Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1434: Try your best and the motorcycle will turn into a bicycle!

January 23, 5:30 a.m.!

Standing in the valley and looking at the lined-up imperial officers and soldiers, the usually strong Major General Yiyuan Jingu burst into tears.

The 7,000-man detachment that was originally strong and powerful, now only has 1,400 people standing in front of him, and there are 600 wounded soldiers, a total of no more than 2,000 people.

There are 5,000 people, all left in front of the Chinese high ground after yesterday's battle.

When the battle ended yesterday evening, Yiyuan Jingu already knew that it was impossible for him to capture the Chinese high ground, even though he intuitively felt that at least several of the Chinese high ground were already shaky, as long as he invested a certain amount of troops, he would definitely be able to capture it.

But no matter how excited he was, he knew that he couldn't do that. The result of doing so would only be the annihilation of the entire detachment in this unknown valley.

This was also the most wise decision made by Yiyuan Jingu on the battlefield of Sifang Bay. Under the desperate attack of Jingu Detachment, although Tang Tuanzuo had sent out two infantry companies of the 4th Battalion, he had not yet dispatched the last reserve of the guard company. Once these 200 elite soldiers were sent out, the last 1,400 people of Jingu Detachment would not be enough.

"Although this battle was lost, our detachment also caused heavy losses to the enemy and was unable to support the central battlefield of Shipai. For the sake of the lives of the seriously injured officers and soldiers of the detachment, our detachment will temporarily withdraw from the battlefield to rest. We will find a chance to fight the remnants of the enemy here again in the future and will destroy them!" In the morning light of dawn, the Japanese Army Major General wiped the tears from his face and finally stabilized his emotions and encouraged the remnants of his detachment.

A great defeat was lightly interpreted by the Japanese Army Major General as a defeat. The withdrawal was not because they could not win, but to let the 600 seriously injured soldiers survive.

This reason is actually still tenable. Just yesterday, half of the seriously wounded soldiers on the front line died, and nearly 500 wounded soldiers stopped breathing in the deafening sound of gunfire due to lack of hemostatic drugs.

The Chinese bombardment of the baggage troops not only involved the problem of eating, but also destroyed most of the stored medicines. Less than one-third of the more than a thousand wounded soldiers could receive timely treatment.

The faces of the Japanese infantry standing neatly in the valley were full of humiliation, but deep in their eyes they were relieved.

They all knew that although they lost this battle, the major general detachment commander was finally going to withdraw his troops. At least they could still live, unlike their colleagues, who were now lying dead on the enemy's high ground.

Originally, the Japanese army had the habit of collecting the debris on the battlefield, but the Chinese, who were also bloodthirsty, did not allow it. If they wanted to pull back a body, they would often have to pay the price of one or even several people. After trying several times, commanders at all levels, including Yiyuan Yigu, also gave up this "stupid" behavior.

We can only wait until the Battle of Shipai, when the Imperial Army, which has won the overall victory, will come to collect the remains!

Under the order of Yiyuan Yiyuan, the Japanese infantry abandoned most of the baggage except for carrying one day's rations and necessary ammunition.

Although the remaining 5 mountain cannons were dismantled into several pieces and transported by pack horses, there were only less than 60 shells, and the damaged heavy machine guns were all abandoned. Even the few pack horses had towels tied to their four hooves and noses to prevent the pack horses from neighing and making hoof sounds.

To put it bluntly, this has nothing to do with the so-called evacuation. The main point is to run away quietly.

From the Sifangwan battlefield to the flank of the Zhujiaping battlefield where they detoured, there is still a 12-kilometer mountain road. If they march heavily as they did when they came, it is estimated that they will have to travel for most of the day, not to mention that there are more than 600 seriously injured soldiers who need to be carried back on stretchers.

Jingu Yiyuan did not waste too much time. After briefly encouraging the remaining soldiers, at 5:35 in the morning, the remaining members of the Jingu Detachment quietly left the col in an orderly manner and returned along the original route.

That scene was absolutely miserable. Not to mention the comparison with the strong soldiers and horses when they came, let's say now, there are 1,400 people, of which nearly a thousand are carrying a wounded soldier on a stretcher in groups of two, and those with less serious injuries are hung on the backs of pack horses with cloth bags. Even if the wounds hurt from the bumpy mountain road, the wounded soldiers bite the towels to prevent themselves from making any sound.

The Jingu Detachment had already consumed all their blood and courage yesterday. At this time, they just want to be a quiet scumbag who runs away.

If it were other Chinese troops, it would be a blessing to be able to hold their positions under such a terrible attack. How could they care about competing with the remnants of the Japanese army?

But the Jingu Detachment was unfortunate to meet the Four-Line Regiment, and even more unfortunate was that there was a Chinese commander whose soul came from the future. No matter who they let go, they would never let go of the beast that caused the massacre.

In the dense forest hundreds of meters away from the Jingu Detachment's escape route, there were at least more than 20 pairs of eyes staring at them.

Tang Tuanzuo never thought of letting the 2,000 remnants of the Jingu Detachment go. Moreover, this bait was so tempting that he didn't believe that the Japanese would be willing to let these 2,000 Japanese soldiers fend for themselves, especially with Yokoyama Isamu's extremely proud personality.

"According to the original plan, the 4th Battalion blocked the Japanese troops layer by layer on the high ground along the way. The 1st Battalion dispatched 3 platoons, the Guard Company dispatched 2 platoons, and the Special Service Battalion, the Engineer Battalion, and the Supply Battalion each dispatched a platoon as a reserve to trap the Jingu Detachment in this mountainous area for me." Tang Dao stared at the sand table with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Everyone, remember this. Do not attack without my order. I'm going to save some bullets this time and starve these bastards to death in this mountain!"

The Hariya detachment had only walked less than five kilometers when it encountered the first wave of attacks. Two Chinese infantry squads occupying a mountain peak with an altitude of more than 400 meters blocked the mountain road with rifles and machine guns.

In order to avoid being entangled by the Chinese, Hariya Yiyuan decisively left about 120 infantrymen to entangle with the Chinese soldiers. The main force, led by the reconnaissance pioneers, crossed the mountains and took a detour.

At this time, the Japanese infantrymen were still grateful for the decisiveness of their major general detachment commander, who gave up a large amount of baggage and light equipment, so that they did not have to fight hard with the Chinese soldiers who had a geographical advantage because they had to walk on the mountain road.

Although it was very hard, staying alive was the most important thing at the moment.

However, the tragedy was that the Chinese forest was not so easy to enter. They actually encountered a minefield deep in the dense forest.

That was the masterpiece of the reconnaissance platoon to which Shen Laoliu of the reconnaissance company belonged!

As early as yesterday when the battle ended, Tang Dao judged that the remnants of the Japanese army would definitely flee. Shen Laoliu judged based on the terrain that if the Japanese army encountered an attack at the corner of this mountain road, they would definitely choose to give up the strong attack and take a detour. Crossing the mountain became their first choice.

He took his brothers from the reconnaissance platoon to bury more than 60 anti-infantry mines in this forest overnight.

The Jingu Detachment originally had several mine detectors for detecting metal, but Jingu Yiyuan ordered to abandon all unnecessary baggage, and the engineers who were responsible for carrying the wounded would not bring these things.

When the first anti-infantry mine blew up two Japanese soldiers in the grass, the Japanese who followed up collectively closed their eyes in pain.

The Chinese were so vicious that they even buried mines in the forest where they lived. Do they not want to walk through this forest in the future?

Do you think human nature is ridiculous? When they win, the Japanese will say that the Chinese do not deserve this fertile land. When they fail, they start to complain that the Chinese do not have martial ethics and even lay vicious minefields on their own land.

For China at present, wherever there are Japanese, it is a battlefield. Since it is a battlefield, why would they consider the future? They will kill the enemy first.

In the future, only the victors deserve to enjoy it!

"I need the imperial warriors to pave a way for the whole detachment!" Major General Yiyuan Jinggu, who rushed to the edge of the minefield, was so decisive that the Japanese army was chilled.

The sudden appearance of the blockade and the minefield gave Yiyuan Jinggu a strong sense of crisis. He had reason to infer that the Chinese were slowing down his march, and the intention of slowing down the march was almost obvious.

After the firepower strength shown by the Chinese in yesterday's battle, Yiyuan Jinggu had completely lost confidence in forcefully breaking through the opponent's position, even if the opponent might not have particularly perfect fortifications.

Itsuhara Hariya couldn't let the Hariya Detachment become the first detachment in the Imperial Expeditionary Force to be completely wiped out, which would be a shame for the entire Imperial Army.

So, he needed to sacrifice a few people to save the majority.

Fortunately, there was no shortage of brave men in the Japanese army. Under the earnest gaze of Major General Hariya Itsuhara, nearly ten fools bravely stood up.

"I will tell your family about your heroic deeds, and the Empire will not forget your sacrifice." Hariya Itsuhara was extremely emotional, with tears in his eyes, encouraging the ten men with guns who were about to die.

"Long live the Empire!" A Japanese soldier shouted slogans and ran forward bravely.


After running more than 20 meters in the bushes in one breath, there was no explosion as imagined. The Japanese infantryman stopped, panting but full of joy, and looked back at his colleagues lying on the ground, waving his hands excitedly and just about to shout something.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

After the smoke cleared, the Japanese infantryman whose legs were broken below the knees howled in pain.

If he hadn't been too excited and moved 20 centimeters to one side, the small anti-personnel mine might not have been triggered.

But obviously, his good luck ended there.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out, and the Japanese soldiers who were howling in pain trembled violently, and the sound turned from high to low, and finally fell into complete silence.

"Continue!" The Japanese Army Major General, who had just had a warm face, waved his hand coldly and ordered the guards around him to shoot, was full of anger.

He knew that if this continued, the morale of his thousand men would completely collapse without the Chinese surrounding him, and it could turn into a rout at any time.

In the mountains with such a complex environment, rout means death.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Under the 'eager' gaze of Yiyuan Hariya, the Japanese soldiers walked towards the minefield with tears in their eyes.

There were no survivors, because all the Japanese infantrymen whose legs were blown off were shot dead by the guards around Yiyuan Yiyuan with precise shooting.

He couldn't let the screams that echoed through the mountains and forests hit the morale of the army again, because the wounded soldiers who were severely injured could not survive in such an environment.

However, everyone knows the truth, but the so-called rabbit dies and the fox mourns. Seeing the captain treat the imperial warriors who risked their lives like this, the morale of the Japanese infantrymen still inevitably fell to the bottom.

If an army appeared at this time, even if it was just an infantry company, and launched an assault on this thousand-plus people whose morale had already been extremely low, there was a great possibility that they would be completely defeated.

However, this was not in line with Tang Tuanzuo's style, he wanted to maximize his interests.

Not only did he have to surround and kill these 2,000 Japanese invaders, he also had to let the Japanese troops on the periphery know that there were 2,000 Japanese here, and whether to save them or not depended on their choice.

"The little Japs are quite ruthless. They even used body bomb tactics!" Shen Laoliu, who was lying in the grass 600 meters away, was also shocked by the Japanese army's operations.

The order he received was to try his best to slow down the march of the Japanese army. After much thought, he felt that it would be most convenient to lay mines. So Ichihara Tsuruya used this move to destroy the area he had been thinking about designing and the hard work he had spent most of the night. .

"The little devil has started marching again. Platoon commander, do you want to gather all the brothers in the platoon to do something stupid? The company commander just informed that the brothers from the guard company and the engineer company are urgently building fortifications 1,000 meters ahead. We Do we need to buy them some time?" Cao Yingchong quietly came over and asked.

"You guys are still thinking like those guys in the infantry battalion. They always gather a large number of people to do it. Who are we? We are a reconnaissance company. Our job is to stab people and sap people." Shen Laoliu grinned. He tried to teach his deputy platoon leader a lesson.

"Tell the brothers, the reconnaissance team is still organized according to the previous structure. If you can kill the Japanese with one shot, then kill one of them. Don't be too eager to fight. Take advantage and run away. The snipers are for me to target the Japanese officers. The Japanese officers are not wearing fur. The coat doesn't matter, as long as there are many Japanese soldiers around him, he is an officer, just give me a fight."

The Needle Valley detachment, which finally broke out of the minefield at the cost of 16 people, encountered another group of 'rogues'.

The Chinese are hiding in the nooks and crannies of the mountains and forests at least 400 meters away from their marching route. They will either give you a shot or use a machine gun to fire you in a long burst. When you hit them with a grenade, they will be there. Just slipped away.

Although the loss incurred in this way is actually not large, it is scary!

Especially the Japanese officers at all levels were even more frightened now.

Even though they were required by military orders to put on the same military uniforms as ordinary infantrymen, put on heavy cowhide boots, white gloves, command knives and riding boots, the Chinese seemed to recognize them. During the one-mile march, in more than a dozen attacks launched by the Chinese, six officers were shot and killed. One of them was a major-level captain, and he was shot with a precise shot under the personal protection of six guards. He was hit in the lower ribs and struggled painfully for more than ten minutes before finally breathing out.

"Chinese people are not identified by their military uniforms, but by the number of guards around them. All officers and guards should keep their distance and keep marching normally." Itsuya Ishara's brain was quite good. After receiving several consecutive reports of officers being shot accurately, After the report, we responded quickly.

However, it is easier said than done. Who would dare if they knew that there were Chinese people hiding in the mountains and attacking them from a distance, but there was no one around them to block the gunfire? The older the official, the less he dares to walk alone. For them, without guards, what is the difference between walking naked in the ice and snow?

Fearing death and not wanting to be targeted, there seemed to be no other solution except sending more elite soldiers to guard the perimeter of the march.

Although Zhitani Yiyuan was so anxious that two boils appeared on his mouth and the march could not be accelerated, the Zhitani detachment carrying the wounded soldiers actually walked for a full hour and a half for the thousand-meter journey.

In addition to the extreme difficulty of marching in the mountains and forests, the attacks of more than twenty reconnaissance teams deployed by Shen Laoliu in the surrounding mountainous areas played a key role.

Then, the tragic Needle Valley Detachment walked to Mopan Ridge, which was called the "Needle Valley Detachment's last look" after the war.

This is a mountain ridge that is not high in altitude but extremely steep. The Needle Valley detachment passed here when they arrived at Sifang Bay. The mountain road winds under the ridge. For people on Mopan Ridge, even if there are A mouse can see clearly.

If you want to pass here, except for the mountain road, unless you become a monkey, you can climb the cliff with a slope of nearly 80 degrees and climb the 420-meter-high mountain.

But obviously, not to mention that humans can't turn into monkeys, even real monkeys have no chance against the sudden appearance of 160 Chinese soldiers with live ammunition on Mopan Ridge.

When the Needle Valley detachment hurriedly stepped onto the trail, four MG42 machine guns from the mountains suddenly opened fire, and the more than 400 Japanese troops who were the first to move were instantly turned upside down.

In the four tongues of fire sweeping back and forth, the once fierce Japanese infantry were shot one by one on the mountain road like newborn babies with almost no resistance.

Looking at the tragic situation in front of him, Atsuya Yihara was stunned, and it was not until more than ten seconds later that he gave the order to evacuate the entire army.

At this point, Atsuya Itsuhara already knew that the Atsuya detachment had completely lost the ability to escape from difficulties, and he had to ask for help from Murakami Kisaku and Yokoyama Isamu.

"Order Murakami to serve as Lieutenant General, devote all his energy to the battle for the central position of Shipai, quickly defeat the enemy's 11th Division of the 18th Army, and break the siege of the Needle Valley Detachment; order the 231st Regiment and Yegou Detachment to allocate a certain amount of troops for reinforcements Needle Valley Detachment; another order is given to Needle Valley Detachment to stay where they are for reinforcements!"

After the gloomy-faced Isamu Yokoyama received the telegram from Itsuhara Hayatani asking for help, he angrily chopped into pieces the small table that still contained his beloved tea cup. After venting his anger, the commander of the Japanese 11th Army finally regained his composure and knew what he was thinking. It is useless to kill the idiot Itsuhara Tsutani. If you want to avoid the tragedy of a detachment being wiped out by the Chinese, you can only do your best.

Back then, the 106th Division was completely wiped out by his old rival. He was very clear about the consequences of the death of an Imperial Army Lieutenant General. Otherwise, how would he have the chance to rise to power?

He couldn't let the Battle of Shipai, which he had been planning for nearly a year, turn into a waterloo for Yu Yokoyama. He could only fight, regardless of whether the bicycle could be turned into a motorcycle.

Little did they know that it was precisely because of this military order from Yokoyama Isamu that the meat grinder mode of the central position of Shipai was launched ahead of schedule.

Through reinforcements, the infantry under the command of Murakami Ki had a combat force of more than 9,000, but what he faced was no longer the 11th Division that had to be divided, but the 11th Division in its heyday with 6 infantry regiments, and there were two regiments of the temporary 6th Division as reserves.

The 6 elite infantry regiments lost almost 3,000 people in the previous two days of fighting, and there were still 30,000 people who could fight.

9,000vs13,000, China has a complete terrain advantage, and in terms of heavy firepower, although China does not have naval guns, with the 12 mountain guns promised by the Four-Line Regiment for firepower support, there are only 36 75mm mountain guns, not to mention surpassing the Japanese army, but it is almost equal.

In the air, the Chinese Air Force, which has tasted the sweetness, has decided to fully support Shipai. The fleets of the other six airports in Sichuan Province have long been on standby 24 hours a day, ready to support Shipai at any time.

Trying to achieve victory by force will only result in throwing the soldiers into this artificial meat grinder.

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