Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1282: Tang Tuanzuo is a little nervous!

However, the assessment of military merit is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Each battalion and the company directly under the regiment headquarters will first conduct internal statistics and verification of combat merit, and then report it to the regiment political office for final approval.

Although Tang Dao also said that there is no quota limit for military merit at all levels this time, as long as there is enough persuasion, it can be approved, but that infantry battalion does not want to fight for its own interests for the meritorious officials in its battalion?

Ye Chenghuan, who was in charge of this matter, had a big headache. Those company commanders who were directly under him could only talk about their soldiers under the pretense of reporting on their work. Battalion commanders like Leng Feng, Shangguan Yun, and Guo Shouzhi also took turns coming to his place to eat at meal time. Even Lei Xiong, the second-in-command, knocked on his door at 12 o'clock in the night and yelled with a frown: "Old Ye, let's go, let's have a drink!"

From everyone's point of view, those officers and soldiers with detailed information are naturally people with great military exploits, but Ye Chenghuan knows that he must strictly control the situation and not allow military exploits at all levels to spread. Military medals are worthless and hurt. The first is the courage of the officers and soldiers when fighting the enemy.

When Ye Chenghuan couldn't bear the pressure from all sides, he also talked to Tang Dao. He hoped that Tang Dao would simply limit the number of people to death as before. In this case, he could completely make the battalion and company commanders give up based on the quota limit. .

"My Director Ye, why do we spend a lot of money to get these military merits and medals? It reflects the system and spirit of our regiment that rewards are awarded for meritorious service. In the past, we were poor, so we were limited in quotas, but now we have enough financial reserves. We We can no longer pick and pinch, and we can't chill the hearts of those meritorious ministers who had the courage to fight the Japanese invaders on the battlefield.

Of course, while ensuring that all brothers who are qualified to evaluate military merit at all levels receive due rewards, we must also exclude those who have merit for favors and pensions. Brothers who have sacrificed or been injured will have corresponding pensions. This must not be regarded as welfare. , otherwise the damage to morale will be great.

There is another point that you must be aware of no matter what. In principle, those who are above the company level cannot achieve first-class military merit, unless they have shocking achievements.

For you to be responsible for this matter is not just because you sit in the position of director of the Political Department, but because you are upright and upright and known to the whole group. I believe that you will be able to evaluate the military merits fairly and openly. "Tang Dao deceived and finally deceived Director Ye, who had a head as big as a bucket.

Then early the next morning, Tang Tuanzuo left the busy chief officers in the regiment headquarters and ran away.

The chief officers of the regiment have divided their respective responsibilities in the past half month. Lei Xiong is responsible for welcoming the safe arrival of the chief officers of the division, brigade and regiment who were invited by Tang Dao and his wife.

With Tang Dao's connections, the 921st Division of the Eightyth Army alone has one division commander, two brigade commanders, four regiment commanders and seven or eight battalion commanders coming. Commander Li of the 22nd Army also said that if we add the troops from far away The 38th Army, the 12th Army, etc. in Zhongtiao Mountain are not only going to have a hundred generals, but also fifty.

But now it is still wartime, and we have to pass through the Japanese-occupied areas. The troops responsible for picking up these guests have mobilized nearly a thousand people from the cavalry battalion, reconnaissance company, and mountain infantry company, and there are 20 teams. Among them, we are also responsible for liaison, which can be imagined to be difficult.

In Lei Xiong's words, the intensity of this work is comparable to fighting a battle in Shanxi Province.

Ye Chenghuan was in charge of assessing military merit, and the complicated balance of interpersonal relationships made the hair of the 25-year-old third-in-command of the Four-Hong Group begin to fall out.

Gong Shaoxun returned to the regiment on January 26. The chief of staff who was responsible for weapons research and development and funding docking has gained a lot in the past six months.

Chief of Staff Gong, who led an armed transport team back to Dakouzidong Town through mountains and rivers, not only brought back 30,000 ounces of pure gold and 1.5 million ocean funds to the team, but also brought back Grunov's finally successfully developed and mass-produced the Produced MG42.

Gold and oceans are 'gifts' from the other side of the ocean. Of course, they are only a small part of the funds exchanged for the right to use the patent for 'penicillin'.

As early as October, the little foreign girl who kept her promise originally planned to withdraw US dollars in cash from Citibank to Tang Dao. Although it only took a short time, it already amounted to a full 5 million US dollars, but Tang Dao refused.

What Tang Dao wants now is not money, he needs food, a lot of food! There were also the three-wheeled motorcycle he originally planned and the various machine tools and materials Grunov needed.

It is easy to transport these things to Jincheng, but it is not so easy to transport them to Taihang Mountain.

It was Laura who turned around and signed a coal import contract with the Manchuria club, and agreed to deliver it in grain and steel.

Where is the most coal? Naturally it is Jin Province.

Since Japan's North China Front Army now needs to use up limited transport capacity to mobilize troops to fight in China's Second Theater, the club obtained the consent of the North China Front Army Headquarters and had Rockefeller China Branch organize its own transportation team to haul the goods to Jin Province. By the way, The grain shipped to China by ship was delivered to the original city.

There, the Manchuria Club could sell part of the grain to the army to provide enough military rations, and part of it could be sold in Jin Province.

At this point, a convoy of 150 trucks with a pass from the North China Front Army Headquarters was established.

Just one transportation is up to 300 tons of grain or other materials.

The Rockefeller Company has left a huge profit margin for the company, and the officers at all levels of the Japanese North China Front will receive dividends from the company. The transport convoys with the national flags of Japan and the United States are almost walking sideways in Shanxi Province.

The only people who are not afraid of them may be the Chinese army that is active in the mountains of the occupied areas. Convoys transporting supplies have been hijacked twice.

However, the Chinese are probably also afraid of causing international disputes. Basically, they only steal supplies without killing people or burning cars. If the people in the convoy cooperate, they will also throw in some game or something in exchange.

The Chinese were provoking. The Japanese soldiers, who were always late, looked at a few foreigners in suits and ties who seemed to be planning to have a barbecue outdoors. The ingredients were all fresh and dripping with blood. They almost vomited three liters of blood.

But there is nothing you can do no matter how angry you are. It has been almost two years. Even though the Japanese North China Front occupied most of North China, from the beginning to the end, the only places the Japanese army could control were county towns. The vast countryside really had little to do with them.

Not to mention that the foreign convoys would be robbed, even the Japanese army's own military columns and transport convoys were never said to be peaceful. They were robbed, burned and killed by the Chinese army active in the mountains with one hand and two hands. I can't even count my feet.

Fortunately, the Rockefeller Company was very generous. If it encountered such losses, it would bear 70% of the losses, and only let the Japanese side bear 30%. The Japanese side was extremely grateful.

In just two months, Rockefeller Company's reputation within Japan's North China Front Command was so high that even General Shan Shanyuan personally hosted a banquet for Laura and other senior officials of Rockefeller's China branch.

That is, if the Japanese army general knew that it was this convoy, he spent a year and a half using the difference between the actual transportation and the reported figures and the 'plunder' agreed with the Eightyth Army to give the Fourth Army Group After transporting at least 5,000 tons of grain and various materials, will anyone be angry enough to ascend to heaven?

Because of the need for such "whitewashing", the price of this batch of materials was nearly 8 times higher than the actual price. However, fortunately, the Four Lines Group had the golden doll of "penicillin" and could still hold on.

As for 30,000 ounces of gold and 1.5 million oceans, this was what Tang Dao asked Laura to exchange for fractions. The gold was mainly used for medals. Tang Dao even had the idea that in the future, if financial resources allowed, at the end of every war Afterwards, a commemorative medal was distributed to each member of the group.

The medal does not have to be very valuable. 10 grams of gold mixed with 10 grams of silver is both a commemoration and an inspiration.

And these 1.5 million Dayang are not all used for rewards. Although the government has long banned Dayang and promoted legal tender, Dayang has never stopped using it, no matter where it is.

Moreover, Tang Dao knew that as the war progressed, especially after Japan began to use a large amount of counterfeit legal currency to impact China's financial market, the devaluation of legal currency was astonishing.

Before the war started in 1937, 100 French coins could buy two big cows; by the beginning of 1939, you could only buy one big cow; in 1940, you could only buy one calf; in 1941, don't even think about cattle, 100 French coins only bought you one big cow. You can buy a pig; in 1942, you can buy a pig leg; in 1943, the pig leg turns into a hen; in 1946, 100 French currency can only buy an egg.

Don’t think that this is the end of legal currency. Just like the Chinese stock market in the future, there is no minimum, only lower. 100 legal currency in 1948 could only buy 4 grains of rice.

Therefore, this time, the special envoy Chen sent tens of millions of French currency on a special plane. It won't take long for his purchasing power to shrink to less than half. And the Si Xing Regiment is still in the Taihang Mountains, and many soldiers' money cannot be sent back. The family can only save, and Tang Dao must not watch the wealth they exchanged for their lives disappear into nothing.

Tang Dao planned to use the ocean to exchange the legal currency in the hands of the officers and soldiers, and then spend as much of the legal currency as possible. Just spending it from the stingy old man was not enough. After Tang Dao returned, he specifically met with the Zhengzhou Business Consultants headed by Boss Qian for a day.

It was decided to set up a joint-stock trading company. Si Xing Tuan, the representative shareholder, Tantai Old Handsome Guy, would hold 70% of the shares, and the remaining 30% would be divided among others. The total investment was 5 million French currency.

The head office is located in Chang'an City, and a branch is set up in Zhengcheng, which was not captured by the Japanese army. The company's only business is to purchase grain.

Whether it’s corn, wheat or rice, whether it’s current year’s rice or old rice, I want them all!

Of course, at a time when people everywhere are cracking down on hoarding, the company only buys food in small batches and sells it in smaller batches. The purchase and sale prices are strictly in accordance with the market price and will never increase the price. The old grain will never be sold.

Although Boss Qian and others don't quite understand the meaning of Tang Dao, they invest a lot of money but make no money. Even if they store some grain, it is mostly old grain. Not only does this require a large amount of granary storage, but the longer it takes, the more losses will be incurred.

But these businessmen are all monkeys and monkeys. Perhaps in their view, Tang Dao is losing money but not making a profit, but the year 1938 made them believe in one thing even more. During the New Year of 1938, They decided that investing in Tang Dao was the most correct choice.

You may lose money in business, but you can make a lot of money by investing in Tang Dao in the long term. Originally, Tang Dao planned to invest independently, but in the end, these businessmen demanded 30% of the shares in order to completely tie themselves to Tang Dao.

Perhaps the businessmen were profit-seeking, but these businessmen from Zhengcheng never expected that it was their decision that allowed them to do the most successful business in their lives.

It's not because they chose Tang Dao, but because they will have the power to save millions of people in Henan Province one day.

Two years later, a catastrophic disaster will come to the land of Henan Province, killing millions of lives.

From now on, all the grain hoarding plans of Tang Dao are not for the Sihang Regiment and the armies in Taihang Mountain, but are all preparations for the possible disaster.

Old grain is better than tree bark, leaves and Guanyin soil!

When new funds arrive in spring, Tang Dao will continue to exchange the French currency with the armies in Taihang Mountain and Zhongtiao Mountain, and then continuously invest in the trading company named "Yusheng".

Gong Shaoxun brought back 96 MG42 machine guns to the regiment. These machine guns with a somewhat simple appearance were initially disliked by the company commanders.

But when the machine gunners put these machine guns in the shooting position and fired at the wooden target 300 meters away, a group of country bumpkin company commanders headed by Li Jiujin could not let go of the machine guns.

Originally, in their impression, the MG34 machine gun with a cold appearance and amazing firing rate was already the most powerful machine gun in the world.

The world's first general-purpose machine gun that can be used as both a light machine gun and a heavy machine gun and has a high firing rate is indeed qualified to make soldiers intoxicated.

The MG42 machine gun, which was born on the basis of the MG34 machine gun, uses stamped parts, so its appearance is far inferior to that of the MG34, which uses forged parts. However, the battlefield is not a place to look at appearance, but practicality.

The maximum firing rate of the MG42 reaches 1,500 rounds per minute. The wooden target made of cypress wood was visibly broken into pieces in the flames of the MG42.

As for this machine gun, once the firepower is fully opened, the Japanese will die as many as they come.

And once this gun is fired continuously, the "puff puff puff" sound is like tearing cloth, which makes people's hair stand up when they hear it. That is something that the MG34 has never had.

"Cloth tearing machine!" This is the nickname that Heizi, who personally tested 500 rounds of bullets, gave to this machine gun.

"This gun will become a squad light machine gun! Each machine gun is equipped with 2,000 rounds of ammunition in daily life and 3,000 rounds of ammunition in wartime. Each machine gun is equipped with a shooter, and the deputy shooter and ammunition carrier carries 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The rest of the bullets must be carried by the rest of the infantry squad." Seeing the company commanders couldn't let go of it, Tang Dao announced the use of the new machine gun on the training ground.

"Long live the commander!" The company commanders cheered like children who got a toy.

In the past, even if there were MG34, because there were not enough, it could only be used as company-level firepower. At the infantry squad level, only Czech-style light machine guns could be used. When encountering a large-scale charge by the Japanese army, that kind of low-rate light machine gun could not form effective suppressive firepower at all, and had to rely on the semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns in the infantry squad to assist.

But if the infantry squad suffered too many casualties and could not form continuous firepower in a short period of time, what should we do if we rely on light machine guns to block it?

This is the reason why Leng Feng and Shangguan Yun suffered heavy casualties during the battle of Jiulong Mountain. As long as the MG34 machine guns at the company and platoon levels could not respond in time, the Japanese army, relying on the number of people, could rush to the front of the position and cause heavy casualties to the infantry with grenades. The Czech light machine gun was obviously no longer able to meet the current needs of the Four-Line Regiment.

But with the "cloth tearing machine", unless the Japanese army used artillery or grenade launchers to blow this terrifying firepower point together with the machine gun into pieces, otherwise, the number of people would no longer be a threat.

The battle of Longyan was the most typical example. The Japanese army without infantry artillery was like queuing up to be shot and sent to the head.

This may also be the most beautiful gift received by the company commanders before the New Year!

Chief of Staff Gong Da, who brought surprises to the whole regiment, was also sadly unable to be idle. He had to allocate the remaining 2,000 people of the Sichuan Army New Recruit Regiment to four infantry battalions, and was also responsible for the site selection and layout of the party venue.

Both jobs are not easy to do. This time, the four major infantry battalions, the artillery battalion, and the baggage battalion all suffered losses, especially the third and fourth battalions.

Although the Sihang Regiment still has the hometown soldiers brought by Deputy Lei Tuan to supplement, the remaining 2,000 soldiers of the Sichuan Army Recruit Corps who have experienced the battle of Sizhou Mountain are no longer new recruits. The life-and-death battles in the past ten days have tempered them into veterans. After being incorporated into the infantry battalion, they can be put into actual combat without much running-in. Which battalion commander doesn't want them?

The battalion and company commanders who claimed that they hadn't seen each other for a long time almost drank Chief of Staff Gong to death.

For comrades, what else can they do besides drinking and eating meat after a long time? Could it be that a few grown men hugged each other and cried together? That's impossible! After drinking, they discussed the vacancies in their own battalions and companies. Isn't that also a normal work exchange?

In this area, Chinese people are almost self-taught.

Compared with the busy and troubled Lei Xiong, Ye Chenghuan, and Gong Shaoxun, the work of the logistics director Zhuang Shisan is simpler. He is responsible for purchasing various materials for celebrating the New Year.

Food is easy to say. The soldiers have no other requirements. No matter in the south or the north, as long as the Chinese can eat dumplings, it is considered the New Year.

Rice and flour are not lacking in the Four-Line Regiment, but meat is really hard to get!

Tang Tuanzuo asked for a grand party for the army and the people. The entire army of the Four-Line Regiment plus the military dependents must be added to the people in the town and outside the town, plus the guests from afar, so the entourage must be at least more than 3,000. Adding here and there, there must be at least 25,000.

One catty of meat per person, Dakouzidong Town is not Shaanxi Province, and the counties and towns can get 300,000 catties of meat together. As the New Year is approaching, the baggage soldiers sent out are 500 to 600 people, but they have not bought 10,000 catties of meat in total. Director Zhuang is so worried that his hair has turned white.

Of course, Commander Tang, who had escaped from his colleagues, was not much relieved either.

He is not busy, but he is more annoying than busy.

Riding a green horse, Tang Tuanzuo, dressed in military uniform and standing straight, looked far away, with a rare nervousness on his face.

Tan Tai Mingyue, who was standing by, looked a little funny, but said softly: "My mother is easy to get along with. Besides, I am here! What are you afraid of?"

Tan Tai, who was looking forward to it from a distance, curled his lips secretly.

He had admitted that his little cotton jacket had leaked a long time ago, but it was beyond his imagination that it leaked like this. I wonder if his wife would be as heartbroken as he was after knowing it.

"Master, the madam and the others are here." The old servant standing on the hill over there shouted while running.

Xia Dayu behind hurriedly caught up. If this excited old man fell down, he would have a bad year.

Tang Dao quickly jumped off the horse and instinctively pulled at his military uniform.

In fact, this was the first time he had met his mother-in-law in this life and past life. According to common sense, his mother-in-law was not as easy to fool as his father-in-law.

If possible, Tang Dao would rather face ten Japanese invaders and beat them with fists and feet.

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