Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1221: Dark and Windy

At eight o'clock in the evening, the battlefield finally returned to complete peace.

The officers and soldiers of the 26th Division who had been hiding in the anti-artillery cave for a whole day could finally come out. No one cared about the dust on their bodies, and even the blurred eyebrows and eyes did not matter to the men, but the smell of mud in their nostrils and mouths was really unbearable.

Bonfires were lit everywhere in the trenches, both to illuminate the night and to drive away the cool air brought by the river breeze!

Because the Japanese army had gathered heavy troops at Fenglingdu on the other side of the river, in order to prevent the Japanese army from sneaking across the river at night, not only were there several large searchlights continuously illuminating the center of the river, but the soldiers patrolling the river bank were increased to two infantry companies per shift, so for ten consecutive days, more than 4,000 people in the brigade lived in the cold trenches.

The loess in Shaanxi Province is dry and solid, so the trenches are built deep enough. From dozens of meters away, only light and shadow can be vaguely seen, but there is no need to worry that the Japanese army will use these fixed-point artillery attacks.

The soldiers of the 26th Division who survived the war were all cursing and sad.

After all, the losses in today's battle were not small. At least a dozen people from each infantry company died, and soldiers wrapped in bandages were everywhere.

But in fact, the mood was still quite high, because they not only repelled a wave of Japanese attacks, but also killed no less than a thousand Japanese invaders. This was definitely an unprecedented achievement for the officers and soldiers of the infantry brigade who had been fighting the Japanese for nearly half a year.

The spoils on the river beach were cleaned up by two infantry companies more than an hour ago after the Japanese stopped shelling.

Ordinary soldiers didn't care how many guns and ammunition were seized, they only cared about how many Japanese soldiers were killed.

It was just that according to the comrades who returned to the position, the river beach was full of Japanese wreckage, but there was no way to count it specifically, because the Japanese artillery had errors, and many shells fell on the river beach, causing many wreckages to be shattered, and even the weapons and equipment could not be estimated. In such artillery fire, rifles, grenade launchers, and light machine guns were also blown to pieces.

After counting, there were more than 110 bodies left intact on the river beach, dozens of bodies lying face down in the river, and more than 100 intact weapons and equipment.

This is obviously a disappointing data. If the Japanese army only lost so few people, they would never retreat, but many Japanese soldiers sank into the surging Yellow River. Now who knows where these ghosts were washed away by the river.

The military regulations of the 46th Army are very strict. There must be sufficient evidence to determine the results, which is undoubtedly disappointing.

But the divisional military order came, commending the entire brigade and the Sichuan Army Regiment for timely supporting the front line. The record was also determined to have killed 1,000 Japanese soldiers and would be reported to the war zone. In addition, 20 fat pigs were urgently purchased from the people in Tongguan in the rear to be killed for all the officers and soldiers on the front line.

Although 20 fat pigs only have 3,000 to 4,000 kilograms of meat at most, and each of the tens of thousands of Chinese officers and soldiers may have only two or three pieces in their bowls, this is also a hearty dinner for the soldiers who have not seen meat for almost a month.

All the soldiers' faces were filled with happiness. Every infantryman excluded the necessary sentinels, and the rest of the soldiers sat around the warm campfire, some smoking, and some boasting about their proud conquests!

Females are the most eternal topic for male creatures.

The young soldiers who had never touched a woman's hand listened to the shameless boasting of the veterans, and their envious saliva was almost dripping.

In short, at this moment, there is no such thing as quality or not. The Chinese soldiers who won and survived used these to ease their fear of death and resistance.

Until the fat meat was eaten, although it was just boiled meat with a little salt, it was so fragrant that it could make people swallow their tongues. That feeling was happier than anything else.

The performance of the Sichuan Army New Recruit Corps was also recognized by the 26th Division Headquarters. 4,500 people were treated as an infantry brigade and were given 1,100 kilograms of meat.

Tang Tuanzuo was naturally not stingy and threw all of it into the big pot to cook for the new recruits.

Unlike the officers and soldiers of the 26th Division at the forefront, the Sichuan Army New Recruit Corps basically achieved the miracle of zero combat losses.

The Japanese command later realized that the Chinese side might have hidden the heavy firepower point behind it to play the trick of "surpassing shooting". After the failure of the forced crossing, its heavy artillery group also extended the artillery fire to the rear of the 26th Division position.

But it was basically a random attack, with no target at all.

When the Japanese army's boats across the river were evacuated and could no longer pursue them, Tang Dao had already ordered the machine gunners hiding in the pit to quickly evacuate to the simple trenches that had been dug on the back of the mountain with heavy machine guns.

This wave of random attacks by the Japanese heavy artillery group was destined to be a waste of ammunition, and it also added an income for the local people.

The warheads of the shells were made of medium-carbon steel with extremely high strength and hardness. If such fragments were made into knives, they would definitely be top-notch.

In the past, the people of Tongguan who had lost their source of livelihood had risked their lives to pick up these shell fragments on the battlefield, and then sold them to vendors for rewards, and miraculously supported themselves.

The Japanese army did not harvest heads in this wave of operations, but it gave a lot of small money to the people of Tongguan.

The reason why there were basically zero casualties was that recruits were just recruits. In the process of crazy shooting, there were still some unlucky kids. They were either burned by flying hot bullet shells, or fell down in a panic during the retreat. The most serious one even had his foot injured by a falling heavy machine gun.

The fractured foot didn't make the young man, who had just turned 20, cry in pain, but the good-natured jokes of the same bunch of noobs broke the defense of the unlucky recruit.

The report of the Sichuan Army's new recruits' regiment that 0 people died and 28 people were injured in this battle reached Tang Dao. Tang Tuanzuo scratched his head in distress, frowned and added a 10 before each of the two numbers.

I have seen people report the losses less, but those who desperately increase the losses like a certain regiment commander are definitely scorpions.

According to Tang Tuanzuo's words, he had to give face to the commander of a certain war zone, otherwise he would feel sorry for the ammunition replenishment that he had promised after seeing this battle report.

Stingy old man: My heart has been broken for a long time, so you, Tang, don't be so hypocritical!

After dinner, it was already half past nine.

After eating and drinking, Tang Dao finally waited for the guests he had been waiting for.

"Captain Tang, I'm here to apologize to you. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have known that the war could be fought like this!" The brigadier general with thick eyebrows, big eyes and neat short hair explained his purpose very clearly when he saw Tang Dao. "Moreover, your army's firepower configuration is so excellent that I have never seen it in my life."

How could this man who was promoted to brigadier general at the age of less than 40 not have an idea of ​​the battle situation today?

The Japanese artillery fire was fierce, but the machine guns from a mile behind him were like thunder.

If it weren't for the firm mind of this old soldier, he almost thought that the main force of the Japanese army was coming behind him.

If it weren't for the large number of heavy machine guns and mortars of the Sichuan Army's new recruits, he might not have had the opportunity to say this today.

The legendary "beyond shooting" appeared, and the seemingly useless pit and the smoke rising all over the mountain could naturally be explained.

It was a foregone conclusion that Tang Dao and his new recruits were no longer weaklings or brainless. The Major General was a straightforward native of Shaanxi Province. He knew he was wrong and would never cover it up just because he was a general, but he was still a little unconvinced while apologizing.

If his infantry brigade had so many heavy machine guns and mortars, he might have been able to do this kind of trick.

"Brigade Commander Hu, you are being too polite. If it weren't for the brothers in your unit risking their lives in the front, my new recruits would not have had the opportunity to have 90 heavy machine guns, let alone 900 heavy machine guns!" Tang Dao still had a great liking for the Major General who was determined enough to fight, so he was naturally very polite.

"90" The Major General didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

At that time, the German-equipped reorganized division was considered the most elite unit in China. The firepower configuration of 6 heavy machine guns in an infantry battalion and 18 heavy machine guns in a regiment was enough to make other friendly forces drool.

The 46th Army is also considered a central army, with a slightly weaker firepower configuration. One infantry battalion is equipped with 5 heavy machine guns, and his infantry brigade has a total of 30, and the entire 26th Division has 72. In the 10th War Zone, it is already the main force among the main forces and the elite among the elite. Otherwise, it would not be able to garrison in Tongguan, a gateway-level defense zone.

But Tang Dao asked for 90 guns, which is more than the entire 26th Division. It's really annoying to compare people.

Originally, this number sounded a bit boastful at first, but Tang Dao's eyes were extremely sincere, especially since Tang Dao's words were based on the affirmation of his own infantry brigade first, and it was difficult for the major general brigade commander to feel dissatisfied.

Only envy!

"Hehe! Brigade Commander Hu, the origin of these 90 heavy machine guns is needless to mention, but you don't need to envy them.

When my new recruits arrive at the Second War Zone one day, they will be disbanded and incorporated into the various units of the war zone, and these equipment will naturally disappear.

What's more distressing is that once there is any war damage, Tang will have to work hard to make up some excuses for my war zone commander. Whenever I think of this, Tang is also very sad!" Tang Dao smiled and asked the major general brigade commander to sit down.

It's called sitting down, but in fact, it's just two wooden stakes placed under a huge rock by Tang Dao as a temporary regiment headquarters. There are still many fresh burrs on them. If the military uniform is not strong, it is very likely to pierce the buttocks.

In normal times, the major general brigade commander with enough field combat experience would rather find a cold stone to sit on than sit on such a dangerous thing, but at this moment, the major general brigade commander, who suddenly had some imagination because of Tang Dao's joke, seemed to have completely ignored these.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Tang, why bother to make up excuses? You report the war damage, and the three-level chief officers of the army, division, and brigade of the Tongguan Defense Zone will sign and testify for you." The Major General Brigadier General, who came to his senses, looked "righteous".

"For example, today we repelled the Japanese army's strong attack with at least 5,000 troops. Because the Japanese army used 280MM heavy artillery and 150MM heavy artillery to bombard for a whole day, my division and your troops braved the Japanese artillery fire and fought back bravely to repel them. Your troops lost 40 heavy machine guns, no, 50, and the soldiers of my defense zone saw it."

If Tang Dao hadn't known that this new recruit regiment was equipped with 90 heavy machine guns just now, he would have almost believed the "nonsense" he said with a righteous face. It can be seen that this kind of false reporting of war damage is definitely not the first time that this brigade commander has done it.

Otherwise, how could he be so careless and take it for granted?

But, he is smart enough!

Just like writing an article, Tang Dao only wrote a prologue, but this smart man wrote the story for you and even took care of the ending.

Everyone has desires, some for money, some for sex, and some for fame, and human nature has always been three-dimensional and multifaceted. No one can survive with only one side.

Even Tang Dao himself has his own dark side. For example, he wanted to have sex with his fiancée before getting married. Although he never succeeded, it was obviously not his strong willpower that stopped him, but a certain "old artist" who had been squatting in the Four Lines Group and refused to leave, which made his future son-in-law always feel that there was a pair of eyes staring at him. He had a lot of evil intentions but was not brave enough.

Especially in such an extraordinary period, Tang Dao could not raise the moral standards of everyone to the same level.

Just like he could tolerate old gamblers like Lao Suanpan opening odds in the army in his spare time, and tolerate some Sichuan soldiers smoking opium, which was indeed a bad habit that would be changed sooner or later, but Tang Dao did not completely kill them with one stick.

Because he needed to unite all the people who could be united, and he needed the Chinese who would fight the Japanese army to the end! You can't want his present, but erase all his past.

The same is true for this major general brigadier with a "glorious" past.

"That's fine, Brigade Commander Hu. We are brothers who have fought side by side. Let's be frank. Just tell me what I need to pay!" Tang Dao smiled.

"20 heavy machine guns and 100,000 rounds of ammunition!" The brigade commander's eyes were shining at that moment.

"This" Tang Dao hesitated slightly.

"Deputy Chief of Staff Tang, please rest assured that these heavy machine guns will be equipped with my 26th Division. During this period, due to the fierce artillery fire of the Japanese army, my division has lost at least half of its heavy weapons. The military supply promised by the theater command has not yet been fully in place." Seeing Tang Dao's attitude, the brigade commander explained almost humbly.

"If it is really difficult, half of the amount I said is also acceptable." The flames in the brigade commander's eyes gradually extinguished, and his voice became weak.

There is no way. A penny can make a hero fall. If you want to beg for alms from others, even if you are as noble as a major general of the army, you have to bow your head in front of Tang Dao, an army colonel who is one level lower.

But obviously, he misunderstood Tang Dao's hesitation.

"I can give your army 30 heavy machine guns and 150,000 rounds of ammunition!"

"A gentleman's word is as good as a promise!" Tang Dao's words were like the sound of nature, and the major general brigade commander jumped up from the wooden stake and looked at Tang Dao with surprise and joy, fearing that Tang Dao would go back on his word.

"Tang never tells a lie!" Tang Dao smiled brightly.

"However, in addition to the help promised by Brigade Commander Hu, I also want to ask Brigade Commander Hu for a few more people!"

"You tell me, don't talk about a few people, just for these 30 heavy machine guns, even if I ask Hu to bring you a basin of water to wash your feet, I will accept it." The major general brigade commander was so excited that he almost said the words of offering himself to the bed.

"I want a guard platoon brother who is the most proficient in water in your brigade's guard battalion and a demolition squad to be temporarily assigned to me. In addition, I need Brigade Commander Hu to help me find two fishermen who are familiar with the terrain and three sheepskin rafts who have escaped from Fenglingdu Town on the opposite side."

"That's no problem!" The Major General Brigadier General naturally agreed without hesitation when he heard this request.

It's just temporary under Tang Dao's command, not permanently assigned to him. Besides, as the deputy chief of staff of the defense zone, it's normal for Tang Dao to give him a guard platoon for protection.

"I will allocate personnel and supplies for you tomorrow morning!"

"That's too late. I want all personnel and supplies in place before 11 o'clock." Tang Dao shook his head and pointed to the opposite side. "Today, the Japanese heavy artillery fired very happily, and the white smoke was visible for ten miles. So tonight I will make him not only smoke but also catch fire."

"What do you mean?" The Major General Brigadier General was stunned.

"They say that a dark and windy night is the best time to kill people. I think today's weather is quite suitable!"

Tang Dao's bright smile remained unchanged, but the murderous aura in his eyes was even colder than the mountain wind in December.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish all book friends a happy holiday and a family reunion!

Feng Yue also went back to spend the holiday with her parents today, and took them out for a walk. It was just that Xiangyang had been raining all the time, so they couldn't go anywhere else. They went to the mall to buy her mother a coat that she had long been eyeing. The old lady was so happy that she kept introducing him to the waitress as her son, and that he was accompanying her to the mall. She was just about to say "this is my baby". Feng Yue smiled calmly at the waitress in her 30s! ()

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