Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1219 How fat can the Yellow River carp be?

Yes, the Sichuan Army's new recruits have joined the battle.

After three red flares were fired into the sky from the front position of the 28th Division Infantry Brigade, the platoon leaders of each company gritted their teeth and blew the iron whistles hanging around their necks.

However, they did not lead the soldiers to run to support the front line, but ordered all the officers and soldiers in the unheard-of "inward-type" circular fortifications to shoot upwards according to the previous arrangements.

Mortar upward shooting is normal, but what the hell is it to point the muzzle of a heavy machine gun diagonally upwards?

Moreover, the three heavy machine guns in the pits under their jurisdiction were strictly restricted by Tang Tuanzuo in terms of the upward shooting angle level. In the past two nights, the soldiers who had just been heavy machine gun shooters for a few days almost used a ruler to measure a little bit to meet Tang Tuanzuo's requirements for the five-level angle of the barrel.

The five angle changes were all reminded by the observation post on each hilltop according to the battle situation in front.

The so-called flag language is not that complicated for these recruits who have only trained for a few months and have not yet figured out what tactics are. It is just a different flag color.

‘Red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘white’ and ‘black’ represent five shooting angles. When the flag is erected on the top of the mountain, the heavy machine guns in the 3-meter-deep pit belonging to the hillside will immediately adjust the shooting angle of the machine gun according to the color of the flag.

To put it bluntly, the heavy machine gun shooters in the pit can’t see the enemy at all. All they have to do is to constantly change the muzzle angle according to the flag raised by the observation post, and then pull the trigger to try to shoot more bullets.

This method, which is almost like Xia Jiba’s shooting, can make the shooters whose facial muscles are so tense that they can’t help twitching when they go to the battlefield for the first time feel a little more at ease, at least they don’t have to face the terrible artillery fire and rain of bullets of the Japanese army.

I can’t see it, so I won’t be hit! This is actually a typical self-deception psychology, but it is extremely real.

But for the veterans, apart from wasting a lot of ammunition, what use is this to the Japanese ships that are forcing a crossing on the river more than 2,300 meters away?

Perhaps, this is just the commander of the regiment to prove that he has participated in the war?

But compared to the heavy machine guns that were fired at the sky just for the sake of hearing the noise, it was the artillery that made the company and platoon leaders extremely nervous.

You know, the only time the so-called mortar gunners touched the mortar was that afternoon in Chang'an, and there was no live ammunition shooting.

On such a battlefield, it was really good for them to fire the mortar shells normally without blowing them up. In addition, it would be best if the shells did not hit the 28th Division's position in front. If they were unfortunate enough to hit it, they could only say sorry.

As for whether they could hit the Japanese ships that were constantly maneuvering on the vast river to avoid ballistics and shells, it would depend on God's help.

That's right, this is the current situation of the Sichuan Army's new recruits. Not to mention that the 28th Division looked down on them, in fact, even the old soldiers who were forced to be promoted did not look down on them.

This is indeed the case. There are 30 mortars belonging to nearly 30 infantry companies, plus 30 mortars from the temporary artillery battalion composed of "elite soldiers" temporarily transferred from the baggage battalion and the guard company by Tang Dao in the past two days, totaling 60 mortars.

In the first five rounds of volleys, 300 shells were fired, more than half of which fell into the area where the Japanese ships were advancing, but no shells could get within 10 meters of various ships. The greatest damage caused was just to splash a handful of cold Yellow River water on the already pale faces of the Japanese soldiers on the ship.

They are simply the scum of the scum!

But why is the fear on the faces of the Japanese infantry not lighter but stronger?

Because they saw a scene that made them shudder.

Various boats loaded with Japanese infantry were advancing on a river nearly 5,000 meters wide. The horizontal distance between each boat was more than 60 meters, and the vertical distance was at least nearly 50 meters. With such a density, it would be difficult to repel them with just a few shells dropped from the air, unless they were extremely unlucky, or the Chinese army had more than 50 artillery pieces, or were equipped with a large number of direct-aiming guns.

Not being hit was a high probability, and being hit was called Amaterasu's blindness.

Instead, they were more afraid of heavy machine guns. Once a direct-aiming heavy machine gun hits the side with little defense capability, it is absolutely hell on earth for the infantry who do not have much space.

Although the Chinese counterattack in the first few minutes also caused some losses, the mere twenty or so people injured by ricochets were negligible for the more than 3,000 troops of three infantry battalions!

Many Japanese infantrymen were eagerly waiting for the moment when they got off the boat and stepped on the land. They would let the bayonets on the muzzles let the Chinese know what conquest is.

Wait, what did they see?

At that time, the sky was already bright, and the vision was bright enough to visually measure the distance up to 800 meters.

The Japanese infantrymen could not only see the bunkers, trenches and other fortifications on the shore, but also the surrounding environment of the boats they were riding.

Why did the still turbulent water surface in front suddenly stir up stars, as if there was a heavy rainstorm!

Instinctively looking up at the sky, although the sun had not yet come out and the sky was slightly gloomy, it was definitely not raining. The cold water drops on the body and face must have come from the crazy twisting of the boat or the splashes of the shells hitting the water surface dozens of meters away.

Then the next second, the fear of the Japanese infantrymen solidified in their pupils. The cold air rising from the soles of their feet was even faster than the Arctic storm. The whole body felt like falling into an ice cellar, which was far colder than the cooling brought by the cold river water.

Those "raindrops" fell on their heads.

It brought scorching heat, but took away blood and life!

Transcendence shooting was an invention of the Germanic people during World War I. By using the upward shooting angle, the warhead can be thrown parabolically 4,000 meters away.

Faced with such warheads falling from the sky, soldiers have almost no defense except entering air-raid shelters, whether they are crawling or entering trench bunkers.

A metal slug with enough kinetic energy can easily penetrate any part of the human body!

Tang Dao had already set up this tactic based on the characteristics of the river defense terrain when he made the decision to rush to Tongguan. Otherwise, he would not have asked the stingy old man for 90 heavy machine guns and 60 mortars!

The new recruits can only put on the ammunition chain and pull the trigger to fire the bullet. Tang Tuanzuo can only work harder. In the past two days, he conducted live ammunition elevation tests on the river surface in the hidden pits he dug. Xia Dayu and Lu Sanjiang acted as his observer and allowed Tang Dao to set five shooting angles for each shooting position!

This is undoubtedly a huge and tedious job, but when there is a shortage of manpower, Tang Tuanzuo can only do it himself. And all the new shooters are just ‘tool men’ responsible for execution!

As for the 3-meter-deep earth pit dug, Tang Dao got inspiration from the war that broke out in the southwest border in the 1980s.

The Chinese army built such an ingenious machine gun fortification on a hilltop. A domestic 7mm heavy machine gun and a machine gun squad were hidden in such a fortification. They relied on observation posts to report the location of the bullet impact point. The shooter could not see the enemy at all. In the position of the enemy, tens of thousands of bullets were fired, killing nearly a hundred enemies!

The enemy hated this firepower point with gnashing of teeth, but the fortification was hidden under the ground, the entrance was covered with shrubs, and smoke was ignited around it to camouflage it. The enemy was unable to determine the specific location of the fortification, even with the use of mortars and howitzers. A salvo is just a waste of ammunition.

Because it is purely based on probability that a cannonball can fall into a fortification of no more than 8 square meters! 8 square meters may not seem small, but compared to a mountaintop of tens of thousands of square meters, the probability is reduced to almost one in ten thousand.

Therefore, Tang Dao did such a trick by combining the 'transcendence shooting' invented twenty years ago with the invading fortifications fifty years from now.

The smoke igniting all over the mountains and plains is naturally for camouflage, so as to prevent the Japanese troops on the other side from observing the large amounts of smoke emitted by the heavy machine guns and mortars here and then shelling them, causing unnecessary losses.

No matter when, Tang Dao never takes any chances, and all preparations must be done in advance. This is one of the reasons why he can survive from the battlefield many times.

But this time, Tang Dao thought too much.

The Japanese army's response was not as fast as he imagined, it could even be said that there was no response at all!

Compared with the Chinese army, the Japanese army's communications are a little better, but in fact they are also scumbag!

Tang Dao deployed the heavy machine guns at an exaggerated density, with an average of three heavy machine guns every eighty meters. 90 heavy machine guns could fire 45,000 rounds of bullets in one minute, distributed on a piece of water of about 100,000 square meters.

According to mathematical formulas, this is an area of ​​approximately 300 by 300. According to the distribution density of Japanese ships, there are approximately 20 ships in it.

The Japanese infantry who were not within the range of the bullets were naturally fine, but those who were inside were out of luck.

Thousands of 'raindrops' fall, most of them fall into water, but as the saying goes: every dust that falls on the times is like a mountain when it falls on an individual.

Metal rain will scratch your wounds and kill you!

No matter it is a motorboat with mechanical braking power, a wooden boat or a raft, everyone treats them equally.

For a time, the Japanese soldiers on the ship were wailing all day long. Even the Japanese officers who wanted to cover the soldiers' mouths could not stop them because they had too much time to take care of themselves.

The moment the scorching bullets shot diagonally into their shoulder blades, they finally knew why their soldiers were crying so hard.

Because it was really painful.

Motorboats with strong hulls are actually fine. People are either killed or injured, but the warheads will not cause damage to the hull, but wooden boats and rafts will suffer.

One hole and two holes can still withstand it, but when there are too many holes, the ship will sink.

We can swim without a boat. Besides, we used to be fishermen in Nagoya, so we are very good at water.

If anyone thinks so, those Nagoya fishermen struggling to survive in the water will spit in your face.

Are you wearing leather boots that weigh several kilograms, a bunch of bullets, grenades, and cotton clothes, and are you trying to swim a few meters in the water for me? Moreover, Baga’s swimming is still winter swimming, and what’s even more terrible is that whether it’s forward or backward, the distance is more than one kilometer.

The key is such a miserable scene, but the Japanese troops on the scene lacked the necessary communication means and failed to report the pain to the rear headquarters in time.

The Japanese artillery also slowed down the intensity of its shelling of the Chinese shore defense area because its own fleet was about to arrive at the shore.

Then, the shooters of the new regiment became more and more relaxed. Many recruits even took the initiative to climb out of the potholes to observe the situation on the river. They kept loudly encouraging their companions: "Big pot, just fight like this. I have already seen a boat." It was sunk."

The Japanese are so stupid, but I have killed the enemy too? I killed the Japanese in the first battle. I have to write a letter back to my hometown to brag about it. The Japanese are nothing but melons. I can kill scum like me! This was probably what most of the new shooters thought at the time.

Stimulated by the stupidity of their 'excellent' enemy, the new shooters, whose eyes were red, burst out with their maximum energy.

In 10 minutes of crazy shooting, 90 heavy machine guns fired a record 300,000 rounds of bullets, with an average of 3,300 rounds per heavy machine gun.

It is said that the soldiers were so anxious to cool down this water-cooled Maxim-like heavy machine gun that they even peed all their urine.

The mortar shooters were new, but they were not fools. They gradually found their way and began to have achievements.

A mortar shell just happened to hit a motorboat that was only 200 meters away from the shore.

After a loud "boom!", the motorboat immediately broke down.

But compared to the motorboat, many of the Japanese infantrymen squatting on the boat, who even began to pray with the sign of the cross, folded their hands, and prayed to the gods for blessings, were the most miserable.

As many as 10 Japanese soldiers were blown away by the air wave. At this time, they fell into the cold river and were knocked unconscious by the air wave. Their fate can be imagined.

But becoming a floating corpse in the Yellow River is still a good ending, at least you can still raise Yellow River carp.

The worst were the Japanese soldiers who were hit by flying shrapnel. Because the density was too high, the shrapnel splashed by the mortar could be called a hundred-shot hit.

The burning deck was full of blood and flesh, and the aroma of being roasted by high temperature and the unique stench of internal organs were intertwined. It was no exaggeration to say that it was hell.

The entire ship carried two infantry squads of 30 people, and the number of people who survived in the end was no more than one hand.

They survived by relying on their colleagues as human shields to block the shrapnel.

But what's the point of surviving at this time?

It was only 400 meters away from the shore defense bunker. How could those heavy machine guns let go of such a cute little target?

It can be said that the closer to the shore, the closer the Japanese soldiers who were eager to land were to hell!

The Japanese command on the shore was slow to react, but the key was that Lieutenant Colonel Satoshi Katayama, the deputy commander of the 6th Infantry Regiment and the 1st Infantry Battalion, who was the highest commander of the landing force at the time, seemed to have lost his mind.

When his motorboat passed by the overturned wooden boats and rafts, he ignored the surviving infantry who were still struggling in the water and sent out red flares for beach landing.

The terrified Japanese fleet accelerated and rushed wildly under the rain of bullets falling on their heads, and more than 20 ships finally reached the shore.

More than 2 infantry squadrons of Japanese infantry jumped into the waist-deep river and ran desperately towards the land.

That was also the prelude to their death.

Opposite them, there were two infantry regiments. Although they lost more than a thousand people in the Japanese artillery fire, they still had more than 3,000 troops and enough fortifications and trenches for them to hide.

To put it in a more arrogant way, let alone the guns, machine guns and mortars in their hands, even if they didn't, with an engineer shovel in each hand, they could cut these little devils frozen in the water into popsicles.

"Let go of the Japanese invaders who have landed on the shore, and continue to shoot at the targets on the water!" Tang Dao put down the telescope, his mouth full of coldness.

"Order the artillery battalion directly under the division to concentrate firepower to continue bombarding the water surface, and order all heavy machine guns on the front line to let go of the Japanese troops who have landed and continue to shoot at the targets on the water surface!" The brigade commander of the major general showed a fierce light and gave an order that was almost exactly the same as Tang Dao's.

This is the most wise decision of the commander!

The Japanese troops who have landed will be dealt with by the infantry in front of the trenches, and all heavy firepower will continue to consume the Japanese troops still in the water.

What is more important may not only consume the Japanese army's manpower, but also destroy the ships. If the ships are lost, the Japanese army's manpower cannot be effectively replenished.

Then, the Japanese troops who have landed will not only not pose a great threat, but will become a delicious cake and a dessert for the shore defense forces.

Finally, Katayama Satoshi realized this problem and had to fire a signal flare to notify the rear to increase the intensity of the artillery bombardment.

Soldiers from both China and Japan were basically shooting at each other under the hail of bullets, and people were dying every moment.

Both sides were holding on to see who would be the first to give up.

But the officers and soldiers of the 28th Division had a strong arm, and waves of bullets from the Sichuan Army's new recruits fell on the heads of the Japanese army like raindrops.

The Japanese army obviously had not realized this yet, and only thought that the intensity of their artillery fire was not strong enough to destroy the Chinese heavy machine gun positions.

It was ten minutes later when poor Katayama Satoshi realized that he was facing more than just the defensive forces of an infantry brigade.

The number of Japanese soldiers who died on the river alone reached 500, and more than 20 wooden boats and rafts were destroyed, and even two motorboats were lost!

If he could wake up and retreat in time at this time, perhaps the loss would not be so great, but the more than 500 people who had landed were what he could not abandon.

Therefore, the tragic Japanese Army Lieutenant Colonel held out for another 10 minutes before issuing the order to retreat.

The Japanese infantrymen who had already landed were dumbfounded, and ran madly into the river with their short legs, trying to board the ship that could take them home.

But the reality was extremely cruel!

"All firepower, focus on the little devils who want to escape!" The Major General Brigadier General punched the trench hard, and his voice was completely hoarse.

There was no excitement, only sadness!

As a commander, the Major General Brigadier General could fully expect that after this battle, there would be hundreds of new graves on the banks of the Yellow River. He could not change these outcomes, but he could finally place the most beloved offerings of the brothers who would never open their eyes again in front of these graves.

"Kill! Don't let go of any Japanese soldier who lands on the riverbank! The big carp in the Yellow River has a chance to fatten up!" Tang Dao's cold voice gave Long Yan goose bumps all over his body.

He was not afraid of killing people, but when he thought about the legendary big carp in the Yellow River that was so fat, Lieutenant Long, who had eaten a Yellow River carp last night, wanted to vomit.

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