Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1250 The real battle has just begun (Part 1)

The huge explosion in Heilonggou was deafening. Kunisaki Shige, who was 3,000 meters away, heard it clearly. His inquiry telegram was even 30 seconds earlier than Oshima Masayoshi's telegram for help.

Then, Kunisaki Shige, who received Oshima Masayoshi's telegram for help, was at a loss at that moment.

The tragic Major General of the Imperial Japanese Army had no idea what had happened in the past hour.

Didn't the Four-Line Regiment have already agreed to flee in a panic? Why did they suddenly appear and severely injure Oshima Masayoshi, and also surrounded hundreds of people.

What's the matter, are Oshima Masayoshi and his more than 5,000 people all pigs?

Oshima Masayoshi did not report the number of casualties. First, he could not summarize it, and second, he still had some unrealistic fantasies in his heart, even though Oshima Masayoshi had already understood that the record of more than 2,000 imperial officers and soldiers killed in battle was already catching up with the 2nd Mixed Brigade that was completely wiped out or the 39th Brigade that was almost completely wiped out in the Battle of Eastern Shanxi.

After all, both times, China and Japan deployed nearly 200,000 troops to the battlefield at the battle level.

As a result, this time, the Kunisaki Detachment was in an area far away from the main battlefield. A detachment of 10,000 people faced a part of an infantry regiment. Both sides had not actually entered the battlefield, and it could not even be said that they were testing each other, but they had already fought two infantry battalions.

This is like a man and a woman who are in a rage. They chose a good hotel, took a shower and hugged each other, and then some people surrendered.

You say, if this matter gets out, will the face be lost to the grandmother's house?

The only way to save this face is to regain the strength, even if you know that some medicines will be finished if you take too much, you have to bite the bullet and do it.

After Kunisaki reacted, he naturally had the same idea as his subordinates. In addition to a reinforced infantry squadron that was still protecting the brigade headquarters, two fully staffed infantry battalions all quickly moved towards the direction of Hexi Village.

With this, the main infantry forces of the Kunisaki Detachment were all deployed to the battlefield!

Compared with the gradually quiet Black Dragon Valley, the battle in the mountains has entered a white-hot stage. An infantry battalion, with the support of infantry artillery and heavy machine guns, is attacking the two infantry companies headed by Tang Li with all its strength.

For Oshima Masayoshi, if the explosion in Black Dragon Valley was a knife that almost killed him, then the Chinese army on the high ground only a few hundred meters away from him was like a spiked mace that entered from Dingyan. Not only was it painful at the time, but there were also subsequent injuries. Not removing it was simply irresponsible for one's own life.

However, the two infantry companies of the Four-Line Regiment had no intention of escaping. They defended the high ground with the fire support of two howitzers of the artillery company hidden in the mountains near Black Dragon Valley.

They seemed to be the thorns that pierced the flesh of the Japanese army. If you have the ability, come and pull them out.

Because, in Leng Feng's tactical plan, the two infantry companies of Tang Li and his two men who were inserted into Hexi Village were one of the cores of this round of battlefields, and their tactical importance was not inferior to Shi Hao's troops located on the ridge.

Their tactical role was to attract more Japanese troops and become a thorn in the eyes that the Japanese army had to remove.

Using Leng Feng's original words at the pre-war preparation meeting: "The commander of the regiment has already concluded in the post-war summary that in the battle of Qingshiyan, the 4th Battalion should be the first defense of our Four-Line Regiment! Only you can be competent for this task."

The huge explosion in the canyon blasted the Japanese troops, horses and various equipment still in it into slag, basically laying the foundation for the main force of the Four-Line Regiment led by Leng Feng to win a great victory in this surprise attack.

But Leng Feng still felt it was not enough. Since the Fifth Division entered North China, it has been unstoppable all the way, breaking through Xinkou and Yuancheng, sweeping across northern Shanxi, causing great casualties to the Chinese military and civilians. Wherever they passed, the towns were left with only broken walls and ruins, and the villages were on fire, but they were proudly waving swords and guns on the land full of corpses to show their bravery.

If you want to fight, you have to hurt them thoroughly, so that they will be traumatized when they see the Four-Line Regiment, just like the 108th Division.

This time, facing 80,000 Japanese troops forcing Taihang Mountain, the Four-Line Regiment dared to split into two, and that was the credit of the cowards of the 108th Division.

Half a year ago, an infantry battalion of the 108th Division dared to go dozens of miles away from the county town and deep into the mountains to carry out sweeping and destruction of the base area. Now there is no infantry brigade, and they dare not leave the county town 20 miles away at all.

How can a group of cowards who have lost their courage be worthy of the elite Four-Line Regiment to deal with them? Half of the people already think highly of them.

However, these two infantry companies not only have to withstand the heavy siege of the Japanese army, but also suffer from the attack of the Japanese heavy artillery, and casualties are inevitable.

But as Tang Li said when he stood up to receive the military order: "Without sacrifice, there is no victory! Since I entered the Songhu battlefield, I have never planned to live. Living for an extra year and a half is already a great gain. No matter how many devils there are in the Fifth Division, can they be more than those in the Sihang Warehouse?"

If the last-ditch battle at the Sihang Warehouse made these Chinese soldiers like a phoenix reborn from the ashes and no longer afraid of death, then the battle at Qingshiyan three months ago was like a forging machine, making the 4th Battalion, whose spirit and energy had completely transformed, even stronger than steel, not only fearless of death, but also fearless of any opponent.

Of course, the Heilonggou battlefield is distributed in an area of ​​about 5 kilometers in radius, and the fierce fighting is definitely not only in this place.

When the exaggerated explosion in the canyon stunned the Chinese and Japanese soldiers, each avoiding the "human bombs" and countless gravel that were constantly sprayed out by the air wave. Two minutes later, Leng Feng personally led the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment who established the blocking position at the entrance of the valley to wake up from the shock.

Even though the battlefield is still full of dust, the dust blown up by the air wave is like a heavy fog, and you can no longer see the human figure beyond 30 meters. But you have to fight.

"Fight for me, even if you can't see it, you still fight." Leng Feng's roar resounded throughout the venue.

The four MG34 heavy machine guns located 300 meters behind the position roared first, followed by two 7mm Browning heavy machine guns that also fired recklessly. The nine Czech light machine guns equipped by the infantry company also joined the shooting. In addition, more than 200 infantrymen equipped with semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, and single-shot rifles also fired at full force.

There was no clear target, because there was no vision at all, and they all shot at the direction in their memory.

This blocking position at the entrance of the valley is an extremely rare three-dimensional position. Because of the tight time and inability to dig deep trenches, Leng Feng simply set up firepower positions layer by layer according to local conditions.

Three infantry platoons, one infantry platoon occupies one layer, the fire support platoon occupies one layer, and the 7mm heavy machine gun under the command of the artillery company is at the highest position. The height difference between each layer is 30 meters, which just avoids accidental injuries.

Such a position may be slightly worse for defense. If it encounters mountain artillery fire coverage, it will certainly cause heavy casualties, but it is the most suitable for fighting this kind of valley entrance blocking battle.

No matter how the Japanese army hides, the bullets shot from top to bottom and left to right almost cover all angles.

Almost in an instant, the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment poured more than 600 bullets at the more than 400 completely confused Japanese soldiers. If they follow this speed, they can pour more than 30,000 bullets at the Japanese invaders within one minute, which is absolutely a prodigal son-style shooting.

But there is no way. The battlefield now is like being blindfolded. Neither side can see each other at a distance of nearly 300 meters.

Then, the only way to decide the outcome is firepower.

At this time, all tactics are nonsense. Now what they have to do is to pour firepower on the opponent's position regardless of everything until the dust in the sky is blown away by the wind.

Although the number of the world's first general-purpose machine gun is small, 8 250-round ammunition belts are prepared for each machine gun. The ammunition reserve of 2,000 rounds for a machine gun is a logistical support that neither China nor Japan can do in this era.

The 4 MG34s spewing flames can be called the most handsome guys in the first 30 seconds of this battlefield. Even the powerful 7mm heavy machine gun can only be behind them.

This style of suppression based purely on firepower output is definitely a nightmare for this wave of Japanese infantry! The Japanese infantrymen who had just experienced the air wave and various flying human body parts flying over their heads were already trembling and could only cover their heads and huddle on the ground like frightened quails, not daring to move easily.

The Chinese were too vicious. Every Japanese scout who was heartbroken cursed in his heart.

But they cursed too early. The Chinese were more "vicious" than they imagined!

The metal torrent, which was more dangerous than the air wave, was endless.

The bullets that poured like raindrops pressed hundreds of Japanese infantrymen to death in the wilderness with basically no shelter, and there was almost no decent counterattack.

The reason why they didn't have any decent counterattack was that anyone who dared to raise his head and raise his body higher than 20 centimeters lost his life in the rain of bullets.

The dust in the sky rolled up by the air wave covered the eyes of both sides, and all the accuracy had lost its effect. The army of the Four-Line Regiment used firepower to deal with the Japanese army, a completely superior firepower, using a large number of bullets to pile up and kill the enemy in front of them.

A few minutes later, when the mountain wind blew away the dust bit by bit and the smoke was no longer enough to block the view, what appeared in front of the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment was a river of blood.

The dozens of Japanese scouts who were less than a few dozen meters away from the position were naturally dead.

No one could survive this terrifying rain of bullets.

Even if you can instantly turn into a groundhog and dig a hole in the ground to avoid the bullets, more than 100 long-handled grenades thrown from a distance can also take their lives.

Those who are close died, and those who are far away are not much better.

Perhaps, the Japanese soldiers who are farther away hope that they are scouts and can die faster. For them who have been in a state of torment, it is a kind of luck.

If they are just beaten by the Chinese soldiers with firepower far exceeding theirs, they will die, and there is no need to think too much.

However, the dust in the sky rolled up by the air wave provides them with a barrier, and the exaggerated firepower is only diffuse and wafting. For the Japanese soldiers in Taniguchi, the lethality is reduced by at least two-thirds.

In order to avoid the terrible air waves from the valley mouth, the Japanese infantrymen who dug temporary field trenches under the command of the squadron leader basically hid in the small ditches they had just dug on both sides of the valley mouth.

There may be some natural stones as shelters there, but for the number of nearly 300 people, it is really too little.

At the moment when the bullets came, the Japanese infantrymen could only choose to crawl to the ground and try to lie down a little lower.

This is the quality that the elite veterans of the Japanese army should have. In this way, even if there is no shelter, it can be enough for them to avoid the torrent of bullets whizzing past their heads for a moment.

No one can be so accurate as to shoot a person lying on the ground 300 meters away with his body not showing 20 centimeters above the ground in the dark. For the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Regiment who have poor vision and can only rely on memory to shoot at their position, it is completely luck to hit them.

However, the Fourth Regiment is not only equipped with machine guns, rifles and submachine guns!

The reason why they are said to be a waste of firepower is that in addition to the metal torrent of more than 50,000 bullets fired in a few minutes, the 9 60-mm mortars ambushed in the valley 500 meters behind also poured at least 200 shells on both sides of the valley mouth.

Without a target, all the gunners received the order to fire at the two wings of the valley mouth, indiscriminately.

This time, the Japanese army was in trouble. Crawling on the ground can avoid bullets, but there is no way to deal with the shells falling from the sky.

Seeing his companions who were only five meters away and also hugged Mother Earth tightly were blown up several meters high, and then fell down with screams without any sound. Moreover, such stories kept happening. 200 shells almost covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters near the valley entrance.

The Japanese soldiers who were lucky enough not to be hit by the shells had actually forgotten any sadness at that time. They were mainly afraid. No one knew whether they would die in the next moment?

That was all the thoughts that occupied their minds. It was almost like waiting to be shot on the execution ground.

Waiting and witnessing the helpless departure of their companions and comrades one by one, perhaps, in the next second, it would be their turn to be blown to pieces by a mortar shell.

This is an unbearable torment for any normal person, even if he is a battle-hardened soldier. The toughness of nerves cannot resist the fear of death after all.

After several minutes of suffering, the Japanese soldiers who had completely lost their minds and dared to risk their lives, raised their heads, and even heroically held their guns to shoot bullets at the enemy positions to express their resistance to fate were basically shot to death by the flying bullets.

And the Japanese soldiers who no longer crouched and waited to be blown into pieces by the shells falling from the sky, but desperately ran or crawled forward to move to the safest position in their memory, were finally able to survive.

The Japanese soldiers who survived were either extremely lucky, or they occupied a good position at the beginning, which could not only resist bullets, but also had enough cover to block the flying shrapnel.

But this was only two or three out of ten.

In other words, when the dust settled, there were less than a hundred Japanese soldiers who were still alive and fighting back on the entire battlefield, and at most they could only make up two infantry squads.

Of course, even though the situation was so difficult, even though it had just broken, as the famous steel army of the Great Japanese Empire, the Japanese infantry did not try to fight back. They also had seven or eight light machine guns and eight grenade launchers, and they also poured their unyielding and anger on the positions of the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment.

However, the firepower was too weak, and it was also aimless.

There were also unlucky officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment who were hit by shrapnel or stray bullets, and 3 people died on the spot and 18 people were injured.

This loss is not small for the Four-Line Regiment, but it is acceptable. After all, they took away more than 200 Japanese soldiers in a wave in the shooting battle.

Of course, these losses were not caused by the Japanese infantry who were dizzy by the torrent of bullets and fierce artillery shells.

But 3 Type 94 small bean tanks.

The Type 94 tank has very thin armor, with the thickest steel plate being only 10mm. Due to its size, it cannot be equipped with a tank gun, and only has two 7mm heavy machine guns. It is more appropriate to call it an armored vehicle than a tank. It is just a piece of shit on a plain battlefield, but it is a rare weapon of the Japanese army in the mountainous battlefield of Shanxi Province.

The lightweight size allows this armored vehicle, which even the Japanese Army dislikes, to travel on simple mountain roads in the mountains, and it can also provide fire support to the infantry with two 7mm heavy machine guns under the enemy's gunfire and rain of bullets. When the Chinese did not have 37mm anti-tank guns, this small iron lump that can cross mountains and ridges was simply invincible.

This is also the reason why Oshima Masayoshi waved his hand and let four Type 94 light tanks lead the way into the canyon. That is one of the sources of confidence for the imperial officers and soldiers.

In fact, except for a Type 94 tank that was turned over by the huge air wave with its back facing the valley entrance, which was extremely unlucky and became a model of "dying before achieving success", the Type 94 tanks deployed on the left and right wings of the valley entrance did not disappoint the expectations of the imperial officers and soldiers. When the bullets came, they could not penetrate the 10mm front steel plate, even though the steel plate was already pitted by bullets like a hemp face.

Even if the mortar shells exploded two or three meters away, it did not cause any substantial damage. The three tank crew members were safe inside and also protected a group of Japanese soldiers hiding behind the tank.

They did not dare to move. There were friendly troops lying on the ground to avoid the pouring bullets. If they drove a few meters, their tracks would be covered with blood and flesh. They could only hold on and use the two machine guns on the vehicle to shoot at the opposite Four-Line Regiment position.

The 7mm machine gun was extremely powerful. The three soldiers who died in the Four-Line Regiment were all killed by machine gun bullets in the head and chest.

Steel helmets, in the face of such a powerful warhead, also become extremely fragile.

The Japanese army still has two squads left, and these three small vehicles have made great contributions.

However, as the vision became clear, their good days came to an end.

Two 7mm heavy machine guns were targeting them, but at a distance of 500 meters, the Type 94 tanks, which stupidly stayed in place and used their bodies as shields for the infantry, were like the girls standing at the entrance of Dongguan Lane in the future, smiling and waving at you sweetly, just short of saying "Welcome to the machine gunners".

Accompanied by the roar of the machine gun squad sergeant leader "Fuck him", the muzzle of the heavy machine gun was adjusted, and the bullets as thick as thumbs were pressed back into the magazine, and the last reliance of the Japanese army was also gone.

At a distance of 500 meters, even the 20mm side armor of the Type 89 tank was not enough in front of the 7mm heavy machine gun!


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