Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1379 Never waste time!

The waiting time was far longer than Tang Dao imagined.

This wait turned out to be a full half month.

Tang Dao didn't understand the thoughts of those big shots and didn't want to know. Anyway, he didn't waste too much time in the past half month.

People sent by Tang Dao's old father Tang Jili also rushed to the mountain city a week after Tang Dao arrived in the mountain city.

Tang Dao had already said in the secret message that he would rush back to accompany the capital to report on his duties. However, this was a military secret. The old couple actually suppressed the eagerness to take a look at their son. Instead of coming themselves, they sent their family servant A Gen.

"Young Master, you are back. Master and Madam miss you so much that I have lost a lot of weight." A Gen was so excited when he saw Tang Dao Na that he changed his usual dull personality.

"This is the jade pendant that Madam asked me to bring you. It is said to be for the young master or young lady." Agen also took out the gift from Tang Jili and his wife to his grandchildren.

"Come on, A Gen, this is the master I found for you, why don't you hurry up and meet him." Tang Dao accepted the gift from his parents with a smile, and took A Gen's hand directly to the old Uncle Han who had a look of surprise on his face. before.

Tang Dao's original promise did not say that he would find an apprentice for him.

Forget it, because of his family background and his self-invented Tai Chi Bajiquan, Uncle Han is actually one of the few martial arts masters in the country. His requirements for his direct disciples are ridiculously high. In fact, after so many years, only three people can become his direct disciples. Just five people.

In the Four Lines Regiment, it was not that Old Uncle Han had no intention of accepting apprentices. It was just that since the Four Lines Regiment had been fighting for many years, all the officers and soldiers learned were quick killing techniques. He combined the ancient spear skills with the stabbing technique. And the Tang Dao's bare-handed killing skills are what the officers and soldiers need most. Not many people can calm down and study the mysteries of Tai Chi and Baji.

This is forced by the reality. If you don't dare to kill the enemy, you won't be able to survive.

Secondly, Uncle Han also has extremely high requirements for the qualifications of his apprentices. Not everyone in the Four Elements Group has caught his eye. For example, Tang Dao and Ming Xin are good candidates for martial arts, but they each have different inheritances. Said that in terms of Chinese martial arts, they have reached a level of martial arts that is comparable to his.

So Uncle Han chose Longyan, which was a slightly lower level. However, this guy was already in a long queue and was very busy every day. In addition, he had a good physical condition and was not so keen on martial arts training, which made Uncle Han feel sad for a while.

It is said that if Long Yan can calm down and practice with him in three to five years, with his talent, he will definitely have the opportunity to become a master of Chinese martial arts after Tang Dao and Mingxin.

But Uncle Han also knows that now that the mountains and rivers are broken, expelling the Tartars is the first choice. What China needs now are soldiers who can kill Japanese pirates, not martial arts masters. His wish is destined to be unfulfilled.

Seeing these good martial arts talents disappear in the fire, how can Uncle Han not feel heartbroken and retire from active service? In fact, he has no choice but to feel broken. He also needs to repair his emotions.

After all, he is already an old man in his sixties!

But this does not mean that Tang Dao can find him a disciple at will.

"Greetings, Master!" A Gen was an honest man. After hearing what his young master said, he immediately knelt on his knees, plopped on the ground, and kowtowed to Uncle Han.

"Captain Tang, this" Uncle Han couldn't help but frown.

Not only women don't like it when a bully takes advantage of him, but men don't like it either.

"Uncle Han, please refuse first. You can first see how the apprentice I have found for you is. If you don't like him, then just let him do the menial work at home." Tang Dao was extremely confident.

"Oh?" Old Uncle Han raised his brows, stood in front of A Gen with suspicion, and reached out to touch A Gen's thick and strong shoulders.

"Eh?" As Uncle Han made a soft sound from his mouth, his hands kept pressing on Agen's spine, waist, arms and other joints, with a slightly happy look on his face.

If we put it in the future and touch people of the same sex everywhere without saying anything but still wearing this expression, then they are just old people.

Fortunately, this was the Republic of China, and besides Pang Zilong, the novice onlookers, Tang Dao and Ming Xin were both masters.

They all understood what the old man was touching. It was not a fortune teller touching bones, but ligaments.

The so-called talent for practicing martial arts is actually that the muscle fibers and ligaments are different from ordinary people. If you want to explode with more power, the muscle fibers need to be tighter and longer. If you want to perform martial arts movements that ordinary people cannot do, it depends on the strength of the joint ligaments.

But Agen, whom Tang Jili picked up from outside, actually had all these basic conditions, and his arms were extremely long. When he stood upright and hung down, his fingers could pass his knees, and his fists were as big as alms bowls.

If such a big fist can be mastered and hit like a violent storm, the scene will be very scary. He is simply a born boxer.

Tang Dao had already seen it when he returned home last time, but he didn't have time to teach him. Ming Xin also taught him some martial arts skills. As long as he practiced hard and laid a foundation, it would be no problem. It just so happened that this time Uncle Han If Tang Dao wants to stay at home and take charge, can he find a good master for his loyal servant?

Agen is strong enough, but his parents have more protection.

"Agen has grown up in my Tang family since he was a child. He is a little dull, but his character is extremely upright." Tang Dao said.

In the eyes of a true martial arts master, those who practice martial arts are second to none in terms of their moral integrity. Tang Dao had a very good grasp on Old Uncle Han's psychology.

"Haha! Okay, I'll accept this apprentice." After hearing this, Uncle Han no longer had any doubts in his heart, and he rarely laughed loudly.

"Thank you, Master!" After practicing martial arts for more than a year, Agen seemed to have become more active in his mind. He kowtowed three more times to confirm the status of master and apprentice.

After being helped up by Uncle Han, he took out a small bag from his arms and handed the 10 silver dollars in it to his master, saying that it was his savings over the years as a gift for his apprenticeship.

Uncle Han was paid a major in the Four-Line Regiment, so he would not look down on the 10 silver dollars, but how could the master not be happy that his apprentice was so sensible.

He took out a silver dollar as a gift for his apprenticeship, and put the rest back into the small bag and stuffed it into the closed disciple's arms.

This was what Uncle Han said himself, which meant that he would teach everything he learned in his life without reservation.

"Sir, you said that Brother Agen was dull, I think you have some misunderstanding!" Pang Zilong saw that the honest Agen had captured the heart of the national martial arts master with just one silver dollar, and couldn't help but joked.

"Haha! Zilong said it well. Others say that my disciple is dull, but that's because he doesn't understand the wisdom hidden under my honest appearance. He is short-sighted!" Uncle Han has already played the role of an old cow protecting his child.

Turning his head to look at Tang Dao, he was even more confident: "Agen should have practiced with you for a period of time. This foundation is already very solid. Give me two years. Not to mention other things, just talking about boxing, I will definitely catch up with you and Mingxin."

"Master, what I have practiced for more than a year is what Mingxin taught me. He is very powerful. I can't beat him. The young master is even stronger. He can even toss that 200-jin stone mill for fun." Agen explained carefully.

"If I say you can do it, you will definitely do it. You will know in two years." Uncle Han glared.

Although Tang Dao also uses Tai Chi Bajiquan, in order to kill people more efficiently and quickly on the battlefield, it also combines Muay Thai, free fighting, judo and other skills. In the eyes of Uncle Han, it is a bit out of place.

Master Mingxin came from the Taoist sect and was devoted to killing. When he swung a big sword, it was full of murderous intent, which was not Uncle Han's cup of tea.

His new apprentice had an excellent foundation in martial arts, and he would definitely practice his improved boxing to a higher level, and would not lose to the two of them.

Uncle Han might not have thought that the apprentice he had carefully taught for two years would go to the battlefield in the future, and the lethality of his big fists would be no less than that of Mingxin's heavy sword.

Even the steel helmets equipped by the Japanese army were deflated by one punch!

. . . . . . . . .

After seeing off the happy master and apprentice of Uncle Han, the little foreign girl finally had some time.

Not only did the two of them travel together in Jinyun Mountain without any hesitation, but they also went to the US Embassy in China under the introduction of the little foreign girl.

There, Tang Dao actually met a legendary figure-General Stilwell!

Stilwell, who had just resigned from his post as military attaché in China and was promoted to major general of the Army and was about to return to the United States to serve as the commander of the 7th Division, showed great goodwill to Tang Dao's visit.

Perhaps the source of this goodwill was because he was an expert on China, or perhaps because of the relationship with the Rockefeller family, but what surprised this man who would later serve as the commander of the US Army in the China, Burma and India theater and the chief of staff of the China theater was that Tang Dao, who met him for the first time, gave him a big shock.

"General Stilwell, I don't know much about the European battlefield, but I can be sure that your country will pay a huge price in the early stages of the war because of your arrogance."

The two sat down and exchanged greetings for a while, and Stilwell was just politely discussing the current world war situation with Tang Dao, and Tang Dao came straight to the point.

This sentence made even the little foreign girl a little restless, and she kept winking at Tang Dao, indicating that he could seek help from the US military, but not to use this way of stepping on others to seek a sense of existence.

The current national policy of the United States is to form alliances, but not to participate in wars. On the contrary, the increasingly fierce war will turn the planes and cannons that are constantly manufactured in their factories into US dollars.

More importantly, no American will believe that any warring country will risk the world's disapproval to provoke them.

After all, the United States, which has taken off its economy by selling arms during the First World War, is now the most powerful country in the world in terms of manufacturing. Going to war with them means facing a war behemoth that can manufacture tens of thousands of fighter planes and tanks a year. No normal person would do this, even the little mustache that seems to be increasingly crazy to ordinary people.

And this is the biggest confidence that the United States can provide resources and arms to its allies without participating in the war.

"Dear Colonel Tang, can I understand your words as that you want to drag another great federation that advocates freedom and democracy into the war for the benefit of your own country?

I'm sorry, I think you may be doing useless work. From my personal standpoint, I sympathize with the Chinese people who are deeply trapped in the war, and I also admire the courage shown by the Chinese people in resisting the invasion of the Japanese Empire.

But from the standpoint of the country, I don't want the beautiful America to be ignited by war. Of course, under the protection of strong ships and powerful warships, I firmly believe that no one can destroy this tranquility and peace.

So I personally suggest that you don't need to repeat such alarmist words. I think we can still discuss the current war situation in South China or North China. If you need it, I will do my best to help you get some supplies from your boss." The American major general wearing glasses but with a firm face mocked gracefully.

The little foreign girl sighed silently. Although Stilwell is now a major general and division commander, his personal abilities and qualities are excellent. He is also highly regarded by the top brass of the American military. It won't take long for him to become a major general. A major military general, Tang Dao's words made him unhappy. He might not be a help in the future, but might also be a hindrance.

Tang Dao was really unwise this time.

"General Stilwell, I would like to ask, because of the Japanese army's use of troops in French Indochina, has your country frozen all Japanese assets in your country and has completely suspended the export of various materials to Japan?" Tang Dao said As if he didn't feel the other party's sarcasm, he continued to ask.

"Indeed, Japan is negotiating with our country because of this, hoping that we will recognize Manchukuo and agree to them obtaining resources from Southeast Asia, and our country agrees to them on the condition that they withdraw their troops from China." Stilwell nodded.

Stilwell was obviously not surprised that Tang Dao knew this. That was naturally because of the existence of a girl directly from the Rockefeller family.

Others did not know the relationship between Laura and Tang Dao, but Stilwell, who was entrusted by Laura to try his best to speak for the Chinese side in the military, knew that this pair of foreign young men and women had an extraordinary friendship.

The nearly 60-year-old veteran has already seen through the world. Friendship and love are not the only two emotions between men and women. There is also a kind of emotion that is more than a friend and less than a lover. To use the Chinese definition, it is called a confidante.

Don't tell me, regardless of the East or the West, the so-called people become mature with age. Stilwell was really right. Tang Dao and Little Foreign Girl are really in this state at the moment.

When Tang Dao had already married the one he loved, Laura settled for the next best thing. Pure spiritual communication made the two of them get along easily and happily, which was most appropriate.

It was precisely because he was aware of the unusual friendship between the two that Stilwell patiently continued to communicate with Tang, who liked to exaggerate.

"Haha! General Stilwell, you know that is impossible. No one will spit out the fat that has been in the mouth." Tang Dao smiled faintly.

"Yes, but this involves our country's interests in the Far East. We will not give in, and Japan is not qualified to make us give in." Stilwell shrugged, expressing helplessness.

"A teacher of mine once said something like this: Although Japan has risen in the past century, it has experienced a "thousand years of loneliness."

The mainstream of the world is composed of the Eastern Confucian continental civilization and the Western industrial and commercial maritime civilization. Japan is located in the Far East and respects Confucianism. It is extremely wrong to think that Japan and China belong to the same Confucian civilization.

China has never looked down on Japan, known as the Japanese, in history, and it is even less possible to include them in the circle of Chinese civilization.

And when the Western world drove large ships into Japan's harbor a hundred years ago, Japan had the opportunity to go deep into the West and witness the prosperity and power of Western civilization. It almost completely abandoned Confucian culture without hesitation and respected Western industrial and commercial civilization one-sidedly. .

But in the eyes of Westerners, they are an alternative and eccentric existence, and it is impossible to bring Japan into their own camp from the bottom of their hearts.

Only then did Japan discover that in its 2,000-year history, it had never been valued or accepted by either the East or the West. The contemptuous looks and vague ridicule made them feel an uncontrollable and extreme national inferiority complex, and they had a strong sense of national inferiority. Their national self-esteem makes them realize their shame and then become brave. Their self-confidence after becoming strong makes their national character more divided, more contradictory, more desire for revenge, more aggressive, and more difficult for ordinary people to understand and judge.

They are polite but arrogant. They are extremely stubborn, but they also love innovation. They are good at learning but are blindly arrogant. They worship the strong, but they sharpen their swords. They have a gentle personality, but they are cruel and ruthless." Tang Dao calmly and rationally told the person in front of him about the character traits of the Japanese nation.

Stilwell took a deep breath, and the sarcasm disappeared from his face. He clapped his hands gently and sighed: "Dear Don, if you weren't wearing a colonel's uniform, I almost thought I was listening to a sociology class at Harvard University. I’m speaking, your rich knowledge is really fascinating. It’s a pity that my daughter didn’t meet you ten years ago, but it’s a pity that she is now the mother of two children.”

Stilwell is really a gentlemanly general, even if the subtext is 'You said it well, but does it have anything to do with the war situation? ’ It can also be said so fresh and refined.

It can only be said that the American general who came to China five times since his youth was also led astray by Confucian culture. He was less frank than he should be and was more armed with guns and sticks.

"Don't you think that it is because of this kind of national character that they will do things that your country considers absolutely impossible? For example, if they continue to use troops against Southeast Asia and your country increases sanctions, there is no guarantee that they will not Give it a try!" Tang Dao was not moved at all and continued to speak calmly.

Stilwell's eyes narrowed slightly!

"With all due respect, your country's industrial manufacturing industry is indeed the best in the world, but if I can destroy all your country's existing aircraft carriers and cruisers in one battle, I don't know how long it will take to rebuild a more powerful force based on your country's manufacturing capabilities. Where is the powerful fleet?" Tang Dao asked.

"If it's really what Colonel Tang set up." Stilwell's expression turned serious, and after careful consideration, he extended an index finger. "In one year, our country can build another huge naval fleet with four aircraft carriers!"

Tang Dao knew that the American army general still gave a rather conservative answer.

In the past, the crazy United States built and put into service more than 130 aircraft carriers in the five years from 1941 to 1945. These included 27 large fleet-level aircraft carriers, 11 light aircraft carriers, and 117 escort aircraft carriers.

"One year?" Tang Dao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"But maybe by then, the war will be over. Without control of the Pacific Ocean, no country can resist the full-scale attack of the German Empire and Japan from the east and the west."

Stilwell was stunned!

The little foreign girl was full of admiration. Except for the man in front of her, no one had ever made the arrogant new commander of the 7th Division like this.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: It's the end of the month, and I'm asking for votes again, just in case!

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