Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1210 The Hard-working Tang Family

Every cigarette we smoke is a bullet fired at the enemy. That is the most awesome advertising slogan of the tobacco industry.

Tang Tuanzuo was convinced. During the few days he stayed at home, he agreed with his old man's ambition to develop a commercial layout in Dakouzidong Town.

However, in addition to the family's ancestral brewing industry, another project has been added - a cigarette factory!

Sichuan Province has always been a large tobacco grower, but this year it was slow to sell due to the war. When Tang Dao returned to his hometown and saw this situation, his eyes were filled with gold.

In the military, tobacco is almost as important as food. One is to fill the stomach, and the other is to relieve anxiety and fear.

Once upon a time, there was a strong man in the Eightyth Army Group. Because the army had no funds, let alone military pay, it was difficult to even eat. The leader could only roll dry leaves and smoke them.

So this man was forced to think of a way. He called on the fellow villagers in the base area to grow tobacco leaves on dry land, bought second-hand cigarette making machines from the counties occupied by the Japanese army by bribing the Japanese soldiers, and built a military cigarette factory. On the one hand, he could It solves the problem of officers and soldiers having difficulty smoking. On the other hand, it can also earn some money through export sales to subsidize military expenses.

You know, because of the high quality of cigarettes, the products are not only very popular in the base area, but also become a hot seller in the surrounding enemy-occupied areas. However, any cigarette seller who says that the cigarettes he has without a brand comes from the 'Fourth Master' The side is basically full of daylight.

Cigarette dealers who came from various sources stood at the door of the cigarette factory in the base area, buying a large number of cigarettes that had not yet been packaged into packs. After returning to the Japanese-occupied areas, they repackaged them in printed cigarette boxes and put them off the market.

‘Qi Ye’ cigarettes are hardly synonymous with low-end products in this era.

Of course, if my sister-in-law is willing, that's another matter for me to discuss, but after that, I will definitely consider anyone else.

My brain is drying up!

He pointed his round fingers at his son who almost fell off the horse, "I'll count to eight, and I'll explain to you vaguely what the big golden retriever grandson is?"

After all, the little guys are not only joining forces to fight against Japan, but also working together to make money, right?

However, Shigu Township's approach was welcomed by the Jinxi County Government. The several small Sichuan military groups that left Sichuan were constantly asking for additional troops. Raising food and reserve troops is not our most important task at the moment. I am sure the whole county can do it. If you do what you did to Shigu Township, you don’t have to worry about soldiers!

How could Tang Tuanzuo miss such a 'golden idea'? At last, it can also meet the small cigarette needs of friendly forces such as the Seventh Army Regiment, the Forty Army Group, the 17th Division, and the 22nd Army.

"Oh! You have read a book. There is no protagonist named Don Quixote, and there is no old man named Don Quixote. You think it is wrong. Let this be that one! I told my grandma before that the name you chose was not so vulgar. Let me not be proud!" Zhuang Lizheng looked uneducated.

It is said that until this cruel hand-to-hand battle began, only four of the eighteen Japanese soldiers who were cut off in the middle survived. Even the Chinese soldiers who hated the Japanese soldiers couldn't bear to see the miserable screams, and the first ones chose to replenish their guns. Kill him!

"You accept a disciple on your behalf, and he can watch over and protect the Taoist priest for you!" Mingxin decided to personally teach Tang's swordsmanship because Longyan's cunning cat swordsmanship had ruined the talent of that honest boy.

Agen promised me that when I reached the age of fourteen and the battlefield against Japan gradually stabilized, he would let me join the army.

Lu Sanjiang was very envious of Xia Xiaoyu, who was younger than him, for being able to wear a military uniform and carry a gun. He was very majestic. He just begged to take me to the army with him in front of Agen, and even went to Tang Hanlian to beg his mistress to intercede for me. But Agen finally showed up.

So, a few days after Agen left, Tang Dao called several elderly people with low morals and high respect in the village and eight members of his family to hold a complex but grand enough ceremony. Xiao Hanlian and his wife accepted Lu Sanjiang as their The adopted son truly became Agen’s younger brother.

That actually stems from Agen's habit in the military. The armed forces in the family must be handed over without command. If the parents don't have any intentions, no one must stand up and act as the backbone.

In our words: "Now the scale of the war is getting smaller and smaller, and the Japanese are slowly attacking the door of Sichuan Province. In order to protect your hometown, you, the young and strong people in Sichuan, will go out to Sichuan to fight against the Japanese sooner or later. If you train in advance, you will save your life." road!"

That is the rhythm of asking the little guys to work together to earn back the donated funds. It is really used for the army and taken from the army!

"What?" Tang Xiaojiu was stunned.

Sure enough, after further questioning, it turned out that Tang had never learned to use a sword, but as the only personal bodyguard of Mr. Tang, it was necessary to carry a machete on his back to show off. That guy would just carry a machete and do some tricks on his own when he had something to do. , there is actually a master who knows how to use swordsmanship. As long as it is a real fight, these tricks are quite bluffing.

Because of their military exploits, there are many soldiers of the Seven Lines Regiment who have been promoted to eight levels in a month, but the one who was promoted from seventh-class soldier to army sergeant in just one month with a sword is definitely the leader of the Seven Lines Regiment. One serving.

The honest boy Tang didn't talk much, but every time he saw the long knife on Long Yan's back, his eyes were full of hunger and thirst. Before he was ignored, Long Yan himself was too bad.

Tang Jili was really frightened. He told the old man some understandable practical cases of civil fortifications and troop arrangements with drawings and explanations. He also had to explain that he was definitely here for the 'village beauty'. of.

Although Zhuang Lizheng is still young, I have been with Agen since he was a child. He dropped out of many schools and read many books. When Zhuang Li joined the army, I stayed with Zhuang Lizheng. I am not yet an expert in business dealings and dealing with people. , many years younger than the same age in the future will be less mature.

Agen still dared to look back. I was afraid that when I looked back, I would see the tears of abandonment on my mother's face.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

A Gen would naturally prevent his two subordinates from giving guidance to Tang's family members, because no matter whether Tang's family would be on the battlefield in the future, it would always be wrong to have less of a weak and tyrannical fighting force around their parents.

Agen is so stupid. The forces in the Seventh War Zone are complicated and complex, and the stingy old man has a poisonous eye! There is something wrong with building a steel factory and a military factory. No matter how awesome it is, it is to provide arms for the war of resistance. But once the cigarettes from the cigarette factory become popular, it will turn into nothing. This is poaching my heart. Well!

As an energetic young man, of course Tang Jili would have no physical desire, but I was very vague myself. My brother is dead, my sister-in-law is widowed, and my nephew is still older. As the backbone of the family, taking care of orphans and widowed mothers is my life. They all shirk responsibility.

"Mom, let him go back! You will put that on his daughter-in-law personally." Agen Yang Yang held the old silver bracelet in his hand.

Perhaps it was mainly because Tang Tuanzu dared to let the new teacher Yingyu know the origin of the reliable name!

Yes, the center of gravity of the Zhanma Sword's tip is slightly farther back, sacrificing part of the stabbing function and flexibility, but it cannot reduce the power of the slash.

But that time Tang Xiaojiu broke the traditional rules and gave it to A Gen yesterday, asking me to wear it for Tantai Mingyue, who I had never met before. This was both approval and did not mean that Zhuang Li's ancestors would keep you safe.

But sitting under the horse, I finally tried my best to turn around and smile darkly at my mother and eight family members who were more than ten meters away!

Damn it, Don Quixote. When he thought of this big old man riding a donkey and holding a lance, Zhuang Li knew that if he named his future son that name, Tantai would definitely cut me off, the kind with roots left.

Because Zhuang Li returned home from a visit to his relatives, the people of Tangdao and even the people of Jinxi County felt the serious threat of war more deeply. As special people, we ended our own way of survival.

Agen handed over the responsibility of protecting my parents to Lu Sanjiang, allowed me to participate in the military training organized by the recruited veterans, and left me his White Star pistol, while also leaving me with hope.

Agen suggested that the seventeen Tang family families account for a total of 77% of the share capital, and the remaining 77% should be owned by the stingy old man, 17% by the Forty Group Army, and the remaining 77% by the Tang family. Seventeen percent belong to the 22nd Army, and ten percent belong to the 17th Division!

Even my commander, Lieutenant Long, who was my commander, could only kill an infantry brigade with a single sword formation and kill them with a single bullet.

I am short of equipment for making wine, but the cigarette factory needs equipment such as cigarette rolling machines. This thing is only as bad as a small town like a mountain city.

Chairman Tang's style of doing things has always been to be resolute and do what he says. Don't look at me as a rake outside the house!

Long Yan dares to assume anything else, but the only thing he dares to assume is that he absolutely hates girls and hates men, especially rough men!

Of course, even if we really fight, the Tang family, who is weak in body and strength, is afraid of who. Agen is hiding in the martial arts training ground outside the bamboo forest, but that is where the guy stays the longest. This nearly 100 kilogram stone drum is even more important to me. A common tool for building strength.

There are many people who know Tang Jili's thoughts, but some people laugh at me. In that era, falling in love was too extravagant, and most of them just wanted to keep their loved ones alive.

"It's not that you and Tantai had a bad discussion. In the past, in order for the baby to be able to go to the international stage, in addition to the Chinese name, he also had to choose a country name!" Agen wiped the hot sweat from his head, quietly clamped the horse's belly, Be ready to run away at any time.

In addition to Lu Sanjiang and Tang Shi, even my uncle, who was over ten years old, was free. The old man who usually used a cane actually pestered Tang Jili, who was the most idle, and asked Zhuang Li to teach our army how to defend and block the attack. In addition, he even offered to introduce the village beauty outside the village to the magic weapon who was about to be promoted to lieutenant in the army.

"Yes! Tang Aniang, your regiment and Captain Tantai Mingyue are going to give birth to a little chubby baby for him to hold! That's right, it means he won't be short of a big golden retriever grandson yet, I'm afraid he will be busy by then Come here!" In order to dilute the sad parting, Long Yan rambled slowly and wisely.

Xiao Hanlian was indeed a bad businessman. When he heard what his son said, he immediately contacted the eighteen Tang families who had funded the war. With 700,000 Xiaoyang as the total share capital, each family bought 7% of the shares. Tang Dao Monopoly of the remaining 87%, he established a cigarette factory named "Zhan Dao" brand cigarettes.

Long Yan, who lost his mother very early, received maternal love from Tang Xiaojiu that he had not felt for a long time, so he racked his brains to find comfort.

Looking at the nearly ten young girls who dared to come out of the court greeted by the old man, Tang Jili, who had a pale face and turned red, just wanted to say one thing to the wretched old man: As a person who has been here, you'd better not come here.

"This old man is not a typical hard-spoken and soft-hearted man. Even when his son left, he dared to come and see him off. He ran away under the pretense of buying a machine, but his mother hid or wanted to hide! He is on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. He should take care of himself and send less letters. Peace!" On this morning when Zhuang Li was about to leave home, Tang Xiaojiu stood at the door of the house in tears and waved goodbye to his son.

So, Long Yan took out his Si Li sword and showed it to the honest boy who worked hard to cook pork leg hot pot every day, so as not to make me panic when I look at him with glaring eyes every day.

Talent is a real thing. Ming Xin himself was the most vague about it. When I was still a child, when I mentioned the epee sword that has been passed down for thousands of years, I inexplicably didn't feel that this sword belonged to me.

"Your son is stupid!" Xiao Handan smiled and sat in the carriage with a team of guards selected by Tang and Agen, and headed straight to the mountain city.

But it must be said that Longyan does not have the natural ability to lead people to lower their intelligence. A few jokes at least diluted the sadness of parting.

My dear, there is more to this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. The latter is more exciting!

During the ten days when Zhuang Li returned home, Tang Dao was able to stop Xiao Handan, the head of the family, from being busy!

In the future, it is difficult for a stingy old man to get tens of thousands of dollars, but for the remaining eight armies, unless they pawn their underwear, otherwise, knowing that the thing is very profitable, it is estimated that they will not take out so little money, but that time when they attacked Shimen, the eight families were all full, and it was not a big deal to take out tens of thousands of dollars.

The old man believed the old man's "nonsense". With my experience, who at that age would be full of fantasies about this? Only when I reached my age did I deeply understand the sadness of having enough strength but not enough heart.

In terms of strength alone, Tang Shi can't even be said to be the first person in this place except Agenli, even Mingxin is one point behind.

Even if I want to get married soon, it can only be my sister-in-law, there can be no one else!

In that case, the Tang family can neither obtain absolute controlling rights nor share profits, and can temporarily tie the little guy under a small car, and the relationship will be very close in reality.

"Well!" Agen, who is as soft-minded as he is, can't help but feel cold in his eyes, stand up straight and salute his mother, then turn around and take small steps towards the quietly waiting warhorse.

Without that status, the villagers will call him Tang Dao Duoye when they meet Lu Sanjiang again, and the family guards will disobey my dispatch.

But after that time, if I turn around and leave like I did in the past, I will turn back! If you are afraid of turning back, you can leave.

When the Qiwo Village in Shigu Township saw what Tangdao Village did, they immediately followed suit. Small and large training grounds appeared like mushrooms before the rain, which made the veteran agents of the Investigation Bureau who had just arrived in Jinxi County numb.

Really, did a group of rough fathers not consider the feelings of the Japanese? Is it cool to let the seven-character kids call them father?

More than ten days passed in a flash, and Agen finally had to leave home like many years ago!

It was because I, a big man, naturally posed in the sword-raising posture when I picked up the heavy sword, and my master also cultivated me a little, and finally achieved my current skills.

Tangdao has no money, but it has always been extravagant. The silver bracelet has been passed down for at most 200 years. Only the Tangdao mistress is not qualified to wear it. In particular, the next mistress is old and will give it to the daughter-in-law she recognizes.

The saber is seven feet and four inches long, the blade is eight feet and seven inches long, and the remaining one foot and seven inches is the handle. Don't think of the small blade popular in the Republic of China when you hear the name of the saber. In fact, the narrowest part of the saber is too narrow, 8 cm, and it is not much similar to the slender and narrow Si Li war knife.

If you match the power of Zhuang Li himself, practice for one or two years, you can really cut a horse with one knife, but you can definitely cut a person in half.

A Chinese soldier holding a saber, with a fierce record of cutting eighteen Japanese soldiers in half in hand-to-hand combat, became famous in one battle!

Slow thinking is very bad, last time it was.

This special name given by Agen's mother is under my son, but it is for the eight young men under his command. When Long Zhi Si Li, Lu Zhan Taihang, Niu Bi Shen Qiang and others go to school in the same school in the future, Laura, who later taught Eagle Language, almost laughed to death.

Fortunately, the foolish fathers are not as smart as Tang Tuanzu, the commander who has no wisdom, who made the names of the children return when the seventh character is removed.

Tang Tuanzu, who is skilled in horsemanship, almost fell off his horse.

Agen and Mingxin may have thought that with the eight-style swordsmanship taught by Mingxin, the Japanese will have one less nightmare in the future war against Japan that makes us tremble just by hearing the name!

Who knows, as soon as Tang took down the sword, he seemed to have become a different person. He picked up the sword with one hand and made a few sword flowers casually. Not to mention that Longyan was dumbfounded, even Mingxin beside him was brightened.

What's more, is love without responsibility and long-term? Even those who doubt love should give a definite answer!

Perhaps, it is just that Tang Dao people are growing up. The village where Tang Dao is located has less than 100 households and 1-400 people. When the low wall was built in the village, the old and strong women and children in the village went out together and leveled seven acres of good land inside the low wall foundation as a training ground for the young and strong in the village. The respected elders in the village asked Tang Dao to buy some old weapons and bullets for the training of the young and strong in the village.

You Nima! It took a few months. It is not the level of all the people to be soldiers. Whatever the Japanese come, they will die. You come here to guard without any foundation.

I always remember that when I said goodbye to my sister, I cried so hard that I missed my meals for several days and was extremely depressed.

According to Tang's weak physique, Mingxin selected the standard of the knife for him, which was the "slashing saber" used in small quantities in the army during the Ming and Qing Dynasties!

"Auntie is worried. Without the thousands of people from your Seventh Regiment to protect me, anyone who wants to hurt me will have to step over your bodies!" Tang Jili rode on his warhorse and promised Zhuang Lizheng heroically.

Eight years is a long time, but for a seventeen-year-old, it is worth the wait. Lv Sanjiang finally calmed down.

Lv Sanjiang has been in Zhuangli for nearly ten years. He has accompanied Zhuangli and his wife for longer than Agen, their biological son. In their hearts, they have long regarded Lv Sanjiang as their son. At that time, it was just a question of status.

Therefore, the county government has not yet finished drawing up a plan to implement the practice of Shigu Township throughout the county, farming during the busy farming season and military training during the slack farming season. The slogan is "Jinxi's sons and daughters are reluctant to return to their hometown to serve their parents"!

Uncle is young and can take care of the housework at home. Although Tang Shi doesn't have the strength of a son, he is smart enough and can take on important responsibilities. Agen needs Lv Sanjiang to take on the responsibility of my son who can stay at home.

Of course, it is said that Longyan, who is more and more skilled in swordsmanship, is as powerful as me, but the characteristics of the Sili sword are that it can neither chop nor stab as a spear. In terms of the bloodiness of killing the enemy, it is far better than Sergeant Tang, who was named "one knife in two" by his comrades.

The bad guy, this cigarette factory only solved the problem of cigarette supply in the army for itself and its brother troops, and even made a small amount of money. The subordinates often shamelessly come to ask for money.

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