Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1232 Head-on attack

The Sichuan Army Recruit Corps has 90 heavy machine guns. Even if 30 were given to the 28th Division, there would still be 60 left!

According to the previous military order of Tang Tuanzuo, only half of the heavy machine gun firepower points on the defensive positions were allowed to be exposed, so basically the 50 heavy machine guns of the 28th Division were suppressing the fire.

The 60 specially reinforced heavy machine gun firepower points 800 meters away from the river bank have always been in a hidden state.

Not to mention, all the 82 mortar squads of the Sichuan Army Recruit Corps are still on standby in the tunnel.

When three red flares rose into the sky, it meant that the firepower of the entire army was no longer reserved and was fully output.

What was the surging artillery fire of the Japanese army? Not to mention that there were only 20 mountain cannons, even if 150MM heavy artillery attacked, heavy machine guns had to participate in the battle.

Because at this time, it was a face-to-face fight, but it was just a matter of seeing who could not hold on first.

It was just a death in exchange for death.

After 20 days of baptism of fire, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army Recruit Corps are no longer the kind of recruits who wet their pants when they heard the explosion of artillery shells when they first arrived in Tongguan. Although they are not strong enough to fight the Japanese with bayonets with rifles, they can still set up heavy machine guns in fortifications and shoot bullets at hundreds of meters away.

So, when more than 2,000 Japanese infantrymen shouted "board" frantically, their two short legs were full of strength and ran forward, holding the Type 38 rifles tightly in their hands, and they were about to rush into the trenches and fight the Chinese in a hand-to-hand fight in a dozen seconds.

The battlefield shrouded in gunpowder suddenly bloomed with dazzling stars.

That was the muzzle brilliance of more than 100 heavy machine guns due to long continuous firing. At first glance, it looked like twinkling stars from a distance on this gloomy afternoon.

That was definitely a fatal brilliance.

According to the firing rate of the 24 heavy machine guns of the Republic of China at 750 rounds per minute, in just five seconds, a heavy machine gun can spit out 60 bullets, and 100 heavy machine guns can spit out 6,000 bullets. If we add the more than 100 light machine guns that are desperately firing on the front line, in just a few seconds, nearly 10,000 bullets are flying across the battlefield thousands of meters wide.

If the Japanese army entering the charge state is like a huge wave rising in the sea, then this wave of bullets is like a hard reef formed over tens of millions of years, which hits the oncoming huge waves into a sky full of water.

Under this sudden attack, countless Japanese soldiers were splashed with blood and staggered to fall.

Xiaoxi Hayami, who had been observing the battlefield with a telescope, had his pupils shrank fiercely, and his fingers almost squeezed the telescope in his hand out of shape.

Although he didn't say anything, it was obvious that the sudden emergence of so many heavy machine gun fire points by the Chinese dealt a heavy blow to the highest commander of the Japanese front line.

He knew very well that under such terrible firepower, even if the more than 2,000 people here really rushed to the front-line trenches of the Chinese, the casualties would far exceed the bottom line he could bear.

But at this time, the arrow had been shot and there was no turning back. If he ordered to stop the charge, hundreds of soldiers would have died in vain.

If he didn't want to lose in vain, he had to continue. He still had enough confidence in the tactical execution of his subordinates.

However, the Chinese people's forbearance was beyond his imagination.

Dozens of mortar shells whizzed down from the sky and hit the Japanese army's charge path fiercely. Shrapnel and air waves ran rampant on the battlefield.

The figures of nearly a hundred Japanese infantrymen disappeared in this artillery fire that was not very accurate but full of lethality.

China's more terrible weapon of mass destruction made a brilliant appearance!

Xiaoxi Zaojian's face turned pale instantly, but he still said nothing.

Like the Chinese soldiers, he knew that the two sides were fighting for their lives now. Whoever could bear more casualties would win.

The bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army is unparalleled in the world!

This is also the last insistence of the Japanese Army Colonel who insisted on not retreating despite the fierce firepower of the Chinese side.

His subordinates did not disappoint his expectations. In just seven or eight seconds, at least 500 of the more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers fell, but there were still more than 1,500 who continued to run wildly forward.

From this point of view, the Third Division is indeed worthy of being the only Type A division in Japan that participated in the entire process of the invasion of China. Its fighting will is so strong that its opponents can't help but want to give a thumbs up.

Seeing that the Japanese army's front was about to approach the area less than 40 meters away from the trench, that was the bombing area of ​​the Japanese melon grenade. Once the Japanese army rushed in here to bomb, although it was not a disaster for the Chinese soldiers in the trench, the damage caused by the grenade and the smoke cover would greatly reduce the effectiveness of the counterattack of the infantry in the trench.

In less than five seconds, the running Japanese army would arrive, and the brutal hand-to-hand combat was inevitable.

Not to mention that the ordinary soldiers looked pale due to extreme nervousness, even veterans like Lu Sanjiang looked so gloomy that they were almost ugly. His roar in the trenches even overwhelmed the fierce gunfire: "Hold on, all of you, put on your bayonets, get into the trenches as soon as the charge is sounded, no matter if you are accurate or not, shoot empty bullets at any Japanese you can see, then rush forward and stab people until you are dead, use your knives, your fists, and your teeth to kill the bastards."

"Fight the bastards!" This was the final order that the grassroots commanders of the companies and platoons in the front-line trenches roared to their officers and soldiers.

As the Japanese army began to drop bombs, clouds of smoke rose up beside and inside the Chinese trenches, and the Japanese army's "boarding" cheers for themselves resounded again on the battlefield.

The short-legged but strong Japanese army began to charge the last 40 meters, and the ferocious eyes under the helmets were clearly visible even with the thick smoke.

The most brutal hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield was about to start.

However, the Chinese soldiers, who had made all preparations and were so nervous that they couldn't help but tremble slightly, still didn't wait for the loud charge trumpet that should have resounded throughout the battlefield.

The Japanese army's screams resounded throughout the venue.

More than half of the Japanese army stopped in great pain, less than 30 meters in front of the Chinese trenches!

"Haha! Who said my arrangement was useless? Isn't it coming?" Seeing the sudden collapse of the charging Japanese army, the major general brigade commander on the ground more than a thousand meters high couldn't help but applaud.

Tang Dao couldn't help but smile.

Don't mention it, this guy's folk method is really useful, he has learned it.

The place had been ravaged by heavy artillery and mountain artillery, and the entire battlefield was covered with yellow soil that was shattered into powder by the energy of the shells. The Japanese soldiers stepped on it and the dust could cover their ankles.

If you don't mind the dirt, it feels pretty good.

But what can stop them is obviously not this almost soft ground, but something covered by dust.

Iron caltrops, a special tool used to prevent cavalry charges in ancient wars, no matter how the triangular iron nails are attacked by external forces, there is always a sharp thorn facing the sky.

It is a 5-centimeter steel thorn. Not to mention that the soles of the Japanese cowhide boots are inlaid with iron sheets, even if they are laid with steel plates, they can't stop the reaction force generated by their running so wildly.

Whenever they step on it, the 5-centimeter steel thorns can easily pierce the soles of the cowhide boots and penetrate the feet. The wounded can even touch the bloody thorn tips, which are definitely made of good steel.

In the 40-meter area in front of the entire front-line trench, Brigade Commander Hu ordered his men to drop nearly 10,000 of these specially customized things at his request a month ago.

Unlike Dong Zhao, who was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, Brigade Commander Hu was born in the grass and was even a green forest hero when he was young. His tricks were also varied!

Unlike other brigade and regiment commanders who desperately asked the division headquarters for various guns and ammunition, he exchanged 300 anti-infantry mines for this almost primitive thing before entering the defensive position.

This thing has no technical content, at most it consumes some steel, and the Tenth War Zone Command naturally gave priority to meeting this person's needs.

However, before the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack on the position, this simple little thing made the regiment and battalion commanders under his command quite complain.

The reason was that the Japanese army's continuous bombardment caused this thing that they dropped to become the culprit of the Japanese artillery fire. Once it was blown away by the artillery fire, the caltrops didn't care whether they were named "China" or not. The 5-centimeter-long steel spikes were so scary that they would be scratched and killed.

In other words, Brigade Commander Hu was able to suppress it with enough prestige, otherwise the dozens of casualties caused by the caltrops blown away by the artillery fire would be enough for him to face the officers and soldiers of the entire brigade.

Not only was he not discouraged, but he kept replenishing it, and even threw this thing almost in front of the position that was thousands of meters wide and tens of meters deep.

It is said that just to produce the primitive weapons needed by Brigade Commander Hu, the small steel mill in Chang'an consumed 10 tons of steel. In the end, even the steel rails blown up by the Japanese army were recycled to make this thing. For this reason, General Fan came forward to the theater command to guarantee that he would never let down the commanders of the command.

Even the soldiers of the 28th Division had to carefully pass through that area if they wanted to go fishing or wash clothes in the Yellow River during the intervals of the battle. However, it took a minute to walk a depth of more than 30 meters.

Although the thing was simple, the soldiers had experimented with it when they were bored. Stones would spark when hit, and wood could be used as nails to pierce a piece of meat. It didn't take much effort, but no one was willing to taste the ferocity of this thing for the Japanese.

So, under the passionate charge of the Japanese army, the primitive anti-charge iron caltrops array that Brigade Commander Hu Da had persistently replenished in front of the front-line trenches finally took effect.

The faster you run and the bigger your steps, the more likely you are to not pull your balls, but the chance of your feet being pierced is as high as 60%.

There are tough guys who can stand up even after being shot, and with tenacious willpower, they can empty the last bullet in their guns before falling down. This is not only a sublimation creation of future film and television dramas to show the heroic and fearless spirit of their own soldiers, but also has happened in actual battles;

There are also tough guys who still fight after breaking a leg and losing an arm, just like the "Heavenly and Earthly" combination born in the Four-Line Group, the blind and the lame duo insisted on fighting until the reinforcements arrived;

But there has never been a person who still runs fast with an iron thorn in his foot, because the pain level that increases with the movement is really beyond the limit that the human brain nerves can bear.

And if they stop on such a battlefield, no matter whether it is Amaterasu or God, at this moment, they can't protect the Japanese infantry who choose to stop because of extreme pain.

The number of Japanese soldiers who can continue to charge is instantly reduced by half, and what's more deadly is that the Japanese soldiers who haven't stepped on the caltrops at this time are also panicked when they see their companions stop in pain.

Just because you haven’t stepped on it now doesn’t mean you won’t step on it in the future. God knows how many of these things the Chinese have dropped in front of their positions?

Damn artillery, who said that clearing the field only requires clearing the barbed wire in front of the Chinese position? The iron nails buried in the soil can hurt people even if they don’t kill them!

The key is that the feet are injured, which makes it impossible to move!

The speed of the Japanese infantry charge dropped sharply!

But they obviously forgot that they were located in an area less than 20 meters away from the enemy’s trench, which was also the area closest to death.

"Throw bombs!" The Chinese commanders at all levels on the battlefield were also veterans of the battlefield. When they saw that the strange triangular iron nails made by their superiors worked, they immediately roared and ordered.

"Take advantage of your illness to kill you", this sentence of the Chinese ancestors has influenced generations of Chinese people, and it has penetrated into the bones of the Chinese people.

Countless wooden-handled grenades were thrown out from the trenches!

There were 15 infantry companies deployed on the Chinese front-line trenches, with a strength of more than an infantry regiment.

The Chinese soldiers, who were so nervous that their bodies were almost stiff under the shining bayonets within reach of the Japanese army, might not be as strong as the Japanese 3rd Division, but the potential they showed in the crisis was still amazing.

In just 10 seconds, more than 2,000 soldiers threw more than 3,000 grenades at the front of their trenches under the sound of orders.

That density, even if the battle line is long enough, can reach one grenade every two meters on average!

Shrapnel and air waves were everywhere, and Japanese infantrymen were blown away everywhere, with arms and legs flying around, like the end of the world!

The Japanese soldiers fell to the ground one after another!

Whether they were alive or dead.

The dead no longer mattered what posture, and the living had to try their best to keep their bodies close to the ground to reduce the area that might be hit by shrapnel and air waves.

However, the ground was not only covered with dust, but also with countless invisible caltrops. The area of ​​the soles of the feet alone could be hit, not to mention the sturdy human body!

According to probability theory, the chance of being unlucky is higher than 95%.

"Drop bombs! Keep dropping bombs! Blow up the bastards." The shouts of Chinese commanders at all levels made the Japanese infantrymen who were still struggling to make a difficult decision between lying down or not lying down feel terrified.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" More than 2,000 grenades were thrown out of the trenches and exploded.

Limbs and bodies flew everywhere in an instant.

A Sichuan Army recruit soldier was close to the trench, twisting the grenade cover. Before he pulled the string, a warm hand suddenly rested on his shoulder. He was so scared that he impatiently knocked the hand off his shoulder: "Don't get close to me, I'm almost peeing because of you idiot."

As a result, the black hand was really knocked to the ground!

The white bone stump of the half arm was fine, but the clearly visible remaining flesh and tendons were really scary.

The Sichuan Army soldier who turned around and saw this scene felt his crotch hot instantly. He was really scared to pee.

"Fuck you, you immortal boss. Brother Pao never acts like a spoiled brat! I'll let you scare me!" The soldier who was scared to piss his pants did not run away, but stood up madly and threw grenades forward.

His movements were much more relaxed and smoother than before.

This is also a kind of battlefield stress trauma. The original fear of death was extinguished and became indifferent after this scare.

Sichuan people love face. They are already scared to piss their pants. People are so embarrassed. What else is there to be afraid of?

Japanese soldiers: I don't want to scare people! I originally wanted to kill people.

Countless Japanese soldiers wailed in the explosion. No more than one infantry squadron could enter the front of the trench under such firepower.

On such a long front, only less than 200 people could rush to the front of the trench, which looked a bit pitiful.

Because they had to face Chinese soldiers who were 10 times their number.

"Charge, counterattack!" Tang Dao finally ordered.

Xia Dayu quickly fired a green flare.

"Tick-tick!" As the bugler blew the charge, countless Chinese soldiers jumped out of the trenches with guns in hand and rushed towards the sparse Japanese troops.

They couldn't win one-on-one, but an infantry squad or even an infantry platoon had enough courage to deal with two or three Japanese soldiers.

The sparse Japanese soldiers didn't even have the opportunity to extend their long bayonets. The bullets that the Chinese infantrymen tried their best to shoot before the counterattack made the Japanese infantrymen burst into tears.

'Chinese, no martial ethics! ' The Japanese soldier who had just fired a shot was shot and watched a dozen big men rushing over like wolves and tigers and stabbed him through with a few bayonets. The frustration in his heart can be imagined.

"Baga! Order the heavy machine gun squadron to aim at the front of the Chinese position and shoot!" Xiaoxi Zaojian's face had already turned from white to red, and he actually gave a crazy order.

He knew that this attack was a complete failure, his infantry regiment was finished, and he was finished.

But before that, he wanted to drag the Chinese into hell together.

No matter how many imperial officers and soldiers were still alive in front of the position, the 30 heavy machine guns fired recklessly, which would at least take away hundreds of Chinese lives.

"Sir Daisaku, the Chinese artillery fire is fierce, and the heavy machine gun positions are being moved!" A major replied to Konishi Hayami stutteringly.

Tang Dao had already foreseen the brutality of the Japanese army. When the Japanese army approached the front of the trench, he had already ordered all mortars to fire at the Japanese heavy machine gun positions farther away. Even if the accuracy was limited, they had to scare them away and could not provide effective fire support to the Japanese infantry.

It was this order that killed Konishi Hayami's last attempt to fight for his life.

Killing the Chinese officers and soldiers who rushed to the front of the trench, they quickly retreated into the trench and continued to throw bombs and shoot at the Japanese infantry who had to stay dozens of meters ahead because of injuries.

The Japanese soldiers who could not move normally could only lie on the ground and barely fight back, and completely lost the hope of attacking the position.

"Retreat!" Finally, a captain-level Japanese officer could not bear it.

The long sound of the hand-cranked alarm sounded on the battlefield.

"Want to run?" Tang Dao's mouth arced with a sneer.

"Order all officers and soldiers in the second-line trenches to enter the trenches, and the whole army can freely hunt down the Japanese fleeing soldiers! Order the 28th Division Artillery Battalion to bombard the area 200 meters in front of our first-line trenches with all its strength! Order the heavy artillery company to suppress the Japanese mountain artillery group with artillery fire!

Order the whole army, fear no sacrifice, and make sure to kill all the Japanese vanguards!"

Tang Dao knew that the Japanese army, which had launched the New Year's Day offensive, would never easily give up this strong attack plan unless they hurt the Japanese army so much that they vomited blood.

And he didn't have much time to continue to waste time with the Japanese army in Tongguan.

The Taihang Mountain battlefield, where nearly 100,000 Japanese troops gathered, was bound to be another bloody battle.

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