Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1253 No one understands!

The Battle of Shunwangping, in which China and Japan invested more than 50,000 people, ended around 3 p.m.

As for how far the Kunisaki detachment fought in this battle, even the Japanese army themselves may not be able to stand it.

After the Battle of Nakatōyama, Okuma Konosuke confronted Itagaki Shiro and asked him the exact words of disdain to fight back: "Are you saying that our West Bulge detachment has done nothing in the war zone? Then if you say that Lieutenant General Itagaki's so-called actions are to throw away thousands of imperial officers and soldiers The lives and the sophisticated equipment provided by the people of the empire who scrimped on food and clothing, and the Chinese people on the opposite side were blasting firecrackers as if they were celebrating the New Year in advance. Then, I, Daxiong Yuxinosuke, the West Tuo Detachment and even the entire 4th Division would rather bear this crime, please. His Majesty the Emperor punishes us."

Shiro Itagaki, who had a sinister face, almost sprayed the fat man in front of him with a mouthful of old blood.

This is nothing more than adding salt to the wound. It can be called another stab in the wound.

If there is a ranking in the world of shards, Kunizaki Kusuga, who used the top spies of the Imperial Intelligence Division and squatted in the mountains of China for two days with great ambition, is definitely the leader of the world of shards.

How broken is it?

The Chinese used deceptive tactics to induce Kunizaki to make a wrong judgment and order more than 2,600 people to rush into Heilonggou, causing more than 2,600 imperial officers and soldiers to be loyal to the empire. This is fine.

The 5th Division has more than 40,000 troops and can afford the battle losses of more than 2,000 men!

It didn't matter that the Chinese boldly used roundabout tactics to send out elite infantry to break through the mountain artillery brigade position in one fell swoop and kill a total of 16 Type 41 mountain artillery.

Let’s fight! Who hasn't suffered some losses? If the loss of just personnel and equipment can make the commander lose his fighting spirit, then what is the name of the Congolese Army?

Gangjun’s original intention is ‘Better to break than to bend! Move forward firmly! ’ This is what the 5th Division that entered the Chinese battlefield has always done.

Even though on the Xinkou battlefield, the crazy commander of China's 2nd theater pulled out 10 artillery regiments at one go, and more than 300 large and small caliber artillery gave the 5th division a painful blow, the final winner was still the first. The 5th Division?

However, after suffering a series of blows, the Kunisaki detachment suddenly collapsed.

The retreat was so fast that even the Japanese army themselves could hardly have imagined it, not to mention Leng Feng who was leading his troops to the battlefield in Hexi Village.

You have to say that although Colonel Oshima Masayoshi, who is on the front line, made irreparable mistakes and lost troops, he has recovered from the painful blow and is personally commanding an infantry brigade to besiege the four lines on the left high ground of Hexi Village. Regiment 1, and there are more than a thousand people fighting to seize the high ground regardless of life and death. In addition, reinforcements from two full infantry brigades are about to arrive.

The total combat power of nearly 5,000 was enough to prevent the Japanese troops in the direction of Hexi Village and the Leng Feng Department who had already taken advantage of them from continuing to expand their results.

In other words, at 12 noon, even if the Kunisaki detachment missed a move first, it was not completely defeated. Even if the artillery battalion led by Pang Panghai personally added 6 Bofors Mountain Cannons to the battlefield, it would not be possible to defeat them. defeated.

And if the war goes forward, there is a high probability that the two sides will fight fiercely in this mountainous area until dark. The Four Lines Group will win during the day, but it will also suffer certain losses.

For example, the Tang Li tribe, which was surrounded by the Japanese army, would suffer heavy losses. This was already within Leng Feng's calculations.

After all, if the Japanese army wants to regain its position, the two infantry companies surrounded on the high ground are the best punching bags.

With the arrival of two infantry brigades, 3000VS600, even if there are 6 Bofors Mountain Cannons, 6 150 mortars and several 80mm mortars desperately providing fire support, I am afraid that there are only two infantrymen in simple positions. The company will also lose a third.

But the battlefield situation changes so rapidly!

Using the simplest and most direct method to force 50 Japanese artillerymen to control 6 mountain guns to bombard the Japanese 105 howitzer position, veteran Youzi was actually a little bit guilty.

After all, it was a 105-caliber heavy artillery, and a shell weighed 20 kilograms. When only one shell fell, it turned into a sea of ​​​​fire for hundreds of meters. He was trying to touch the tiger's butt.

But that was his responsibility. If the Japanese artillery position was not contained and the artillery shells fell on the ridge, the losses of the Four Lines Regiment would be even greater.

So, he personally led an infantry platoon to guard the artillery position, using his gun to 'supervise' the Japanese prisoners to fire at the Japanese 105 howitzer position on the captured map coordinates, while the rest of the infantry dragged another 6 mountain guns to hide It is in the mountains and forests 800 meters away from here.

Veteran Youzi's idea at the time was very simple. The Japanese howitzers' retaliation would at best kill him and an infantry platoon. Compared with the 105 howitzers that concentrated fire on other positions, the losses would be much smaller.

Not only that the main forces of the 7th and 8th companies were saved, they might also be able to bring back 6 75mm mountain guns, which would not be a loss no matter what.

Although this algorithm is cruel and can kill an army captain and 80 soldiers in an instant, this is the battlefield. Every calculation as a commander is actually about the consumption of life, even if it involves one's own life. .

After the Japanese 105 howitzer position was bombarded by the "own" artillery position for 10 minutes, they finally reacted. The angry Japanese artillery turned their guns and used the remaining 6 105 howitzers in the general direction of the artillery position. Boom.

In an instant, tens of thousands of square meters of forest turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the entire mountain trembled under the power of the 105 howitzer.

If the Japanese mountain artillery battalion had not chosen a good position, which was located on the reverse slope of the direction where the Japanese 105 howitzer was fired, and there was a small hill to help block the shells, without ten rounds of saturation volleys, it is estimated that everyone on the artillery position would have turned into ashes in the fifth and sixth rounds.

Even so, facing the hot artillery fire at hand, more than 100 Chinese and Japanese soldiers on the position were sweating profusely in the winter, including Li Da, the captain hiding behind a huge rock, who was really scared.

But this did not stop the Japanese prisoners from continuing to fire, because the shells would kill them, but if they did not fire, they would not live to wait for the shells to fall.

The Chinese soldiers holding submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles were simpler and more direct at this moment, "Those who do not execute military orders will be killed!" One is to die immediately, and the other is to die later. Even a fool knows how to choose.

After all, whether the shells will fall on their heads is still a matter of the future.

Besides, the 105 howitzer can kill people, but the 75 mountain artillery can't kill people? A 6-kilogram howitzer can kill people and animals with one shot! If one shot doesn't work, then use more shots.

Anyway, the Japanese artillery prisoners who were desperate to survive were also desperate. Not only did they load the shells twice as fast as before, they even began to adjust the muzzles actively, trying to kill the enemy before the heavy artillery on the opposite side hit them.

It's still the old saying: I'd rather die than die with my friends! Even those colleagues may have eaten together and talked about the splendor of cherry blossoms in their hometown.

Up to this time, everything was still normal, even though the Japanese artillery prisoners were mobilized to take subjective initiative under the huge threat of death.

The next 20 minutes, things started to go off track.

Major General Kunisaki Masaru was almost mad after learning that his mountain artillery battalion was destroyed by the Chinese surprise force.

The news was not even from the Mountain Artillery Battalion, but from the inquiries from the howitzer position, saying that they were attacked by the Imperial Type 41 Mountain Artillery, and through observation, the trajectory of the shells came from the direction of the Mountain Artillery Battalion's position.

Originally, Kunisaki Zheng was a little bit unbelievable, but after repeatedly contacting the Mountain Artillery Battalion by phone and telegram without getting a response, he had to accept the result.

Then, the overly stimulated Major General of the 9th Infantry Brigade of the 5th Division made a jaw-dropping decision.

He wanted to personally lead his troops to recapture the Mountain Artillery Battalion's position and mountain artillery, and completely wipe out the small number of Chinese elites who dared to leave the main force.

First of all, this is a veteran soldier's judgment of the battlefield situation. Since it is a roundabout attack, the troops must not be many. There is no infantry garrison at the mountain artillery battalion at this time. As long as there are more than 100 elite infantry, they will be unable to resist;

Secondly, Major General Kunisaki Masayuki has enough experience in the attack on artillery positions. In the last battle of Mouse Mountain, an artillery position under his command was blown up by the Chinese.

But Kunisaki Masayuki never dreamed that the Chinese would get addicted to this trick and repeat the same trick.

Yes, the Chinese won in the first half, but the Chinese still underestimated his strength.

Although the brigade headquarters no longer has an infantry battalion, it still has a direct protection squadron and nearly 1,500 engineers, baggage soldiers and cavalry.

No matter how strong a group of elite Chinese infantry without heavy firepower cover is, if they are besieged by heavy troops, they will die.

Therefore, despite the desperate obstruction of the brigade chief of staff, Major General Kunisaki Masayuki, who gave him a slap in the face, personally led the three infantry squads of the escort squadron and three temporary infantry squadrons composed of cavalry, baggage soldiers, and engineers, totaling more than 800 people, and set off.

Headed straight for the location of the mountain artillery battalion position 2,000 meters away from the brigade headquarters.

If nothing unexpected happens, this Japanese "miscellaneous soldiers" with a strength of more than 800 people will collide with the two elite infantry companies of the Four-Line Regiment, which will inevitably be a collision like Mars hitting the Earth.

Whether in terms of equipment or soldier quality, the 600-man infantry company of the Four-Line Regiment is definitely more than the 800 Japanese troops, but the Japanese army has its own supreme commander leading the army in person and high morale. In addition, it can call for fire support from 105 howitzers, which also has its own advantages.

The two sides who have not yet figured out the strength of each other may be destined to be a tragic encounter!

Unfortunately, God is playing tricks on people!

The angry Major General Kunisaki Zheng encountered an extremely "clumsy" artillery attack before he even saw the shadow of the Chinese.

The reason why it is called "clumsy" is that this artillery attack was purely led by a group of infantrymen who had never touched a mountain artillery, and was completed by a group of mortar gunners.

The first to discover the Japanese army were the mountain village youths who were eager to make meritorious deeds so as to join the Four-Line Regiment.

Adong took three soldiers from the 4th squad as scouts and lay on the top of the mountain to observe. He unexpectedly found that there were a large number of Japanese troops active in the opposite forest.

An old soldier immediately judged that this group of Japanese light infantry who would rather cross mountains and ridges than take the mountain road were coming for the artillery positions here that were already under heavy fire.

Adong was most familiar with this terrain and ran fast. He quickly passed the old soldier's judgment to Tu Yunsheng and reported it to Qin Wulang, the then deputy company commander of the 8th Company.

Qin Wulang was originally a soldier of Zhao Daqiang. He made great contributions in the Battle of Laojinkeng and was promoted from sergeant squad leader to second lieutenant and became a platoon leader. However, there was no vacancy in Zhao Daqiang's infantry company for the time being, and he could not let this old soldier down. It happened that the Fourth Battalion was expanded into the Fourth Regiment. Faced with the actual position of second lieutenant platoon leader offered by Leng Feng, Zhao Daqiang could not keep him no matter how reluctant he was.

So Qin Wulang came to the 8th Company of the 3rd Battalion as a platoon leader, and after the Battle of Jindong, he was promoted to lieutenant in the army and served as the deputy company commander of the 8th Company, becoming the No. 2 military chief of the 8th Company.

Because the captain of the 8th Company got tuberculosis in mid-December and needed rest due to his weak body, Qin Wulang led the 8th Company to the battle as a deputy company commander.

It was just right, otherwise Li Jiujin could not decide all the tactics for the joint action of the 7th and 8th Companies.

But as Li Jiujin personally led an infantry platoon to stay on the Japanese artillery position, Qin Wulang was the highest commander of the two infantry companies at this time.

When he heard the report from the scouts in front, Qin Wulang instinctively considered how to arrange troops to block this group of Japanese light infantry.

"Deputy Captain Qin, don't we have artillery? The position that Adong said the Japanese devils must pass through is just not far below our area. Let's bombard them first. Even if we miss, we will scare them to death. We can run away when it gets dark." Tu Yunsheng suggested.

Before leaving, Leng Feng also specifically explained to Li Jiujin that they were making a roundabout way to attack important targets. The most important thing is to use the complex terrain in the mountains to move around. It is better to give the Japanese a surprise attack so that they have to withdraw their strength for defense to reduce the pressure on the front position, instead of fighting the Japanese.

So when he heard that the Japanese army was rushing over with thousands of people, Tu Yunsheng's first instinctive thought was to delay, rather than play a head-on decisive battle, although he was not afraid.

"What you said makes sense, but we don't have regular artillery, how can we guarantee that we can hit accurately?" Qin Wulang frowned.

"What's so difficult about this? Just the brothers who are dealing with mortars, many of them are transferred from the artillery battalion. I don't believe that they can't even use mountain artillery. They can't hit the target or miss!" Tu Yunsheng continued to suggest.

"Okay, then gather them all together, take those six mountain artillery, and bombard the Japanese first. How long can we delay!" Qin Wulang thought about it and agreed with the suggestion of the ace infantry squad leader.

At this time, the lieutenant and the sergeant of the army were planning to scare the Japanese and play delaying tactics, and then slip away when they received the new task from the battalion headquarters.

But they never expected that the Japanese army was led by a major general of the army, otherwise they would definitely reconsider the tactics.

After all, a major general is already at his mouth, so why bother to walk around? Just go up and do it. It's a rare opportunity to cut off the head of a general in the midst of thousands of troops.

Fortunately, a group of "poor" artillerymen did not let the big fat meat that was delivered to their mouths run away!

Tu Yunsheng still overestimated his brothers who played with "small cannons".

The operation of mortars and howitzers are two completely different concepts. As long as a mortar is given enough live-fire training, an infantryman can become a qualified mortar gunner in a month, but howitzers and cannons are really technical arms, which require strict learning and sufficient training.

Pang Dahai's artillery battalion had established an artillery school a few months ago. As long as it was not a day of combat and live-fire training, artillery officers were organized to give lectures to fill in various artillery knowledge for the rough guys who were transferred from infantry to artillery.

So, although the artillerymen did not have to risk their lives to rush to the front line like the infantrymen, I don't know how many artillerymen wanted to return to the ranks of front-line infantry. Learning is painful for many people, not to mention a group of rural men who can't even read!

The artillerymen who were used to playing with "small cannons" probably had a buzzing head when they received the military order and looked at these iron lumps.

What they were worried about was not wasting shells by shooting off target, but that they must not hit their own people.

A clever artilleryman came up with an idea. If we can't shoot accurately with parabolic, then we can lower the muzzle and use it as infantry artillery.

At least the direction of the muzzle will not be wrong, and it will never hit our own people.

A group of old six did what they said, and even took the trouble to push and pull the 650-kilogram mountain artillery to the hillside, just to look down from a high place and directly look at the area mentioned by the superiors.

Good guy, I'm afraid these guys are the only ones who used the howitzer as a direct-aiming artillery and shortened the range from thousands of meters to within one thousand meters without any confidence of hitting the target.

But these old six still had a little shame. In order to ensure the hit rate, they simply concentrated their fire, that is, everyone fired together. If the accuracy was not enough, we would make up for the power. Anyway, it was used to scare people.

Six 75-caliber "infantry guns" were lined up in the dense forest, and a mortar squad leader gnashed his teeth and roared almost ferociously, and fired!

As expected, it went off!

Six shells passed over the Japanese infantry who were passing through the valley in groups, and hit the forest on the side.

The violent explosion directly frightened all the Japanese infantry who were still advancing rapidly.

Then, the biggest surprise of the Battle of Shunwangping appeared.

As the commander, although Major General Kunisaki Zheng arrived at the front line in person, this front line was not a direct gun-to-gun front line, and he was still at the back anyway.

At this time, the Japanese Army Major General was hiding in the forest behind with a telescope looking into the distance. Before he could see what was going on, a row of shells came over.

One shell seemed to have eyes, and it hit an area less than 200 meters away from the Japanese Army Major General.

Several Japanese infantrymen were directly blown into flying people in the air.

"Damn it! The Chinese have cannons! Be careful to avoid them!" Kunisaki Masayoshi just cursed in fear.

The sergeant squad leader of the Four-Line Regiment also cursed angrily, "Damn it, the shot missed! Reload, try again!"

Then this round, the shot missed again.

But for the poor Japanese Army Major General, it was disastrous.

The Chinese artillery seemed to be aiming at him, and three consecutive rounds of artillery were fired around him, which really made people feel like they were in heaven.

"Damn it, how did the Chinese know I was here?" The Japanese Army Major General, who was a little scared, wanted to leave this area.

It would be better if he didn't hide, but if he did hide, something would happen.

A row of shells that were completely accidental hit the area less than 10 meters away from the Japanese Army Major General. The shrapnel was like a knife cutting butter, easily cutting through Kunisaki Zheng's fat belly.

The internal organs gushed out of the 20-centimeter-wide wound. The Japanese medical soldiers tried to stuff it back, but they saw their own brigade commander rolling his eyes wildly.

There was no need to wait for any wound infection. The large amount of blood loss in a short period of time had already killed the Japanese Army Major General.

The news of the death of Major General Kunisaki Masayuki made Oshima Masayoshi's mood drop to the freezing point instantly. As the second-in-command of the Kunisaki Detachment at this time, if Oshima Masayoshi could remain calm enough to directly obtain the command of the Kunisaki Detachment, this battle could still continue, but he knew that no matter how hard he tried from then on, he could not avoid the end of going to the military court.

The frustrated Japanese Army Colonel actually chose to transfer the command to the Lieutenant Colonel Chief of Staff who stayed behind in the brigade.

The even more panicked Army Lieutenant Colonel chose to withdraw.

Don't chase the desperate enemy. Leng Feng, who was somewhat puzzled by the Japanese army's operation, chose to be safe and ordered his troops to quickly leave and hide in the mountains.

Before 3 o'clock, the sound of guns and cannons resounding through the mountains and forests fell silent.

The powerful Kunisaki Detachment lost its major general detachment commander, nearly 4,000 imperial officers and soldiers, 16 artillery pieces, and 4 Type 94 tanks in the battle of Shunwangping, and nothing else.

In this battle, Leng Feng's troops lost less than 100 people and suffered more than 200 minor and serious injuries. In terms of casualties, it was only a few tenths of the Japanese side!

Let alone the battlefield in North China, even if we look at the entire Chinese battlefield and even the world, this can be regarded as a bizarre battle.

It seems that the Kunisaki detachment came here for no other reason than to be beaten up!

No one understands!

. . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: I didn't update yesterday because of something else, and today I will send you a 5,600-word chapter!

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