Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1266: Battle of Breaking the Wall (Part 2)

Li Jiujin was not only familiar with "encircle three and leave one" and "encircle a point and attack the reinforcements", but also had his own unique insights on how to deal with Japanese prisoners.

His subordinates could only write their own names in Chinese characters, but they knew Japanese words such as "kneeling down will not kill" and "serving as a formal prisoner" by heart.

The hundreds of artillerymen led by the decisively escaping Japanese artillery battalion leader were stopped by two infantry platoons guarding the hillside with heavy machine guns before they ran far.

Of course, there was no shouting at the beginning. Two flares were hung on the heads of the Japanese fleeing soldiers, and rows of bullets were fired recklessly.

With this firepower, not to mention the artillery with few guns, even the regular infantry could not withstand it. In less than 1 minute, the Japanese artillerymen were shot dead. If there were no idiots, there would be at least idiots.

The Japanese soldiers lying in the grass wisely waved a white flag - a white shirt hanging on a branch.

This routine was not the first time that the two infantry platoons of the Four-Line Regiment had seen it. They immediately shouted in Japanese that the Japanese soldiers who were willing to surrender should kneel down and hold their heads with their hands. Then, they sent more than a dozen soldiers to accept the surrender of the Japanese soldiers with heavy and light machine guns.

There were also some crazy Japanese soldiers who wanted to resist, but whether they were responsible for accepting the surrender or the soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment who were holding guns and responsible for guarding were highly vigilant. Once they found this sign, they immediately opened fire regardless of the consequences. After continuously covering several areas with bullets and killing dozens of Japanese soldiers who tried to resist and suffered from the fish pond, the Japanese army was completely honest.

All the Japanese artillery officers were selected first, and the artillery major from an aristocratic family naturally could not escape. Even if he had a good attitude and kept bowing his head and saying something, he could not avoid being knocked to the ground by the butt of a gun by a Chinese soldier and then searched.

This is also a major feature of Li Jiujin's 7th Company. The Four-Line Regiment Headquarters stipulates that 20% of all captured items should be kept in the company, 30% should be given to the battalion headquarters, and 50% should be given to the regiment headquarters. Li Jiujin had naturally told his subordinates long ago that Japanese officers were all fat sheep, and they had to be stripped clean first, whether dead or alive!

So, the two infantry platoons faithfully carried out Li Laokou's order and searched the poor Japanese artillery major from head to toe. However, considering that his active surrender reduced the difficulty of combat, the soldiers still did not give him a little bit of decency. In addition to taking away his woolen military coat, they did not strip him naked.

This search found a small book. The leading second lieutenant platoon leader flipped through it casually and found a corresponding table of artillery coordinates and numbers. After asking casually, the artillery major originally wanted to use the language barrier to get away with it.

But who are these officers who can become second lieutenants in the Four-Line Regiment? That is not a veteran who has fought through hundreds of battles and fought through the flames of war. If he can't understand Japanese, how can he not understand the Japanese's unique wretched evasive eyes?

Without much nonsense, he waved his hand directly, and a burst of gunfire rang out. Four or five officers standing next to the artillery major fell down in an instant.

Blood splashed on the pale face of the artillery major who was as dumbfounded as a chicken.

"Mr. Major, because you chose to surrender, we indirectly saved a lot of ammunition. We Chinese all pay attention to the saying "It is impolite not to return a favor". I will return this favor to you, so I will give you three chances," the second lieutenant had no expression on his cold face.

"Just now was the first chance, but your answer made me very dissatisfied, so 5 of your friends died.

There are still two chances, I hope you can cherish them. You know, at this time of war, my Four-Line Regiment does not want to waste troops to guard any prisoners."

"Are you the Four-Line Regiment? The Four-Line Regiment in Taihang Mountains?" The artillery major's eyes suddenly widened and looked at the Chinese soldiers who killed people to protest at a disagreement.

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is whether your answer will satisfy me, Major." The second lieutenant did not feel proud at all because the Japanese artillery major was surprised by the number of his unit. He continued to look at the Japanese artillery major with cold eyes.

The reputation of the Four-Line Regiment did not need the Japanese invaders to prove it with emotions such as fear. What the Four-Line Regiment wanted was their lives.

The army second lieutenant had a hunch that as long as he could make this artillery major who was afraid of death obey, he seemed to be able to make a great contribution.

As for whether his threat would come true, it depends on the choice of the Japanese artillery major. As a Songjiang native whose whole village was slaughtered by the Japanese army, the army second lieutenant would not have any psychological burden on the Japanese for anything they did. The only sequelae might be that he would have a big appetite and eat two more steamed buns when it was time to eat.

How important is the intuition of a soldier on the battlefield? This ordinary army second lieutenant proved it with facts.

The Japanese artillery major surrendered and explained the correspondence between the artillery coordinates and the numbers. This was undoubtedly important information that could change the entire battlefield, which meant that the captured mountain artillery group was not just a decoration.

Especially at night when Japanese planes could not arrive.

"Well, Ye Zi, you kid should get the first credit for this battle!" Li Jiujin, who got the news unexpectedly, was overjoyed and understood to contact Tang Dao who was on the battlefield.

He wanted Tang Tuanzuo to personally serve as an artillery observer for this captured mountain artillery group and observe the test firing points.

20 minutes later, 30 Japanese artillerymen knelt around each artillery on the artillery position, and behind them was a row of Chinese soldiers holding their guns with the safety off.

"Mr. Major, you don't have three chances this time, you only have one chance! If our artillery observer reports that the shells you fired fell on our position, it means that everyone here is useless." The second lieutenant stood there The artillery major, who personally served as the main gunner, said coldly from behind.

"But this is just a test firing. Your position is only more than 200 meters away from the bombardment coordinates. No matter how powerful the gunner is, he cannot guarantee that the test firing error will be within a range of more than 200 meters." Sweat was pouring on the forehead of the Japanese artillery major.

In fact, he was already broken. Under the relentless pressure of the Chinese, he not only revealed the top-secret coordinate data, but even personally fired artillery bombardments at his own positions. But the damn Chinese actually asked him to guarantee Do not accidentally hurt Chinese people, this is simply too strong to lock men.

At that moment, the Japanese artillery major even wanted to be tough and tell these Chinese people to kill them if they wanted to.

"Mr. Major, think about your wife who is waiting for you at home, and then think about your relatives who are waiting for you in your hometown, your subordinates who could have survived. If they see the wooden box with your name on it, how sad they will be. Absolutely, and these will never appear as long as you do well enough," Second Lieutenant Ye said in a low voice like a devil who can see through people's hearts.

The Japanese artillery major couldn't help but look at the Japanese artillerymen kneeling aside. He was greeted by the pleading eyes of his subordinates.

People's fear of death sometimes does not only come from themselves, but from those who care about them and the people they care about.

Even a wolf, when it is shot and dying, will struggle to crawl back to the wolf den, because there are little wolf cubs waiting to be fed.

The image of the beautiful wife wearing a kimono and holding her daughter standing on the shore, watching the ships leaving the shore and waving goodbye, instantly filled the mind of the Japanese artillery major.

"Load the shell and adjust the muzzle"

In the firelight, accompanied by the heart-rending roar of this top student who graduated from the artillery department of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, the muzzle of the Type 41 mountain gun was raised high.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a burst of smoke and dust rose from the artillery position.

Then, there was a period of silence, both Chinese and Japanese were waiting.

We are waiting for the impact point results from the distance. If the bomb hits the Japanese, all the Japanese artillerymen present will escape. If the artillery major is not good at learning or has evil intentions, then no one here will show mercy.

War can not only turn the Japanese into beasts, but the Chinese can also turn into beasts.

"Hey! The little devil's cannon shot well. Tell Li Jijin to let the little devil fire a few more cannons to calibrate." Tang Dao, who was on the position, looked at the fire exploding on the hilltop and ordered in a good mood.

"Very good, Mr. Major, you have now gained the trust of our supreme commander. He asked me to tell you that after this battle is over, all of you here will not only enjoy the treatment that formal prisoners of war should have, but also do As the first batch of prisoners of war exchanged with the Japanese side, I hope you will not betray the trust of our supreme commander." After receiving the telegram from Tang Dao, Second Lieutenant Ye was completely relieved.

It was his idea to use Japanese artillery batteries to bombard the high ground occupied by the Japanese army in the dark. If the bombardment accidentally hit our own position, not to mention losing the first-class military exploits, the whole spine would have to be damaged. The new comrades of the week were cut off.

"Your supreme commander is Colonel Tang Dao?" The Japanese artillery major showed no joy on his face, but confirmed cautiously.

"Yes!" Second Lieutenant Ye nodded. "Don't worry, even those who belong to your artillery brigade here, even if they are just cooks, will participate in this bombardment operation. Moreover, they will keep it secret within our Fourth Army Regiment and will never include this military operation in the battle report. , Our Fourth Army Regiment has never been short of artillery, and you, the North China Front, know this very well. "

Tang Dao is famous throughout the North China battlefield. His greatest characteristic is that he does what he says. In order to exchange for prisoners, he even exchanged enemies such as Senio Fujiwara. With Tang Dao's name as a guarantee, this man has completely surrendered. The Japanese artillery major also let go of all his psychological burden.

What's more, now he's not just hanging around, he's already in, so what's the difference in how many times he goes back and forth?

Then, the tragic Hebian Major suffered another heavy blow in his life.

The first artillery shell landed on the position of the 7th Infantry Regiment, which only made his scalp numb. Is the Chinese artillery so magical? How could the infantry of both sides hit the target so accurately when the combat distance was so close?

Fortunately, with just one shot, it was very likely that the blind cat had caught a dead mouse. While the Japanese Army Colonel, whose eyelids were twitching wildly, was still mentally comforting himself like this, the sharp scream of artillery shells piercing the sky kept coming to his ears.

The two highlands that the 7th Infantry Regiment spent more than 2,000 casualties on conquering were shrouded in smoke.

The Type 41 mountain gun is not a heavy artillery, but the 5-kilogram 75-caliber howitzer shell is by no means a dispensable role. For soldiers who do not have anti-gun holes, it is a perfect death sickle.

And for Colonel Kawabe Kusaya, who watched his own position shrouded in artillery fire, it was not just mental torture.

In order to ensure that they do not send artillery shells to the heads of the Chinese who are very close to the target coordinates, the Japanese artillerymen would rather shorten the shooting range, and it is not ruled out that some Japanese artillerymen want to shoot incorrectly.

As a result, Colonel Hebian, who turned his command headquarters into his front finger, encountered a group of "old six smart people" who gave him a slap on the head.

At least a dozen shells fell right around the front command led by Hebian Kusaya, and a piece of shell skin flew by the cheek of the Japanese Army Colonel.

It brought a barely detectable cool breeze to the Japanese Army Colonel, and also took away all the protrusions on his face, such as his nose and lips.

His whole face was flatter than ever before. If you put this face on paper at this time, a rectangle will be left, and the ink is the blood that keeps gushing out.

The 7th Infantry Regiment lost their top commander in the third minute of the bombardment.

Colonel Hebian Kusaya's vitality was also strong enough, and he persisted until dawn before he died completely.

I don't know if it was because the 7th Infantry Regiment lost all the high ground or the 7th Infantry Regiment almost became a thing of the past.

After the artillery fire bombarded the Japanese high ground for an hour, Tang Tuanzuo ordered a full-scale counterattack on the right wing. In less than half an hour, the right wing battlefield with 5 infantry companies returned to the situation on the first day.

The Japanese army, stunned by the artillery fire, did not put up a decent resistance at all. They left behind at least 200 corpses and nearly 100 wounded soldiers and fled from the high ground where there were few shelters.

But the dead Colonel Kawabe Kusaya did not become the scapegoat after the war. No matter how much Itagaki Shiro wanted to protect Yamada Seiichi, the fact was that Yamada Seiichi's withdrawal of 500 infantrymen from the 7th Infantry Regiment was the main reason for the failure of this defense.

If these 500 infantrymen had not been lost, the defense against the Chinese counterattack could at least last until dawn, and the 105 howitzers that were moving positions would have stabilized their foothold, and the high ground would not have to be lost, and a severe lesson could have been given to the Chinese who were counterattacking.

Moreover, the three infantry squadrons and one artillery squad that rushed to the artillery battalion in a fierce momentum not only failed to rescue the artillery battalion, but were also hit head-on by the Chinese army.

Not only did the Chinese army have far more troops than the 500 Japanese infantrymen, but the light and heavy firepower they were equipped with was even more overwhelming.

The ten shells fired by two terrible mortars similar to mortars were devastating weapons for the Japanese infantry in the field.

Why didn't the Chinese fire more? It might not be because the Chinese had limited shells, but after the tenth shell exploded in the Japanese infantry array and took away the lives of another infantry squad, a major-level infantry battalion leader who led the team issued a retreat signal.

In just 15 minutes of fighting, the well-trained elite soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire's permanent division suffered an astonishing casualty rate of 40%.

The casualty figures of more than 110 people killed and more than 80 seriously injured do not seem so shocking. They are not worth mentioning on many large battlefields, but it was only 15 minutes!

Of course, in the post-war statistics, the loss rate of troops in this field encounter ranked only second to the entire Japanese loss in the Zhongtiaoshan Campaign.

The first place belongs to the infantry battalion of the 10th Division that attacked Mo'nan Town. In 50 minutes, they wiped out nearly a thousand people in an infantry battalion. It is estimated that they can be ranked in the history of world wars.

It must be said that the New Year's Campaign of Zhongtiao Mountain, which was planned and directed by the Japanese Army Headquarters, was not without gain.

At least, it won a historical ranking!

But this is not a ridicule made by Chinese soldiers to the Japanese side after the war. This is the speech made by General Sugimoto, the commander, at the post-war summary meeting.

Itagaki Shiro: If you want to slap someone in the face, just say it directly. Who wants to see your old face with grief?

Of course, on the battlefield of Sizhou Mountain, Yamada Seiichi's unit only gained some humiliation at most that night, such as the artillery battalion was stolen by the Chinese again, and the position that was finally occupied was taken back by the Chinese. But after all, the main position is still there, and they are still surrounding the Chinese. It is not said that the whole army will run away and the battle will not be fought.

There were more than one person who looked more miserable than Yamada Seiichi that night.

Major General Nakamura Masao, who had been sitting in the central army tent and dispatching troops as if everything was under control, became furious and denounced an army colonel in front of him after dawn.

The losses of his 21st Infantry Brigade tonight were no less than those of Yamada Seiichi, and even more than that.

It was not just a brilliant blow by 4,000 Chinese infantry brigade at the risk of their lives, but more importantly, that blow hit the weak point of his defense line.

It was like a knee strike from the opponent in a fight, hitting the two balls squarely.

Just tell me what that was like! ()

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