Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1303 Comrade Tang Dao (please give me a monthly ticket!)

No one knows how sweet Tang Dao's wedding night was!

Anyway, it is said that Hammer, who lived next to Tang Tuanzuo's small building, stared at the starry sky with his big eyes for half the night, and then slept obediently and snored.

The drooping big pig ears have a magical sound insulation effect. Although he is big in size, he is just a pig mentally and doesn't understand what those gentle singings mean at all.

But poor Corporal Hammer had no choice. Tang Tuanzuo needed to be alert, but no one was suitable to be a sentry at this time, so he had to let this "unlucky dog" with sensitive hearing and smell listen to the wall all night.

So, when Tang Tuanzuo still got up on time at 6 o'clock to practice boxing in the yard, Corporal Hammer stared at his boss with a pair of hazy dog ​​eyes.

Don't single dogs even have the right to sleep?

It's not that Tang Tuanzuo didn't work hard last night, but Tan Tai Mingyue is already a married woman, and she is already exhausted. Even though Tang Tuanzuo is so strong and powerful, she can only use 20% or 30% of her skills.

If you don't fight, can you beat the dog?

The early bird catches the worm, and the early riser will wait for good news.

In fact, there are people who get up earlier than Tang Tuanzuo.

Brigade Commander Cheng was walking around the courtyard where he lived early.

After finally making it to 8 o'clock, he excitedly brought his guards to find Tang Dao.

Then, he saw Tang Dao running from a distance, fully armed and carrying a large camouflage backpack.

Brigade Commander Cheng and his group were really confused. Is this a runaway groom?

After asking, they found out that this was a must-practice subject for Tang Tuanzuo every day when he was not fighting, fully armed and cross-country running 10 kilometers.

No one can succeed easily. Brigadier General Cheng couldn't help but admire Tang Dao, his little brother. This should be the most self-disciplined soldier he has ever seen since he was admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy.

He waved his hand to let several guards go to the distance for alert, and the two found a place to sit down by the mountain road.

Brigadier General Cheng did not speak directly, but stared at Tang Dao with a serious face.

"What did the leaders reply?" Tang Dao looked at Brigadier General Cheng, who was already serious, and took the initiative to speak.

"Tang Dao, Tang Dao, do you know how many people didn't sleep well last night because of you!" Brigade General Cheng shook his head and sighed slightly.

"The leaders of the group army headquarters held a meeting last night to discuss your request and sent a telegram to their superiors for instructions. Several leaders in An County had already gone to bed, but were startled by this telegram. The meeting was not confirmed until 2 o'clock. When I received the telegram, it was already 3 o'clock.

Alas! I was wrong."

"Does the party organization want to test me again? It doesn't matter. I can continue to accept the test of the party organization." Tang Dao's heart skipped a beat.

"In order not to disturb Comrade Tang Dao's wedding night, I stared with my eyes wide open until dawn, and didn't go to your side until after 8 o'clock.

How could I have known that Comrade Tang Dao actually ignored his wife and did some boxing and armed cross-country training. Tell me, did I stay up all night in vain? Am I stupid?" Brigade Commander Cheng changed the subject and laughed.

Tang Dao didn't care about Brigade Commander Cheng's teasing at this moment. His mind was full of the title of "comrade". It has been almost two years since he came to this time and space. The voice that called him Comrade Tang Dao has always stayed at the other end of the long river of time and space.

"Comrade Tang Dao, congratulations on joining our party and becoming a glorious party member!"

"Comrade Tang Dao, on behalf of the brigade party committee, I award you the title of outstanding party member!"

"Comrade Tang Dao, congratulations on your promotion to second lieutenant!"

Thinking of the past scenes, Tang Dao couldn't help but burst into tears.

No matter in the past or now, he will not fight alone!

"Although I don't know when you, Comrade Tang Dao, have been baptized by the advanced ideas of our party, but through your performance on the battlefield and caring for the people around the garrison this year, you have completely met the standards of a party member." Brigade Commander Cheng looked at the tears flashing in Tang Dao's eyes, his face was slightly moved, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Appointed by the superior party committee, our division party committee has decided to accept Comrade Tang Dao into the party, and the party introducers are the political commissar and me!" Brigade Commander Cheng stretched out his hand and shook hands with Tang Dao tightly. "Comrade Tang Dao, on behalf of our division party committee, I welcome you to join."

"Thank you for the party organization's trust in me. I will definitely live up to the trust of the party and the people and make new contributions on the battlefield!" Tang Dao nodded repeatedly.

The political commissar is the second-in-command in the 921st Division, and Brigadier General Cheng is the fifth-ranked giant. Having these two personally serve as party introduction agents puts Tang Dao at a high enough level, which is also beneficial for Tang Dao's future development in the 80th Army.

"What about my identity? Is it necessary to at least announce it to the senior commanders of the regiment!" Tang Dao asked.

"I came to you today mainly to talk about this matter." Brigadier General Cheng waved his hand.

"Last night, the leaders held a meeting. The focus was not on whether you could join the party, which was a decision that could be made in just one or two minutes. The leaders discussed your identity and the affiliation of the Four-Line Regiment you commanded.

After discussion, the leaders unanimously decided that in view of the current situation of the Anti-Japanese War and the changing domestic political situation, in order not to irritate some people and cause damage to the Anti-Japanese United Front, your party membership can only be kept secret for the time being. Only a few major leaders in the group army know about it, and only two leaders and I in our 921st Division know about it.

You continue to lead the Four-Line Regiment under the direct jurisdiction of the Second War Zone Command and fight against Japan on the battlefield in North China. I will be your liaison. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact me directly.

When the time is right, you and the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment will return to the group army! "

"Okay! I obey the decision of the party organization. In addition, I hope that the organization will also assess the chief officers of my regiment and gradually recruit them into the party." Tang Dao nodded.

"I also listened to Ye Chenghuan's report last night. Under your influence, they also have this tendency. When the right opportunity comes, I will be the party introducer and recruit them into the party. "Brigade Commander Cheng smiled.

With the addition of Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment, the 80th Army has been greatly strengthened. It is not as simple as adding an infantry regiment on the surface.

You must admit that Brigade Commander Cheng's intuition is correct.

"I want to report to the party organization on the development of my Four-Line Regiment over the past year," said Tang Dao.

At first, Brigade Commander Cheng did not care too much. After all, he was very familiar with the Four-Line Regiment. Tang Dao had always been very open and honest and did not hide it from him. Even if he was not completely clear about the actual organization and personnel of the Four-Line Regiment, he probably had a rough idea in his mind.

But when he really heard Tang Dao tell him the organization and equipment of the Four-Line Regiment in detail, even with Brigade Commander Cheng's temperament, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

A cavalry battalion has 500 officers and soldiers, 1,000 war horses, and 200 foals. Horses, not counting the more than 400 reserve cavalrymen.

War horses were absolutely rare in this era, not to mention that a war horse cost as much as 100 yuan. Because of the tight blockade of North China by the Japanese army, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy well-trained war horses on the grassland.

The cavalry battalion of the Sihang Regiment can at least match the scale of a Japanese cavalry regiment.

And looking at its equipment, ordinary equipment such as carbines and sabers are not included, there are also mortars, light and heavy machine guns, which is completely a rhythm of charging on horseback and fighting in the field on horseback.

That is, in the Taihang Mountains, the importance of the cavalry battalion is not reflected due to the terrain. If it is placed on the plains of Hebei Province, it is definitely a highly mobile army that can provide mobile support to the battlefield dozens of miles away at any time.

Hammer has already proved on the training ground that four-legged creatures are far superior to two-legged creatures in terms of speed.

But this is not the most luxurious. The most powerful weapon in the Four-Line Regiment is the artillery battalion!

A mountain artillery company, with 300 officers and soldiers, equipped with 12 Bofors mountain guns!

A heavy mortar company, with 300 officers and soldiers, equipped with 12 150mm heavy mortars!

An air defense company, with a personnel of 1,200 people, with 36 40mm anti-aircraft guns? 24 4-mounted 7mm anti-aircraft machine guns? All 20mm anti-aircraft guns will be eliminated to the infantry battalion, and the infantry battalion artillery company will have a dual-purpose 20mm machine gun platoon?

Is this fucking way to let people live? His entire 683 Brigade has more than 10,000 people, let alone 40mm anti-aircraft guns, There are no more than 6 20mm machine guns.

Let’s not talk about the four major infantry battalions, which are the fist troops of the Four-Line Regiment. Regardless of their equipment, their combat record has left a deep impression on the top leaders of both China and Japan.

Now, as long as it is said to deal with the Four-Line Regiment, the Japanese army will not dare to go out without sending an infantry division.

And a newly established mountain infantry company, not to mention the personnel configuration of more than 300, is equipped with semi-automatic rifles, 60 MP38 submachine guns, 9 MG42 light machine guns, and 9 60-mm mortars.

That’s it, and it’s said to be a light infantry company suitable for mountain warfare!

And what the hell is an MG42 machine gun? Brigade Commander Cheng, who thinks he has some knowledge of firearms from various countries, has never heard of this model.

“You haven’t heard of it, so you will know after trying a few shots later? "Tang Dao was so excited that Brigade Commander Cheng was dazzled.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the chief officers of the Four-Line Regiment went to visit the battalions and companies and chat with the ordinary officers and soldiers.

Since Brigade Commander Cheng followed them and talked, Tang Dao simply took Brigade Commander Cheng to the Fourth Battalion.

Seeing the commander of the regiment in person, and the commander of the 683rd Brigade, which officer and soldier of the Fourth Battalion would not be proud?

In Shi Hao's original words: "I'll tell you! The commander is always thinking about the old brothers! ”

As a result, after going around the companies, Commander Tang actually took people to the shooting range again.

An infantry squad carried their own guns and the newly issued MG42 machine guns, and fired a burst of firepower, and madly whipped a wooden target more than 200 meters away into pieces.

The crazy firing rate made Brigade Commander Cheng, who had seen many big scenes, feel buzzing.

After Brigade Commander Cheng personally tested the firing, his vest was already covered with cold sweat.

Not only is the firing rate amazing, the design of this light machine gun is extremely ingenious. Not only can the barrel be quickly replaced, but it can even be used as a heavy machine gun to some extent, but the entire gun body and bipod weigh only 11 kilograms.

Imagine an infantry company with 9 ‘heavy machine guns’, what kind of scene would that be?

If an enemy dares to charge recklessly, facing the firepower network built by this machine gun, it is simply suicide.

He thought about how strong the combat power of the Four-Line Regiment was, but when this so-called squad light machine gun appeared, the veteran generals also knew that the combat power of the Four-Line Regiment today might be a level higher than that of the Four-Line Regiment that participated in the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain years ago.

This infantry squad, if the light machine gun firepower point is not knocked down, can completely withstand the attack of two Japanese infantry squadrons!

“How many rounds of ammunition does such a machine gun need in a battle?” Brigade Commander Cheng looked at Tang Dao with hope.

"In normal combat, 2,000 rounds of ammunition are provided, and the rest of the infantry squad will help carry the ammunition. However, if we encounter a large-scale battle like the Japanese 'New Year's Day Offensive', the principle is that each machine gun needs to be equipped with 10,000 rounds of ammunition, which will be carried by the baggage company that advances with the infantry battalion." Tang Dao knew what Brigade Commander Cheng was thinking, so he could only tell the truth.

"Forget it, our 921st Division can't afford such a money-eating beast." Brigade Commander Cheng's disappointment was evident.

He could ask Tang Dao to support him with some of these new machine guns, but Brigade Commander Cheng knew that even if Tang Dao was one of his own, he couldn't ask him to supply him with bullets, which was really outrageous.

"In a month, I can provide my division with 30 of these machine guns and 300,000 rounds of ammunition, but because of the development of my regiment, my division needs to provide 300 barrels of fuel in exchange." Tang Dao laughed.

"Haha! That's a deal, I agree on behalf of the division commander." Brigade Commander Cheng was overjoyed.

In order to welcome Tang Dao, a new member of the party, the headquarters also promised that if Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment had any difficulties, they could raise them and the headquarters would find a way to solve them.

An County is a loess plateau with low grain production, but because of its geographical advantages, it has a small oil field and a supporting refinery. Gasoline and diesel are not rare and have always been one of the most important sources of financial income for the 80th Army.

But what really made Brigade Commander Cheng open his mouth wide was not the current combat power of the Four-Line Regiment.

It was not even the military manufacturing capabilities currently possessed by the Four-Line Regiment.

Yes, the military factory built by the Four-Line Regiment with the large cave as the core was very awesome, with hundreds of various machine tools, even Brigade Commander Cheng, an outsider, was dazzled.

The military factory technician team with Teacher Xiao He as the core of the team has more than 300 people, and there are more than a thousand mature technical workers.

The monthly production capacity of 1,000 pistols, 1,000 rifles, 50 machine guns, 30 small-caliber mortars, 5,000 shells, and 300,000 rounds of various bullets is jaw-dropping.

But the premise of these production capacities is that there must be money and materials.

When he heard that Tang Dao actually had close cooperation with a large foreign arms dealer and had a company in the United States that could earn nearly 100 million US dollars a year, Brigade Commander Cheng almost got excited and flew to heaven.

Perhaps this is the reason why the strength of the Four Lines Group has continued to soar!

"How can the money earned by your company be transferred back to China?" Brigade Commander Cheng asked cautiously.

"It can't be transferred back. The US government is not a fool. It will not let the money you earn flow abroad so easily." Tang Dao shook his head.

Brigade Commander Cheng's heart sank suddenly. What's the use of the money if it can't be transported back to China? It's impossible for the 80th Army to go to the United States to fight against Japan!

"However, it is still possible to use the money to buy the corresponding materials from the United States and then ship them back to China."

"I warn you, my heart is in trouble. If you scare me, your child will be the brigade commander of my 683rd Brigade." Brigade Commander Cheng was almost sworn by Tang Dao's heavy breathing.

"Bah! Bah! It's New Year's Day, Brother Cheng, please say something nice." Tang Dao was extremely superstitious. "By the way, I will buy you some medicine from the United States in a while, remember to take it on time."

"Why, you don't want to come to my 683rd Brigade! Are you afraid that something will happen to me?" Brigade Commander Cheng said with a laugh.

Perhaps, only Tang Dao in this world knows that this famous general will leave the country and people he loves at the age of less than 60 because of heart problems.

Tang Dao has even commissioned Laura to set up a drug research laboratory in the United States, specializing in the research and development of various epidemic vaccines and cardiovascular drugs.

At this time, there were still nearly ten years before they completely broke off relations with the American cowboys, which should be enough time.

At noon that day, Tang Dao privately treated Cheng, Wang, and Xu to a simple lunch cooked by Tan Tai Ming Yue, and then sent them back to their base.

Not only did Tang Dao deliver all the guns and ammunition he promised, but he also sent an additional 3,000 kilograms of pork, saying that he would treat all the officers and soldiers of the 683rd Brigade to dumplings.

This almost made the three happy people cry.

What is the most painful thing in the world, that it is just one step away but out of reach?

No, no, it is that you have pork but cannot carry it.

The three of them brought three guard platoons, and there were only 142 people in total, including the three of them. Each person carried more than 20 kilograms of pork and 20 kilograms of personal equipment?

It was not until then that Tang Dao smiled and asked people to pull over 30 pack horses, and sent them with the horses and meat.

The three generals who would later become famous in the army almost caught Comrade Tang Dao and beat him up!

It's Chinese New Year, and it has to make people cry, right?

Anyway, they absolutely won't admit that this is touching.

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