Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1396 The Great Bombing Begins (Part 1)

It was already the afternoon of August 17 when the already huge Wildcat fighter formation was transferred to Kuncheng via the Myanmar airport in three batches, and then flew to the airports of Shancheng and Sichuan Province.

It was only 30 hours away from the August 19th bombing in Tang Dao's memory.

According to the daily air observations of Mingxin and Pang Zilong who stayed in Shancheng, the Japanese reconnaissance planes had been flying over Shancheng for five consecutive days since the beginning of August, and had a tangle with the Wildcat fighters stationed in Jiulongpo that came to drive them away.

It was just in the past five or six days that it was quiet.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop! The calm on the surface is often a cover for the turbulent waves under the calm. Tang Dao understands that the Japanese are very likely to be brewing a major operation, but they don't know how large the scale of the dispatch is.

In the previous August 19th bombing, the Japanese dispatched a full 178 bombers, which dropped bombs, incendiary bombs and poison gas bombs on Shancheng in five times.

But this time, with nearly 200 40mm anti-aircraft guns, the sky above the mountain city will no longer be an air corridor for Japanese bombers.

And with 100 wildcat fighters, there will be no chance for Japanese bombers to come and go freely like in their own backyard.

However, Tang Tuanzuo, who was well-prepared, really miscalculated this time.

. . . . . . . . . . .

That's right, since the Yiling air battle, the Japanese, especially the navy, have been very frustrated and have been trying to prove themselves.

Not only did they stockpile a total of 76 bombers at Jianghan Airport and Yuncheng Airport in Shanxi Province, but they also transferred 5 air squadrons from aircraft carriers to the two airports, and the number of Zero fighters used to escort the bombers was as high as 64.

This was a desperate move for the Japanese Navy. If nothing unexpected happened, on the morning of August 15, the first batch of 50 bombers would fly from Jianghan Airport and Yuncheng Airport to the mountain city under the escort of at least 40 Zero fighters, dropping the first batch of heavy aerial bombs.

The Japanese had even set the bombing sites in the most prosperous areas of the mountain city, such as Ciqikou, through preliminary reconnaissance.

Only by killing a large number of Chinese people can the Chinese people's will to resist be destroyed, and the last humiliating battle over Yiling can be avenged. This was the operational concept of Hase Kiyoshi, the then commander of the Japanese Navy in China.

But why was this round of attack not launched? It was not that it was not suitable to go out on August 15, but that there was a small problem with the Japanese Army.

The Japanese Navy and the Army were not harmonious, and even regarded each other as enemies, but the operation could only be completed with the joint efforts of the navy and the army. The Japanese Navy could not be stupid enough to send its own fighter planes to take off and ignore everything else.

Especially such a large military operation, nominally, had to be approved by the China Expeditionary Army Headquarters.

However, on August 11, the commander of the China Expeditionary Army Headquarters had an incident that shocked the Japanese themselves.

The commander of the China Expeditionary Army, General Nishio Beast, had been assassinated.

During the Sino-Japanese War, it was not uncommon for Japanese high-level officials in China to be assassinated. For example, after the Battle of Shanghai on January 28, General Shirakawa Yoshinori was killed by a hand-thrown bomb, and the Japanese Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shigemitsu Mamoru was poisoned but not killed.

But the reason for the assassination of this unfortunate Japanese Army General was a bit funny - he didn't like him. Moreover, it was not the Chinese who assassinated him, but his colleagues.

Specifically, Nishio Beast went to Shanghai to do a tour to show the strength and feelings of the Great Japanese Empire.

Of course, in addition to "promoting national prestige", Nishio Beast-Ozao also had two small thoughts. One was that he had finally become the commander-in-chief of the Japanese invading China, so he had to show off his power; the other was to deal with his "mortal enemy": Songhu Military Police Commander Miura Saburo.

And the "deep hatred" between these two people is also very interesting. There is no hatred for killing their fathers, nor hatred for stealing their wives. It is just because they don't like each other.

Why don't they like each other?

Although Nishio Beast-Ozao is not a good guy, and the crimes he committed in China are too numerous to list, he is self-righteous and has always claimed to be a traditional aristocratic soldier. He pays attention to etiquette in everything, although historical records show that his family's samurai status was bought with money.

And Miura Saburo is completely the opposite. He doesn't do these empty things. He is just a naked realist. Since he became the commander of the Songhu Military Police, he has done everything except good things. In the eyes of Nishio Beast, this is a typical idiot. How can a bad guy write the word "bad guy" on his face? So after a while, the two of them became enemies.

Now, Nishio Beast finally waited for such a good day. He can be powerful and find an excuse to deal with his mortal enemy. Isn't it happy?

However, while Nishio Beast thought so, Sanpu Saburo naturally thought of it-Nishio came to his territory on purpose, without military orders or urgent matters, and must be here to deal with me. As the saying goes, it is better to take the initiative than to sit and wait for death!

Of course, Sanpu Saburo is not a fool. It is absolutely unacceptable to kill his superiors openly, so he thought of a clever plan.

In short, it is to take advantage of the opportunity to receive Nishio Beast in the hotel in the concession of the British Empire to send assassins to assassinate the general commander, and then put the blame on foreigners, and then occupy the foreign concession in one fell swoop by the military police troops prepared in advance.

In this way, we can not only get rid of Xiwei Beast early, but also take over the concessions of various countries in Songhu legitimately, killing two birds with one stone.

Anyway, the allies are now unstoppable on the European battlefield. These blond and blue-eyed foreigners are almost homeless. What is there to be afraid of? The Empire has long wanted to deal with them.

It can only be said that Xiwei Beast was lucky, because he always looked down on the British Empire. When he heard that he would stay at the British Empire Hotel during his inspection in Songhu, he actually got angry and refused to go! Then he went straight to the International Hotel in the US Concession.

In this way, all the preparations made by Sanpu Saburo were ruined. But at this time, there was no way out. Sanpu Saburo simply went all out and led his men to the International Hotel in the US Concession.

I don’t know if the group of military police under Sanpu Saburo were too panicked or too arrogant. They actually wanted to break into the US Concession fully armed. With the pride of Americans, how could they tolerate this?

Not only infantry was dispatched, but tanks and artillery were also brought out. The result was naturally predictable. Miura Saburo and his group of military police were wiped out in one fell swoop, without any escape.

Frightened with cold sweat, Nishio Beast had already searched for the prepared public notice in Miura Saburo's office, which was used by the Japanese army to stabilize people's hearts after occupying the concessions of various countries.

It can only be said that Miura Saburo's preparations were very thoughtful and his ideas were also very good, but his luck was not as good as his opponent's.

In this way, the most dazzling assassination operation of the Japanese Army ended with Miura Saburo being arrested and sent to the military court. Nishio Beast was fine and killed his opponent, so don't be too happy.

However, a military police commander pointed the gun at his colleague, and the internal reasons must be investigated clearly, which will be delayed for a few days anyway.

Therefore, no matter how hard the Japanese Navy was waiting to drop a large number of bombs on the Chinese, they had to wait for the approval of the West Oo beast. This wait brought 100 wildcat fighters.

It can only be said that luck, an illusory but absolutely existing thing, once again took advantage of the Chinese side.

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On the morning of August 19, 1940!

Captain Shindo Saburo got into a brand new Zero fighter and circled over Jianghan at 3,800 meters, and then watched one by one 97 heavy bombers climb from low altitude to high altitude and re-formed in the airspace of about 3,500 meters.

Shindo Saburo looked to the left and right, and there were 11 Zero fighters on his left and right. That was his aviation squadron that was replenished to full strength. Today, he will lead his 12th Aviation Squadron to escort this large formation of 30 bombers.

But there was more than just his squadron escorting, there was another squadron formation less than 1,500 meters away from his squadron formation.

"The Imperial Navy dispatched 48 fighters this time, not only for the purpose of escorting the bomber formation, but also for the intention of finding Chinese fighters for a decisive battle.

If the Chinese fighters dare not fight, let them watch the Imperial bombers turn their cities and people into ashes!

But based on my understanding of the Chinese, they will definitely not condone this. Then, Mr. Shindo, the time to wash away your shame has come.

Mr. Shindo, can you promise me that no matter how many fighters they come, or how many new fighters the despicable Americans sell to them, you will destroy them all?" Captain Shindo Saburo's mind flashed with the words that Colonel Uemon Shinoda, the commander of the Second Air Wing, said to him before he was about to lead his team to the expedition.

The reason why it is said that the total number is 48 is that at the northwest airport, there are still 24 fighters to escort 20 bombers that have taken off and are heading for the important town in southwest China.

The Second Air Wing, which lost eight fighters in the Yiling air battle, dispatched nearly half of its strength this time.

The Chinese dispatched 6 new American fighters last time. The Imperial Intelligence Department analyzed that this new fighter should be the Wildcat fighter that the Americans have just put into service not long ago. The Chinese will only equip one squadron at most, and the rest will only be those old Hawk III or I-15 fighters of the Bear Country.

48 Zero fighters are absolutely crushing!

"I must fight bravely and strive to destroy the last air force of the Chinese in one fell swoop, so that the Chinese will be completely desperate!" Shindo Saburo responded to his immediate superior very firmly.

With his eyes narrowed, looking at the golden light of the morning sun flashing on the wings, Shinto Saburo calmly picked up the radio: "Everyone follow me, let's go!"

A huge formation consisting of more than 50 Japanese planes roared over the Jianghan Plain, flew over the lake, along the surging river and towering mountains, and rushed towards the important town in southwest China.

The Fengdu air defense force, 150 kilometers away from the mountain city, was the first to issue a warning. The air defense forces along the way sounded the air defense alarm and hung red lanterns. The mountain city that received the warning also sounded a shrill air defense alarm.

People ran out of their homes and hid in the air-raid shelters closest to their homes!

Since the first half of 1938, the frequency of Japanese planes bombing the mountain city has been increasing. Fortunately, the mountain city has the advantage of the mountain terrain. Under the guidance of the government, each district and street has dug air-raid shelters according to local conditions. As long as they are not particularly unlucky, they will not be particularly injured by bombs at the entrance of the cave or the Japanese army drops the most cruel poison gas bombs.

The tragedy of 3,000 people dying in the tunnel, which was once the deadliest in the world, was caused by the incendiary bombs dropped by the Japanese army. The incendiary bombs consumed a lot of oxygen in the tunnel, making the already thin oxygen in the cave even scarcer, and thousands of people suffocated to death in the tunnel.

But this time, the mountain city was slightly different from the mountain city that could only passively withstand bombing in the past. The officers and soldiers of the 10 newly formed air defense battalions rushed to their gun positions.

In addition to the 60 various anti-aircraft guns previously owned, a total of more than 250 anti-aircraft guns were raised high. In addition to the newly introduced 194 40mm anti-aircraft guns, there were 24 Krupp 88mm anti-aircraft gun turrets stationed on the hills near the center of the mountain city.

That was the core weapon of the mountain city's air defense in the past two years. This anti-aircraft gun imported from the German Empire before the war weighed 11,240 kilograms, which was much heavier than the barrel of a 150-meter howitzer. However, it was supported by this heavy barrel that made its firing height reach an exaggerated 9,900 meters, and no bomber could be beyond its range.

However, although this anti-aircraft gun was powerful, it was too few in number to provide sufficient protection for the huge area above the mountain city. Moreover, its barrel was heavy and difficult to maneuver. The Japanese reconnaissance planes had already detected its position, and they only needed to stay away from the range of the anti-aircraft gun position during the bombing.

The 24 88mm anti-aircraft guns, which had been invested heavily, could only protect a small area in more than two years of air combat. Watching Japanese bombers pass by the edge of the range and drop bombs into the city was also the biggest frustration of the Chinese air defense forces.

But this time, on the periphery of its air defense position, there were nearly 200 40mm anti-aircraft guns with a firing height of nearly 5,000 meters. Unless the Japanese bombers dropped bombs at an altitude of 5,500 meters or even higher, otherwise, they were destined not to be as smooth as they imagined.

The Japanese Navy never expected that the Americans were even more "despicable" than they imagined. Not only did they sell hundreds of fighter planes, but they even transported anti-aircraft guns to China by air.

So, they avoided the core position of China's 24 88mm anti-aircraft guns as usual, but broke into an anti-aircraft gun group composed of more than 200 small-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

What's more terrible is that in order to realize the plan of the admiral of the Navy Command to kill more Chinese civilians and destroy the confidence of the Chinese people, after approaching the area above the mountain city, the bomber formation dropped its altitude to 4,000 meters, and the bomber pilots in the rear cabin of the bomber also began to aim at the ground and prepare for the bombing.

As a result, the Japanese suffered the most intense ground artillery fire in more than two years since the bombing of the mountain city.

In the words of a reporter from the Gallic Empire stationed in a mountain city: "I have lived and worked in a Chinese mountain city for more than a year. During this period, I have experienced more than 30 large and small bombings by the Japanese. In my pupils, I saw this beautiful ancient city and the impoverished Chinese people struggling and wailing under the raging flames!

But this time, I saw the blazing anti-aircraft artillery fire. The brilliance that burst out at that moment even blocked the sun's rays!

The brilliant fireworks bursting out by the Japanese bombers in the air made me feel for the first time that perhaps this backward ancient Eastern country really has a chance to win this asymmetric war.

Although my motherland has fallen, I am also extremely convinced at this moment that the great French people will also win the final victory!"

The Chinese never thought that their desperate resistance would inspire the fighting spirit and confidence of a Western reporter. They just tried their best to send one shell after another into the sky.

Teams of soldiers, like engineer ants, carried shells from the distant shell storage point to the gun position, and then roared the shells into the sky one by one.

"Damn it, did you feed the dogs two steamed buns and one egg each in the morning? Hurry up, hurry up, the superiors have ordered that if you shoot down a Japanese plane, all the brothers who participated in the war will receive bonuses and medals!" A major battalion commander stood outside the bunker and roared heartbreakingly.

Because of the short training period, the gun positions could not reach the maximum firing rate at all, which naturally could not meet the requirements of the commanders of the air defense battalions.

Before the war, each air defense battalion had already planned tactics. Each air defense battalion had 18 guns responsible for an area. There was no need to aim at anything, just fire shells into the designated airspace.

This time, each gun was transported with 500 shells, which might not be enough to support for too long, but it would still be no problem to meet the air defense needs within a month.

On the Burma Road, a large transport team consisting of trucks, horse carriages, and camel teams was traveling a long distance to transport more than 50,000 shells.

The Japanese aircraft group that had just entered the mountain city area was directly stunned by this dense anti-aircraft artillery fire.

In a breath, two Type 97 heavy bombers were hit by anti-aircraft artillery shrapnel and caught fire. One of them dived towards the ground with black smoke and entered a death spiral less than 2,000 meters from the ground. Ten seconds later, it crashed hard on the Jialing River, and a cloud of gunpowder rose to the sky.

The other one was much more straightforward, because the bomber pilot was cut off half of his head by the shrapnel that broke through the cabin. A bomb mounted under the belly of the plane could not be dropped in time. After being burned by the burning fire for 30 seconds, it exploded in the sky.

Directly blew the huge bomber into fireworks all over the sky!

Only 40 seconds after the war started, two Japanese planes were scrapped!


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