Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1217 Peak Moment

"General Clausewitz once said: Defense is not a simple shield, but a shield composed of clever strikes!"

Deputy Chief of Staff Tang cited classics and advocated offense in defense. His suggestion against passive defense was not wrong.

But in the eyes of Fan and Dong, it depends on when it is not right.

The Japanese army is now so powerful that it is not something that the current troops can resist. If they can't even stop it, how can they withdraw troops to attack?

If it weren't for Tang Dao's loyalty, he took a group of inferior recruits to run more than 500 kilometers in six days to rescue. I'm afraid that Tang Dao's silly remarks would have kicked him out of the command center.

If you want to die, go ahead and die, but don't let your teammates down, okay?

However, compared to this suggestion, Tang Tuanzu, who was constantly testing the edge of death, made a suggestion that made the two big guys laugh.

"I saw the river defense map before I came here. The river bend south of Tongguan has the most open terrain, which is conducive to the deployment of my new recruits. It is better to give the position to my new recruits to defend, so that the 28th Division brothers can rest and deal with the next Japanese general attack!" Tang Dao pointed to the Tongguan defense map and said bluntly.

He looked so arrogant, as if this battlefield was his own.

Although Tang Dao was right, he asked an infantry brigade that had defended in that area for a week to retreat and rest. In this week's battle, the infantry brigade not only lost more than 700 people, but the whole brigade was already physically and mentally exhausted. It really needed a day or two of rest. His intention was good, but he seemed to have overestimated the combat effectiveness of his new recruits.

That defense area was formed precisely because the Yellow River turned there, slowing down the flow rate, and the water changed from turbulent to gentle, forming a vast and calm water surface.

In the past, it was easy to say, because there was a remnant of Zhongtiao Mountain on the opposite bank, and an infantry regiment was stationed there for a long time. The Japanese army tried to cross the river from here since the beginning of the year, but the plan failed because of the restraint of the infantry regiment in Zhongtiao Mountain.

But this time, the Japanese army was well prepared. The first step to attack Tongguan was to eliminate the threat from the mountains on the river bank. Two infantry regiments were mobilized to launch a fierce attack on the Chinese defenders in Zhongtiao Mountain six days ago.

The infantry regiment resisted for two days and was defeated and withdrew from the position!

Without the restraint of the infantry regiment, the Japanese army could boldly use that place as the main attack direction. Nearly 200 motorboats, various rafts and boats were transported, and nearly an infantry regiment could be deployed at one time.

Otherwise, Fan and Dong would not have placed their main brigades in that area.

As a result, when Tang Dao came, he had to take a small new regiment to defend this important place. It didn't matter if he died, but it would implicate everyone, right?

"Ahem! Commander Dong and I have felt the enthusiasm of Commander Tang and the brothers of the Sichuan Army's new recruits to join the war, but it's hard to march all the way. Why don't you serve as the general reserve of my Tongguan Defense Zone for the time being? If there is a need, I will notify Commander Tang to bring the brothers to the front as soon as possible. What do you think, Commander Tang?" Commander Fan, the highest commander in the Tongguan area, coughed twice and refused tactfully.

For this fierce general who graduated from the Baoding Army Officers School, only saying Commander Tang instead of Tang Dao's new position means that he does not approve of it, but he did not reprimand him on the spot, which is definitely tactful.

The first military position he held during the Xinhai Revolution was the captain of the death squad. The 'dragon head general' has always been a scoundrel, not afraid of superiors, not afraid of enemies, and even less afraid of death.

This man is so fearless that he likes to ride a white horse during battle. In his words, that is to let all the soldiers see me

Good guy, his own people can see him, but the enemy can also see him, right? The reason why Zhao Zilong, the white horse and silver spear, was so handsome and didn't die was because Cao Boss loved him and didn't let people shoot him with arrows, otherwise he would have become a straw man on a straw boat.

But this guy was so lucky that he not only didn't die on the battlefield, but also lived to be over 80 years old.

Dong Zhao glanced at his immediate superior and understood what he meant. He immediately extended his hand: "Captain Tang and I appreciate your help. Tongguan City is now unsafe due to repeated bombardment by the Japanese invaders. Why don't the brothers of the Sichuan Army Recruit Regiment temporarily station in the mountains eight miles behind my defense line? There are high mountains and dense forests there, and it is not easy for Japanese planes to find them. The artillery fire is also unable to harass them. It is not far from my division's defense line. If support is needed, it can arrive in time.

Now, let me take Captain Tang to visit my Tongguan outer defense line. Please give me some advice, Captain Tang!"

The two big guys have reached a tacit agreement at this time. There is really no way to send this unreliable commander to lead his even more unreliable new recruits. As long as it is still possible, they would rather die by themselves.

After decades of military career, these two have been pitted by their teammates more than once or twice, and they are extremely experienced.

Of course, once this sentence came out, it also meant that the two commanders had the same attitude and were determined to kick Tang Dao out of the command level, basically continuing to be the head of his new regiment.

The two did not even hide this point. No matter whether Tang Dao had the ability to listen to words or not, it could not change the outcome.

‘A general is not subject to the orders of the king when he is away! ’, after Tang Dao showed a full ‘dumb’ temperament, the appointment order of the commander of the 10th War Zone did not work.

Tang Dao certainly heard it, but did not refute it, but drew a circle on the map, “Then my troops will be stationed here!”

Is this a fight with Hewan? Could it be that he is a fisherman, how come he fell in love with that place!

The two big guys looked at each other and had a slight headache.

The location Tang Dao drew was exactly behind the infantry brigade defense line that he had previously suggested to replace. Although it was also a mountainous area, once the Japanese army attacked, it would be an area of ​​concentrated artillery fire, which was far less safe than the area Dong Zhao had previously mentioned.

But what can I say! This is also the area that can rush to the front line the fastest. Tie Hanhan's determination to fight the war is unquestionable.

"Okay! Then it's here, but the brothers of the new recruits will probably have to build field fortifications overnight, especially anti-artillery caves. The Japanese heavy artillery is terrible and must not be underestimated!" Dong Zhao hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

He stretched out his hand, "Captain Tang, please! The military commander has appointed me to arrange wine and food in the defense zone to welcome you, and take you to see the style of my 46th Army!"

"I have heard of the name of the Tongguan defense line for a long time, and it is just right for learning and observation. I couldn't ask for it!" Tang Dao finally spoke normally at this time.

Tang Dao's words were not meant to be flattering. In the past, the Tongguan position was praised by American generals as the Oriental Maginot, and there must be a reason for that.

Sure enough, the Tongguan defense line after half a year of battlefield did not disappoint Tang Dao.

Although the position closest to the river bank defense line was severely damaged by the Japanese heavy artillery, there were still bunkers standing on the defense line.

This bunker is round, made of cement concrete, about 2 meters high, and nearly 1 meter thick on the top. There are three large shooting holes on the side facing the Yellow River, and six huge concave ammunition storage tanks below.

Only two heavy machine guns are needed to cover the water surface of hundreds of meters horizontally and kilometers vertically. Without sufficient armor protection, the Japanese army that attempted to land would inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

It is precisely because of the existence of such bunkers that the heavily concentrated Japanese army has not launched a decent general attack until now. So far, both sides have mainly bombarded each other.

However, the Japanese army currently has 150MM heavy artillery and even 280MM howitzers with absolute strength, which are unstoppable for the Chinese army at present. They can only watch the hard-built bunkers and the soldiers in the bunkers turn into ashes under the power of heavy artillery.

However, it is not easy for the Japanese army to remove all these bunkers. According to the current progress, it will take at least a few days. At that time, they can only rely on people to shoot at the landing Japanese army on the battlefield.

This place will become a meat grinder. It depends on whether the first to be squeezed dry is the Chinese or the Japanese. That is also the biggest role of the Sichuan Army's new recruits here.

What makes Dong Zhao most proud is not these solid bunkers built with great effort, nor the criss-crossing trenches and traffic trenches with a depth of 2 meters built along the Tongguan city, but the military training and military supply base set up in the deep ditch on the side of Tongguan facing the Yellow River.

In this deep ditch that is five kilometers long and tens of meters deep, the 26th Division actually built a huge living area.

There are field hospitals, training grounds, battlefield bookstores, hotels for Tang Dao's welcome, and even a theater called "Avenge Stage". This is the rhythm of long-term defense from the beginning.

Obviously, this strategy is absolutely correct.

History has proved that not only was China's entire Patriotic War extremely long, but the War of Resistance in Tongguan lasted almost from the beginning of 1938 to the end of the war.

"Commanders Fan and Dong, you are really far-sighted. Tang Dao admires you!" After visiting the defense zone, Tang Dao couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

This guy is a bit normal! Dong Zhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm not afraid of god-like opponents, I'm afraid of pig-like teammates! Although the army lieutenant generals of this era can't summarize this sentence, their inner fear is actually similar to this.

But he really doesn't know Tang Tuanzuo.

Tang Tuanzuo has always been a shocking person. He started to make trouble again after just three rounds of drinking.

"When our troops came, the train didn't dare to approach the Tongguan Railway Station. They dropped us off and returned ten kilometers away from Tongguan City. Our soldiers are healthy and it's okay to walk these twenty miles, but in wartime, the transportation of huge supplies, wounded soldiers, etc. cannot be delayed for a moment. Without train transportation, the efficiency is greatly reduced!" Tang Dao asked.

"Hey! Captain Tang, you don't know! The range of the Japanese heavy artillery is close to 12 kilometers, and our 75 mountain artillery can't reach it at all. They can bombard any part of our Tongguan position without restraint, including the railway station and even the Longhai Line and the highway line! In July alone, we lost 6 locomotives, dozens of carriages, and dozens of train drivers, boiler operators, and line maintenance workers." Dong Zhao sighed with bitterness on his face.

"Trains make too much noise when they pass by, especially the old bridge outside Tongguan. Whenever a train passes by, the Japanese army will bombard it!

Road and rail transportation are completely interrupted. Now all personnel and materials can only be transported by post!

Even this post is very dangerous. At least there are anti-aircraft machine guns on our positions to prevent Japanese fighter planes from acting recklessly. But in that kind of wilderness, if Japanese reconnaissance planes see it, they will often descend and use machine guns to shoot recklessly. I don't know how many losses our army, civilians, and pack horses have suffered in the past six months!"

"Post transportation is prone to air attacks, so dig a traffic trench!" Tang Dao raised his glass to the army lieutenant general with a sad face and suggested calmly.

"What?" Dong Zhao almost choked on a mouthful of wine.

Are you serious? The straight-line distance of post transportation is more than 15 kilometers. How much manpower and material resources will it take to dig such a long traffic trench, which is not a trench?

"In ancient times, there was the act of Yugong moving the mountain in Taihang Mountain, and finally moved the mountain in front of the door. Those who have the will can achieve their goals!" Tang Tuanzuo has a lot of great principles.

But this is not what Tang Dao Xia Jiba said. This 15-kilometer-long traffic trench really existed in the past.

It was the joint efforts of the soldiers and civilians of Tongguan who spent more than half a year digging out this lifeline of the Anti-Japanese War, connecting the transportation of the Longhai Railway, transporting tens of thousands of wounded soldiers from the anti-Japanese battlefield east of Tongguan, and ensuring the supply of materials for hundreds of thousands of anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians. It was just that the timeline was two years later, and Tang Dao was just giving advice in advance.

"It's difficult!" The master could only sigh and didn't continue the topic.

Tang Dao didn't insist. Some things only need to plant a seed. With this man's wisdom, I believe he will figure it out.

Sure enough, after chatting with Tang Dao for a few more words, but drinking a little half a catty of wine, he said goodbye and returned to the division headquarters for military affairs, and inexplicably recalled Tang Dao's seemingly absurd proposal.

A 15-kilometer traffic trench must be at least 4 meters wide because it needs pedestrians, cars, and horses, and it must not be crowded and trampled when enemy planes attack, and it must ensure that two cars can cross each other. There are also a large number of air-raid shelters, which sounds incredible.

But what if it is dug? The loss of personnel, horses, and cars will be minimized, and it can be called a lifeline.

Yugong moving mountains is a legend, but the Great Wall built by our ancestors is real. Doesn't it sound like a miracle that cannot be accomplished by human power at first glance?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this should be done. The army division commander immediately called several deputies from his division headquarters and drew a route on the map, which stunned several major generals and colonels.

Spending money is a small matter. At most, he can ask the commander of the 10th War Zone for it! But where are the people? Where will they come from? The 28th Division is now fully prepared for battle, and even sleeps with guns. Who will come to dig trenches?

"Mobilize all the people in Tongguan and tell them that this is a matter of whether Tongguan can be defended or not. Because of the tight budget, there is no remuneration and no tools. Even the laborers can only subsidize one meal at noon, and the rest of the meals need to be prepared by themselves! Our army does not force it, it is all voluntary." The lieutenant general of the army is still very courageous and does what he wants.

The army division commander, who was immersed in his own imagination, heard the report that the Sichuan Army's new recruits had started to dig fortifications in the mountains 2 miles behind his defense line, and just waved his hand to show that he knew it, and didn't take it too seriously.

Tang Dao, this guy! He is a bit iron-headed. Being a regimental commander is not satisfactory, but some of his whimsical ideas are still okay, especially the anti-Japanese spirit is worthy of recognition.

This should be the most pertinent evaluation of Tang Dao by this big guy after he arrived.

At least, in the next two days, Tang Dao's suggestion to dig a traffic trench is being realized.

Including the two commanders, more than 10,000 officers and soldiers of the 28th Division of the 46th Army ignored the desire of the people of Tongguan to defend their hometown.

No one wants to be a slave of a conquered country, especially when the Japanese army is so close.

After receiving the "harsh" proposal issued by the 28th Division, a scene that shocked the Chinese soldiers appeared.

At least one-third of the more than 10,000 Tongguan residents who hid in the mountains near Tongguan City to avoid the war returned to the city on that day.

The Japanese army threw at least 5,000 shells into the defense zone of Tongguan City this week. The ancient Tongguan City had been bombed to pieces, and countless houses collapsed. On the first day of the bombardment, more than 400 people were killed on the spot.

The rest of the residents were forced to take their families and the only food and property in their homes to hide in the mountains. It was very risky to go home at this time.

They went home for nothing else, just to find various tools!

On the second day alone, 50,000 people began to dig under the guidance of the engineers sent by the army.

The people of Tongguan gave the most realistic interpretation of what it means to go into battle with all hands.

The oldest person who participated in the digging of the traffic trench was nearly 70 years old, and the youngest was only three years old!

When he saw a three-year-old baby with snot bubbles, moving his short legs to follow his mother, using the front of his dirty homespun clothes to help transport the excavated soil, even a strong man like the "Dragon Head General" could not help but feel his eyes moist.

With such people, how could he not defend his position?

But more importantly, this scene that hit his strong heart hard made him deeply realize what the wise man who was the director of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy said after the Chang'an Incident: "The power of the people is infinite and great!"

People's beliefs often change in a moment, and this is the real seed planted by the Tang Sword.

But the Tang Sword's wonderful ideas are not limited to this. On the third day after the arrival of the new recruits, the anxiously awaited Japanese general attack finally began.

As the general reserve, the new recruits joined the war in a peculiar way!

Then, both the enemy and us were stunned!

"Baga! Check what kind of troops are on the other side. They are definitely not the Chinese 28th Division!" When Fujita Susumu, then the commander of the 3rd Division, received the casualty figures of the infantry regiment, he jumped up so high that he could almost dunk.

For the Japanese lieutenant general who was only 62 meters tall, it was definitely the peak moment of his athletic ability. ()

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