Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1298 Luxurious Group

With the excitement of Tang Dao defeating the elite of the Sixth Division alone, the following bayonet fighting also took into account the physical strength of the officers and soldiers. At the suggestion of Brigade Commander Cheng, similar rules to hand-to-hand combat were used.

However, it was slightly modified. The Four-line Regiment directly sent six bayonet masters to compete with the Sixth Division players.

Then, the four division commanders, two brigade commanders and Tang Dao, the regiment commander, voted for the participating soldiers.

This is also quite interesting. The Four-line Regiment is known as the No. 1 Regiment in North China. It is not enough for the regiment commander to be powerful alone. Everyone wants to see the overall strength of the Four-line Regiment.

Perhaps, Brigade Commander Cheng, who has the deepest relationship with Tang Dao, gradually understood the deep meaning of Tang Dao holding this military competition, and naturally did not mind pushing it to a deeper level.

This can be regarded as the Four-line Regiment fighting six elite infantry divisions with the strength of a regiment. Both soldiers and civilians are looking forward to it.

"Commander, how about letting me take action? It's so lively today, and I can't help but feel a little itchy." Uncle Han asked Tang Dao, who walked off the stage to arrange the candidates.

"You'd better save your breath! You are the chief instructor of the gunmanship of our Fourth Line Regiment. The other divisions may not be familiar with you, but Brigade Commander Cheng and Division Commander Liu have seen you. If you are excluded, it means we are cheating! No, no!" Lei Xiong shook his head repeatedly.

"Hehe, what I mean is, sir, you have been so impressive just now, why don't I have a chance to play this game!"

"Puff!" Guo Shouzhi and others almost spit out blood.

Good guy, you want to show off yourself, but as the second in command of the Fourth Line Regiment, you still have to show off with the soldiers, is it appropriate!

"What's inappropriate? I think, since the regiment commander wants the officers and soldiers of those divisions to take a good look at the strength of our regiment, then let's take a thorough look. This time, I will bring five officers to the stage as examiners to shock them." Lei Xiong looked around, but his face was extremely formal.

"You, Lei, have to understand me." Tang Dao smiled slightly. "Okay, then this time I'll let you, the deputy commander, choose five brothers to fight. Just like you said, if you want to see it, let's see it to the end. When we fight together in the future, the communication will be smoother."

"Leng Feng, Shi Hao, Cai Yongguan, Zhao Daqiang, Yang Xiaoshan, come out and follow me to fight!" Lei Xiong was overjoyed and selected five people in one breath.

Seeing the six people holding six wooden spears and walking on the field in a neat line with their heads held high, the cheers of the Four-Line Regiment Army were deafening again.

But thousands of friendly troops and civilians were a little dumbfounded.

What does this mean?

Yes, the rules of the competition have never stipulated military ranks. There are also captains, lieutenants, and second lieutenants participating in the competition, but it is the first time that the Four-Line Regiment has sent out an army colonel, a major, and four army captains in one breath.

This lineup is too luxurious!

The big guys on the stage took a collective breath.

They knew that the Sixing Regiment was a regimental unit. Colonels were already at the top of the pyramid in the Sixing Regiment, and army captains were high-ranking officials. They asked Tang Dao to send their strongest bayonet masters, not high-ranking officials!

Normally, hand-to-hand combat basically broke out on the front line. Soldiers were the group that practiced this bayonet most often. Most of the masters came from this group. It was not that officers were not good, but the proportion was much rarer.

Just like the ones sent by their divisions this time, except for a second lieutenant, the rest were all sergeants and staff sergeants with more than five or six years of military service, most of them were around 24 years old, and they were all top choices in terms of strength, agility and experience.

Unlike the Sixing Regiment, the deputy regiment commander, the battalion commander of the main battalion, and four company commanders, one of whom was said to be the company commander of the communications company.

If Tang Dao was serious, there was only one possibility, the average level of the Sixing Regiment's bayonet skills was far above several infantry divisions.

Tang Dao had enough confidence, even if he had become a commander, his subordinates were still powerful.

"Commanders, whether they are strong or not, don't we have friendly troops to test them? But I can guarantee that even if they are not the strongest, they are definitely ranked in the top. Before they became battalion commanders, they were all front-line soldiers who had fought hundreds of battles." Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Good! You have guts! Since you, Captain Tang, want to show off your strength, then we old guys will take a good look. I really don't believe that my subordinates who killed more than a dozen Japanese soldiers can't beat your subordinates." The white-haired general also aroused the desire to win.

At this time, the six officers and soldiers on standby in the field were ready.

As contestants, they did not pay attention to military ranks like the audience outside the field. They paid more attention to their opponents.

Especially Wang Xiaoqiang's guard squad leader Heshang, after his eyes wandered over the six officers of the Sixing Regiment standing, he focused more on Lei Xiong.

His instinct reminded him that the most dangerous person in the field was actually the deputy commander Lei with the highest military rank.

Lei Xiong sensed the gaze, turned his head and grinned at the monk.

The monk stared at Lei Xiong, and Lei Xiong also stared at the monk. Among the six stabbing masters in front of him, the strongest one was this big man with a height of nearly 78 meters and a thick waist.

The monk did not look like Heizi, who was tall and strong, and was obviously a power player, but Lei Xiong knew that this kind of opponent with both agility and strength was the most terrifying on the battlefield.

Lei Xiong was even sure that the use of the gun might be just for today's game. This elite from the 921st Division should be best at using the thick-backed knife that Cai Yongguan used.

Although the thick-backed knife is much shorter than the spear, it is completely at a disadvantage when fighting. However, if one has extremely flexible steps to avoid the spear's thrust, the Japanese soldiers who are close to him will have almost no chance to resist. Even the strongest body will be chopped by a large blade weighing five or six pounds. It's really miserable!

It was still decided by drawing lots.

Perhaps it was destined that Lei Xiong drew the monk's sleeve number, and the strongest of the two teams met.

The contestant sent by the 12th Division was Luo Wanjian, but his luck was not good enough. It was Cai Yongguan who drew him.

As a veteran who has been in the army for several years and even won a battle against dozens of thousands of Japanese invaders some time ago, Luo Wanjian has experienced many ups and downs. He should not be nervous in such an occasion that only involves victory and defeat but not life and death.

But the veteran of the 12th Division, who was promoted to the guard platoon leader after the war, still looked tense and held the wooden spear tightly in his hand.

He heard about the name of Captain Cai from Longyan.

Cai Yongguan's reputation in the Four-line Regiment is even greater than Li Jiujin's. It's not just that the 5th Company he led was dubbed the Hard-Bone Company, but that this company commander was really too brave.

As an almost completely rebuilt infantry company, the 5th Company had less than 15 veterans and veterans drawn from other units as the skeleton, and more than two-thirds were new recruits. Although it performed well in the Battle of Licheng and the Battle of Jindong, it was actually far less outstanding than Zhao Daqiang's 1st Company and Li Jiujin's 7th Company.

However, everyone who knows Cai Yongguan's temperament knows that it is only temporary.

Sure enough, in the New Year's Day offensive organized by the Japanese army, Cai Yongguan led his 5th Company to give the Japanese army a heavy blow on the blocking position.

Cai Yongguan actually ambushed the Japanese army on the high ground where his company was located. At the cost of losing two small high grounds in succession, he attracted two Japanese infantry squadrons to attack the main position where his company was located. Then he personally led two infantry platoons of 150 people and nearly 300 Japanese soldiers in a hand-to-hand fight on the main position.

This should be the first time that the Japanese army was forced to fight hand-to-hand with their opponents, and they were killed and blood flowed like a river!

The retreating Japanese army was ambushed by another infantry platoon arranged by Cai Yongguan on the way to occupy the high ground, and fled all the way. In the end, no more than a small team of Japanese soldiers could escape.

That wave alone left more than 300 Japanese corpses on the high ground, so that a Japanese major who was facing him had to raise a white flag and send people to negotiate with Cai Yongguan, hoping to return all the corpses to them. The Japanese army was willing to exchange them for more than a dozen Chinese mountain people they captured along the way.

It was the first time for the Japanese to exchange the dead for the living.

Cai Yongguan was also very ruthless. He did change the Japanese soldiers, but the Japanese soldiers who returned were all stripped naked. The reason why he didn't tear off the loincloth was not to save face for the Japanese soldiers, but simply because the officers and soldiers of the 5th Company felt it was too disgusting.

The trick of luring the enemy deep into the territory and closing the door to fight the dog was used well. The strength of the 5th Company in hand-to-hand combat was also impressive. No matter how weak the 108th Division was, it was second only to the Type A Division. In the 150VS300, 26 of his own soldiers were killed and 38 were seriously injured. With the help of pistols and submachine guns that did not follow martial ethics, 179 Japanese soldiers were killed on the spot. The record was enough to be boasted.

The 5th Company was commended by a general order, but the company commander Cai Yongguan was ordered by Tang Dao to be punished and kept on duty for observation.

In fact, this guy had no awareness of being the highest commander of an infantry company with 300 troops. He actually rushed to the front line with his beloved thick-backed knife. If he died in the battle, even if all the Japanese soldiers were killed, it would be a loss for both sides.

But it is undeniable that the captain of the company, Cai Yongguan, who chopped five Japanese soldiers and a Japanese captain in succession, was one of the main factors in the 5th company's miracle in hand-to-hand combat.

Another main factor is that under the leadership of Cai Yongguan, the 5th company paid great attention to the spear and bayonet training summarized by Uncle Han. This guy often tricked the whole regiment's fighting and spear and bayonet chief coach to the 5th company for special training in the name of inviting Uncle Han to drink.

The hand-to-hand combat of the 5th company can be called the best in the four-line regiment. Cai Yongguan, as the company commander, is naturally not bad. Even Uncle Han has said on several public occasions that if Cai Yongguan took a long gun, his combat effectiveness would be stronger than his sword.

However, Cai Yongguan prefers to use a knife. With one knife, the gun is broken and the person is killed, and the blood of the Japanese spurts out. That's called a cool.

That's a reckless man, but not a brainless reckless man, which is the most terrible.

Such a terrible opponent, Luo Wanjian can't help but be nervous.

Taking a deep breath, trying to suppress the fear in his heart, Luo Wanjian stared at the tip of Cai Yongguan's gun, stretched out the wooden gun, put his legs forward and backward, bent his waist slightly, and took a fighting posture.

At that moment, the second lieutenant of the 12th Division Guard Battalion was no longer affected by the strong psychological influence of his opponent. In his eyes, there was only the opponent.

He didn't want to lose! He wanted to win.

He wanted to win a few submachine guns to equip his guard platoon brothers. Deputy Division Commander Cun had promised all the officers and soldiers of the guard battalion that he would not keep any of the won money and submachine guns on behalf of the division headquarters, and all of them would be given to the participating companies and platoons.

Luo Wanjian, who had experienced the battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, deeply realized the importance of equipment. If his guard company had more than a dozen German submachine guns in that battle, even if the Japanese army could break their defense line, they would inevitably pay a heavier price. Those brothers who were seriously injured but still alive might have the opportunity to evacuate, and would not be forced to stay on the position and be stabbed to death by the Japanese army who rushed to the position.

Cai Yongguan sensed the change in the eyes of the soldier in front of him who was ready for battle, and his eyes flashed with admiration. He also held the gun with both hands, swung it horizontally in front of him, and roared in a deep voice: "Brother, let's fight!"

The key to fighting is to see who gets the upper hand first. Once the gun is stabbed out, the opponent either blocks or retreats. The party that attacks first naturally has the advantage.

Seeing that Cai Yongguan actually chose to defend himself, Luo Wanjian no longer hesitated. He took several big steps in succession and roared "kill". Driven by the strength of his arms, the 6-meter-long wooden gun stabbed towards Cai Yongguan's lower abdomen like lightning.

Although the head of the wooden gun is not a bayonet and is tied with a cotton ball buffer, in order to prevent accidental injuries, both sides wear protective armor woven from old vines in the mountains to firmly protect the chest and abdomen. However, even if this gun with a power of at least 100 kilograms is stabbed into the body, there will inevitably be a large bruise.

Moreover, according to the rules of the game, if the white lime on the gun head appears on the chest and abdomen, it will be judged as a loser.

Cai Yongguan certainly would not let the spear stab him, even though the spear was fast and resolute, but he did not retreat in the face of the spear, and chose to block the spear with a swing of the spear head.

Blocking is also one of the most basic moves in spear stabbing!

However, the timing and strength of blocking are very important. If the strength is not enough to block, then you will inevitably be hit by the spear, or if the timing is not right, it is not the spear head that is rushing forward that is blocked, but the position of the spear head at the back, and the result is the same.

Cai Yongguan's fame is not for nothing. When the spear head is less than 2 feet away from his lower abdomen, he hit the spear head and swept away Luo Wanjian's spear that was charged by the forward rush.

But obviously, Luo Wanjian knew that his spear was doomed to be in vain, and he actually used the power of the swing to raise the spear head, and then took another step forward, exerting force with both arms, changing the stab to sweep, sweeping towards Cai Yongguan's ribs.

A bayonet, besides the point, is also a knife. As long as it can touch Cai Yongguan's ribs, it will hurt the opponent on the battlefield, and it will be no exception in the competition.

However, in this way, he also completely lost his defense.

The biggest possibility is that he can hurt the opponent, but the opponent can "kill" him.

The officers and soldiers of the 12th Division who have been paying attention to Luo Wanjian couldn't help but sigh slightly.

One wounded and one dead, wouldn't it be a clear winner? Luo Wanjian used the trick of exchanging death for injury just after the contact, which was really too early.

Little did he know that this was the tactic set by Luo Wanjian. He knew that he was no match for the famous infantry company commander of the Four Lines Regiment. His only hope was to let this person get white lime on his body before he was defeated, so as to win a higher ranking for himself.

Taking a risky move, Luo Wanjian even did not hesitate to open his chest to give the opponent a chance to hit him with one shot, as long as he could hit the opponent once.

"Good!" Cai Yongguan yelled, and somehow his footsteps slightly staggered. His body twisted like a python, and he dodged the sweep of the gun tip by a hair's breadth. He kicked out with a side kick, hitting Luo Wanjian's abdomen with his middle door wide open.

Even if Cai Yongguan's kick was not full-strength, it still had a force of more than 100 kilograms, and even the solid rattan armor made a light cracking sound.

It was obvious that a piece of the tough armor had been kicked off.

Luo Wanjian flew two or three meters away and fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

"Brother of the 12th Division, you are good!" Cai Yongguan walked forward and sincerely stretched out his hand, trying to pull the pale second lieutenant up.

Cai Yongguan knew how much force his kick had. In the past year, he had been studying Bajiquan with Instructor Han whenever he had time. With a good foundation from the past and the guidance of a famous teacher, he had already surpassed the former Sichuan Army company commander who only used brute force.

If it weren't for the rattan armor, the army second lieutenant in front of him would not be able to recover for a long time.

"I haven't lost yet! I'm just injured at most, right, Captain Cai?" Luo Wanjian shook his head and got up from the ground again.

"Yes, strictly speaking, it is true." Cai Yongguan frowned slightly at first, but still nodded.

The rules stipulate that only if the chest and abdomen are shot, will the opponent be judged as defeated.

"Then, come again!" Luo Wanjian took a deep breath and raised the wooden spear in his hand again.

Even though he was kicked several meters away by Cai Yongguan just now, his spear was still in his hand.

"Good!" Cai Yongguan looked at the fighting spirit gushing out of Luo Wanjian's eyes, and there was no anger in his eyes, only admiration.

I'm not afraid of losing, but I'm afraid of not daring to fight again. This second lieutenant of the Yunnan Army may be just an ordinary master in bayonet fighting, but the will of a soldier is the best choice.

But Cai Yongguan still underestimated this second lieutenant who wanted to win.

Bayonet fighting is different from fighting. It is a unique fighting skill of soldiers. In a one-on-one duel, you will hardly have too much time to entangle with it, and there may even be a life-or-death move.

Even a wooden spear is the same.

In a flash, three pairs of players have already won.

Yang Xiaoshan used a bullet in his thigh to exchange for a bullet in his opponent's abdomen, and won by exchanging injury for death!

Zhao Daqiang used brute force to hit the opponent with all his strength, directly breaking two solid wooden spears, and took advantage of the opponent's moment of distraction to sweep the opponent down with a sweeping kick, and won!

In contrast, the sergeant of the 28th Division was pushed away by the powerful battalion commander Leng, and stabbed in the chest with a bullet, which was a clean defeat.

In fact, it was not completely pushed, only Uncle Han knew that Leng Feng had learned his Tai Chi and applied it to the stabbing technique. The fierce push of the stick also had a entanglement force, and the strength between the hard and the soft was absolutely beyond imagination. No wonder the elite soldier almost didn't even hold the gun, and was naturally hit by Leng Feng's shot in the vitals in horror.

Only Shi Hao, Lei Xiong and Cai Yongguan were left fighting with their opponents.

The monk was indeed strong enough. Although he was sweating profusely after being attacked by Lei Xiong with all his strength, he still resisted stubbornly and could even resist a few shots occasionally.

Lei Xiong roared like thunder, and his shots were faster than the last one. Sweat was also streaming down his face. This was probably the most enjoyable battle for Deputy Regiment Commander Lei, who had not been on the front line for a long time.

Shi Hao was fighting against a sergeant from the 17th Division. The two sides were equally strong and it was hard to tell who was better!

Cai Yongguan and Luo Wanjian were two levels apart in strength, but there was no winner. Luo Wanjian even tried to catch the gun with his arm twice in a row, which also hurt Cai Yongguan!

Cai Yongguan had no choice but to put away his gun and retreat. His strength was not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even a blunt head could probably fracture his arm bone. It was the New Year and it was a military competition. There was no need not to.

In this way, Shi Hao managed to win by stabbing his opponent in the abdomen. Lei Xiong and the monk broke their guns and fought for several rounds before they defeated the monk. Cai Yongguan was still fighting.

Luo Wanjian's mouth was black and blue, and his back and abdomen armor were kicked to pieces by Cai Yongguan, but he refused to admit defeat.

This made Cai Yongguan a little annoyed. Finally, he took advantage of Luo Wanjian's exhaustion and stabbed him in the chest.

"On the battlefield, you are dead!" Cai Yongguan wiped the sweat from his head and looked directly at the tenacious lieutenant in front of him.

Until then, the lieutenant who had dropped his gun still held his gun head firmly with one hand.

"Captain Cai, you should say that if we were on the battlefield, we would both be dead." Luo Wanjian, who was panting like a cow, had a bitter face, but his eyes were still firm.

The other hand that could still move reached for the waist covered by the military uniform.

"Fuck!" The next moment, Cai Yongguan's eyes widened.

What did he see?

. . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Yesterday, Sunday, a guest came, and I was going to ask for leave after drinking, but I got drunk

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