the field of vision could be seen, dozens of Japanese planes were diving, and the red sun flag painted on the tail of the planes flashed the pride of all Japanese but hurt the eyes of the Chinese.

But there were still dozens of small black dots that rushed out from the depths of the white clouds at high speed, and the metal fuselage planes that also flashed golden light in the sun were extremely fierce.

That is, no one knows which side they belong to.

Judging from their posture, the fighter planes that shot out from the depths of the white clouds had serious ill intentions towards the Japanese planes below that were about to enter the battlefield.

But, do we in China have fighter jets? In other words, are there so many fighter planes?

Including the white-haired general who looked at the sky with a telescope and suddenly opened his mouth wide, all the Chinese soldiers who did not know the inside story were confused.

The Japanese are also confused! Which one are the Imperial Eagles playing? They are all men. They can just shoot with real guns. What skills are they showing off?

"That's our fighter plane?" The white-haired general turned back in disbelief and looked at Tang Dao standing beside him.

Disbelief and a hint of hope!

In the field of view of the telescope, there is a clear difference between the group of bi-wing fighters and the Japanese Type 96 Fighter. More importantly, there are no markings on the fuselage, which is absolutely impossible for the Japanese aircraft.

"Mr. Zhao, I told you that I am here to watch a fireworks show with you." Tang Dao took a deep breath but did not smile this time. He looked at the sky with a firm look and a solemn expression.

Tang Dao knew that this ground-to-air encirclement battle pattern that was beyond the expectations of all Japanese had been formed. With the number of aircraft on both sides not much different, one intentional and the other unintentional, the Japanese aircraft group was at a disadvantage from the beginning.

But this does not mean that victory will be achieved. The next step will be up to these brave young men in the sky.

Moreover, there is no victory without sacrifice. The bright fireworks that are about to be born in the sky belong not only to the Japanese army, but also to China!

That is a brilliance composed with life and blood!

"Okay!" The white-haired general was slightly startled, and he immediately understood Tang Dao's thoughts at this moment.

As a soldier, how could he not know that the boys in the sky would shoot down enemy planes, and they would also be shot down by enemy planes.

The sky is no better than the ground. Once a fighter plane is damaged or shot, the pilot's chance of survival is less than 30%.

They exchanged the lives of dozens of people for the lives of thousands of their comrades on the ground!

"If we win this battle, I, together with Commander Liu and the others, will go to the theater to ask the Ministry of Military Affairs for credit!" The white-haired general, looking up at the sky, solemnly promised.

The roar became louder and louder. The fighter planes swooping down in the sky had already dropped to an altitude of 2,000 meters. Four red stars were shining on the metal fuselage of the plane serving as the arrow!

That's synonymous with ace.

Anyone who knows a little bit about air combat knows that it often represents the number of enemy aircraft shot down.

4 red stars means 4 enemy planes!

That was what Huang Xinrui, an instructor, requested when he was waiting for departure at the airport. The garrison at Anyan Airport of the 80th Army specially used red stars cut out of red paper and pasted them on the metal fuselage.

Huang Xinrui's move was, firstly, to frighten the enemy planes. I am the trump card! Another level is to use this to tell the Japanese that if they want to fight, fight with the trump card!

The eagles soaring in the blue sky are always the proudest ones, and so are the Japanese.

In the fierce air battle, he, the teacher, could no longer take care of his students as he did on the training ground. He could only live and die. This was the only thing he, the teacher, could do for his students, attracting the enemy's strongest firepower.

The Japanese aircraft at an altitude of 1,500 meters below were all scattered!

"Haha, that's my plane. Brothers, that's my plane." On the battlefield, the commander of the 4th Company of the Second Battalion, Zhao Daqiang, who was the first to face the Japanese bombing, threw away his binoculars and burst into laughter.

The infantry company commander, who was reserved and rarely expressed his inner emotions so excitedly, laughed so happily that he even shed tears.

Even when he completely wiped out the Japanese army in the Battle of Laojin Pit last time, he didn't smile so heartily.

Of course he had to laugh, of course he had to cry.

Facing the dive bombing of dozens of Japanese planes, he was even prepared to suffer more than half of the company's casualties.

That’s more than 100 brothers! Maybe they would be wiped out by the bombs and machine guns of dozens of Japanese planes, and they would no longer be able to call him company commander and exchange military salutes like before.

When he thinks about those dear brothers, he may only be able to pour a glass of wine and light a cigarette in front of the cold tombstone; or maybe he himself lies in the cold tomb, watching helplessly as his brothers salute him. But I can't give them a gift in return as usual.

Whenever he, the infantry company commander, thinks of that scene, his heart almost breaks.

But just a minute apart, everything changed.

Because the Chinese's own eagle is swooping towards the chaotic group of Japanese aircraft.

They dived extremely resolutely. Although they were thousands of meters apart, Zhao Daqiang seemed to be able to see their firm eyes and hands firmly holding the rudder.

They will definitely tear these dozens of Japanese planes into pieces.

"Baga! Immediately inform the division headquarters that there are Chinese aircraft in Jin Province, at least five squadrons, damn Goose, it's their aircraft!" After the dumbfounded Yoshito Takagi came to his senses, he was filled with excitement. His face growled bitterly. "Also, quickly remind those idiots in the sky that they were ambushed by a Chinese fleet!"

The stunned Japanese officers around them looked miserable!

Those idiots are still at an altitude of at least 2,000 meters, and I'm on the ground. How can you remind me? Is it possible that thousands of people shouted slogans together: "Idiots, you are stupider than me, and you are ambushed in the sky."

Yes, there is definitely a reason for his sudden transformation from the title of Imperial Eagle to an idiot.

There is another theory that the 39th Infantry Brigade was ambushed on the ground. It was because those idiots from the 21st Division were sold out. But you idiots like Baga can be ambushed in the endless sky. There's a reason. What's even more stupid is that a bunch of idiots in Baga haven't discovered it yet.

oh! All right! The idiots were not stupid enough to live in grandma's house, but they finally realized something was wrong.

You see, they started to change their formation, from the majestic long dragon type to the wasp type that exploded the nest.

That's when he started to run away.

But, run away and don’t throw bombs like Xia Jiba!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" More than a dozen huge fireballs shot up from the ground, and the huge vibration knocked Major General Takagi Yoshito to the ground.

In fact, that is not entirely correct. What really made Takagi Yoshito chew on the stone was the few loyal staff officers around him!

Because a heavy aerial bomb was dropped less than 400 meters away from the cave where the headquarters is located. There should be a defensive position established by the infantry team!

Good guy, just a hair’s breadth away, the Provisional Aviation Corps carried out an extremely precise decapitation operation.

"Baga!" Yoshito Takagi roared angrily, pushing away the two staff officers piled on top of him, and reached out to pull out a white object from his mouth.

Taihang Mountain is really too hard. For this guy, Qianya went to meet Amaterasu in advance.

The Japanese troops on the ground really don't understand the suffering of the proud Japanese Imperial Eagles in the sky. The Chinese fighter planes of Baga completely occupy a high altitude advantage. Do the Chinese fight?







When you look at the sky from the ground, you can see it clearly from all angles.

But as for the sky, the pilot's field of vision is very limited, and his ears are filled with the roar of his own engine, making it difficult to hear the outside world.

Without being in the game, it's hard to know how difficult it is to be in the game.

Therefore, the bumpkins on the ground have the right to think that the guys in the sky are stupid.

It was Tetsuzo Iwamoto who was the first to notice the anomaly. The ace pilot of the Japanese Army Airlines, who had his hands on the bomb release gate, kept his eyes fixed on the ground, looking for valuable targets.

Then he saw a shadow on the ground, the shadow of an airplane.

And some of those shadows were almost overlapping with his lead aircraft, unless there was an aircraft swooping in from high altitude.

Is it possible that other aircraft squadrons came from other airports to help? Iwamoto Tetsuzo suddenly raised his head, and the dazzling sunlight made his eyes shrink continuously before he could see clearly the shadow of the aircraft model lake diving towards his flight formation from the sky.

Iwamoto Tetsuzo was stunned for a moment, and then a heart-rending roar sounded on the radio: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, everyone, drop the bombs and pull up."

Dive is the signal representing attack.

Although he couldn't see clearly what the plane looked like, the ace pilot of the Japanese Army Airlines with rich combat experience knew that it must be an enemy plane, a Chinese plane.

Suddenly, he took off the bomb switch, pulled the rudder, stepped on the accelerator, and pulled up the nose of the plane. In just one second, Tetsuzo Iwamoto was indeed an ace pilot and made the most correct decision.

Nothing is important now. What is important is to reduce the load, increase the speed to the maximum, raise the height again to seize the favorable terrain, and deal with the threat from the air first.

As for whether the bomb was thrown in the wilderness or on the heads of his own people or on the Chinese positions, the ace pilot of the Japanese Army Airlines would not care. The most important thing is to save his life first. For the rest, whoever he loves.

Then, the public communication channel of the Japanese aircraft fleet continued to roar: "The enemy is attacking, drop all bombs and meet the enemy!"

As the Japanese aircraft continued to accelerate and run wildly, fireballs continued to rise on the ground, and 500-pound aerial bombs, 80-pound bombs, 50-pound bombs, and 30-pound bombs were all thrown into the mountains and wilderness of Fululing!

Compared with the Chinese side, which still has sufficient fortifications, the infantrymen of the 39th Infantry Brigade are really crying. They are ushering in a savior here and there, but they are just a bunch of disaster stars!

At least a third of the bombs were dropped on their positions.

In particular, a position with 6 105 howitzers was hidden in a valley in order to preserve its strength and avoid confrontation with the Chinese artillery position.

As a result, good guy, two consecutive heavy-weight aerial bombs hit the edge of the small valley, directly blowing up half of the hill. Crazy rocks rushed down, burying the six firmly hidden heavy cannons and artillery. Got a solid porcelain.

Mom, who is far away from the main island, no longer has to worry about whether they have enough food and clothing.

"I'll tell you, sir!" Takagi Yoshito received the bad news not long after he pulled out his front teeth, and almost fainted.

Baga has become numb. It is really difficult to understand the evil spirit in his heart without using the Chinese art of swearing!

"Fire!" At the moment when the bomb left the belly of Tetsuzo Iwamoto's aircraft, Huang Xinrui's voice also sounded on the wireless intercom.

While his eyes were fixed on the enemy plane covered in the sight, the Chinese ace pilot's fingers suddenly dropped.

The Yin-153, which is specially customized for the Chinese battlefield, is equipped with a total of four 62mm Schkath machine guns. Although the airborne heavy machine guns all installed on the nose are weak in power, they have a terrifying fire rate of 120 rounds per minute. With its rapid and 2470-round ammunition reserve, ferocious firepower and accurate intersection distance of 600---800 meters, it was hailed as the best dog fighting aircraft in the early stage of World War II.

Perhaps its overall performance is not the match of the Zero fighter, but for the Type 96 fighter, no matter its maneuverability or firepower, it can be said to be a crushing force!

At this time, the height difference between the two groups of aircraft was about 1,000 meters, just at the edge of the precise shooting range of Yin--153.

But with the full acceleration of Yin--153, which had already launched the attack, the distance between the two groups of aircraft was further shortened, and the sound of crazy machine guns firing resounded everywhere in the sky.

The bullet fire chain fired by the fighter planes whizzing down from the high altitude was clearly visible, and it hit the Japanese aircraft group that had begun to flee.

The two Japanese aircraft that were fleeing frantically were hit by the engine, and the flames on the wings rose for several seconds. It may be that the fuel tank was ignited along the oil pipe. The flames suddenly became larger. Two seconds later, there were two consecutive "bang bang" noises.

The two unlucky guys exploded two bright fireworks in the sky, one in front and one behind, and the wreckage fell down in a circle.

Less than 20 seconds after the start of the war, the record of China and Japan was 2 to 0.

This is just the beginning, but it is far from the end.





PS: It's the end of the month, please give me some monthly votes! Brothers, votes!

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