Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1240 My goodness, the smell of the Japanese is so pungent!

As the highest commander of the Kunisaki detachment, Major General Kunisaki Zheng, who arrived at Shunwangping on the evening of the 6th, set up his headquarters on this high ground.

Only in this way can he know any unusual movements of the Chinese who may arrive!

For two consecutive days, no Chinese appeared, but Kunisaki Zheng knew that if he wanted to avenge his previous shame, he could only trust the professionalism of the imperial intelligence department and maintain sufficient patience.

The more intense the war in the Zhongtiaoshan theater, the more likely the fish he was waiting for would crash into the net he laid in Shunwangping.

This time, he learned from the Chinese for the first time.

In order to prevent the Chinese scouts from discovering clues, an infantry regiment ambushed on both wings of the valley did not dig trenches at all to avoid destroying the original vegetation. All of them wore camouflage clothes and lurked in the bushes 300 meters away from the valley.

In such a winter, more than 3,000 infantrymen had no hot food supply, and each person was only allowed to walk out of the hiding place and move freely at night.

His main infantry force was all hidden in the primeval forest 1,500 meters away from the ambush point. They also kept silent, and were not allowed to light fires or make any noise.

This resulted in nearly a hundred people suffering from frostbite, colds, fevers and other non-combat casualties in the past two days, but Kuniaki thought it was all worth it.

Now, the fish is about to fall into the net he has laid!

"Where is the Four-Line Regiment?" Kuniaki suppressed his excitement and asked the Major Staff Officer who arrived calmly.

"The scouts report, they are here!" The Major Staff Officer opened the map he carried with him and pointed to a place on the map.

"Why are they here?" Kuniaki was also stunned.

In the past two days, what the Kuniaki Detachment has done is not just lurking and waiting. Kuniaki has sent more than 300 scouts to the mountainous area.

In addition to the scouts sent to the Taihang Mountains to find the Four-Line Regiment as soon as possible, the rest of the scouts are responsible for scouting the terrain and providing the most accurate geographical information for Kuniaki.

First, it was convenient to pursue the defeated soldiers of the Four-line Regiment. Second, Kunisaki, who had suffered a great loss in the Guangde Mountain area, had grown cautious and could not trust the map completely, especially the map seized from the Chinese. He needed to conduct a field survey to understand the surrounding terrain.

Of course, he knew the place pointed out by the Major Staff. The location on the map was called Heilongtan, about 8 miles away from Shunwangping. There was a village nearby called Hexi Village. A tributary river from the Shunwangping River Valley just passed in front of the village.

But this was also the road he thought the Chinese were least likely to take, because the water source of that river came from an underground river, and there would be no problem of drought in winter. The water volume was still abundant. The river was not deep, but it was waist-deep, and the water surface was more than 40 meters wide.

It was definitely not a good choice for an army of thousands of people to cross the river there in such a cold winter.

On the other side of Heilongtan, there were peaks and cliffs everywhere, and the mountain road was even more rugged and slippery. If you were not careful, you would fall into the abyss.

The Chinese are really crazy. For safety, they take unusual routes.

"Order the scouts to explore again and notify the 11th Regiment to keep silent. Before the Chinese enter the encirclement, anyone who makes any unusual movements will be subject to military law. All members of the 41st Regiment are on standby!" Kuniaki took a deep breath and issued a military order.

"Hi!" The major staff nodded heavily and turned away.

Shunwangping fell into a dead silence. The only thing that could be heard was the occasional chirping of birds looking for food in the pine forest.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Black Dragon Pond!

"Sir, our marching speed is too slow. Since arriving at Wangwu Mountain, our marching speed has dropped to 40 miles a day. By the time we arrive at the Zhongtiao Mountain theater, the daylily may be cold, and the regiment commander is still waiting for us!" Shi Hao, the company commander of the 4th Company of the 4th Battalion, took advantage of the rest of the army and ran to the battalion headquarters to complain to Shangguan Yun.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, just say it directly. Don't bring up the marching speed. This marching speed is what we have discussed in the meeting, and we have also reported it to the regiment commander and obtained approval." Shangguan Yun, who was looking down at the map in deep thought, glanced at his capable subordinate and pointed out his little thoughts directly.

"Sir, you still understand me. I feel a little uncomfortable!" Shi Hao is also a straightforward person. Seeing Shangguan Yun said so, he did not hide it.

"In terms of military merit, although our 4th Battalion is newly established, we have fought bravely and majestically in the battle of Qingshiyan, and did not embarrass our brothers in the old 524th Regiment. In terms of seniority, you were Leng Feng's superior. Even in terms of military rank, you are higher than Leng Feng, but in the end Leng Feng is still the first commander of our battalions. What do you think the regiment commander thinks? I really can't figure it out."

Shangguan Yun's eyes became deep, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing that his old boss didn't say anything, Shi Hao boldly continued: "I think"

"What do you think? Shut up. If you say something similar again, don't blame me for not talking about brotherhood and putting you in solitary confinement!" Shangguan Yun suddenly growled.

"You idiot, don't you see what time it is? This is the time for us to fight for our lives with the Japanese, not the time to see who is stronger and more powerful when we are idle." Shangguan Yun's fair face was slightly red because of anger.

"I know your unimproving thoughts, but you think that Leng Feng was just a small platoon leader before, and suddenly he climbed above us company commanders, especially when he issued military orders to us, I felt a little embarrassed.

But you don't think about it, the regiment commander was just a squad leader before! You and I are his old superiors.

But he can not only lead more than a hundred soldiers to fight against thousands of Japanese troops in Sihang Warehouse, but also fight his way into Songjiang where he is almost certain to die. He can also lead only a thousand people to fight out of Guangde and escape thousands of miles away and develop and expand the troops. This is ability.

The Tao Te Ching said: Good talents are used well, and capable people live in troubled times!

Whether it is the regiment commander or Leng Feng, they have more experience in fighting against Japan than you and me. The regiment commander chose Leng Feng as the first commander of our battalions, and there is naturally a reason for him.

Since you and I have chosen to come to Taihang Mountain, we are ready to sacrifice for the country and the people. We can give up our lives, and what is the value of face. I reiterate that I can ignore your words once, but there will be no next time if you still regard me as a superior or a brother. ”

After venting his emotions angrily, Shangguan Yun saw that his old brother bowed his head and kept silent, and his tone gradually slowed down: "Shitou, even if you are still dissatisfied now, think about the fact that the regiment commander risked his life alone to arrive in Songhu to rescue us from the tiger's den. If it weren't for the regiment commander's consideration of comrades, you and I would not have the opportunity to lead the army to fight against the Japanese invaders on the battlefield. I'm afraid we would still be looking for food for our brothers in the abandoned military camp, worrying about it and unable to sleep. "

"Of course I, Shi Hao, will never forget the regiment commander's kindness, but I still can't understand it. It can't be so unfair." Shi Hao is as stubborn as his last name.

"I can't understand it, that's fine"

Shangguan Yun's eyes widened, and before he could finish, he saw his orderly running over breathlessly: "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander Leng asked you and several company commanders to go over, saying that there is important military information!"

……… ... "After listening to Leng Feng's solemn military situation, even Shangguan Yun, who had seen big scenes, was shocked.

Instantly, he reacted: "Are these Japanese waiting for us?"

"Yes, someone at the theater headquarters leaked the secret!" Leng Feng's face became colder.

The two infantry battalions and auxiliary troops of the Sihang Regiment set out from Taihang to Zhongtiao Mountain. They only reported to the 80th Army and the theater headquarters. The 80th Army headquarters is trustworthy, so the problem can only be with the Second Theater Command.

"Damn it, the most in short supply in this world is dog traitors! When I go back, I will definitely go to the theater headquarters to find the dog and kill him with my own hands." Shi Hao couldn't help but cursed.

"Come on! Since the little devils know that we are coming, they must arrange tens of thousands of people properly? Whether we can get through this gate of hell is still to be said.

The matter of killing dog traitors! There is a 60% to 70% chance that it will be left to the commander of the regiment! "Li Jiujin was picking his ears while 'taunting' his old comrade.

"Old Li, are you going to boost the morale of the Japanese and destroy your own prestige?" Shi Hao's face darkened.

"Hehe! My Captain Shi, our battalion commander has a saying: Only if you are not afraid of death can you survive! I am ready to die. If I die, I die. But if I survive, I will make a fortune and it is worth celebrating! "Li Jiujin laughed.

The old soldier was a super smart man. How could he not see that since the regiment commander ordered Leng Feng to be the first commander of the main force a few days ago, several company commanders of the 4th Battalion were a little unhappy. Shi Hao, who was the most straightforward, even showed his dissatisfaction on his face several times.

He was just a squad leader before, and he didn't have a deep relationship with these company commanders, so he didn't need to get involved at all. But for the sake of old comrades, he still wanted to remind him that the current 4th Regiment was not the former 524th Regiment, and Leng Feng was not the former platoon leader. Leng Feng had already become a commander who could be trusted in a year of war.

Shi Hao was choked by Li Jiujin's words and didn't know what to say. Shangguan Yun glanced at Li Jiujin quietly, and finally knew why Tang Dao promoted the most famous old soldier in the battalion to be the company commander. This was enough to make him angry.

"Captain Jiujin, now we are discussing how to deal with the enemy, not listening to your nonsense. "Leng Feng stood up with a cold face. "Hammer and Guaiguai can only tell us that there are Japanese, but they can't tell us exactly how many enemy troops there are and their exact location. We have to wait for the information sent back by Shen Laoliu."

"What? "The officers of the Fourth Battalion, led by Shangguan Yun, were petrified.

They knew that Hammer and Guaiguai were the famous mascots of the Fourth Battalion. A dog that was too strong and a wild boar that was sleek and slick looked very powerful.

Occasionally, they would stroll to the 4th Battalion's base, and soldiers who were familiar with them would feed them with their own food. But for the regular soldiers of the 524th Regiment who had just come from Songhu, such as Shangguan Yun, they were just two pets. Even beasts like tigers and leopards could not defeat bullets on the battlefield, right?

As a result, Leng Feng called a meeting of all company commanders because the two pets had so-called discovered the enemy. Could they speak or something? Isn't this a bit too much of a joke?

"This is the tin can that Guaiguai brought back. There are fish bones discarded by the Japanese army in it. Judging from its freshness, it should have been eaten in the past two days." Leng Feng turned around and took out a Japanese tin can.

"Then could this be abandoned by a small Japanese patrol? "Shi Hao retorted subconsciously.

"Guaiguai and Hammer are not pets, they are our comrades who fought with us. Their perception of danger is far better than ours. After they returned, they kept running in the queue, even from the beginning to the end!" Leng Feng shook his head and answered affirmatively.

"They must have discovered a large number of Japanese troops, otherwise they would never be so anxious."

Tang Dao has always focused on reconnaissance. Leng Feng, who has been under his command for a long time, is naturally of the same lineage. The reconnaissance company that follows the main force is at least 5 miles ahead of the main force.

Hammer and Guaiguai are also used to being wild. The mountains and forests are like their homes. They usually come back at sunrise and late at night. Most of the time, they are "not empty-handed" and can bring back wild animals such as pheasants and rabbits. Knowing that these two guys are extremely vigilant and combative, Leng Feng does not restrict them too much.

Until less than 4 o'clock this afternoon, a pig and a dog actually brought back a tin can, and kept reminding Leng Feng with extremely anxious running. Leng Feng knew that the reminder sent to him by Tang Tuanzuo in a secret telegram was really coming.

"Japanese spies are rampant, so be careful during the march!" Tang Dao's secret message was simple and clear, but it had already expressed his concerns about the so-called top-secret march.

That is, Hammer and Guaiguai could not speak, and could only predict the enemy situation, but could not tell the specific location of the Japanese invaders.

What Leng Feng didn't know was that Hammer and Guaiguai could quietly bring back tin cans to predict the enemy situation, but in fact, it was thanks to Kunisaki Zheng who ordered the entire army to remain silent in order to ensure the secrecy of the encirclement.

Guaiguai has been like taking "slimming hormone" for the past six months. He weighs at least 200 kilograms at the age of one. He is definitely a big wild boar. In this forest, he is the best prey for hunters.

At that time, Hammer went to chase a fox, and this guy was not particularly interested in eating meat recently, but fell in love with eating fish, so a big wild boar ran down the mountain and arrived at the riverside at the front of the valley.

I don't know how many Japanese soldiers were salivating when they saw this fat wild boar "looking in the mirror" by the river. It's a pity that the whole army was silent and no one dared to shoot it, otherwise the fat meat of Guaiguai would be enough for a Japanese infantry squadron to eat.

Then, Guaiguai, who tried to step on the fish with a few big pig trotters but failed, finally smelled the taste of hatred in his memory.

However, the smell was too strong for the pig's nose. Guaiguai's brain was better than many stupid people. He carefully got into the grass in the valley, found a tin can, put it in his mouth and ran away, and didn't forget to greet the big brother Hammer who was still in the primeval forest.

Neither of them was a tough guy. If there was a lone enemy, they could quietly go up and give him a "mouth cannon", but once there were many enemies, it was not to the point of fighting desperately, and the two ran much faster than rabbits.

Major General Kunisaki Zheng may never have thought that his carefully crafted encirclement plan would be ruined by a wild boar. If he knew, he might have ordered to kill all the pigs he saw, and even wild boars in the Wangwu Mountain area could become rare animals.

Unfortunately, there is no if!

Because of the warning of a dog and a pig, the army of more than 4,000 people of the Four-line Regiment stopped at Heilongtan.

"Well! I believe in the judgment of Captain Leng. There is no need to wait for Lieutenant Shen and others to come back. Captain Leng, we must prepare for war with the Japanese army now. The terrain here in Heilongtan is dangerous. I suggest that we use it as a defensive position to see the strength of the Japanese army first, and then decide the next direction of our army. At the same time, we must send a telegram to the regiment commander to inform him of the current situation of our army." Shangguan Yun stood up and expressed his support for Leng Feng decisively.

Seeing that his battalion commander said so, the four company commanders of the 4th Battalion looked at each other quietly and said nothing more.

As the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion Pang Dahai also nodded in support, the whole army would not advance for the time being, and the tactic of using the Black Dragon Pond area as a defensive position was set.

However, before Shen Laoliu sent back a telegram, the whole army of the Four-Line Regiment did not rush to build trenches in a big way, and the whole army was still temporarily resting on the spot.

But unlike before, the whole army had quietly prepared for battle. While a leading infantry company continued to advance towards Hexi Village, it also sent more than two infantry platoons of scouts to quietly advance towards the mountainous areas on both wings.

One is to expand the area of ​​​​surveillance of the surrounding terrain, and the other is to take the lead in seizing the high ground that can pose a threat to the Black Dragon Pond area.

This made the Japanese scouts hiding on the peak 800 meters away a little confused. Are the Chinese going to camp here? But it doesn't make sense! It's only 3 o'clock. Isn't it said in Chinese: reinforcements are like putting out a fire? The Zhongtiao Mountain dozens of miles ahead is almost on fire. Can you still be so lazy?

But no matter what, the Chinese suddenly stopped leaving, so they had to report to their superiors.

So, the Japanese scouts ran towards Shunwangping several miles away. When Kunisaki Zheng, who was on the top of the mountain with a cold wind and his face almost frozen, received the news, it was almost 5 o'clock.

And an hour ago, Shen Laoliu, who was "forced" to be promoted to the platoon leader of the reconnaissance company, and his scouts had caught two big fish in the mountains.

Two guys wearing tattered cotton jackets and tattered shoes, who looked like local mountain people, muttered a few words in Japanese while urinating passionately. Unfortunately, there was a scout squatting on a big tree not far from them.

There was a Japanese discovery here, and the scout was almost scared to fall off the tree.

From this aspect, Kunisaki Zheng's lurking plan was very successful. The Chinese scouts advancing in the primeval forest did not find the army hidden in it.

So, relying on special communication methods such as bird calls, the scouts directly called over five or six comrades and captured the two unlucky guys alive.

The separate interrogation and forced confession methods taught by Tang Tuanzuo in class allowed the scouts to obtain the desired intelligence in less than half an hour.

The reconnaissance feedback of "The Japanese army is the Kunisaki Detachment of the Fifth Division, and it laid a net in Shunwangping two days ago!" made the Chinese officers led by Leng Feng sweat coldly.

Shi Hao was sweating even more!

If Leng Feng had not asked to reduce the marching speed to 40 miles per day two days ago, I am afraid that everyone would have been surrounded by more than 10,000 Japanese troops at this time.

Then there is really no need to endure the cold anymore. It is good to be able to bare your chest under the fierce artillery fire.

The dead are really not afraid of the cold!

. . . . . . . .

PS: I got drunk yesterday afternoon and slept all afternoon. I was still dizzy when I woke up at night, so I didn’t update yesterday. Sorry!


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