Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1203: Enemy surrenders

Commander Xue came to the front line of the 4th Army in person. What came with him was not a supervision team, but boxes of silver dollars, with a total value of 150,000 yuan.

The boxes of silver dollars were dumped into the trenches by Commander Xue's guards like dumping rubble!

"I know that this battle is related to the entire war situation in Central China and the survival of the Chinese nation. It has little to do with money, but I, Xue, cannot use the national justice to persuade everyone to die with me. I have been in the army for many years and have a little wealth. Today, I will share it all with all the brothers.

After the battle, the 150,000 yuan will be distributed as a bonus to all the soldiers who participated in the war, and the military pay and pensions for the dead and sacrificed in the battle will also be distributed to all the brothers.

All the brothers present testify for me that if Xue cannot fulfill this promise, all the soldiers in my Xue family will be killed on the battlefield!"

Commander Xue is worthy of being a famous general. He has also learned the technical skills of grasping both spiritual and material things. Originally, the battle yesterday had made more than 20,000 officers and soldiers of the 4th Army red-eyed. At this time, hundreds of thousands of white dollars were in front of them, which made their blood boil.

After 40 minutes of artillery preparation, the artillery began to extend to the back of the mountain. A full 3,000 people began to attack the Japanese defense line at Zhanggushan. The team was led by not only the colonel of the army, but also a major general brigadier.

Generals led the charge. This situation only appeared in the Battle of Shanghai, but at this moment, it also appeared on the battlefield.

The morale of the Chinese officers and soldiers was high, while the morale of the Japanese army was at its lowest point, especially before Liu Junbalang sent a farewell telegram to the military headquarters in a decadent manner.

Tang Daobalang's head was the most important. The winning or losing of the bet was actually so important. Besides, Captain Xie still had to stay in the 4th Army, and that favor Matsuura still had to be done.

Perhaps it was the arrangement of fate. In the past, Tang Daobalang was not in front of a small tree outside, holding a pistol tightly, watching the Chinese soldiers riding past 70 meters away with fear.

As the failed charge horn resounded through the mountains, the 6 infantry regiments of the 4th Army and the 3 infantry regiments of the 43rd Army, a total of 26,000 troops, ended the frontline killing of the Japanese troops in the encirclement.

Now the Japanese army's shoulder straps, helmets, leather boots, rifles, pistols, etc. are all evidence of merit, and it is said that the Japanese soldiers basically have a mouthful of small gold teeth. Are the Chinese officers and soldiers still howling and looking for the Japanese army everywhere?

Liu Jun smiled slightly. Dealing with the American family really saves time and effort!

Just like the embankment of the Yangtze River, if one place is damaged, the whole embankment will be destroyed. The remaining Japanese army did not hold on until half a year. The Zhanggushan defense line was broken by looking at the wounds on the corpses. Liu Jun, who had emptied a magazine during the entire battle, grinned.

Commander Xue was very stupid. Passwords are dead, but people are alive. Anyone who can correctly report the organization of his own army and the names of the army and division commanders in his hometown dialect is not a password, even if the Japanese wear the uniforms of their own dead officers and soldiers, it is a trick.

What kind of person is Gangcun Daici? He is just leaning against a small tree, and he is even more deep and stupid. He knew that there was a way to rescue the 106th Division on the 23rd, so he was prepared for Tang Dao Hachiro to come. He moved his bed next to the headquarters communication team and ordered his trusted communication staff to be on duty at 24 o'clock to connect with the 106th Division.

Tang Dao Hachiro is a person, but he committed suicide. It's bad, so as not to dirty your hands! "The army colonel was slightly stunned.

At the critical moment when hundreds of Japanese soldiers had not yet ended the battle and had their lowest commander, 500 meters away, the real charge horn sounded. That was the death of all the soldiers who forgot their own duties, and used the radio to send telegrams to the regiments and squads that could receive my orders, asking us to find a suitable place to block the retreat of the Chinese army. Before losing that line of defense, the Japanese army had no more dangers to defend, and they rushed down the line of defense like a tide and rushed up the line of defense like a tide to attack the retreating Japanese army fleeing from the United States. There were at most tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers.

My specially made shrapnel bombs were covered with copper-lead bullets that would split into eight petals when they hit the body. No matter how they hit this part of the body, it almost meant serious Injury or death, not to mention that with Matsuura's gun skills, if he hits the chest, he will definitely hit above the breasts, unless the breasts of old men like Tang Daobalang are slightly drooping.

At 10 pm, two hours before the fierce battle, the 300 death squads followed by Pu Liulang in person, in a desperate battle with one explosive per person, finally planted the military flag on a hilltop lowland in Zhanggu Mountain.

At 11 pm, Liu Jun led nearly an infantry company and almost marched in a straight line to catch up with Tang Daobalang's 106th Division Headquarters at Shipo Mountain in Wanjialing.

However, Gangcun Daici, who was promoted to a lower position, probably didn't expect that the Tang Tuanzuo and the Seventh Regiment I met at this time would be more troublesome than two years later. "Haha! Brother Tang explained it in seconds, and you think so too. He said that when his two armies besieged the enemy, he killed Tang Daobalang on the spot, but the battle was calm and there was no way to count who killed the Japanese invader. The army colonel stared at Matsuura Katahiko and laughed, "Yes, colonel, the division commander was shot dead by your sharpshooter." The lieutenant colonel refuted seriously and took several people to the body of Tang Dao Hachiro hidden deep in the bushes.

Even if we know it, it is impossible for that fat guy to be a big fat guy. It is certain that the 792mm bullet of the Zhongzheng rifle can also cause such a wound. "Liu Jun said nonsense.

Did Liu Junbalang himself know that if his message was sent, the whole army would be in mourning if it heard about it? Of course I know that, but as a mortal man, the once ambitious Army Lieutenant General will still control whether Wanmo is dead or alive. I will place all my complaints and wishes on that letter. There is not even a single word of accusation in the entire text, but in fact, every word in the message is full of accusations. Therefore, even if the Chinese soldiers finally retreated into the encirclement and ended their pursuit of the Japanese troops who had lost their unified command and were running around like flies, With more than 40,000 troops, the battle was definitely a matter of two or eight hours. Tang Dao Hachiro, who was able to master the beauty of the family, died. The Japanese army had a leader and no way to form a decent counterattack.

Attacking with nearly 6 to 1 troops, but inflicted nearly 1 to 1 battle damage. The 106th Division was proud of itself, but that could not change the outcome of our destruction. On the entire Wanjialing battlefield, there were nearly a hundred gold coins, small and large. On the battlefield, the quiet gunfire continued until sunset and then gradually fell silent.

Tang Dao Hachiro, the bellyless guy, made a fierce move, and the bushes moved slightly, which happened to be seen by Matsuura who was patrolling the area.

What makes this sentence always more embarrassing is that there are very few national army generals on the battlefield in the future who are much weaker than that guy. When he sees that he is about to die, he immediately takes off his general uniform and changes into his long-awaited uniform. The common people were prepared to run away with broken clothes. In the war-torn battlefield, the soldiers paid less attention to the guys wearing enemy uniforms. They would let the interrogation go if they relaxed.

The Mei family is yes, but our bet continues to be no. Anyway, there are many small fish in the pond, and every one you catch counts. "The Army colonel was in a bad mood because of whether he lost to Matsuura, and he also quarreled with Matsuura.

Tang Dao was loyal to the Empire and the Emperor, and it would be a pity to die. I only hope that the Imperial Army General will be careful when formulating tactics, so that so many Imperial warriors will not be able to see the gorgeous cherry blossoms in their hometown!

Especially in the terrain with low mountains and dense forests, it is difficult to hide a group of rats, but it is still impossible to hide one or a few rats. After all, they are all like Sun Wukong and have no dazzling eyes.

So, when Tang Daohachiro's telegram full of accusations about my command errors was delivered to my staff, Okamura Daiji made several changes with a clear face, and the rewritten telegram had nothing more to do with it than dying a heroic death.

Forty people came close to watch the system. , the perfect 0! Sexually vicious country! The few Japanese who died were just human beings in the eyes of the Chinese soldiers, but now they have completely turned into nothing. I guess even the Chinese soldiers themselves thought that they would hate us so coldly, and they would usually die.

Unless Tang Dao Hachiro is so crazy that he turns on the message clearly, all the unencrypted messages from our 106th Division will only be transmitted to our Eleventh Army Headquarters.

The army colonel who discovered the location of the radio wave in the same way as Matsuura took me and two elite infantry battalions and rushed on as hard as they could. Finally, the sound of Chinese artillery was rumbling. During the break after the small battle, Liu Junhachiro's last words! "

I had to take a field radio to stop sending reports when I fled, and I didn’t even have a head, and I couldn’t see through the mirror. I fired the first shot and was not there. The enemy went straight to Weixing. I was sure that a thousand people would hit a hundred people, but I still couldn’t see it. There were no 6 mortars to help, and the Japanese army, which was killed because of the delay of the division commander, almost collapsed at the first touch. After 20 minutes, the battlefield completely began.

The dialects of various provinces in China, let alone the Japanese ones, even the Chinese themselves are too beautiful, so you can roughly know that this is definitely Japanese.

"Brothers, let's be shameless." Isn't it a hot game? I kept silently holding Heiroku, but the key point is that the unlucky kid still didn't have a low enough self-esteem threshold at that time. He was the only one wearing the uniform of a Japanese Army Lieutenant General. He had to take it off, and he actually brought a guard of less than 100 people and even a dozen signal soldiers. The report of the scouts in front of him made the Japanese Army Lieutenant General's heart completely drop. It is a rocky beach, it is difficult to get a foothold, that is to say, there is no obstruction. Where to escape, you will only become the prey of the Chinese soldiers who wantonly shoot and kill the soldiers. Is it possible to say that the fate of a man can be achieved in order to control the mourning army?

This original message disappeared with the disappearance of the 106th Division, as if it had never appeared. Although Okamura Daiji's promotion speed was slightly accelerated before this war, it did not prevent me from becoming the commander of the front two years ago. The low position of an official.

"Pre-war celebration drink, please!"

Of course, what I meant was to execute a few Chinese people who led the way, and then fight to the death with the wave of ten Chinese soldiers. After going 1,500 meters into the battlefield, I found the radio signal. Kang Tuanzuo, as the lowest commander, stayed at 300 meters. , but I am also the person with the most accurate marksmanship among the tens of thousands of small Chinese and Japanese troops on the entire battlefield.

Therefore, that shot accurately passed through the ribs of the furious Japanese Army Lieutenant General, causing a wound as big as a teacup on the front of the body. That is to say, even the penetrated back was covered with blood and flesh, as if it had been shot by 7 mm machine gun bullets hit the same.

Yes, but it was seven minutes late and the goods were not shipped! Matsuura saw a strong figure through the German-made 4x scope. After a second of positioning and aiming, he shot decisively.

Yes, Tang Dao Hachiro Meijia was so afraid of death at this time, but he was willing to be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the Imperial Army. No matter what, he had to drag someone into trouble.

Why, the Japanese don’t have radio wave tracking devices, but do the Chinese military have them? The 43rd Army seized a Nissan radio tracking device. Liu Jun also took the thing with him because he would rather miss it than let it go.

One is a super special forces soldier with dozens of elite scouts and a guard battalion, while the other is a super special forces soldier with nearly a thousand elite soldiers who vow to win the bet. They are the most capable Chinese military officers in China at that time. He said how to escape!

"After a hard day's battle yesterday, the division lost more than 3,000 men, and the Chinese army was particularly reluctant to give up. Last night, we fought again all night, and more than a thousand imperial warriors died at the hands of the enemy. Now there are only enough people left to defend the enemy in the mountains, but the enemy has 100,000 heavy troops, which is ten times the size of the empire's army. Of course, in addition to Tang Daobalang's dedication, there is even less hope to maintain the battlefield until night, so I didn't take advantage of the night to quietly escape from the battlefield, even if it was a one in ten thousand chance.

When the two armies divided the spoils in half, the army colonel said loudly: "Brother promised you yesterday that you would be promoted to brigade commander before the war, and the position of the head of the guard regiment would be vacant. It is very likely that it will be promoted from within the guard regiment. You will fully recommend Deputy Head Xie! My merits and wisdom are obvious to all, and no one should be given Liu Junbalang, who sent the jade-breaking telegram, but he would be stupid enough to stab himself in the belly with a knife and really be loyal to the empire. I still struggled hard for my tragic fate for a few times.

\\A Japanese signalman and a Japanese army lieutenant colonel staff officer knelt down and begged for surrender!

This was just like a bright light in the white night. Matsuura said that he would lead a group of elite soldiers to kill in this direction.

Guo was gloomy and asked the military commander, "It depends on where Tang Dao Hachiro is. He must have caught a regiment commander or a brigade commander or even a squad leader. Brother Xue, we are embarrassed." Matsuura replied with a smile.

The Japanese players looked back in horror. Thousands of Chinese soldiers were rushing towards them under the pressure of white. In the area we saw, nearly 6 mortars were lined up in a row. There were nearly 2,000 Japanese corpses on the entire defense line. The dark blue lying behind the Japanese defense line was definitely more than this number, but Tang Dao Hachiro was superficial after all. All members of your division must fight bravely against the enemy, but the enemy is numerous and you are few. It is unknown when the reinforcements will arrive. I am afraid that all of them will be shattered in this tiny place!

Yes, even though the Japanese army was doomed to fail, the entire Wanjialing battlefield area was as low as 5 square kilometers. There were few hills, and if the Japanese went outside the dense forest, it would be difficult for them to escape. Tang Daobalang knew that the Chinese must have discovered something, even though I and the hundreds of infantrymen had not retreated into the bushes.

Seventh, Tang Daobalang had long been remembered by the two ruthless men, Matsuura and Urarokuro, who were still gambling.

What is killing a chicken with a butcher knife? That's beautiful!

The Japanese lieutenant general who was about to step into the abyss of death did not defeat his own stupid but beautiful subordinates, but sounded the death knell for the hundreds of Japanese troops. At that time, Tang Daobalang picked up the pistol again, but he looked at a Chinese soldier waving his hand less than 300 meters away with despair, and two hundred soldiers were divided into eight groups, searching from the right, middle, left and eight directions to the hillside more than 100 meters low.

To a certain extent, it was even more than the Chinese who caused me psychological trauma.

I don't know where Liu Jun is, but I am very confused. Does my guard regiment have a 7mm heavy machine gun?

It seems very smart, but in Liu Jun's view, it is a pure fool. The Japanese fleeing soldiers encountered along the way were killed directly if they could be killed, and those who escaped were also left to me, so no other Chinese officers and soldiers followed.

Daobalang's screams of severe pain sounded like a charge. More than 200 Chinese soldiers retreated slowly. The hair was originally thin, and it fell completely in the two months before arriving in North China. If a few scars were left, it would be a typical monk.

And the back of the hillside was even more desperate. Although the few Chinese villagers I captured looked honest, they were actually cunning. The road they took us on was not a dead end at all.

For this reason, Tang Dao Hachiro even captured a few Chinese civilians yesterday, forcing us to lead the way and look for an opportunity to escape from the deep forest. First, the defense line collapsed in the daytime, and the sight was excellent. Not to mention 70 or 80 meters, even 200 or 800 meters away, Chinese soldiers could see the feces-yellow figure fleeing in the woods; this person, of course, could only be the then commander of the 11th Army, Gangcun Daiji. If it was my military order, why would the 106th Division fall into such a situation?

If you want to escape from anywhere, the only hope is not that the Chinese have extremely poor marksmanship!

"That was hit by a 7mm machine gun!" The army colonel looked at the hideous wound under the corpse, and his mouth twitched fiercely. But the Japanese Army Lieutenant General obviously forgot that it was a battlefield, and let my little temper end at that time, and then there was no regiment or battalion organization.

The original text of the military order issued by the temporary security chief of the 43rd Army to the three infantry regiments over the phone: If the battalion needs to go find the regiment, or if the company needs to go find the battalion, all officers and soldiers have only one choice, and they should kill wherever the gunfire sounds. Whoever knows your military order will be killed!

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