Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1215 Hey, robbery!

Qingmuchuan Town is a mountain town on the edge of HZ City, located at the junction of the three provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan. It is said that Changshan Zhao Zilong once trained troops here.

The mountains are not too high, but there are enough.

4,500 recruits were gathered and stood in a ravine. Tang Dao stood on a huge rock and made countless recruits willing to die, "Our choice!" ’

"When I first joined the army, I heard a general say this: In war, there is no failure or victory, only survival!

It wasn't until much later, when I survived a battlefield filled with bullets and bullets, that I truly understood the meaning of this sentence. Only the living can taste the taste of victory or defeat!

But much later, when I saw my comrades fall one by one and saw my compatriots being massacred by the Japanese invaders, I thought that it didn’t matter whether I lived or not. What mattered was whether I could kill them before they fell. A beast!

Originally, I thought that you new recruits would have at least 20 days before you could enter the battlefield and truly feel the cruelty of war. But unfortunately, the Japanese invaders did not give you such an opportunity. "

Tang Dao pointed far to the northwest with a cold expression on his face.

“There, in Tongguan, which once defended against the invasion of nomads, the Japanese army is gathering heavy troops, preparing to invade our Guanzhong Plain in one fell swoop!

Maybe you don’t know what the Guanzhong Plain is, so let me tell you now, the land you are standing on now is it!

Look behind you. Once the Japanese invaders invade Guanzhong, who will face the Japanese invaders? "

The recruits looked back blankly and saw the rolling mountains in northern Sichuan. No matter how stupid they were, they could instantly understand what Tang Dao meant.

Without the barrier of the Guanzhong Plain, their hometown would face the Japanese artillery and machine guns.

"I have parents and a wife who love me. If I could, I would choose to live. If our parents and sisters are threatened with life, then not living is also my choice!"

Tang Dao's tone was calm, even when he talked about death, he was calm.

"There are two paths before us. One: We can choose to continue to implement the previous military order, transport this batch of materials to the front line, and turn a blind eye to the danger in the Guanzhong Plain! Two: Go to the Tongguan battlefield and stop the Japanese army with our flesh and blood aircraft and artillery, the probability of death in battle is higher than 70%!”

The expressions of the new recruits were a little dull!

Obviously, for them who have never been on the battlefield, it is really difficult to make a choice of life or death at such a time.

In other words, before going through the test of blood and fire, they don’t understand what real life and death are!

"Now, I need you to make a choice, either go back to your hometown with your tail between your legs, reunite as a family and wait for the Japanese invaders to arrive, and then kill everyone like pigs and sheep; or, come with me and fight for my parents, wife and children , go to hell!”

Tang Dao looked at the recruits in front of him with bright eyes, and his voice suddenly became louder, echoing in the mountains.

"Sir, I'll go with you!" A veteran instructor looked back at the still dull queue, puffed his cheeks, and took a fierce step forward.

"Sir, I'm going!" Another veteran took a step forward.

More and more Sichuan Army veterans are stepping forward.

These veterans all experienced the Battle of Songhu or the Battle of Jinling. Because the front line was in urgent need of new recruits, they were transferred back to various counties in Sichuan Province to train new recruits. They may not be the best batch in terms of technology and tactics, but they have experienced After the test of fire, his character far surpassed that of the new recruits.

They knew very well that although Chief Tang had hinted that the soldiers who did not want to go to Tongguan could return to their hometowns, not to mention that they would be stabbed in the back by the elders in their hometowns if they just went back. Now Sichuan Province is already in a wartime state. If they are caught, they will know it. A deserter would probably be killed on the spot without even being tried. If you die on the battlefield, you can get some pension, but if you are killed as a deserter, your death will be in vain.

Going forward is death, retreating is also death, it’s better to give it a try!

"He's an idiot. Brother Pao never shows off. The superiors and instructors dare to go. Why don't you dare? If I go, the worst I can do is to be a good man again in eighteen years." Finally, there is a new recruit! Unable to bear this huge pressure, he shouted loudly and almost ferociously to encourage himself while striding out.

Someone took the lead, and more and more recruits took a step forward. Even those who were timid could only bite the bullet and follow their enthusiastic comrades.

The recruits took a few minutes to make their own choices, whether they were willing or unwilling.

"Okay! There are 4,500 new soldiers leaving Sichuan this time. Six people were killed and 18 injured during the suppression of bandits during the march. There are still 4,476 combat-effective soldiers in the entire army.

Based on the original recruit class, there are fifteen people in each class, and those who are insufficient are transferred from the cooking company to make up for it, forming 285 combat classes.

Three squads constitute one platoon, and three platoons constitute one company. The company platoon leader is a former instructor from each unit, and is organized into 30 infantry companies. The remaining 15 infantry squads are guard companies of the new regiment.

I am the commander of the new regiment, Lieutenant Lu Sanjiang is the deputy commander in charge of the guard company, Sergeant Mingxin is the tactical instructor of each company, and Second Lieutenant Long Yan leads the 28th, 29th, 30th Infantry Companies and 450 pack horses as the main camp of our regiment. , carrying the entire regiment's heavy equipment, ammunition and five-day rations.

Corporal Xia Dayu is the regiment communications officer, and the 27th company is our new regiment communications company, responsible for conveying my military orders!

The list of candidates for each company and platoon leader is at Lieutenant Lu Sanjiang. You will be given one hour to assemble. After one hour, except for each individual soldier's equipment, the rest of the materials will be stored on site and handed over to the town officials. The whole army will march quickly Tongguan! "

After Tang Dao finished speaking, he jumped off the boulder and left first, leaving the rest of the work to Lu Sanjiang, a young army lieutenant.

Poor Lieutenant Lu was so big-headed at that time.

You know, a year ago he was just a soldier in a cavalry company. After fighting for a year, he was promoted from an army private to an army lieutenant. He has grown rapidly, but at most he has commanded 30 people.

But now, he has to command 4,500 troops. He really doesn't want to be the deputy commander of this new regiment.

"That scene at that time" The Sichuan soldiers who had the chance to survive after the Great Patriotic War recalled that afternoon with the corners of their mouths curling up slightly.

"What a mess!"

Because of the urgent time, Tang Dao could only appoint the veterans he was relatively familiar with as company and platoon leaders. Naturally, all the infantry squads under them were not designated. The appointed company and platoon leaders had to find what they needed. The nine infantry squads in the army are almost like catching strong men. As long as they see the familiar squad leader of the recruits, they will pick them up and leave.

The entire valley, for the first half hour, was like a noisy vegetable market.

"They are not cannon fodder. Who the hell is cannon fodder?" Sitting on the stone, Lu Sanjiang looked at the messy scene with despair in his eyes.

Even Mingxin, who was determined to fight, clenched his fists and began to doubt whether his suggestion was wrong.

Really, it doesn't matter if you haven't seen the Four Elements Regiment with strict military discipline, but the key is that you have seen it Mingxin. In contrast, using the word "rabble" to describe this group of new recruits is simply an insult to the word "rabble".

They should be scum!

But this is what the Sichuan Army soldiers are most proud of!

It was these scumbags who had never seen anything before, but they beat the Japanese on the battlefield and won a victory that shocked the people of the country!

To be honest, when they saw this messy scene, no one thought what they could do in this 'garbage dump'. There was a high probability that they would die on the battlefield they had just heard the name of.

But history, this weird old man, always creates surprises for mankind in the gaps that show the cruelty of the years!

The surprise of being named the ‘Sichuan Army New Regiment’ after the war was revealed after this chaotic hour!

Tang Dao left all the affairs of the new regiment to Lu Sanjiang, and of course he did not go to sleep by himself.

He first wanted to see the mayor of Qingmuchuan Town, who was already older than his uncle, who had hurriedly arrived.

Really, when Tang Dao saw the old mayor with white hair and beard trying to hear clearly that he had worked hard to amplify his voice to explain the storage of supplies, Tang Dao himself felt that the food he had spent a lot of effort to transport was going to be ruined. .

I'm afraid the people in this small town have some serious illness. It would be fatal to have an old man in his seventies as mayor, who is deaf, blind, and slow to react!

"What? This is frontline military supplies. Are they going to be temporarily stored in our town?" The old man finally heard clearly and his chest thumped loudly. "Then if you have any problems, leave them to me. If anything happens, I'll chop my head off!"

Really, there is no age difference when it comes to planting flags. The main reason is that Tang Dao is worried that the boastful old man will break his sternum.

Sure enough, when he saw hundreds of carts, nearly 2,000 pack horses and loads of supplies, the eyes of the old mayor with a snow-white goatee almost popped out of his head and he circled the mountain before returning. eye sockets.

The Guanzhong Plain is fertile, but that refers to the plain area and does not include mountainous towns like Qingmuchuan!

Along the way, this small town has mostly dry land and few paddy fields. Dryland crops such as sorghum and corn originally have a mediocre taste and low yield, so the local economy is in dire straits.

Moreover, Guanzhong is the logistics base of the Second War Zone. Since last year, the grains handed in by farmers have increased by 30% on the previous basis. Even if they have not experienced the war, it is good for the farmers to be able to barely fill their bellies.

The old mayor had probably never seen so much food and carts with packhorses in his life, so it was good that his eyes could stay where they were.

"I can pay your town 50,000 kilograms of grain as a reward, and the feed for more than 2,000 pack horses will also be paid for from military supplies!" Tang Dao didn't want to embarrass the old man too much, he already had a plan.

"That won't work!" The old man shook his head like a rattle.

Xia Dayu's still green face showed anger.

During this year of following the commander, the former Songjiang boy saw a lot of persistence among his comrades. The soldiers and civilians were united in the fight against Japan. He rarely saw such a 'greedy' face. He stored some supplies to help raise 2,000 horses, but he actually felt that 50,000 Even the reward of kilograms of grain is not enough.

"Sir, you also said that this is the frontline military supplies, which are used by the soldiers in the Anti-Japanese War to kill the enemy. How can we use a penny?" The old man shook his head but was very impassioned.

"On behalf of the 8,000 young and old people in our town, I promise you, sir, that when you come back to get it, there won't be a grain of grain missing, and the horses won't lose a pound of fat!"

Seeing the old man running back to call for someone, Tang Dao could only believe him.

Tongguan is a full 900 miles away from where he is. The entire army is marching at full speed with light equipment, and there are pack horses to help transport heavy weapons and food supplies. The highest speed can only guarantee 120 miles per day, which will take more than a week. If these hundreds of thousands of people are dragged, It would take at least 12 days to get a kilogram of grain to Tongguan. Even if the support team failed to fight, it would end up costing people thousands of miles.

But what Tang Dao didn't expect was that this dim-eyed old man with a goatee actually did everything he promised.

When the four-line team crossed the Yellow River to receive this batch of supplies, there was not much food missing. Although some of the food bags were damaged, they were obviously the work of rats.

In order to prevent rats from stealing food, the old man even collected thirty cats from the whole town and personally took charge of night patrol of the large open-air granary.

According to a report sent to Tang Dao by Master Zhuang who personally led the team, the old mayor Goateehu watched them accept the supplies and sign the receipt, and then passed away suddenly that night.

Guarding these hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain and feeding these 2,000 draft horses consumed the old man's little life in advance.

As for where more than 2,000 draft horses required 4,000 kilograms of beans, corn buds, and tens of thousands of kilograms of various fodders a day, the deceased old man kept silent, and it almost became a mystery.

It was not until many years later that a regular army suppressed bandits, and a small leader who was captured alive told him that in order to protect important military supplies for the Anti-Japanese War in Sichuan, the brothers in the village saved more than 10,000 kilograms and donated more than 10,000 kilograms to the old man in the town. Mao Gu rice.

The mystery was finally revealed.

It turned out that this old man, who had been the mayor of the town for thirty years, knew that the town alone could not solve the problem, so he actually took the risk of being used as a meat ticket and went to find the mountain people who were entrenched in the mountains and survived by robbing their homes. The kings raised food.

As a result, the ferocious "mountain kings" were really persuaded by this old man who was not afraid of death. In less than a week, they raised nearly 60,000 kilograms of coarse grains, which provided enough food for the pack horses for more than ten days.

As for the horse material, naturally all the people in this small town with a permanent population of less than 1,000 people went into battle. Those who herded the horses, those who cut the grass, and when it was cold at night, they even used their own clothes to keep the pack horses warm.

More than 2,000 draft horses were raised fat and strong in less than 20 days.

"Incorporate this story into the propaganda team's play, so that all the officers and soldiers in the regiment know that this is what the people want, and it is worth fighting for them!" Tang Dao fell silent after hearing Zhuang Shisan's report. He spoke after a while.

Tang Dao always thought that he already understood the people of this era very well, but this incident made him feel more clearly that the army and the people are just like fish and water!

After finding local people to be responsible for handing over supplies such as food and packhorses, Tang Dao was busy reporting the replenishment of ordnance and equipment to the theater headquarters.

He now has half of the infantry regiment's equipment, but that doesn't mean that the stingy old man can spend all his money. If he wants the horse to run but also wants the horse to not eat grass, Tang Tuanzuo will never understand.

If he remembered correctly, part of the stingy old man's Yuancheng Arsenal was relocated to Shaanxi Province, and at least one-fifth of the previous production capacity was still there.

The weapons and ammunition he wanted were just a drop in the bucket.

"This bastard really wants to take advantage of the opportunity to extort money, blackmail, no, it's robbery!" The stingy old man who received the telegram almost heard the angry curses reaching the entrance of the alley.

"Brother, what did Tang Dao want to make you so angry?" The fifth sister looked at the furious old stingy man, feeling both amused and curious.

It seems that since Tang Dao came to North China, her cousin's head has become brighter and brighter.

He would pat his head no matter who made him happy, and scratch his head if he was angry!

No one can match his ability to keep his hands on his head.

"See for yourself, what are you saying about that bastard? You know, he is leading a new regiment with only more than 4,000 people. If you don't know, just looking at this list, you would think that this bastard has been promoted to lieutenant general and division commander!" The stingy old man Angrily, he threw a message to his cousin.

"3,000 Jin-made rifles, 300 imitation Czech light machine guns, 90 Maxim heavy machine guns, 300 imitation Japanese grenades, 60 82 mortars, 500,000 rounds of various machine rifle bullets, and 9,000 grenades , 3,000 rounds of artillery shells, 4,500 sets of helmets and other individual equipment, and an advance payment of 150,000 yuan for three months of military pay!"

The fifth girl who was reciting the message softly also had her almond-shaped eyes widened.

He couldn't blame his cousin for losing his temper. As far as the list of weapons Tang Dao wanted, even the direct troops that he regarded as his favorite, the equipment of an infantry division was no more than this.

There are also 60 82 mortars. Just those new recruits. Do you know how to use mortars? This is obviously robbing a stupid boy!

"Brother, Tang Dao always likes to pay high prices and pay on the spot! According to this list, just give him a third, and he should be satisfied." Wu Meizi suppressed a smile and suggested.

"If he is really unhappy, then he can send manpower from Zhongtiao Mountain to support Tongguan. Why, without him, Tang Butcher won't be able to eat mixed-haired pigs?"

"Hey! You still underestimate that bastard.

The Japanese used four divisions and one mixed brigade this time, with a total of 130,000 troops to suppress our southern Shanxi. Our 180,000 troops relied on the geographical and natural dangers to match them. Let alone 5,000 troops, it was an infantry regiment of 2,000 troops. All difficult. As for the Taihang Mountains, even if it can be used, it will take at least 10 days to arrive, and the day lilies are already cold.

I can ignore that idiot in the 10th war zone because he is useless, and even if he gives the order, I can only think that it is too late to save him and there is nothing I can do about it, but Guanzhong is the last retreat for our Jinsui Army, so I have to save him!

I will definitely give this bastard what he wants, his mouth must be very hard! "The stingy old man sighed heavily.

"Then give half?" Fifth Sister could only persuade her gently.

"Since you want to give it, just be generous and give it all to him!" The stingy old man's whole face was shaking with distress.

"However, if we win, everything will be fine. If we lose, then I, the commander of the theater, will settle accounts with you later."

"With the help of such excellent weapons, please rest assured, commander-in-chief. Wherever the new recruits go, the Japanese invaders will surrender! What a shitty Third Division, under the commander-in-chief's wisdom and determination, it is just a pile of shit!"

The telegram that Tang Dao replied to the headquarters made the stingy old man feel inexplicably stuffy in his chest, and he almost vomited blood!

Is this the legendary saying of eating fruit and making jokes?

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