Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1291 New Year's Eve Wedding (Part 2)

Marriage has never been an easy job.

Tang Dao even began to regret teaching Deputy Captain Lei so much.

The key is that the deputy captain, who suddenly began to let go of himself, made some improvements on the basis of some of the "civilized wedding pranks" taught by Tang Tuanzuo.

For example, the game where the newlyweds compete in eating apples hung with ropes, and those who fail to finish eating within the specified time must carry the bride on their backs and run around the venue, made Tang Dao feel like a panda.

The key is that the apples have become smaller, can you believe that they are the size of walnuts?

The apples in the Taihang Mountains are definitely not fertilized, let alone chemical fertilizers, there are no artificial fertilizers.

I don’t know whether Cheng Tieshou, who was standing high and responsible for hanging apples, cheated, or whether Tang Tuanzuo and the reporter Tan Tai Mingyue had such a tacit understanding. The first couple to bite the apples were like hungry tigers, and both bit the carefully selected small apples the size of walnuts.

Tang Tuanzuo embraced his newlywed wife's slender waist very skillfully, and his hand shape was so smooth and silky. Compared with the rough men behind him, this game operation was elegant.

The scale was just right, and the couple didn't even touch each other's lips. Tang Dao felt that this kind of boudoir thing was sweeter between the couple, especially when the old father-in-law was sitting in the audience.

The handsome old man Tan Tai looked at his daughter and son-in-law's extremely skillful operation and snorted slightly.

At this time, Director Tan Tai probably realized that his year in the Four Lines Group was basically a waste of defense. This is a typical case of there being thieves outside the wall and there being accomplices inside the house. The dog guarding the door is the pet of the young couple. What can he do to defend?

Not everyone is the agile Tang Tuanzuo.

Wei Donglai, who is a little more quiet, either bit his wife's face or was bitten on the lip by his wife after several consecutive attempts. He simply gave up and ran around the venue with the bride on his back.

His bride, who was born in a wealthy family, blushed, but she gently leaned her head on her husband's shoulder, silently feeling the slight breathing of her husband who was not very strong.

For this bride, this is the real husband!

Although she has been in Dakouzidong Town for almost half a year, she can count the number of times she has seen Wei Donglai, the main company commander, with one hand.

Finally, he took a half-day leave to accompany her to climb down the mountain to enjoy the autumn scenery. Before they climbed to the top of the mountain, the communicator below fired a red emergency flare, indicating that the regiment had an emergency military operation. Wei Donglai couldn't even send her down the mountain, and could only leave a horse for her to go back by herself.

A girl who is only 20 years old, alone in the mountains, how does she feel?

More importantly, the silly fiancé seems to have forgotten that she can't ride a horse!

Men and women in love seem to exist only in letters, even if the two sides are less than 1,000 meters apart.

But that was all in the past. Now she was on her husband's back, feeling more secure than ever before.

More than half a century later, the white-haired woman who returned to this land sat in front of a bronze statue in the square that has been built into the Taihang Mountain Anti-Japanese War Memorial. The warm sunlight shone on her white hair, her cloudy pupils flashed with luster, and a blush climbed up her wrinkled face.

That day, it was here that her husband carried her on his back and ran 1,000 meters amid the laughter and warm applause of tens of thousands of people. Even though he was exhausted, he did not let his wife's feet touch the ground.

His throbbing blood vessels, heavy breathing, and hot sweat in the cold wind all proved that he loved her!

That was a happy moment that the old woman would never forget in her life.

Cai Yongguan and Tu Yunsheng, a pair of dragons and phoenixes, are the best after Tang Tuanzuo. Perhaps they have already started the wedding slacking mode. Captain Cai almost swallowed the whole apple in one bite, and then asked his bride to bite it. It was almost a mouth-to-mouth eating method. The venue was filled with laughter and whistles.

The whole collective wedding venue had reached a climax before it officially started, making the single officers and soldiers unable to help but imagine the moment of their future wedding. The excitement of traditional weddings had long been thrown aside. How could it be more lively to get married in the barracks?

The relatives of the brides who were watching the ceremony looked at the bright smiles on their sisters' faces, and they all lost some of their previous dissatisfaction. Perhaps, such a unique wedding is the most beautiful.

However, they obviously thought too early. The amusing games before the wedding were just desserts before the meal, and the main dishes were still to come.

Liu, Zhao, Li, and Dong were only four lieutenant generals of the army present, and they would serve as four of the witnesses of the collective wedding of the Four Lines Group.

Because, in addition to them, there are also General Zhang, commander of the 33rd Army Group in the Fifth War Zone, General Wu of the 67th Army in the Fifth War Zone, General Guo, commander of the 43rd Army in the First War Zone who retreated to Yiling, General Rao, who has served as commander of the 21st Army and commander of the 145th Division, General Gu, commander of the 128th Division of the Hunan Army in the First War Zone, and General Tong of the 28th Division in the Tenth War Zone, who have all sent congratulatory telegrams.

These famous generals in the anti-Japanese battlefield actually paid so much attention to a collective wedding of the Four-Line Regiment on this day? This is a bit scary.

Those who know the inside story can understand it. The Four-Line Regiment fought a bloody road all the way from Songhu, and fought side by side or had intersections with these generals and troop sequences. Such a powerful friendly army, sending a congratulatory telegram can not only show the intention of friendship without spending too much effort, why not?

But soon, those who thought they knew the inside story found out that they were wrong.

As the wedding was about to begin, the congratulatory telegrams had not stopped.

General Xue, the former enemy commander of the first theater who retreated to Tanzhou, the commander of the first theater, the fifth theater commander, and the second theater commander

One background is bigger than the other!

Guo, Wu, Zhang, Gu and Rao even directly stated in their congratulatory messages that they would be witnesses for the group wedding of the Four Elements.

Good guy, if the two commanders of the 101st Division of the Jinsui Army and the 104th Division of the Sichuan Army served as witnesses to some degree purely for the sake of Tang Dao's face, then these five people from far away are taking the initiative.

There is no help in times of need, no icing on the cake. They just tell everyone who pays attention to all this that they are allies of the Four Elements Regiment, comrades-in-arms of Tang Dao, and trustworthy comrades-in-arms.

It has nothing to do with character or faction, it’s all about attitude!

The attitude of the chief officer often represents the attitude of an army.

The least of these five are strong generals commanding more than 10,000 strong troops, and General Zhang is now commanding a group army commander of more than 40,000 people. If Liu and Zhao are added to the group army, he will be able to support the Si Xing Regiment. The army is close to the size of a war zone.

If we include the overtures from the commanders of the three major war zones,

The officers of the guest army who had some idea in the audience were all shocked.

No one would have thought that the infantry squad leader who mistakenly entered the battlefield of Sihang Warehouse would develop such a huge network of relationships in just one and a half years.

What does it mean to have some people happy and some sad? This was the grand wedding of the Four Elements Group.

The people present were smiling, and many people watching quietly were cursing MMP in their hearts.

. . . . . . . . . .

"See, let me just say that by sending this congratulatory message, I won't let anyone remember me again! What should be a headache for someone now is that Tang Dao is no longer someone he imagined he could manipulate at will. Well, not to mention all of those who sent the congratulatory message, if you want to touch one of them, the hair on his head will be much thinner." The stingy old man looked at the telegram quietly sent by his general, with a smile on his face. Very proud.

"Brother, I always feel that if this is too high-profile, Tang Dao will get into trouble because of this." The middle-aged woman said worriedly.

"Hehe! If it were a peaceful world, Tang Dao's move would undoubtedly bring disaster to his life, but now! He must show off his muscles, otherwise, who will protect his parents in eastern Sichuan and his parents-in-law who settled in Rongcheng? Is everyone’s safety safe?” The stingy old man smiled slightly.

"He is telling some of his subordinates that if they want to suppress him, they can do it openly, but don't think of using conspiracy methods. If he is provoked to react, it will probably be a life-and-death situation! As long as that person has any small tricks, Just thinking about these lists, I’m afraid they are bigger than mine.”

"Then in the second theater, wouldn't it be impossible for you, brother, to command him?"

"You don't understand. People like Tang Dao are actually very simple. He doesn't want to get involved in those dirty struggles. He is the sharpest knife on the battlefield against Japan. As long as you don't do any reverse operations, you will only hurt people. It won’t hurt! But if you have too many thoughts, that’s not necessarily the case!” The stingy old man shook his head and sighed.

"Unfortunately, wars serve politics. No matter how unwilling he is, he will still face this situation one day.

It depends on whether he will grow up in the future and accept these dark and dirty things. Otherwise, once the war between China and Japan is over, only Birds and Gongzang will be waiting for him! "

Everything has to be linked to politics. This is very stingy. The only thing that the stingy old man does not know is that the little butterfly that traveled through time and space has already determined his own direction.

This huge network of relationships was revealed at this time, not only to scare some young people, but also as a disguise for him.

After all, he has friends with the Northeastern Army, Sichuan Army, Northwest Army, Yunnan Army, Hunan Army, Guangdong Army, etc. The Eighty-fifth Army is just one of them. That person can no longer keep an eye on his relationship with the Eighty-Fourth Army. .

To muddy the water first, to paraphrase Future’s words: Your brain is buzzing, isn’t it?

"This Tang Dao is really not a worry!" A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows who was far away in the mountain city also threw out the intelligence file and rubbed his brow fiercely.

"Ask the intelligence agents over there to keep a close eye on the people walking around Tang Dao's house, especially the spies sent by the Japanese. If there are any, kill them immediately! If the strength is insufficient, send more people immediately."

"Where are we in Rongcheng?" a middle-aged colonel asked cautiously.

"Remember, I will only hear this kind of stupid thing once. If something happens to your parents-in-law's house, can you act like nothing happened?" The middle-aged man with thick eyebrows had a gloomy face.

"Yes, I understand!" The middle-aged colonel was sweating profusely.

During the happy Chinese New Year, the spies in Sichuan Province were busy, and 996 turned into 007 at a glance.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There were four witnesses at the scene, plus five people who were congratulating from afar. The huge team of nine general witnesses issued marriage certificates to the 22 couples, which were stamped with the big seal of the Four Lines Regiment Headquarters.

In addition, the wedding witnesses originally wanted to send a red envelope to each newlywed couple. Even the five generals who were not present said in their 'private messages' that Tang Tuanzuo would pay in advance and they would pay it back when the time was right. .

Tang Tuanzuo, who always loved to steal supplies from the big bosses, this time helped his comrades reject the generals' good intentions outright.

Of course, it's not that Tang Tuanzuo has changed his character, but in his words: if the Four Lines Group is so poor, the bosses will definitely fulfill their promises, but the Four Lines Group is not, so there is a 99.99% probability that there are promises, but not many.

Otherwise, how can we say that Tang Tuanzuo is sober in the world! Liu and Zhao, whose pockets are cleaner than their faces, have a teachable look in their eyes.

It doesn't matter if they don't give red envelopes, but how can Tang Tuanzuo let the bosses go?

Those who are present, whether they are army commanders, division commanders, brigade commanders, or regiment commanders, must sign their names on each marriage certificate to prove that they have attended and blessed the wedding.

Those who are not present can send a blessing to the newlyweds and sign their names, anyway, no one will be missed.

Even Tang Dao found his old father-in-law and teacher Xiao He and asked them to write their names.

The sudden elegance of Tang Tuanzuo made the generals and scholars feel a little uncomfortable, but this blessing method fits the current situation very well, it is meaningful and not wasteful, so they all picked up their pens happily.

At the scene of distributing marriage certificates, a group of bigwigs took up their brushes and wrote their names.

I am afraid that only Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang was a little embarrassed. It was not because his handwriting was ugly, but for him who was used to writing "big characters", when it was his turn as a "small" regiment leader, there were not many blank spaces left on the marriage certificate.

But Wang Fengzi fought, and he was stronger when he met a strong opponent. How could this little thing be difficult for him?

If you can't write Chinese characters, can't you write numbers? The three numbers 772 represent not only his blessings, but the blessings of thousands of officers and soldiers of the entire 772 regiment. Who can compare with the weight of this signature?

Of course, Tang Tuanzuo accepted it with pleasure.

On the back of the 22 marriage certificates, the names of these generals and Mr. Xiao He were written in their own handwriting, and they were destined to leave brilliant and glorious names in the future Chinese sky.

Except Tang Dao himself, no one knew how glorious these newlyweds would be. Their love was witnessed by these brilliant generals and the great scientist known as the Chinese Marie Curie.

From the military to the academic and art circles, looking at the army of the whole country, after missing this day, I am afraid that there will never be such a special commemorative marriage certificate again.

This gift is definitely good, even if these rough men don’t understand the mystery now.

Of course, although he is the groom, as the chief officer of a regiment, Tang Dao must also have gifts for his subordinates and newlyweds.

However, Tang Tuanzuo must not be vulgar and give anything yellow or white. In fact, Tang Tuanzuo, who has not received any military pay since the day of engagement, can’t be vulgar even if he wants to.

Tang Tuanzuo, who felt that he was both civil and military, picked up a brush and wrote a banner with the words "A Perfect Match" for each couple last night, and then signed his own name and Tan Tai Mingyue's name on it.

For Tang Tuanzuo, who was used to holding a fountain pen and a gel pen, it was really difficult for him to hold a brush. The font was more like cursive writing, and the strokes were really unique.

Several well-read brides opened their eyes wide on the spot. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be really unbelievable. The handwriting of Tang Tuanzuo, who was famous all over the world, was really unique.

However, the grooms didn't dislike it. What Tuanzuo gave was good, not to mention that it was the first time that Tuanzuo had given a handwriting! Is this considered Tuanzuo's "virgin handwriting"?

That is to say, after seeing her husband's handwriting, the reporter Tan Tai Mingyue almost covered her face, and even had the urge to paint four ink lumps on her name. If possible, I don't know if she can redeem it with a large sum of money afterwards.

The couple's annual military pay should be enough for 21 rough guys to share with satisfaction!

Of course, it's a wedding! It can't be too elegant, it has to be vulgar.

Director Ye Chenghuan, on behalf of the Four Banks Regiment, presented each couple with a gift of 100 yuan.

In addition, although it was a collective wedding, it was still influenced by traditional etiquette, and the familiar officers still gave red envelopes to their colleagues.

However, Tang Tuanzuo held a meeting specifically for this purpose, and he must not foster the trend of comparison. The red envelopes were basically no more than ten yuan, and he also specifically stipulated that no gifts were allowed below the rank of lieutenant.

As the head of the regiment, he did not accept any gifts, and no one was allowed to give them.

When Cai Yongguan, the bandit company commander who had a good relationship with people, "shyly" pulled out two cloth bags from his neatly dressed military uniform, the audience almost laughed their mouths off, but they found that this trick of Cai Da Company Commander was very practical!

One for each of the couple, it can definitely ensure that no red envelope will be lost.

Unlike other officers, their pockets were full of silver dollars, all of which were wedding money. Whoever picked it up would get it. It was estimated that at least half of it would be lost.

Fortunately, they did not have to take care of the guests' meals, otherwise it was not certain whether they would make a profit or a loss. All the guests who came to watch the ceremony, including the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment, were covered by the Quartermaster Department of the Four-Line Regiment.

Cai Yongguan made a net profit of one or two thousand dollars. Seeing Captain Cai carrying a heavy cloth bag, many officers who were familiar with him expressed their desire to help carry it, but they were all firmly rejected by this guy.

The big guys sent blessings, which was of commemorative significance. Tang Tuanzuo sent words, and this family could never imitate it. The comrades sent some small money, which made them happy and filled their pockets. How could the newlyweds not smile like flowers?

But there were more surprises waiting for them.


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