Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1284: When it comes to coaxing people, Tang Tuanzuo is a professional!

For the sake of Mrs. Tan Tai's health, Tang Dao patiently took two days to return after 60 miles of mountain road. Si.Tu 520 reads the latest error-free novel chapters

Before entering Dakouzidong Town, Tang Dao asked all the guards to return to the station with the maids and servants first, and he took Xia Dayu to accompany Tan Tai Mingyue's family of four, strolling on the mountain road that had been repaired and was relatively flat.

It is not difficult to guess what Tang Dao was thinking. He wanted to let his mother-in-law see that the Sihangtuan station that he had worked hard to manage for a year was thriving, and her precious daughter would not suffer much.

After all, he had seen the occasional clouds of worry between his mother-in-law's eyebrows after the joy along the way.

Old Tan Tai was very satisfied with his son-in-law's arrangement. He had comforted his old wife many times, but as the saying goes, seeing is believing. Letting his old wife go and see for herself is better than him comforting her a hundred times.

Mrs. Tan Tai was such a smart person. Seeing her husband strongly recommending her to take a walk to relax her muscles, and even showing the "flattering" expression that fooled her when she was young, regardless of the presence of her children and son-in-law, how could she not know the intentions of the two men, one old and one young.

She sighed slightly in her heart and agreed, but she was more disapproving.

Taihang Mountain is not a poor mountain with bad water, but it is definitely steep. In the future, it will be a scenery that can be seen everywhere, but for a mother, she will only feel that her precious daughter, who used to live in luxury, lives in such an environment and has to risk her life to fight the Japanese army. How can that life be bitter?

Can a small mountain town be compared with the small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River?

But the situation in Dakouzidong Town is obviously different from what Mrs. Tan Tai imagined.

The ruins are still ruins, and the most prosperous old street in the town will never exceed one mile. For Mrs. Tan Tai, who is accustomed to the prosperity of the world, this is a typical poor and remote place.

But it is not depressed here. The old street is full of goods. In addition to the necessary daily necessities, there are even vendors selling pancakes and sugar figurines.

The old street is bustling with people. In addition to ordinary people, there are also many soldiers walking in it, buying supplies with money.

In this battle in southeastern Shanxi, the Japanese army, which suffered heavy damage, will no longer be able to invade Taihang Mountain in the short term. All the troops in Taihang Mountain are basically preparing for this rare and quiet New Year.

Chinese soldiers are not robots. They need to rest both physically and mentally. This month is a rare time for all the troops in Taihang Mountain to recuperate. Even the Four-line Regiment has started to give the troops a holiday this week and no longer organize a lot of training.

Many soldiers wanted to salute after seeing Tang Dao and Tan Tai Mingyue, who had changed into casual clothes, but were rejected by Tang Dao with a wave of his hand.

Captain Tan Tai Ming Yue's beautiful face was a golden signboard in the Four Lines Regiment. When the soldiers saw the commander and her walking together in casual clothes, they probably knew that the newlyweds probably wanted to spend their time alone, so they stopped disturbing them.

This also prevented Tang Dao and others from exposing their identities. Otherwise, people on this street would have flocked here. In the eyes of the common people in Dakouzidong Town, Commander Tang was a figure that was almost mythical.

But few people could see Tang Dao. Who would have known that Tang Dao was just a 23-year-old boy standing next to them.

Although Tang Dao and his group of six looked not simple, there were many merchants who came to Dakouzidong Town in the past six months, especially those bosses who betrothed their daughters to officers of the Four Lines Regiment, and some even moved their families here.

On weekdays, the wives and daughters of those big families also came to the old street to buy goods together, so it didn't seem too abrupt.

There were many commodities and people, but to Mrs. Tan Tai's surprise, the people here were all smiling. Even an old lady with ragged clothes took out a few copper coins to buy a steaming bun for her grandson. Seeing her grandson eating it with relish, her old face also showed happiness.

This was very different from the people with numb faces and empty eyes that Mrs. Tan Tai saw along the way, who had walked at least 2,000 kilometers in a turbulent year.

"Ama, that grandma's son was a soldier who joined my Four-Line Regiment 8 months ago." Tan Tai Mingyue saw her mother's eyes fall on the ragged old woman and explained softly in her ear.

"Oh? That must be a meritorious service, otherwise why did this old sister still keep a smile despite her hard life." Mrs. Tan Tai smiled faintly.

"She did make a meritorious service, but the grandma's son died in the battle of Jindong in September." Tan Tai Mingyue's voice couldn't help but lowered.

The reason why Tan Tai Ming Yue remembered this old woman was that she saw her son and his comrades in arms in the Martyrs Cemetery. She refused to be sent off by her son and his comrades, and left with her grandson who was less than 5 years old.

Tan Tai Ming Yue could hardly forget that scene.

"Ah? Then your regiment has no pension? How can the elderly and children live?" Mrs. Tan Tai's eyes suddenly widened, and her brows furrowed.

Tang Dao finally knew where the heroic spirit in Tan Tai Ming Yue's eyebrows came from. It must not come from the handsome father-in-law with a bookish air.

"Xia Dayu, check it out. What's going on? The pension for the martyrs of the Jindong War should have been in place long ago!" Tang Dao's eyes became sharp.

The frightened old woman and the ignorant little boy were soon brought to Tang Dao and others by Xia Dayu.

"Old sister, don't be afraid. We just want to ask, have you not received the pension from the army? If not, we will take care of it for you." Madam Tan Tai comforted softly.

"Who are you? Why are you asking this?" Upon hearing this, the old woman's expression became alert, and she turned her head to look at the soldiers standing on the street.

It was obvious that they regarded Tang Dao and his group as spies from outside, which was obviously due to the propaganda of the Four Lines Group to the local people in the past year.

The people of Dakouzidong Town are now comparable to the future Chaoyang Auntie. Almost no outsiders can hide from their eyes. In the past year, not counting the spies sent by the Military Control Commission, no less than a hundred traitors and running dogs working for the Japanese have been arrested.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people." Tan Tai Mingjing explained quickly.

"Bad people never say they are bad people!" The chubby little boy said.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and everyone laughed and cried.

"Auntie, I'm Tang Dao, and these are my family members. Please answer truthfully. If anyone has wronged you, I will take care of it for you." Tang Dao could only say.

"Are you Captain Tang?" The old woman looked incredulous and stared at Tang Dao for a long time. "It seems a bit like him."

"Hehe, sister, I'll tell you! This is my son-in-law Tang Dao, and that's my wife, my daughter Tan Tai Ming Yue, and my son Tan Tai Ming Jing. Even if someone wants to impersonate, can they impersonate our family?" Tan Tai said with a smile.

"Oh! You are Director Tan Tai." The old woman nodded repeatedly. "I've seen you when you were painting in the mountains."

"Wow! It turns out that my old face is still useful. Sister, you don't have to worry about it now! Just tell me what's going on. If you have any problems, I will take care of it for you." Tan Tai was so proud now.

This shows that in the folk, his face is bigger and better than the son-in-law of a captain.

"Yes! Auntie, it's almost the end of the year, why don't you buy new clothes for yourself and the little guy? Is the pension not enough?" Tang Dao asked softly.

"It's enough, it's enough, a full 150 dollars! Speaking of this, I really have to thank Captain Tang and the Four Lines." The old woman replied quickly.

But soon, the old woman's voice lowered, and tears welled up in her eyes: "But my son's pension was earned by my son's life. As a mother, I can't bear to move it."

For a moment, everyone was speechless, and tears appeared in Mrs. Tan Tai's eyes.

She is a mother, how could she not understand? The son who was raised with great effort turned into a handful of yellow soil in the blink of an eye, leaving only 150 dollars. For a mother, spending a penny seems to consume her son's flesh and blood.

"Sister, you are suffering for yourself and your child like this, and your son will not be at ease in the underworld." Mrs. Tan Tai advised softly.

"Not hard, not hard. I can do spinning work in the town factory, and my daughter-in-law can help with laundry in the town primary school. I have money and rice every month. The army also gives Huzi some money every month, so it's no problem to support our family of three. Look, I still have some extra money to buy him steamed buns!" The old woman just shook her head.

"But, you can't spend money carelessly even if you have money. We don't know when the war will start. Huzi will have to get married when he grows up. We are used to suffering and don't care about clothes. It's a pity that you are worried."

"Auntie! Some money should be spent. During the New Year, will the army invite you to watch the show at the garrison? When your son's comrades see it, will they be sad?" Tang Dao sighed and advised.

"I have bought it, I have bought it. My daughter-in-law has already bought new clothes for our family and is waiting to go to the regiment. We will also go to the Martyrs Cemetery to see Huzi's father on the first day of the new year! Let him feel at ease, right?" The old woman nodded repeatedly.

Looking at the back of the old woman leading her grandson away, Madam Tan Tai sighed softly: "It's really not easy for the common people in China!"

But when she looked at her son-in-law, she was full of praise: "Seeing the lives of the common people in this small town, you really lived up to your reputation!"

"Madam, I've said it before, my vision for finding a wife is top-notch, and although I'm a little worse at choosing a son-in-law, I can still be considered top-notch." The flattery of the handsome old man Tan Tai was so good.

The son and daughter rolled their eyes!

Especially Tan Tai Mingjing, although he has always been afraid of his father, but when his father calls sister, she will always be a precious daughter, but when it comes to him, it becomes a dog son. Can you not be so biased towards boys?

"Dad and Mom, you always teach me that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. I want to gain experience here with my brother-in-law for a year, and then go to college." Tan Tai Mingjing finally plucked up the courage to say on the way back to the base with Tang Dao.

"No!" Tan Tai Yun Shu refused without even thinking about it.

His Tan Tai family has already contributed a daughter, and even he himself is in the army. If Tan Tai Ming Jing comes again, wouldn't it mean that he won't leave any thoughts for his old wife?

"Tan Tai Ming Jing, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but I think your brother-in-law has a very appropriate adjective. You are a little greenhorn, and you still want to join the army? Practice shooting for a day and don't hurt your wrist first!" Tan Tai Ming Yue curled his lips and started the crazy attack mode on his brother.

"Then Tan Tai Ming Yue, you wait for me, I will make you look at me with new eyes." Tan Tai Ming Jing was so angry that his eyes widened, and he responded angrily, not even calling her sister.

"Tsk, wait till you've practiced well before you brag to me! I won't set too much difficulty for you. During our recruit training period, we have to pass with 42 rings on the 50-meter pistol target. As long as you hit the target three times, it will count. I will help you convince your father." Tan Tai Mingyue didn't take it too seriously and just set a threshold casually, thinking that the boy was just being too excited.

After all, Tang Dao threw a Black Star pistol at him right away, and the difficulty of controlling it is different from that of a Japanese bastard box.

Moreover, the Tan Tai family will stay here for at most 20 days before returning, so there is no time for him to practice.

Of course, more importantly, Tan Tai Mingyue said that he was convincing his old father, but he didn't say that he was convincing his mother, but it was Madam Tan Tai who made the decision on major matters in the Tan Tai family.

The poor boy was obviously being manipulated by his sister and didn't know it. He ran to hug the shoulders of Xia Dayu, a friend of the same age who he had just met for two days, and that was the rhythm of becoming a disciple.

Little did they know that although the two were of similar age, their experiences were very different, especially Xia Dayu was also a teenager. If he really got serious, then Tan Tai Ming Jing would not have a good time in the 20 days in the Four Lines Group.

If you want to practice, you have to practice seriously. No matter how many bullets the Four Lines Group has, not everyone can waste them. This is also the rule of the Four Lines Group.

Tang Dao didn't care. He didn't want to keep a weak brother-in-law around. It would be best to let him retreat when he knew the difficulties. If this little guy really gritted his teeth and practiced something, that would be good.

In this chaotic world, calligraphy and painting can't save lives, but gun skills can.

Even Tang Dao has already arranged that the four armed servants of the Tan Tai family will receive special training from Uncle Han after the New Year. When they leave, they are all equipped with semi-automatic rifles and Black Star pistols, so that they have a certain self-protection ability in case of emergencies.

The Mauser pistol with a range of only more than 100 meters is now basically only equipped with militia units in the Sihang Regiment, and will soon be completely eliminated from the regular army.

Mrs. Tan Tai and her entourage were really shocked when they entered the Sihang Regiment's base, which is about 3 kilometers away from the town.

After a year of development, the current Sihang Regiment's base is no longer the situation where there were straw huts everywhere and the soldiers almost slept on the ground.

Nowadays, wooden houses stand in the mountains and forests, and there is a stream winding through the base. Although the stream has traces of artificial excavation, it is enough to have enough clean water.

If there were no air defense and bunker fortifications on the hills, as well as training grounds and soldiers patrolling with guns everywhere, Mrs. Tan Tai would have thought she had entered a holiday estate.

"Mom! This is only part of the base. There is only a battalion and the regiment headquarters with about a thousand people here." Tan Tai Mingyue smiled and helped her mother walk up a small hill, pointing to the distance. "Go 3 miles further and you will find the base of our medical company. There is a factory area over there and a training ground for new recruits over there. Don't worry. From here to the mountain pass, we are all under the protection of the air defense company. If the Japanese planes don't come, they will be defeated. If they come, they will be defeated."

Although they don't know how powerful the air defense company of the Four-line Regiment is, the rows of wooden houses and the factory buildings hidden in the valley are real, which shocked Madam Tan Tai and Tan Tai Ming Jing.

This doesn't look like a military camp, it's a large military base. A military base built deep in the mountains that is both strict and vibrant.

Although they don't know much about military affairs, they are all educated people who have read a lot of books, so they naturally know how big the scale of this base is.

At least, this is definitely not what they think a regiment of more than 2,000 people can support.

Perhaps, the secret of the Four-line Regiment's victory in every battle and every attack lies in this huge base covered by mountains and forests.

This may be the power of knowledge and experience. The mother and son who had just arrived here guessed at least half of it right.

The virtuous cycle formed by perfect logistical support and the economic pull around the garrison is one of the reasons why the Four-Line Regiment has strong combat power.

"Brother-in-law, how many people do you have here! Can you build houses and factories while fighting?" Tan Tai Mingjing looked at the garrison of the Four-Line Regiment, which was completely different from what he imagined, and his little head was buzzing.

In fact, let alone Tan Tai Mingjing, a young man, even Brigade Commander Cheng was amazed when he came here.

The 80th Army has limited supplies and has always used steel on the blade. It would not use huge manpower and material resources to build wooden houses. Basically, they lived in the homes of ordinary people, and even he, the brigade commander and the brigade headquarters were no exception.

Unlike the Four-Line Regiment, in order to facilitate water, they did not hesitate to blast the rocks and spend a lot of manpower and material resources to dig a stream that runs through the entire garrison. With that money, wouldn't it be better to sell more guns!

But the thing that the Four-Line Regiment lacks the least at present is money.

In Tang Dao's words, money is just a number if it is not spent.

In order to stimulate domestic demand in Dakouzidong Town and its surrounding areas, Tang Dao is desperately engaged in various infrastructure construction. Bai Sheng's engineering company now has 600 people. Three of the five engineers are mainly engaged in military civil engineering training, and the other two are mainly responsible for leading the people to carry out various construction.

With their efforts, not to mention the interior of the Sihang Regiment, even the narrow mountain road leading to the town has now been expanded by at least 5 meters. The places that could only be driven by large vehicles can now be driven by trucks and even Type 89 tanks.

Otherwise, the two Type 89 tanks seized by the Sihang Regiment would not be able to enter the station.

Of course, the manpower and material resources used are not worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

According to the calculation of the logistics department of Zhuang Shisan, from October to January, in just three months, the people of Dakouzidong Town and the surrounding villages and towns provided 60,000 laborers, 3,000 donkeys, 500,000 yuan and French currency, and 800,000 kilograms of rice and flour.

Almost all the people from a hundred miles around came to Dakouzidong Town to work with their bedding on their backs, and then returned home happily with money and food.

With money, there will be consumption. Boss Qian and a group of businessmen worked hard to organize caravans from Shaanxi Province to transport all kinds of goods across the Yellow River into the Taihang Mountains.

There is not only one road in Shaanxi Province. There is no telling how many goods have sneaked into the Taihang Mountains from the border of Henan Province.

Don't think that a war blockade can block the transportation of goods. In the face of money, not to mention that the Japanese who were recruited by the Japanese army to take charge of the security of the occupied areas will become blind, even the Japanese army itself will choose to turn a blind eye.

In the past, it was not only the hawkers who traded with the Tuba, but also the Japanese troops stationed in Jiangnan who helped smuggle Pegasus cigarettes! Even if he was a madman, he would probably become sober when he saw the money.

"This is not the work of our Four Lines Group or one regiment. It is the unpaid efforts of tens of thousands of people in Dakouzidong Town and patriotic businessmen like Mr. Qian that have made it to this scale today. Such land and such people are more worthy of our Chinese army to sacrifice their lives for them, don't you think so, mother?" Tang Dao tried to be humble in front of his mother-in-law, showing a steadiness that was inconsistent with his age.

"Well said! It is a blessing for my Tan Tai family to have a good son-in-law like you, and it is worth my trip thousands of miles to come here." The son-in-law's attitude of not being arrogant or impatient, coupled with what he saw and heard along the way, how could Mrs. Tan Tai not smile.

Mrs. Tan Tai praised her son-in-law sincerely, and the happiest person was none other than Tan Tai Ming Yue. She hugged her mother's arm and looked at her husband, her eyes full of tenderness and happiness.

With all the family members around her giving their blessings and her lover by her side, this was undoubtedly the happiest moment for Tan Tai Ming Yue since the war began.

Only the handsome old Tan Tai pouted fiercely. His daughter and wife were fooled by this guy and didn't know what to do, but as an old man in the world, he knew what kind of character his son-in-law was.

Usually, he looked like a cunning man with a lot of tricks, and occasionally he could pretend to be a cultured person by writing a few high-level poems, but in fact, he was a reckless man in his bones. He would personally take up a gun and go into battle bare-chested if he disagreed with something, causing him, as a father-in-law, to live in fear every day, fearing that this guy would be gone by accident and his precious daughter would become a widow.

No one knows a daughter better than her father. Old handsome Tan Tai knows the temper of his precious daughter. If Tang Dao dies, it is no big deal for his daughter to never marry again. In all likelihood, she will follow Tang Dao's footsteps and fight the Japanese invaders to the death until the end of her life.

For this guy and for his daughter, old handsome Tan Tai, who is deeply influenced by the New Democracy, has now begun to believe in gods and Buddhas. He worships Buddhas when he sees them, and is not afraid of being laughed at by those high-educated old friends. He is really worried about the old father.

His only hope now is that the two of them will get married quickly. When Tang Dao really dies, at least a small knife will be left, and his daughter may be stronger.

But these, he dare not and cannot tell his happy old wife.

The old father is in pain, who can he tell!

Tang Dao

Can't I not die?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: I have been writing battlefields for a long time, and suddenly turned to this daily style. Feng Yue is a little uncomfortable, and it's! The days when Fengyue tried to please my mother-in-law were almost 20 years ago. Please forgive me if I didn’t write it well!

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