Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1383: Major Events Initially Decided

It is indeed easier to get things done with money.

It is not because Tang Tuanzuo offered an order worth tens of millions, but because Tang Tuanzuo gave a gift.

After two years of experience, several students from a trading company far away in the United States have long lost their immaturity. With the introduction of the senior management of Rockefeller Company, they met a think tank around the famous president.

No one doesn't like money, and Westerners are the same. Tang Dao himself has never seen how much cash there is in 200,000 US dollars, but this money is shown as activity funds in the account book of the trading company.

"There is an old Chinese saying that we should prepare for a rainy day. We must be wary of the small moves of the Japanese." Under the advice of the think tank, the president not only approved this huge order that made Grumman happy, but also made substantial military deployments in Southeast Asia.

The Far East Army Command was established in the Philippines one year earlier than in the past, with the commander being the famous five-star general MacArthur, and Major General Stilwell did not have to return to the country to serve as the commander of the 7th Division, but was sent to the Philippines to serve as the Chief of Staff of the Far East Army.

This position can only be held by a lieutenant general. This is also the recognition of Stilwell's alarm by the US Federal Military Department, which is a disguised high-level treatment for him.

However, the US government still maintains its arrogance towards the Far East. In their eyes, Japan has never been regarded as an opponent. This is not something that can be changed by any intelligence.

Tang Dao did not further alert. He knew very well that it would be difficult for the Americans to stimulate their huge military potential without being hurt.

Tang Dao also knew that in this era, if the United States did not participate in the war, the war in China would last far more than eight years. He needed to obtain US arms, but he needed to pull the giant beast of the United States into the vortex of war.

This behavior of the US government will undoubtedly stimulate and threaten the Japanese, but they will never stop their madness.

All the reasons come from one thing-oil!

History has already diagnosed the pulse of the unlucky Japanese. The poor guy thought that he would be able to dig oil by conquering the three provinces in the northeast with rich mineral resources, but nature just played a big joke on the Japanese.

The three rich northeastern provinces have too many resources, and oil is no exception. The future Daqing Oilfield will produce 2.5 billion tons of crude oil when Tang Dao travels through it. After entering the 21st century, the annual oil and gas production will exceed 40 million tons, but unfortunately the Japanese lack a little luck.

After exploration in the late 1950s, with the help of the Bear Country, Chinese oil workers used imported drilling rigs to drill the first exploration well in Daqing, with a depth of 1,100 meters, just touching the oil layer.

The technology that the unlucky Japanese children had in the 1930s and 1940s could only drill up to 1,000 meters. If they were only 100 meters away, they would have discovered this large oil field that would take off the hat of an oil-poor country.

100 meters is China's luck, but it is the misfortune of the Japanese. They have no source of oil. Once the United States cuts off their oil exports, whether it is an aircraft carrier, an airplane, or a tank, they will all become iron lumps that do not smoke.

By then, if the American father tells them to kneel, they will not dare to lie down. As long as they are a normal person, they will not be willing to accept this result.

Therefore, they could only fight hard, even though they knew that there was a 90% chance that the outcome would be hopeless.

Even when the US government announced the establishment of the Far East Army Command in the Philippines, Tang Dao could feel the resentment of the Japanese on the small island in the East China Sea rising to the sky.

Bullying, it was really too bullying. They just thought about it and didn't do anything, but these big noses had already aimed their guns at them.

All 100 F4F-3 Army Wildcat fighters are in stock and can be shipped to India at any time on the day the order is approved.

Originally, Tang Dao proposed not to ship the aircraft for the time being, and to modify the 100 fighters according to the modification plan he formulated, especially the aircraft engine, which needed to be replaced with a 1700 horsepower 14-cylinder air-cooled Wright R2600 engine, so that it could obtain stronger thrust and speed, and also re-armor the cockpit according to Tang Dao's idea.

But the Grumman engineers replied that if all 100 fighters were modified as required, the delivery time would be extended to the end of the year. It was not that they did not want to earn the modification fee of up to 2 million US dollars, but that this plan was not cost-effective.

Because there were also smart people in Grumman, and they actually saw the shadow of the XF6F-1 that the company was testing in the modification plan submitted by the Chinese.

This test aircraft has not yet been tested, mainly because the navy has not yet determined the model to be selected, but if the Chinese customer places a large enough order, they can invest funds to build a production line for this fighter now.

When the news came, Tang Dao was overjoyed.

The XF6F-1 was not well-known, but its mass-produced aircraft was the famous "Hellcat" F6F two years later. The big brother Hellcat carrier-based aircraft that gradually replaced the Wildcat fighter was a nightmare for the Zero fighter.

The deputy general manager of Grumman, who was an engineer, fully understood Tang Dao's intentions. In fact, 80% of Tang Dao's modification plan came from the Hellcat fighter.

The reason why Tang Dao chose this fighter is very simple. The F6F can be said to be an air control weapon developed completely against the Zero fighter.

The wing load of typical fighters in World War II was between 150 and 220 kg/m2, and the Zero had only 5 kg/m2. The Zero engine had low power, but the fuselage was light, the wing load was low, and the maneuverability was very good.

The Americans also introduced this concept in the design of the F6F. Its wing surface reached 31 square meters. The increase in wing area will inevitably increase resistance, so Grumman installed a high-power engine for the F6F.

At the same time, the F6F's engine has a large residual power, and the energy loss is small after making violent maneuvers. Although the Zero fighter has an extremely low wing load, the engine horsepower is too small, which limits the further performance.

Compared with the Zero, the F6F has advantages in speed, firepower, and vertical maneuverability, but is at a disadvantage in endurance and circling performance. The Zero's advantage lies in small-radius turns and circling. After being rear-ended by the F6F, the Zero often uses a small-radius dogfight to get rid of it, and sometimes it can bite back the F6F.

Below 3,000 meters, the Zero has a slight advantage, but above 5,000 meters, the Zero becomes stiff and will become a live target for the F6F.

This is at best a tie, but it cannot be said to be a knockout blow to the Zero fighter that is about to make its debut.

US Navy pilots call the F6F fighter an "aluminum tank". When its two machine guns attack like a storm, no Japanese aircraft can escape the fate of being destroyed. After the war, when Japanese pilots talked about their fear and despair during the war, they always mentioned the "Hellcat".

On the other hand, the F6F's own cockpit armor and self-sealing fuel tanks enable it to withstand the shooting of the Zero's 7mm machine gun bullets, and it can withstand serious attacks and still bring the pilot back to the aircraft carrier.

US Navy pilots often say "this is a porous aircraft" and "more air passes through the holes than around the aircraft". There was once an F6F that burned for hundreds of miles before landing on the aircraft carrier.

David McCampbell, the first ace pilot of the US Navy, once saw a "Hellcat" with pistons and linkages flying everywhere in the engine, but it was still able to fly back to the aircraft carrier, so Grumman was often called the "Grumman Iron Works".

Although it did not form a crushing effect, for the Chinese Air Force, which is currently only equipped with I-15, I-16 and Hawk III, it is definitely a bicycle turning into a motorcycle.

"We need 1,000 fighters of this type!" The order placed by Tang Dao was close to crazy, even though Grumman offered a sky-high price of 60,000 US dollars for a fighter and its supporting accessories.

However, Tang Dao did not pay cash for this order, but a credit note issued by Rockefeller's parent company in Ohio. If the Chinese company in the United States cannot pay this huge amount of money, then Rockefeller will make up for the shortfall.

That's 60 million, until Stilwell, who was an insider, looked at Tang Dao and Laura with a different look.

This is probably far beyond the ability of a confidante to bear. Maybe this foreign couple has already had one leg, no, maybe it's multiple legs.

The old American man is really wretched. Perhaps only the little foreign girl and the top management of Rockefeller Company know Tang Dao's current wealth.

In the first stage, Tang Dao is not unable to pay this money. The Chinese company that Tang Dao fully authorized has invested tens of millions of dollars in a large number of new companies in the United States in the past two years and has made considerable profits in the capital market. As long as you sell the stocks, 60 million will be taken out in minutes.

The ability of penicillin, the cash cow, to attract money is even more terrifying. In less than two years, Tang Dao, who has a 40% share right, has received 200 million in cash. 60 million US dollars is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but for Tang, who will continue to share money, it is just a number.

Endorsing Tang Dao is just a favor for the little foreign girl and Rockefeller's parent company, and it is not to the point of asking Tang Tuanzuo to sell his body.

However, Stilwell, who was unaware of the inside story, thought too much, but this undoubtedly made the future cooperation between the two sides smoother.

The future heir of the Rockefeller family can almost influence the votes of a state, and even the president will treat him with courtesy.

The United States has settled it, and the Chinese side has also responded positively, especially when Stilwell and the US ambassador personally went to the official residence of the person and said that the US government was about to establish the Far East Army Command in the Philippines and that a Chinese company would donate 100 Wildcat fighters and 200 40mm anti-aircraft guns to China. It is said that the person burst into tears on the spot.

It must be said that the person has all the talents of a politician. After moving the two ambassador-level officials of the United States, he immediately and vigorously promoted the work of the "Spring Thunder Aircraft Manufacturing Plant" and two large-scale war-prepared airports in the two major institutions of the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The aircraft manufacturing plant's shareholding plan has gone through six drafts. The Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Military Affairs originally disagreed with a trading company far away in the United States holding 30% of the shares, even if the other party was Chinese and invested 30 million US dollars.

They even preferred to let Rockefeller Company take control, which Laura, who was familiar with Chinese culture, could not understand.

Perhaps only Tang Dao understood the thoughts of those people. They were always on guard against their own people. Because only the Chinese could take away the power that once belonged to them. Anything that was not under their control was an unstable factor.

However, the assistance of 100 fighter planes and 200 anti-aircraft guns shattered all obstacles!

Rockefeller Company also helped a lot, introducing new shareholders. The famous Grayman Company held a 10% stake and would send 50 engineers and 300 skilled workers to China. The first "Hellcat" production line would not be in the United States, but would be born in China, and would have an annual production capacity of 100 aircraft a year later.

Under such favorable conditions, the Tang Dao who ordered his attendant room to personally supervise the matter and completed all the procedures in just one day. He even obtained the privilege of selecting a site for the aircraft manufacturing plant.

What is there to hesitate about? Tang Dao chose his hometown almost without hesitation.

It was originally a mountainous area, easy to hide, and a large aircraft manufacturing plant settled there would occupy some land, but the influx of a large population, especially those Westerners with sufficient consumption power, would definitely bring new income to local farmers.

Of course, more importantly, Tang Dao knew that behind this privilege was actually a test.

Only by placing the aircraft manufacturing plant there can at least one regular infantry regiment's guard force be stationed in the county legitimately, responsible for protecting the safety of the county, and I am afraid that there is also the intention of taking someone's family as hostages.

It is true that the four-line regiment under Tang's command is too strong, and even has heavy artillery, and Tang is a typical troublemaker. If he can disobey military orders twice, there will naturally be a third time. If that person does not take some of Tang's braids, how can he sleep peacefully?

Tang Dao believes that even if he pretends not to know and randomly chooses a mountain valley in Sichuan Province, the final result of this aircraft manufacturing plant will be located in his hometown. In this case, he might as well be single.

Tang Dao's choice really satisfied that person, and he specifically asked the Ministry of Military Affairs to approve Tang Dao for 10 days of home leave, allowing him to go home to visit his parents and select a site for the manufacturing plant in his hometown.

The two backup airports are purely a pleasant surprise. As the chief of staff of the US Army Far East Command, Stilwell also played a game of preparation.

If the United States declares war on Japan one day, China will become an ally, and then the transportation of materials and the parking of large bombers will become inevitable, but the existing small airports in China cannot accommodate large aircraft takeoffs and landings.

If we wait until the war breaks out to build it, it will be too late, so it is better to start building now.

The suggestion that the U.S. Army pays for it and China provides people, and the suggestion to build two large airports in Sichuan Province is naturally what the man wants.

This represents not only having two airports, but also that the United States is holding its thighs tighter and tighter.

However, Stilwell made a request to the man that the U.S. military has the highest management authority from construction to completion and use, and the two airports must not belong to the Chinese military.

This almost unreasonable request is unbearable for any sovereign country, but the man is worthy of being a politician. After a short thought, he actually agreed, but asked that after the victory of the war, the U.S. military needs to hand over the two airports to China.

"Dear Tang, I don't understand why you sacrifice the interests of your country. This is not like the you I know." Stilwell was actually quite puzzled after Tang Dao solemnly made this request to him.

"General Stilwell, although you have been in my motherland for several years, you still lack sufficient understanding of those officials in our country. In front of the devil of money, they will choose to forget humanity." Tang Dao sighed.

Building an airport is a big project in any era, and for China now, building an airport is even more difficult. The manpower invested is not a few thousand or tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands.

According to historical records, in early 1939, the National Government ordered the Sichuan Provincial Government to expand Xinjin Airport for the first time, recruiting more than 100,000 civilian workers from 16 counties including Xinjin, Guanxian, Wenjiang, Pixian, Xinfan, Qionglai, Pujiang, Shuangliu, etc., and requisitioning 3,292 acres of civilian land to build runways and hangars.

Due to the huge project, the airport runway needed to be paved with pebbles. After the excavation and transportation within 100 miles of the west bank of the Minjiang River, it was still not enough, so they went to the other side to dig, all by hand and on the shoulders. At the farthest place, the migrant workers set out in the morning of the first day and could only carry a load back the next day. A large number of stones still needed to be pounded, and the migrant workers worked day and night, and suffered hardships.

By 1943, the expansion of Xinjin Airport required the expansion of Xinjin Airport to cover an area of ​​9,035 acres, with a main runway of 2,600 meters long and 60 meters wide, and a reinforced concrete foundation of 1 meter thick. It was necessary to expand a main runway, two secondary runways, three large oil depots, two radio stations, six ammunition depots, a large hangar that could accommodate 35 B-29s, more than ten stealth hangars, a machinery factory, two power plants, and six guest houses. The area of ​​Xinjin Airport reached 10,000 acres.

Due to the huge scale of the project and the tight time schedule, the National Government required that "all projects in Sichuan Province should be started in mid-January of the 33rd year (1944), Xinjin and Qionglai should be completed before the end of March of the same year, and the rest should be completed before the end of April of the same year".

According to historical records, more than 300,000 migrant workers from 29 counties were actually recruited. During the implementation of the project, some migrant workers were dismissed due to injuries and illnesses, and they were gradually replaced. According to statistics, a total of 500,000 migrant workers were recruited.

Hundreds of thousands of Sichuan migrant workers built the airport with only primitive tools, shouldering and pulling, bleeding and sweating. What a difficult and magnificent scene it was!

It was also a great project built with flesh and blood.

"Qingcheng Mountain Taiping Township Chronicle" records: "Taiping Township dispatched more than 400 migrant workers to build Xinjin and Pengshan airports, and 50 of them died of work-related illnesses."

The "Daguan Township Chronicle" records: "In the 32nd year of the Republic of China, Daguan Township sent about 800 civilian workers to Xinjin and Pengshan to build airports, and they were divided into two rounds. The first round was the expansion of Xinjin Airport. Daoguan and Lianghe jointly undertook an airport circle project. On the first day, one person was dug to death while digging the turf. Later, they competed with other townships for the use of iron rollers, and rushed to press the ground at night, crushing 3 people to death. The civilian workers' lives were extremely hard. They were not well fed, not warmly dressed, lived in straw huts, had no medicine to treat their illnesses, and buried their dead by themselves."

"So, I need your army to obtain management rights. At that time, our company personnel will assist in personnel management, materials, salary distribution and other work to reduce the losses of our civilian workers. They are all the strength of our country's war of resistance." Tang Dao said seriously.

"Dear Tang, I take back what I just said. You are the most special Chinese I have ever seen. If our country is really involved in the war, I hope to have a friend like you." Stilwell sincerely extended his hand to Tang Dao.

This was the first time that Stilwell took the initiative to shake hands with Tang Dao in the nearly 20 days since they met. It was not because of Tang Dao's accurate analysis of the battle situation, nor because Tang Dao had huge wealth to mobilize, but because Tang Dao cared about the fate of ordinary people.

No matter in the East or the West, only kindness can understand kindness!

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