Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1197 The unlucky child is even more unlucky this time

"My old commander, Commander Xie who commanded the Battle of Sihang Warehouse!" Tang Dao did not shy away from the question. "Xie Jinyuan? The one who led 800 warriors to defend Sihang Warehouse! He actually escaped?" The army colonel was stunned for a moment and then showed his joy on his face. "Such a hero, our 4th Army naturally welcomes him, but I don't know where he is now."

"Commander Xie is in Jiangcheng, currently serving as the deputy director of the Jiangcheng Camp Staff Office!"

In the past, Xie Jinyuan had no chance to leave the concession until he was assassinated by a traitor. This soldier who could have shined in the war became a victim of despicable political compromise. But in this era, with the help of Tang Dao, he successfully escaped from Songhu.

However, for some reasons, although he arrived in Jiangcheng and reported to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, he was only given a sinecure as the deputy director of the Jiangcheng Camp Staff Office. Not to mention the opportunity to lead troops to participate in the war, even giving military advice still had to go through several reviews.

In order to avoid suspicion, Tang Dao rarely contacted him, but there is no doubt that Tang Dao must be extremely depressed with his understanding of him. Just at this opportunity, how could he not recommend him.

Although Tang Dao also has several familiar generals, such as the 43rd Army, or the 67th Army and Brother Zhang's 59th Army, they are all involved with Tang Dao, and these must be in the eyes of that person. If Xie Jinyuan goes to their place again, he will know that there is definitely the shadow of Tang Dao behind it.

Tang Dao is not afraid of being suspected by that person, but it is very likely that he has touched the extremely sensitive nerve of that person in politics, thus causing him to get nervous. The 4th Army and the 1st Corps can be linked to Hua Ke. Even if today's meeting will be known by the spies following in front, hundreds of soldiers can be heard across the courtyard wall cheering excitedly for the weak soldiers in their respective armies. Even a blind person knows that the Seventh Regiment and the 4th Army are fighting well.

The 27th Division, the Seventh Line Division, did not have reinforcements, and it was not the fat meat used as seasoning.

The troops farther away were thousands of troops. When they arrived, the commanders of the 106th Division were all very strong. However, in Liangshan, west of De'an County, the Aoki Unit of the 106th Division, or the 136th Infantry Brigade, encountered the blockade of the 4th Division of the Chinese Army. The then commander of the Infantry Brigade, Aoki Keiichi, personally served as the commander of the 123rd Infantry Regiment and led his troops to fight hard. They defeated them in one day and one night.

That undoubtedly made the Army Colonel's evaluation of Hua Ke lower by one level. This was not caution, but my protection for my old superior!

As long as the 106th Division ran slowly enough, our main force would not have a chance to leave the area that was about to be full of murderous intent.

The Chinese soldiers used the bodies of 5,300 Japanese soldiers to teach everyone in the 11th Army of Japan a very vivid lesson. "Captain Tang made it so grand, and Xue really could have kept the ten-year agreement." The Army Colonel laughed and didn't care.

This is actually another way for Tang Dao to pay respect to the Xue family who devoted all their efforts to the Patriotic War!

The number is detailed, not only the Japanese reconnaissance vanguard knows how to count, but also, the number is clear!

Otherwise, what else can be done?

What's wrong with the permanent division! Is it established for a longer time? As long as we are awesome a few times, can't we achieve a career and become the protagonist with a halo?

However, just half a year of age, Tang Dao can have a certain impression of Commander Xue!

The so-called time, place and people are all right!

In other words, what virtue and ability does this colonel have who has an extremely weak heart and will never change his mind because of others?

The big butterfly from another time and space flapped its wings desperately, and finally blew a dazzling hurricane in that time and space!

In the mountains ten miles away, a large number of Chinese troops appeared.

But Gangcun Daci misjudged the mentality of his subordinates.

In the mountains far away from Xie Jinyuan, the Chinese army can deploy as many as 120,000 troops. When the low-level Japanese intelligence officer sent the intelligence that was enough to make the 11th Army stand on end, it was not yet 4 o'clock in the morning on October 22.

The 106th Division was finished. I could retreat a few thousand more people. That idea was wrong. A person could actually predict when the Patriotic War would start. He even predicted the direction of the Brotherhood War. It was really a bad guy who was defeated. Gangcun Daici was also amazing. He wanted to destroy China but actually trusted the Chinese to do the work. The middle-aged woman knew that outside a field command post converted from a cave thousands of miles away from me, the middle-aged soldier who was reading the telegram sent by his younger brother on the lantern was smiling: "Guess that the battlefield you chose for the decisive battle is in Xie Jinyuan? Tang Dao, it's really boring! But, since the 43rd Army decided to get involved , so what if you make your pockets smaller? Hammer: You dog ears are so proud! Human ears are useless!

Of course, I fought according to my own tactical intentions, and finally won. Of course, this person will still stay in such an important position. Of course, the unlucky kid of the 106th Division, even if we were given a way to escape like in the past time and space, we would still escape.

Gangcun Daici, whose hair was almost standing up, dispatched four reconnaissance planes to the Xie Jinyuan war zone. Through the photos taken by the reconnaissance planes, the Japanese Zhuge Liang once again found a way out from the iron barrel-like encirclement that the Chinese army was forming.

Just wait for the 106th Division to flee north, and the 27th Division to reinforce later, and an elite infantry army of more than 30,000 people will block the gap, that is, they will also wrap up the Japanese army that came to reinforce.

This is a total of more than 200 artillery pieces of various types from both China and Japan, and they fired back and forth!

The infantry brigade responsible for reinforcing friendly forces gathered the trucks of the entire division and marched 3 days and nights to achieve the strategic intention of the 11th Army Commander Gangcun Daci, cutting off the connection between Nanxun and Wuning in the Chinese theater, thereby cutting off and encircling the 22 infantry divisions in the theater and swallowing them all up. But Wanjialing is done, as long as I meet Tang Dao, I am afraid I will have to stay in the position of deputy colonel for several years.

This young commander Xue is not less stubborn, and no one is more ambiguous than the middle-aged woman. This woman even disobeyed orders after the war. Even the old man’s personal call did not change my determination. The middle-aged woman far away in the mountain city picked up the information that the secretary had just sent back, and her thick eyebrows frowned deeply.

No one knows what it was like ten years ago, but Hua Ke knows that the 4th Army, as the direct troops of Commander Xue, was almost called the Xue Family Army before the Patriotic War. It was inevitable to fight the 40th Army. In the past, the 106th Division’s escape to the north was a foregone conclusion. This gap created by intention was also real, but with the arrival of the Tang sword, after a delay of seven days, Commander Xue ordered another elite 74th Army under his command to lurk in the mountains on the side of the gap. Do you really think that the hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops still left on the battlefield are wooden people? He left the position to reinforce Xie Jinyuan, and people were waiting under the position singing Huerhey, Heeryo?

The battlefield is a game, and he can go wild if he wants!

The bad guys, like flies with heads, especially the 106th Division, which was running around in the mountains, was completely trapped in the encirclement of the Chinese army, and was trapped deeper than the later movement. However, at night, the area lost nearly 80,000 Chinese troops like a god. This was a seven-day effort by the four infantry divisions drawn from the distant Jiangcheng by night travel and daytime hiding, including the 43rd Army that had turned back to the war zone and rushed all the way. There was still time to take a breath, but nearly 6,000 people from the 27th Division received the order to advance. They were still cursing in their hearts. However, the report sent back by the scout scout almost scared us to death!

Japanese Zhuge Liang' doubted his own eyes again'!

Just like the team battles in League of Legends, in the later stage, all heroes developed very badly, and the lower, middle and upper eight roads all made the opponent slowly collapse. They walked alone at will, went to the opponent's wild area to collect wild, and dared to fight the little dragon with two people... all kinds of waste were wanted.

However, if you want to take over the actual position of the head of a regiment of the 4th Army smoothly, you probably can't rely on your past reputation alone, but also on your actual performance on the battlefield.

The eight infantry regiments of the 90th Division of the 4th Army stationed in Liangshan area were immediately attacked by the enemy, and the Liangshan defense line was broken!

The battle of Zhanggushan is about to begin!

It was not until the 106th Division realized that it was safe and planned to escape that Matsuura Hachiro and my low-level advisors discovered a serious problem.

A magical thing happened. Due to the rich magnetite deposits in the area of ​​Xie Jinyuan, the compass was very depressed and ineffective.

In special times, you can rely on guessing and catching local Chinese people to lead the way, but that moment of hurried escape is really life-threatening.

But the seven things come together appropriately, which inevitably makes people associate.

All that, in the eyes of Gangcun Daiji who opened his eyes, it was a foregone conclusion that I would be on that infantry division and Xiaoji would be finished.

Being able to ask for a favor from Tang Dao during such a small battle, the ten-year agreement of Tang Dao can be said to be a small one, and it is the army colonel who repays the favor of Tang Dao.

The commander of the 106th Division, Matsuura Hachiro, immediately transferred an infantry squad and an artillery squad of the 147th Infantry Regiment of the 111th Brigade to reinforce.

However, it was not until ten years ago when the matter came to an end that the army colonel realized what kind of genius he had met.

The commander surnamed Xue, who had a small appetite, realized the tactical intention that I did not have.

The fierce battle that was about to end was not a touchstone. Whether I could become the head of a regiment depended on the stage left for me by the guard regiment.

Hua Ke and the Seventh Regiment are now the treasures of the Seventh War Zone, but anyone who knows this man's mind a little bit knows that the weaker the Tang Dao is, the more he will be afraid of it, because in the North China battlefield, the only stingy old man who has not been dealt with by this man, has not been completely destroyed by the 40th Army, which has a total of 10 infantry regiments of the 74th Army, leaving two infantry regiments as reserves, and 3 infantry regiments to block in more distant areas, and sending seven infantry regiments in one breath to tightly surround the group of Japanese children who are crazy about fame.

Surprise is a surprise? Intention is intention?

"Yes, that was a favor from Xue to Captain Tang. It was purely because of the rare talent. Your brother would definitely think the same.

It was because of other things, not just because of bad luck, but sometimes, what you see is definitely true.

The Chinese general, whose available troops have not yet reached the 120,000 small troops that exceeded his imagination, has a small appetite. He is not even satisfied with just eating the small pancake of the 106th Division, which is already in his pocket. I have to take another piece of fat meat.

You know, in the future, Chinese people will be very good and trust their own people very much!

For Comrade Lao Guo, the military merit has not been obtained yet, but whether he can wear it under his chest is still an unknown.

Originally, Colonel Tang Dao of the army strongly invited Tang Dao to stay for dinner, but when Xie Jinyuan received the transfer order and was packing his bags and rushing to the 4th Army Office, Tang Dao agreed. Ds: The editor-in-chief highly recommends it today, brothers. Give me some effort, subscribe less if you can, and reward me if you don't have any money. It's not bad to save Fengyue's face, thank you!

Go! On October 19, the 106th Division of the 11th Army of the Central China Front of Japan mobilized its entire division to carry out an artillery regiment, 3 infantry regiments, and an artillery regiment allocated by the army headquarters. A total of more than 30,000 people from the baggage regiment, the cavalry regiment, the engineer regiment, and the two artillery regiments rushed to kill Xie Jinyuan.

It turns out that the 1/70,000 scale military map provided to the rear-line troops was stolen from Sun Chuanfang by Gangcun Daici in 1926. During that battle, the Eleventh Army Staff Headquarters followed Gangcun Daici's instructions. Order, that edition was printed and given to all departments of the Eleventh Army.

The misunderstanding between the two regiments of soldiers in the small street was definitely deliberate. The two infantry regiments are the elites of the country's army. It is very logical to resolve the conflicts between the two parties through a competition. Tang Dao will serve as the chief officer. Negotiations were also unusual.

The two exchanged some opinions outside the office about the battle that was going to happen a few days ago. Later, Kang Qi said goodbye and left. If Tang Dao didn't recommend him, even if the Military and Political Department took the initiative to transfer people, I'm afraid it would be a division headquarters. The deputy chief of staff was all wrong. There was no chance of becoming the deputy commander of an elite infantry regiment like the Guard Regiment.

Did the Army colonel have too little scruples? This is because I did not misunderstand the protective clothing. The camphor tree that was broken by Tang Tuanzuo's kick at the training ground cannot bear witness. If you use it for too long, my little brother will get angry. The next message was sent to the 43rd Army, asking the 43rd Army to compensate the camphor tree according to the price. Who told me that Tang Dao is now the director of the security department signed by Commander Guo Xiaojun to retreat to the north! Is that the end of running north with your head buried all the way? The compass is some kind of low-tech thing that every squadron carries.

But that was still the most unlucky thing about that unlucky kid from the 106th Division.

The First Corps also had problems with having an empty army. In the past month or two, the First Corps had fought fierce battles with the Japanese Eleventh Army, resulting in losses of more than 10,000 people. Even the commander of the colonel was killed in the battle. , platoon-level officers are even written on several pieces of paper. Promoting from within alone will only make the foundation of the squad and platoon stable. It is also imperative to fill up the platoon from within. "Bad! You did that for your brother." , your guard regiment is currently short of a deputy commander. On this occasion of a small war, you are also in need of elite troops and weak generals. Please report the news to your brother immediately and ask me to request an increase order from the Ministry of Military Affairs. After 8 o'clock Let me report to you that at 11 o'clock in the evening, the first battalion of your regiment sent the escort transport team back to the rear line. "An army colonel can be promoted to an army lieutenant general within a few years, but he does not have the decisiveness that ordinary people can't match. .

"Tang Dao would like to express his gratitude to Brother Xue on behalf of the senior officer! If I don't have a chance a few days ago, Brother Xue cannot return that favor to you. It will not be valid for ten years!" Tang Dao said seriously.

October 23rd was undoubtedly a disastrous day for Gangcun Daji. His old orange-skinned face was so angry that he broke out in big acne that had not appeared since before puberty. But for those in China, On the other side, it was an extremely exciting day.

Due to changes in the battlefield, the 43rd Army replaced the battlefield that originally belonged to the 74th Army. This was also one of the cruelest battlefields in the entire Xie Jinyuan War.

In fact, the meaning of my sentence was also very unclear. Wanjialing had been the commander of the North China Front Army a few days ago. The guy was still not very ruthless. He immediately sent a telegram to the 27th Division to reinforce the friendly forces in two days. A real picture of stopping the retreat, the ground!

When the main force of the small army moved, at least it was trapped in the mud. On the morning of October 23, it bravely jumped into the swamp until its head was left to breathe. Gods saved us, maybe. In order to lurk, the Chinese army has no limit to its marching speed. In the north of Xie Jinyuan, there is still an opening as narrow as seven kilometers away, but there is no sign of the Chinese army.

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