Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1382: Convince people with money!

Chapter 1382: Convince people with money!

"I need to import 100 F4F fighters and 200 imitation Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns to your country!" Tang Dao said firmly in front of Stilwell and Laura in the small reception room at the headquarters of Rockefeller's Far East Branch. said.

 The two Westerners looked at each other, not knowing how to answer the man in front of them.

"Dear Don, this is impossible." Stilwell spread his hands and tried to keep his tone calm.

Through these exchanges, Tang Dao is the most tenacious and intelligent Chinese soldier he has ever seen. Stilwell admires him very much, but this does not mean that he can meet Tang Dao's almost impossible requirements.

“First of all, I am just a major general in the army and cannot convince those congressmen to agree to export these latest fighters to the Far East.

 As the old saying goes, from a humanitarian perspective, we hope Japan will stop its aggression against your country!

But from an economic standpoint, a large number of mine owners and factory managers in our country are waiting for orders from Japan. From an economic standpoint alone, those congressmen supported by consortiums will never want to lose Japan, a major customer, and China Not to mention the lack of purchasing power, most of the products purchased come from loans! "Stilwell explained patiently.

“Secondly, from a political and military perspective, our federal government is conducting in-depth negotiations with Japan and does not want to further stimulate them. We and our allies have a lot of investment and mining resources in Southeast Asia and cannot afford to lose anything.

 Secondly, the Wildcat fighter jet was finalized the year before last and was only delivered to customers last year. The production capacity is not large. It is almost impossible to complete the order of 100 aircraft you want within this year.

 In addition, the most important point is that even if Congress agrees to your request and the order is delivered after you pay enough fees, your country's shipping lanes have all been blocked by Japan. How can these fighters be delivered to your country? "

"General Stilwell, I am very grateful for your candor. You have just refused from several aspects such as economic, political, military, production capacity, transportation channels, etc., so I will answer you from these aspects. These are not problems at all. ." Tang Dao replied confidently.

“First of all, I can prove my purchasing ability first, without any loan, I can pay in full, and I can pay in advance.”

Tang Dao turned his attention to the little foreign girl: "Miss Laura, the penicillin drug I invented has been on the market in the United States for more than a year. I want to know how much funds I can use now according to our original agreement."

Stilwell gave a slight quiver.

He really didn’t expect that the invention of anti-infective drugs, known as the greatest in the 20th century, would be the young Chinese soldier in front of him who he already admired very much. Could it be that he was a doctor or biologist before the war.

But this was only limited to surprise or admiration. The little foreign girl walked out of the reception room, and soon brought a piece of information and said a huge number, which made the veteran feel dizzy.

"At your request, Colonel Tang, more than 40% of the funds were used to purchase weapons and equipment, food, and medicine and transport them to the Far East, and nearly 30% of the funds were used to invest in the stocks of emerging companies in the United States, such as Boeing, etc., also have 30% capital reserves. The funds that can be mobilized in the short term are about 70 million U.S. dollars. But I need to remind you that there are already 30 million U.S. dollars in funds that will be used to start the aircraft manufacturing plant that is about to be established. Funds must not be misappropriated!" Laura answered Tang Dao formally.

 That means that Tang Dao’s current available funds are US$40 million!

  What is the concept of $40 million in this era?

 A 150mm howitzer is already considered an important weapon in the military, but it can be sold for only US$36,000. US$40 million can buy a full 1,000 of them; the USS Hornet aircraft carrier built in 1938 cost only US$31.8 million;

And Tang Dao wants to order imported F4Fs at once. The price of the fighter jets nicknamed Wildcat in the future to the U.S. Navy and Army is only US$26,000. With the funds that Tang Dao can mobilize now, he can buy 1,000 of them plus various kind of auxiliary equipment.

"General Stilwell, you can help me tell the U.S. Department of Aviation and Grumman, which manufactures this type of aircraft, that I can purchase it for $50,000 each, and can also provide designs for modifications to improve the performance of the aircraft. The drawings and modification costs are extra, and there is no upper limit." Tang Dao looked back at Stilwell with a determined look in his eyes.

Stilwell knew that the Chinese hero colonel in front of him was telling the truth. He was not joking, even if what he said was that he was not satisfied with the new fighter aircraft that had just been finalized and put into production by the federal military and wanted to provide design drawings for improvements. An almost ridiculous argument.

In this era, a man with a huge fortune of 40 million US dollars seems to make sense in whatever he says.

"But dear Tang, I have just made it clear to you that even doubling the price of F4F fighter jets will not impress those high-ranking congressmen. The Japanese have orders to import steel and iron ore. Up to hundreds of millions of dollars." The nearly 60-year-old veteran may not have encountered such a stubborn Chinese for a long time.

"Now, let's take a look at why your federal government agreed to this arms deal from a political, military and economic perspective." Tang Dao took out a piece of paper from his shoulder bag and spread it on the table.

It was clearly a sea chart. Although it could be seen from the pencil drawing that it was a temporary drawing, and perhaps Tang Dao was the painter, the drawing was clear enough. At least Stilwell could tell at a glance that it was the Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia.

"The Japanese have now shown their greed for French Indochina. Isn't your military a little alert?" Tang Dao drew a circle on the corner of the map.

"The Japanese are taking advantage of the situation. Our federal government has lodged representations with the Japanese government on this matter and suspended the export of its oil, steel, iron ore, food and other materials." Stilwell, a former military attaché at the Embassy in China , is still very clear about the international situation.

“I wonder if General Stilwell knows anything about Japan’s newly formed Konoe Fumi Cabinet?” Tang Dao’s pen still stayed on the simple map, but he asked seemingly unrelated questions.

"When Konoe Fumi was prime minister in the last round, he connived at the Japanese Army Ministry to launch a war of aggression against China. This person must be responsible for the war. In my eyes, he will be sent to a military court and tried." Steve Wei frowned, and he seemed to know what Tang Dao wanted to say.

 A dangerous and stupid emperor is fine, but when a warmonger becomes the top head of the government, it seems that it will lead the entire country on a path of no return. This is not only dangerous for China, which is at war.

“It seems that General Stilwell has done very detailed intelligence work, but General, do you know Tojo Hideyoshi, who is about to become the Prime Minister of the Land?”

Tang Dao's praise made Stilwell dumbfounded. The so-called military attache, in addition to military and diplomatic functions, is also the biggest intelligence chief! How could he not know the famous Tojo Eikichi.

“That is the most famous hardliner in Japan, who always advocates the use of military to resolve disputes!” Stilwell still answered the question honestly, but the expression on his face had become serious.

“I don’t need to explain to you where the Japanese government will take the whole of Japan under the leadership of these two people.” Tang Dao stretched out his hand and drew a big circle in Japan, China and even the entire Southeast Asia.

“Whether you believe General Stilwell or not, within half a month, Japan’s newly formed cabinet government will shout out the rhetoric of the ‘Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’.

In addition, I can also tell you the news that the Japanese cabinet headed by Fumi Konoe has held a meeting and decided to strengthen the three-nation axis of Japan, Germany and Italy, sign a non-aggression treaty with the Mao Xiong Kingdom, and expand the "Greater East Asia New Order" The policy of the British, French, Portuguese and Dutch colonies in Southeast Asia was to prepare for the "southern advance". "Tang Dao finally took out his second chip.

This information was like a thunderbolt exploding in Stilwell's heart.

As a former military attache stationed in China, he certainly knew what this meant. If the information Tang Dao said was true, it would mean that Japan would give up its "northward advance" and turn to its "southward advance."

The southward advance means that Japan will infringe on all the interests of the United States and its allies in Southeast Asia. Although Europe is currently at war, the European powers will never give up on the rich Southeast Asia easily, and the United States certainly will not. The war is naturally about to break out.

"This is impossible. Although Japan is allied with the German Empire, the German Empire only needs Japan as a symbolic ally. Their strength is not enough." What Stilwell wanted to say is that Japan is only in Asia at most. They are kings and hegemons, but in the eyes of the Western world, they are just younger brothers. But what he saw was Tang Dao's slightly curved mouth, which was full of sarcasm.

Stilwell thought of Tang Dao's words again: Arrogant people will eventually pay the price for their arrogance!

The 57-year-old veteran quickly forced himself to calm down, paced back and forth in the living room and gently rubbed his brow that was a little sore from frowning. "But dear Tang, I can't verify the source of your intelligence. Our country's intelligence system can't penetrate into the heavily guarded Japanese cabinet. I can't use this unverifiable intelligence to convince those stubborn and stupid congressmen, even if it will eventually There are facts to prove that your information is true.”

“Fighting against the woolly bears with millions of soldiers would cost a huge amount of money, material and manpower. Even if we could win, the area occupied would only be snowy Siberia.

Southeast Asia is so beautiful and rich. Indochina is rich in tin, tungsten, gemstones, coal, oil, natural gas and other minerals, as well as agricultural products such as rice, rubber, palm oil, timber, tropical fruits and flowers;

The Malay Archipelago is an important production and export base for tropical agricultural and forestry products (rubber, oil palm, coconut, cocoa, pepper, cardamom, cinchona) in the world. It also has rich mineral deposits such as oil, natural gas, tin, copper, bauxite, and nickel. .

There is an old saying in China: Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have seeds!

Why can these precious lands only be occupied by the Western world? Especially when oil is embargoed, and in the fertile black land of Northeast China, there is everything but no oil. The oil in the oil tank is about to disappear, and the huge ship cannot even start. At that time, General Stilwell, what would you do if it were you? "Tang Dao had a faint smile on his face, but he said an almost cruel truth.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on General Stilwell's forehead.

 Because he was horrified to discover that even if he did not advocate war, if one day his country encountered such a situation, then he would definitely support launching a war with both hands and feet.

 Because he knows all too well that there is no oil in Japan at all, and oil imported from the United States accounts for 90% of Japan's domestic consumption.

They don’t want anyone to live anymore. Considering the national characteristics of the Japanese, it’s no wonder they don’t go crazy. It’s like big brother and little brother. As long as they are strong enough and dare to fight and kill, the eldest brother can kneel down and call daddy.

"So, you don't need to confirm the authenticity of this intelligence. You only need to report your conjectures to your country's military ministry and president. They are experienced military strategists and politicians and will conduct analysis based on your conjectures. "It's based on research and judgment," Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Okay! I will report this hypothetical intelligence to the country today!" Stilwell nodded.

 Faced with the threat of war, the economy is destined to not be the focus.

"Of course, the authenticity of the intelligence must be verified in the end. If a gap cannot be opened in Japan, General Stilwell, you can ask your country's intelligence system to pay more attention to the Bear Country. They may not have any Japanese. So cautious. After all, they have only signed a non-aggression pact with the Japanese allies for less than a year."

"But dear Tang, even if this piece of information can convince those congressmen and people in the military department, the 100 F4Fs you want will take time. They will not be delivered until at least a year later. However, the 200 imitation Bofors 40mm The anti-aircraft guns should be in stock." Stilwell, who was completely convinced by Tang Dao, looked at Tang Dao and suddenly felt a sense of challenge.

  He originally thought that he knew the Chinese colonel well after meeting him twice, but it was not until just now that he suddenly discovered that his understanding of Tang Dao was still pitiful.

For example, Tang Dao went from impossible to possible to persuade him to persuade his immediate superior, and made it impossible for him to refuse. Tang Dao had always had the absolute initiative in this dialogue, and he couldn't even resist at the very least. If not, the army will be defeated.

If placed on the battlefield, he will be the defeated general.

Therefore, Stilwell wanted to regain his position and deliberately postponed the delivery time for half a year, although he knew very well that with Grumman's strength, the delivery of 100 fighters could only be completed in 4 to 5 months.

"Hey, I remember didn't the Gallic Empire place an order for a batch of 100 F4F fighters from your country years ago? But now, they may not be able to use them anymore! Even if they can be used, I guess the cost will have to wait until the war. Payment can only be completed later!

 As for me, I can pay in cash, and even if the Gallic Empire collects the order, I can help pay the five-month liquidated damages. "Tang Dao said with a confident smile.

"Oh! God, how do you know this?" Stilwell was shocked and turned his attention to the little foreign girl.

Tang Dao's knowledge of Japan's intelligence is incredible. He can still understand it. After all, the two sides are warring countries. How can Tang Dao also know so much about the domestic military industry orders of the United States? Apart from Laura, he really couldn't think of anyone who told Tang Dao this information.

“There is no Rockefeller’s surname on Grumman’s shareholder list!” Laura’s eyes were calm as she calmly replied to the 7th Division Commander’s question.

“But what I know is that Colonel Tang has a trading company in our country. Perhaps this is also one of his subordinates’ work!”

"Dear Don, it seems that I need to suggest that the Intelligence Department conduct a strict investigation on your company. They know too much." Stilwell chewed on his pipe, his eyes full of fun.

"General Stilwell, first of all, this is not a secret; secondly, because our country needs this batch of orders, if your country insists on losing a trading partner that imports nearly 30 million U.S. dollars a year, there is nothing I can do, right?" Tang Dao Shrugging and spreading his hands.

"Haha! I have always hated the dirty behavior of throwing money at people." Stilwell laughed loudly. "But why don't I feel any boredom this time?"

"Perhaps it's because I brought a big business worth tens of millions of dollars to your country! Do you want to pay in cash?" Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Oh! God! For the past 50 years, I always thought that I hated money from the bottom of my heart, but damn, now I find that money is actually very cute. I don't know if this tens of millions of orders can make me promoted from major general to major general. Lieutenant General." Stilwell sighed in a good mood.

"General Stilwell, you will. When one day our two countries become allies, I believe you will return to China and become the supreme commander of the joint command." Tang Dao replied seriously.

"Then I will definitely hire you as my staff officer. In Japanese terms, you are really cunning and big." Stilwell said with a smile.

This American general, who is destined to become the Chief of General Staff of the Chinese Theater in the future, did not take Tang Dao's words seriously at this time.

As for how to deliver 100 fighter jets, for these two extremely outstanding soldiers, as long as the order is approved by the top management, it is a trivial matter.

 Ship transportation cannot enter the Chinese coastline from the Pacific Ocean, East China Sea or Yellow Sea, so it can completely change the direction!

  Huge China has enough neighbors, such as the British Asan Kingdom, from which China's Yunnan Province can be entered through Myitkyina.

 The famous lifeline of the Anti-Japanese War, the Stilwell Highway, which starts from Ledo, a small town in the eastern Asan Kingdom, and ends in Kuncheng, will transport more than 50,000 tons of supplies to China in the future.

Besides, airplanes have wings, so they can’t fly?

 (End of this chapter)

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