Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1179 Cruel Silhouette

Hit, hit them hard! "Wang Xiaoqiang held the telescope, looked at the raging fire in front of him, and suppressed his excitement.

Captain Wang couldn't help but be excited. The siege battle was certainly not a new thing for a veteran with 9 years of military career, but fighting such a rich battle must be the first time in Captain Wang's life.

The feeling of 8 75mm mountain cannons firing at the same time was really wonderful. The shells bloomed on the top of the city wall and the Japanese defensive positions inside the wall. The four or five-meter-thick city wall seemed to tremble in the artillery fire.

In addition, there was the Japanese 92 infantry gun. The 70mm direct-aiming gun approached the city wall at the closest point of less than 700 meters, aiming at all visible fortifications on the top of the wall and firing. If one shot couldn't do it, then more shots would be fired. There was almost no fortification that could resist.

But these two excellent infantry support artillery were nothing in front of the 150 heavy mortar. The power of the large-caliber mortar was not enough for such a target. It was clearly shown in the offensive and defensive battle that everything was destroyed with one artillery shell!

The brick tower at the south gate was blown to pieces by a 150mm heavy shell right in front of Wang Xiaoqiang. If Wang Xiaoqiang hadn't reacted quickly and fell to the ground, he would have been smashed black and blue by the flying bricks and tiles!

Commander Wang was too close to the front line, only less than 400 meters away!

That was also the position where the officers and soldiers of his 772nd Regiment were ordered to lurk. When the artillery fire was sparse in 10 minutes, the infantry would approach the 200-meter area of ​​the city wall until the artillery fire extended, and the infantry attack mode would be turned on.

In front of the infantry, there were no machine guns, heavy machine guns, and heavy machine guns ready to fight. We will give the most fierce firepower cover to the infantry in the charge. In front of the shooting hole, the heavy machine gun was hit by a shell, and steel parts were splashed, and the Japanese heavy machine gunner was also hit by two 20mm caliber shells. The shell passed through, and the entire lower body was almost shattered. Only a steel helmet was left, which was still spinning outside the solid fortifications that would be destroyed by the shells. In fact, in that aspect, the Japanese army was much weaker than the impoverished Chinese army. They all relied on the two legs and one mouth of the signal soldiers to report this bloody storm. Even the Japanese infantrymen whose nerves were not strong enough could not bear it. But he wanted me to order the bombing of the baggage area now. The Japanese Army's Duo Zuo also had the courage to do so. The soldier responsible for firing the flares was slightly firm, and a row of heavy machine gun bullets swept over again, hitting the steel shield with sparks! This shows that through the trajectory, the Japanese heavy machine gunners had already determined my exact position.

And that was just a silhouette of the cruelty of war, not even a miniature.

The Japanese soldiers who were lucky enough to be in the explosion range and the collapse range were also stunned by the sudden huge noise.

No one dared to stay outside the fortifications where they witnessed their companions being smashed to pieces, and they would not be able to become a pile of shredded meat that everyone knew. They would definitely not be able to resist the Chinese assault for a whole night. This gambling-style bravery of me to withstand the pressure and bomb the baggage area was not a stupid joke. Therefore, Kawata Xiang, the lowest commander of the South Gate, was the one who took the risk to reach the last edge of 400 meters, but for that behavior, even if he won a small victory in this battle, he would be scolded by Brigade Commander Cheng when he returned.

Although the 7mm caliber bullet is more terrible than the 20mm machine gun bullet, it is also a terrible weapon for killing. The machine gunner's arm was directly broken. The blood gushed out and the red and white bone stumps that pierced through the military uniform showed that my injury was minor. With the current medical level of the Seventh Regiment, even if I was rescued in time and survived, that arm would probably be useless.

Don't look too much! 0That freshman is, of course, there is no determination for Kawata Xiang to win the bet with Tang Dao.

First company, next, seventh company, fire platoon, fire cover, all mortars cover the two wings, machine guns, heavy machine guns provide fire cover. "As the lowest commander on the front line, Lei Xiong took out the cotton from his ears and issued the assault order as soon as possible.

The explosion of 400 kilograms of explosives directly blew up a narrow section of the city wall of ten meters, and the eighty-seventy-meter city wall collapsed directly due to the violent vibration. The blown-up section of the city wall and the machine gun bunker built with reinforced concrete on the top of the wall flew into the sky, and, like the bricks, they were all broken.

The Japanese defenders of the seven gates received the order from the headquarters to hold on until 9 pm. When the Imperial Army Air Force bombers arrived, all the crises were resolved.

As for how the Chinese succeeded in the blast in such a short time, this is not what Wang Xiaoqiang can consider now. I must do it in the shortest time now. Mobilize enough manpower to block the Chinese who are about to retreat from the city through the breakthrough.

I was reluctant to let my elite troops sacrifice in vain in that siege battle that was not doomed to fail. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Not to mention that the command is delayed for one or four minutes, unexpected changes may occur in one minute.

But the Japanese army also has the ability to counterattack. The Japanese army has dug a bunker inside the city wall. The city wall, which is several meters thick, provides us with the best protection, allowing us to survive the raging artillery fire.

The muzzle of the machine gun he went to sway slightly. While the sight locked the Japanese fortifications, the heavier Japanese 92 heavy machine gun roared first, and the terrifying heavy machine gun bullets hit the fortifications and steel shields "clanging".

It must be that the two layers of sandbags prepared without delay and the 10 mm thick steel plate shield specially added to the machine gun by Tang Tuanzuo after the war, the machine gun sergeant shooter alone would be directly shot into a sieve, and the observer and the other two ammunition handlers would not be able to survive.

"Well, commander, do we need to add some too?" A battalion commander asked the Seventh Regiment in a strong tone, but there was nothing in the city, not even inside the city.

"Commander, it's bad like the west!" the battalion commander who had just received the order and was about to leave replied. When the Japanese signal soldiers frantically ran to the military camp to inform them, sporadic gunshots rang out before they heard the news.

The Japanese commander was also a fool. He stupidly placed all the defenses under the city wall with obvious targets. Is this a wave of people being taken away by artillery?

These have long been in the calculations of Captain Wang, who is eager to win the bet.

At most, in the entire Jindong War till now, no battalion commander, company commander or even deputy regimental commander has been killed outside the Chinese army. However, there is no precedent for the sacrifice of junior colonel-level officers. They must be benchmarked against the Japanese army, such as lieutenant generals and generals. , Xiao Zuo are not finished, this battle in Jindong cannot be called a crushing victory at all.

A Mosingana rifle, an MP28 submachine gun, a rifle grenade plus 3 White Star pistols are not the standard firepower configuration of an eight-man firepower group!

But obviously, the Japanese army will definitely be wiped out because of the fierce artillery fire. We will definitely rush out of the smoke and launch a fatal blow to the Chinese soldiers who are about to pounce.

The regiment commander personally visited the front line to supervise the battle, which was indeed a great encouragement to the front line soldiers.

The Japanese troops who originally survived the artillery fire didn't know where to go. They were buried by the collapsed masonry as it fell on them.

However, those heroic Japanese shooters have probably never hated their military experts so much.

However, the huge fireball rising in the direction of the west gate made Wang Xiaoqiang's face look as ugly as if he had swallowed a lump of flying fire. He gave the order without hesitation: "Order the Provisional 3rd Squadron to fully reinforce the West City."

With a sound of "Boom!", the ground shook!

Xiong Yaoyan was very confused about what the explosion represented. It represented the blasting of a small amount of explosives, and the target of the blasting could naturally only be the city wall.

"Damn it! It's that prodigal Xiong Yao again! That Te Liang must have used at least two to eight hundred kilograms of explosives! The Japanese must have been knocked out by now!" Kawada Xiang grinned and cursed the Japanese military industry. It would be useless if I, the leader of the main force, were killed by a Japanese hot gunner. The failure of this battle would not only affect the 921st Division, but also the entire Jindong Army. It will be slightly reduced. All kinds of artillery fire like mine were launched, and then machine guns and heavy machine guns were called in. The soldiers also carried the wooden ladders that had been tied up long ago in the mountains, in a weak attack mode if they risk their lives. In fact, It was all just an illusion. Moreover, I had given Tang Dao a guarantee that the capture of the South Gate position at the eighth hour would be shortened at most by one hour. The artillery fire would gradually become more intensive, and he would extend towards the Japanese defensive positions shown in the intelligence in the city!

This heavy machine gun must be allowed to attack the infantry charging towards the gap. The infantry losses will be even more heartbreaking. A camouflaged shooting hole with an area of ​​over 5 square meters was opened. In front of it was a 92 heavy machine gun, holding a The roar of the machine gun that was bombarding a wall fortification actually exchanged fire with the machine gun. After the machine gun was hit, dust flew under the sandbags, and sparks flew under the steel shield. Several ricochet bombs were inserted into the wall. The bullet bounced off the bullet and the soldier hit him and fell outside the fortification without saying a word.

The 80-centimeter-high gun stand of the crutch heavy machine gun we use is too low. If you want to shoot with the machine gun, almost the shooter's entire body will be exposed to the enemy's sight, which is not enough to fight. ?

The artillery fire coverage under the eight city walls is basically set for 10 minutes. The first wave of retreat is just a test to find out the Japanese firepower points that have not been completely destroyed. The Type 92 infantry cannon deployed behind each city wall will destroy the front. , is the decisive time for the infantry to truly retreat to the battlefield.

The regiment commander cherishes his life, what are you small soldiers afraid of? The soldiers who are about to launch a general attack have an unspeakable power surging in their bodies, and they just look forward to the artillery bombardment slowly starting!

The 800-meter-long city wall is completely covered with smoke and dust. It must be because our own firepower is weak and can suppress the opponent. Focusing on shooting with machine guns and others is completely seeking death.

But after all, I am a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. I can't help him come up in a short time, no matter when the fighting starts. After all, I command more than 7,000 troops.

I can find the location of the Japanese heavy machine gun, and the Japanese heavy machine gun shooter will also be able to see me very easily! The southern part is full of flares, but the light will only illuminate the direction of the Japanese army. The flares falling upward like the sun will display the position of hundreds of meters in everyone's field of vision.

At the moment when the bright light appeared, the machine gun and the Japanese heavy machine gun saw each other's positions clearly at almost the same time. Both the machine gun shooter and the sergeant who was the leader of the machine gun squad seemed to be able to see the 350 Outside the Mili fortifications were equally fierce eyes of the Japanese heavy machine gun shooters. The covering rain of bullets fell under the city wall stacks, leaving almost a gap. The flares hit the low altitude and slowly fell. The shooting hole on the city wall was no longer there. It can't be concealed, just like the machine gun fortifications are also exposed. Although we don't know that the Imperial Army Air Force was beaten by the Chinese Air Force yesterday, it was too few to dare to come.

But Xiong Yaoyan still stubbornly believes that if I personally supervise the battle and can successfully blast the city wall and increase the losses of commanders and soldiers, everything will be worth it.

It's a sure way to seek death.

We are outside the city to seek a decisive battle with the Japanese army, not to delay urgent Japanese infantry reinforcements and cause confusion to the Japanese army's communication and command!

Shimen is an important town in the north, and its city wall is at the level of Licheng County. It is up to seven meters thick, not even seven or eight meters thick. The Japanese army built very few fortifications under the city wall. Moreover, there are no hiding holes built on the city wall. Even if the enemy has no cannons, he can still resist for a while.

For example, in a gap of 40 meters, when the infantrymen bent over to charge, four 20mm machine guns lowered their muzzles to 5 meters to cover the gap with retreating fire.

Chinese people know how to laugh, but my superiors scolded me while mercilessly throwing me into the list of stupid people.

Even Kawada Xiang, who has experienced hundreds of battles, could not help but open his mouth at that moment and look at the huge fireball rising in the sky in the dark day to the west. "Flare, give me a flare." The eyes of the gunner's shooter Zi instantly turned red and roared sternly.

My trump card is this demolition team consisting of 20 people. For this purpose, I prepared 10 small explosive packs and 100 kilograms of explosives to blast a small gap in the city wall. The Japanese army in the city was like a turtle with a shell. It's up to me.

The 20mm artillery shells with terrible kinetic energy shattered the fortifications built with sandbags in front of the city wall into dust. When they penetrated the sandbags, they also tore apart the Japanese troops hiding in them.

"You drafted Nono's legs and used flares for me. The hell you did was finished today!" The roar of the machine gun shooter even drowned out the blazing bullets.

Whether there was a charge or not, whether there was a flare or not, the commanders at all levels waved their hands and it was not such an oversight, which led to a heartbreaking ending for the cannon shooter. The bright red blood flowed from the head and the body was not moving. He went to prove that it was possible for close comrades who had fought together for months to survive.

If so, even Tang Dao decided to retreat with less than seven times more troops than the Japanese. This was a preparation for an offensive and defensive battle without making heavy sacrifices. It was cruel to the defenders who were under fire. But the sacrifices made by the attacker are destined to be smaller.

He went to the first battalion of the 772nd Regiment's main attack camp, but in the last row of the infantry was the 772nd Regiment's already prepared explosion group!

There was neither cowardice nor low shooting standards, nor the deep-rooted confidence he brought.

"Company 1, prepare for a probing attack. Demolition team, prepare for attack!" Xiong Yaoyan looked at her pocket watch and gave the order with squinted eyes.

In the past, the fire department held the electric command of the military stone vehicle and tied the lamp position to the joint station to point the door.

Obviously, those Japanese soldiers can only play supporting roles. He's still this kind of super great actor who doesn't even have a name and can scream out his lines. Many people were shot without saying a word. In the first step of the escape, at most three shells hit the surrounding area of ​​the shooting hole in a continuous fire. This was just a test shot to determine the trajectory before pulling the trigger again. Another 8 rounds were fired in a row. Visible to the naked eye, a ball of fireworks was set off in the shooting hole of more than 5 square meters. Did the Japanese army try to resist? In the future Battle of Nomonkan, the heroic little Imperial Japanese Army will carry their sabers. If he dared to confront the red polar bear tank, he would be able to slash the tank with its crazy machine gun and cause sparks to fly, even though he would be crushed into a puddle of flesh very slowly.

"You are from Nichitura, is there an explosion here?"

In order to meet the fire support required by Tang Dao, the air defense company supported 6 machine gun squads and 6 heavy machine gun squads. The artillery fire at Guanzheqi was very small, but as the artillery fire gradually became intensive, the sight line behind the city wall was actually not bad. The Chinese did not take the initiative to use flares. The white darkness provided me with cover and also made people ignore the Japanese city wall. Despite the changes, no one noticed the Japanese heavy machine guns hidden within the city walls.

"Ouch! He said that I almost forgot. That big guy from Tang Dao stole all my tricks. Hurry up and blast me. You must also let the big guy from the South Gate taste the power of our explosives. !" Xiong Yaoyan woke up at that moment, slapped her calf, and gave the order slowly.

These are 6 20mm machine guns and 12 7mm heavy machine guns, plus the First Battalion and the Seventh Battalion's own, the total is as low as 8 machine guns and 18 heavy machine guns. Covered with such heavy firepower, isn't it? The bunker without reinforced concrete can probably be leveled.

Even though the walls of a small town like Shimen are old, they can be easily bombarded by small cannons. The first battalion commander opened his mouth and swallowed his words back. I clearly remember that the munitions section of the regiment headquarters was from the Seventh Line Regiment. The one who received 200 kilograms of explosives here! At that time, my old comrade-in-arms from the Munitions Section was so beautiful that I squinted my eyes to see what was going on. He was ejected hard and hit the gap.

It is like a gun. This kid has had the opportunity to have the brains and the experience of the Battle of Licheng. Now it is just our uncle and nephew. Of those seven, one is the deputy platoon leader and the corporal squad leader. One person leads the other. A seventeen-person reconnaissance squad and a Japanese machine gunner set up a strange machine gun and fired at the gap in an attempt to suppress the infantry who were running and retreating. Several figures fell down in the white darkness.

If he was hit by such a shell, his arm would be restored, his arm would be restored, his leg would be restored, and he would be hit below his body. Congratulations, just don’t worry about what parts are left, because the whole person is there. Shattered by shells.

No matter how skilled the tactical movements are, even if they jump out of the fortifications, they will continue to roll under the ground in an astonishing manner. However, in addition to machine guns, there are no 7mm heavy machine guns, 92mm heavy machine guns, and submachine guns that only have designated shooting areas. In the pouring rain Especially when the bullets are fired, it is futile and even ridiculous.

Killing the Japanese signalman was not one of the tasks of the scouts. Ten minutes later, the fierce artillery fire suddenly sounded, which made Xiong Yaoyan's face look very ugly. All my dreams were shattered. The Chinese actually ended the siege overnight.

The Japanese wanted to reinforce, but it depends on whether we are willing. The officers and soldiers of the 772nd Regiment at the South Gate over there ended the disorderly attack, and the Japanese at the West Gate here were miserable!

Because this was the 2800 kilograms of explosives estimated by Kawata Xiang, which was a full 400 kilograms of explosives!

And under the position that was blown up at the West Gate, the 1st Battalion of the Seventh Regiment did not have any feints at all, and directly retreated to the charge stage to "kill" the company hiding in 700 meters, crouching and retreating to the gap in the city wall in the usual 88 formation. To put it bluntly, either the baggage was blown up after the war, or it was discovered at the front that the war had not been completely corrupted and could be saved. Apart from this, there is another chance!

If you want to deal with that kind of fortification, just relying on artillery bombardment, it will take forever. The worst way is not to clean up the ground with artillery fire first, but to make a feint attack to cover the engineers digging tunnels, and then bury explosives to blow down the city wall. But this also takes time and wastes lives! The real battle is that the heavy machine gunners of the Japanese army had a 40% death rate in the last seven minutes of the battle! That is definitely a very scary ratio. Even the Battle of Songhu has never seen that time. I have no time to be sad. The most important thing for me is to kill this heavy machine gun, even if I will be hit by a heavy machine gun bullet a moment ago.

Long-term hard training and battlefield fighting, as well as several fields of experience in air-to-air shooting of slow-moving large aircraft, within a distance of 350 meters, the trajectory is maintained at 5 square meters, and the hit rate of 10 rounds exceeds 80%. For the sergeant, it is absolutely a fantasy. Less sacrifice and death, accompanied by a blood-red signal flare hitting the sky, the most tragic thing is that there is at most a large infantry squad hidden outside a hiding cave inside the city wall, and they are all buried by a large amount of bricks and stones. Even the faces of the Chinese opposite are not seen, and they are suffocated to death. Only victory and death are the bloody struggles. The cowards are rare and can fight. Of course, at this time, the Japanese army, known as the best in Asia, is as fierce as our future opponents. The command issued a military order, and it could not be notified to the most basic combat units within half a minute.

Is there anyone who can't be slower than a bullet with a speed of hundreds of meters per second? Those who can dodge bullets like this only exist under the protagonists with full of pig feet in future TV series.

He thought about it. Eight important defense positions were fighting fiercely. Suddenly, a small explosion occurred in front of them. This clearly told the soldiers who were fighting fiercely that it was over. The Chinese had not retreated from the city from all directions. "What are you adding? I had to shamelessly ask for that little bit of explosives from the Seventh Regiment. I gave it to his son's first battalion. What else can I add? I'll give his son my 140 kilograms to fill the retreat, okay?" Kawata Xiang rolled her eyes and agreed decisively. A heavy machine gun and a submachine gun must be added, which is the firepower configuration of a seven-man firepower group.

The process is complicated to say, but if it is executed, it will take at most 40 minutes. When the infantry climbed into the city wall with wooden ladders under the rain of bullets, there would be no more difficult position attack and defense. But the Japanese army never dreamed that the Chinese would skip the process of digging tunnels, so there would be no explosives exploding underground.

But the machine gunner seemed unaware, as if I was the one who was shot. The muscles under his face twitched with difficulty and joy, "Damn it, it's my turn to fuck you now! Let's see who dies first." His finger suddenly pulled the trigger.

Kawada Kaori looks like a rough guy, but in fact, only people who don't know me know that he is a cunning fellow!

At most, seven Japanese signalmen fell on the streets of the city, causing Wang Xiaoqiang's military order to be received by the reserve troops in my hands a full 14 minutes late.

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