Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1431: Interlocking

If his memory is correct, Isushiro Kawashima knew that there was only a 15-man team protecting Major Sano.

Damn it, the Chinese dared to sneak out of their positions and conduct a sneak attack on the brigade headquarters!

If they succeeded in killing Major Sano in a sneak attack, then the battle would be a failure for the entire infantry brigade regardless of whether they conquered the Chinese high ground. Lieutenant Kawashima Ishirō, who figured this out, felt cold all over at that moment.

"Everyone returns to support the brigade!" Kawashima Ishiro's heart-rending roar echoed throughout the battlefield.

Under the leadership of this Japanese lieutenant, many Japanese soldiers stood up and ran back despite the bullets flying overhead. In order to increase their speed, many Japanese infantrymen even rolled their bodies on the hillside.

"Want to run away? It's that easy!" Boss Cao's single eye was full of sarcasm, and he took the walkie-talkie: "Platoon Commander Feng, launch a covering saturation bombardment from 100 to 300 meters ahead of our No. 13 Highland!"

"No problem, but Deputy Platoon Commander Cao, the amount of artillery shells is limited. I can only provide you with 36 rounds of artillery shells for Hill 13!" The platoon leader, whose face was blackened by gunpowder smoke, held the walkie-talkie seriously. replied.

"That's enough. As long as we drag these little devils on the battlefield for a few minutes, we have plenty of ways to kill them!" Boss Cao, who asked for heavy fire support from the heavy force platoon for the first time, was already very satisfied with the fire support of 36 rounds of artillery shells. .

After all, there are 15 highlands in the whole camp!

In addition to the four 150 mortars of the heavy platoon participating in the shelling of the frontier of Highland 13, the three mortars owned by Highland 13 also joined in. In addition, Battalion Commander Li Da, who had been paying close attention to this area, also waved his hand. , ordered the battalion's artillery company to pull out one of the three 80mm mortars to cover the frontier of Highland 13 with firepower.

A total of 8 artillery pieces blasted the entire small hillside into smoke and shrapnel flying everywhere. If you bury your face in the soil, you may be torn into pieces by the air waves and shrapnel, let alone dare to move on the position.

That is to say, the front of the position was swept by the Type 41 mountain artillery, leaving dozens of craters of different sizes, which could barely provide shelter for the Japanese infantry. Otherwise, there would be nothing to delay. There were more than 150 rounds of artillery shells, large and small. If they were smashed down like this, 80% of the more than 100 Japanese troops would be dead.

Even so, in this more than 5 minutes of shelling, there were more than 40 Japanese casualties. Lieutenant Kawashima Ishirō, the acting squadron leader who led nearly three infantry squads, directly became a high-end version of the infantry squad leader.

Kawashima Ishiro, who was curled up in the crater like a shrimp with his head in his hands, had desolate eyes. This was not only because he knew that the defeat of this battle was certain.

Rather, this Chinese army, which he had never encountered on the battlefield, was too terrifying.

Such fierce artillery fire from the Chinese has never appeared before. If this kind of artillery fire were used during a large-scale infantry charge, not to mention 300 people, even 1,000 people would be torn into pieces.

But the Chinese just didn't use it. Instead, they waited until their last reserve team entered the battlefield before taking it out.

The terrifying heavy firepower can only represent well-equipped equipment. The most terrifying thing about this Chinese army is their minds.

By this time, the Chinese's tactical intentions had already jumped onto the paper. They were very determined. Not only did they want to kill the imperial officers and soldiers, but they also wanted to kill their own commanders.

But obviously, so far, they are about to complete their tactical intentions.

The constant exploding artillery fire had made Lieutenant Kawashima, who had figured it all out, unable to hear any other sounds. He relied on a one-meter-deep bomb crater to avoid the turbulent air waves, and he could not see the situation at the group headquarters hundreds of meters away.

The only thing he could do was to pray, praying to God Amaterasu to bless the Major to escape smoothly from this stunning attack.

The Japanese Army lieutenant was not the only one to figure this out.

When a gunshot rang out, the personal guard beside him fell like a piece of wood. The Japanese army major who was thrown down by the guard in the temporary field fortification finally learned the Chinese tactics-decapitation battle!

However, he didn't have as much time as Lieutenant Kawashima to think about how powerful the enemy was. He had to fight for his own survival.

The Japanese Army Major, who had not touched a rifle for more than a year and was only accustomed to the Southern Fourteenth pistol, took the gun of the dead guard and joined the infantry squad that was protecting him to block the Chinese elite sneaking here.

As long as they persist for ten minutes, no, maybe five minutes, and the frontline infantry returns, they can surround and kill these daring Chinese, leaving them with nothing to lose.

"Boom!" But soon, as a grenade exploded the Type 96 machine gun and the shooter who had just fired two rounds of bullets into parts all over the ground with extremely accurate grenade, the Japanese Army Major was completely desperate.

The damn Chinese are not only equipped with submachine guns with an astonishing rate of fire. The bullets are raining down and suppressing the imperial infantry who only hold 38 rifles. They dare not even risk their heads. There are actually some who can shoot accurately from 200 meters away. Small grenade launcher.

Judging from the smoke caused by the explosion, that thing was much more powerful than the Imperial grenade.

It must be said that Sano Yoshizou is very knowledgeable. The direct-aimed rifle grenades imported from the United States are all produced by the Taihang Arsenal, and the charges are all replaced by cyclone explosives. Although the charge is only 30 grams, because it frees up space, Filled with murderous steel balls, the explosive power is two or three times that of ordinary yellow gunpowder.

Temporary field fortifications simply cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of such direct-aimed grenades. This is one of the reasons why Boss Cao has the confidence to use a team of 10 people to play decapitation.

In the face of the continuous rain of bullets, the shooting skills that the Japanese infantry was proud of were simply a joke. You can't even lift your head, what can you use to play precision shooting? Head?

Weak counterattacks will bring the harm that the opponent keeps approaching. When the opponent enters the 40-50-meter bomb-dropping area, it will be really finished.

This is understood by every Japanese soldier with rich battlefield experience, but even if they understand it, every colleague who dares to show his head and bravely fight back will either be shot into a sieve by several submachine guns or blown to pieces by the terrible direct-aiming grenade thrower along with the sandbag fortifications. Who dares to do such a stupid thing?

Chronic poison can cause people to die from poisoning, but compared to immediately getting a box lunch, anyone with a little bit of brains will choose the former without hesitation.

This includes Major Yoshizo Sano, who kept shouting for soldiers to shoot him but hid behind the fortifications.

So, the remaining 9 Japanese soldiers finally ushered in their grand finale after 3 minutes.

Three consecutive rounds of grenades were thrown from 40 to 50 meters away, directly blowing up the weakly defended brigade into a mess.

After Adong led 6 soldiers into the area to kill the last Japanese soldier who resisted, he finally found the body of Sano Yoshizo, who was wearing a tweed coat and had his intestines ripped out, behind a sandbag fortification.

Sano Yoshizo did not commit suicide by disembowelment out of despair. The stupid way of dying by stabbing the belly with a Japanese knife would basically take an hour to die, far from the ancient Chinese who simply cut the carotid artery with a knife and died completely in a few minutes.

Sano Yoshizo was killed by a grenade!

Several shrapnel tore open his belly and broke his artery. Without anyone to rescue and stop the bleeding, the Japanese Army Major fell into a deep coma in less than a minute.

Because they needed to fight quickly, the 10-man team with full firepower had no intention of showing mercy and capturing a prisoner. When no one could prove the authenticity of the guy in the yellow tweed coat, Adong, the bastard, could only use the most traditional Chinese method. He picked up the command knife hanging on the body, arranged the body like a fish on a chopping board, chopped off the head in a few seconds, and tied it around the waist with a belt through the mandible.

Isn't the evidence preserved?

Really, when Li Jiujin saw the guy with the head tied to his waist, he was confused at the time. What era is it? Why are they still doing the old Qin family's tricks?

But you really don't say it. After killing Sano Yoshizo's wave of devils, a part of the Japanese army deployed on the two wings by the Japanese Army Major just returned and had an encounter with 10 Chinese soldiers in the mountains and forests.

Because the number of Japanese troops was close to 30, a submachine gun soldier was unfortunately shot in the chest and died on the spot under a burst of gunfire.

Adong, who had been promoted to corporal, had red eyes at that time. This sturdy but agile mountain boy rushed out with a submachine gun under the cover of two rifle grenades.

At that time, the distance between the two sides would never exceed 150 meters. At the beginning, the Japanese army did not see clearly what was hanging on the waist of the Chinese man who was approaching like a monkey, and thought it was a large grenade.

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to 80 meters, several sharp-eyed Japanese soldiers discovered what was hanging on the waist of this guy. It turned out to be a human head. The neck that was cut off by a sharp weapon was still dripping with blood. Looking more carefully, the burnt yellow face with gray eyes staring at it could not be Major Sano.

Chinese barbarians

The mentality of the Japanese army who saw all this exploded on the spot.

Let’s not talk about how cruel Adong’s behavior was. The key is that the most feared thing for the Japanese on the Chinese battlefield is to be beheaded. In the customs of the islanders, it means that the soul cannot return to their hometown.

Of course, the more important thing is that they came to rescue Major Sano. Now Major Sano's head has become a trophy of the Chinese. Is it worth it for them to fight against such a brutal barbarian?

With this thought, the will to fight naturally dropped!

On the other hand, Adong was blood-thirsty. Seeing that he could not kill the Japanese soldiers hiding behind the rocks several times, Adong simply called his deputy platoon leader with a walkie-talkie and asked for mortar support after reporting the coordinates.

At this time, the artillery fire covering the front of the position requested by Boss Cao had already stopped. Hearing Adong's request, he immediately ordered the three mortars on Hill No. 13 to fire according to the coordinates reported by Adong.

This may be the first time that a single soldier of the Four-Line Regiment called for squad-level artillery support through a walkie-talkie in a field battle, but it was extremely successful.

The more than 20 Japanese soldiers hiding in the mountains and shooting at 9 Chinese soldiers never dreamed that the Chinese would be so awesome. A few small scums could actually get artillery support, and extremely quickly.

The only thing lacking may be accuracy.

Although the Sihang Regiment had emphasized during normal training that squad and platoon officers must know the artillery positioning coordinates, that was to be able to seek fire support from the artillery more quickly and accurately, but some ordinary soldiers did not implement strict requirements.

Tang Dao also knew that haste makes waste. It was difficult for these guys who had just put down their hoes for a few years to write a letter to their families. It was indeed too difficult for them to learn how to measure the distance and direction of the artillery after hard training.

These things can only be done slowly. Between saving lives and learning and progress, anyone with a little bit of brains knows how to choose.

For example, Adong watched a series of three artillery shells hit an area less than 20 meters away from him. If it was a little more off, he would be killed. He didn't even bother to scold, and shouted directly on the walkie-talkie: "Off, off, the impact point is 70 meters away from the west!"

After shouting, Adong and a sergeant gunner on the other end of the walkie-talkie wiped their sweat at the same time.

The gunner was because the idiot who was shouting on the other end of the walkie-talkie was so stupid that he dared to ask for mortar support without even reporting the coordinates accurately, and they almost sent their comrades to the sky with their own hands.

And Adong was naturally afraid and regretful. If he could listen to Deputy Platoon Leader Cao and practice some positioning coordinate techniques that the mortar operator said more often, he would not have done such a stupid thing that almost killed himself.

He made up his mind that after this battle, he would study hard and make progress every day.

You see, this is the choice of a smart person. No matter how difficult it is to study, is life more important? No wonder it is said that Tang Tuanzuo even jumped into a cesspool to save his life.

Of course, at the post-war summary meeting, Adong, who had already won the second-class military merit, was used as a typical example by Tang Tuanzuo because of this single-soldier call for artillery support, but it was a negative example.

If it weren't for the golden second-class war medal on his chest, Adong would have been embarrassed to meet acquaintances in those days.

Fortunately, there was a walkie-talkie, an instant communication tool. After three consecutive rounds of test firing, the shells finally landed where they should fall.

After several rounds of artillery fire, the remaining Japanese troops had no fighting spirit at all. They were protected by artillery, so why should they fight against them here? If not now, when will they run?

The 39th Division's first escape did not appear on Hill No. 13, where the battle was the most intense, but instead appeared in the mountains and forests where both sides had invested the least troops.

But these dozen Japanese soldiers were also the lucky ones among the nearly 500 Japanese soldiers in front of Hill No. 13. It was precisely because of their cowardice that at least here, they did not die.

And those brave men, especially those who rushed into the front-line trenches more than ten minutes ago, also ushered in their doomsday after their major captain died.

"Hand grenades! 3 rounds, throw!" At the command of Boss Cao, 15 soldiers still in the 2nd trench stood in the trench and threw grenades to the first trench diagonally below.

The distance between the two trenches was 40 meters, which was measured on the spot before the war. It was not a random distance, but a distance that was difficult to throw grenades from bottom to top, but easy from top to bottom.

Moreover, before the war, under the leadership of Boss Cao, everyone actually practiced with training bombs of the same weight, and the accuracy was still 70 to 80 percent.

3 rounds, that's 45 grenades thrown out, at least more than 30 fell into the trenches, and the first trench was suddenly filled with smoke.

The Japanese army screamed miserably!

Of course, there were also bulletproof trenches half a meter deep in the first trench. If there were grenades thrown, the soldiers could jump into the bulletproof trenches to save their lives. If they were agile enough, they would most likely survive the attack of such dense grenades.

But since Boss Cao dared to give this trench to the Japanese, how could he not have a way to deal with them?

"Incendiary bombs! 3 rounds! Throw!" Following Boss Cao's order, the soldiers lit the triggers of the glass bottles in their hands.

They stood up straight and smashed the first-line trenches below fiercely.

The grenades were not only appetizers for the Japanese, but also suppressed them from hiding and unable to shoot at the second-line trenches, so that the Chinese officers and soldiers in the second-line trenches could boldly throw the terrifying incendiary bottles into the trenches.

The reason why even a fierce man like Boss Cao felt terrified was that they had seen with their own eyes the power of the glass bottles filled with yellow-brown turbid liquid after they exploded.

A large stone as high as a person was hit by such a guy. No matter whether it was poured with water or beaten with branches, the fire did not decrease. Everyone worked for 3 minutes, and the whole stone burned for a full 3 minutes until the fuel was completely exhausted. When you look again, the granite that did not even leave much trace of bullets was actually burned and cracked.

If this splashed on a person, it would burn all the bones!

Therefore, the infantrymen of the Four-Line Regiment would rather deal with explosives and bombs than touch the Molotov cocktails that were said to be developed by the commander of the regiment himself.

However, the Japanese were all hiding in this trench, and throwing dozens of Molotov cocktails like this was the best choice. Even if they were not burned to death, they would be choked to death. I don’t know what was added in it, which would emit a pungent and suffocating stench. It would be even more terrible if the clothes were covered over the nose, and even breathing would be difficult.

That was the concept of future thermobaric bombs quoted by Tang Dao, which consumed a large amount of oxygen by violent combustion. The pungent smell was a small amount of ammonia water, which could not only help combustion but also burn the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes of respiratory organs. If people inhaled too much, it could cause lung swelling and even death.

Of course, if you want to get this treatment, you must first avoid the sparks of death flying everywhere.

Obviously, in a semi-enclosed space like a trench, not many Japanese infantrymen can get this treatment.

Five minutes later, when Boss Cao led people into the trench, a familiar smell of meat wafted into his nose, almost making Boss Cao fall.

It felt like walking into a delicatessen!


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