Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1385: Sad!

 The address of the aircraft manufacturing plant was thoroughly selected after a week of survey and survey.

Laura did not lie to Old Tang about this. The factory was located in a ravine about 10 kilometers away from Tangjia Village.

It is only 3 miles away from the main road, and there is a mountain stream with sufficient water in the ravine, which is enough to meet the needs of thousands of people. It can also discharge floods in summer. The mountains on both sides are covered with dense forests, providing sufficient concealment. .

According to Tang Dao and Laura's plan, most of the buildings on the surface of the mountain are employee dormitories, and factories and material warehouses are inside the mountain. In this way, even if the Japanese army obtains intelligence and uses a bomber group to bomb, they will not be afraid, with a width of 300 meters and a length of 5,000 meters. The ravine is enough to build a 3,200-meter runway, which can not only be used for aircraft flight tests, but can even be used as a temporary airport in wartime.

As a result, the amount of the project is quite huge. The initial investment in construction funds alone is as high as 15 million U.S. dollars, and the time to put it into use will probably be postponed to November next year, which will take up to a year and a half.

Tang Dao made a rough calculation and found that the time before Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States to launch the Pacific War was exactly at this point in time. The enraged war machine would definitely start manufacturing aircraft at full capacity. This largest aircraft manufacturing plant in the Far East would definitely not be destroyed. They give up and a steady stream of materials and people are sure to arrive at the factory.

As the saying goes, "Whether you sharpen your sword or chop wood," the delay of a year and a half is nothing. It is still very early before the end of the war. In the remaining four years, as long as this aircraft factory can build a thousand fighter planes, then Japan will There will be a much heavier price to pay for this than before in time and space.

Tang Dao decided on this plan, and all the technicians and the Rockefeller Company's engineering staff stayed on the spot, and the Jinxi County Government also received an order from Shancheng: "Gather the entire county's efforts to build the factory, and each household will have three Draw two, single rider!"

Jinxi County is a mountainous county with a population of less than 100,000. After several rounds of conscription in more than two years, more than 10,000 men have been drafted. The order issued this time is even more harsh, almost expelling men aged 16 to 50. Catch them all.

 In the past, there would have been loud cries, but this time every household was filled with joy. Mothers prepared bags for their sons, wives baked big cakes for their husbands, and men and women, old and young, went to the entrance of the village to see off their relatives.

The county issued a notice to all villages and towns. Each person will be paid 3 silver dollars per week for work and 50 kilograms of polished rice. There will be a fleet of vehicles to help deliver the rice every month. Each person will receive eight taels of rice, half a catty of noodles, two taels of meat, and One tael of sugar, half a catty of liquor, and corresponding clothing are distributed every quarter. Every ding has two days off every month, which he can choose freely. Every ding has one week of consecutive days off every six months, so he can go home to visit relatives.

This is full of food and warm, and you can earn ocean and fine rice for your home every month. Not to mention that you have enough to feed the old age, and even the savior of the country to save the country. You say that the people can be unhappy!

Although some people suspect that this is a big lie told by the county government, news came from Tangjiacun that this factory was invested and built by Captain Tang’s American good friend. All the funds and management were American people, and the county government only Sending a security team to help maintain public security and prevent spy infiltration does not involve any distribution of money or food, and only one Tangjia Village has 200 soldiers, accounting for a quarter of the entire village.

The current name of Tang Tuanzuo is a golden sign in Jinxi County, especially under the publicity of nearly a hundred officers and soldiers of the Sixings Regiment from Jinxi who retired and returned home due to disability. The Tang Tuanzuo promoted in newspapers is not worth it. One-tenth of the Tang Tuanzuo in reality.

Even though they were missing arms or legs, none of them regretted following Tang Tuanzuo to the battlefield.

Instead of each person bringing home at least 300 yuan of serious injury allowance, they fought against Tongguan and Sizhou Mountain. They were all fighting against veteran Japanese divisions, but in the end, they, the former recruits, won. That was enough for them. Blow for a lifetime.

Especially a soldier whose legs were severely injured and infected and had to be amputated to save his life. He wore his old military uniform without a rank every day, with a gold and silver medal on his chest. He appeared at the entrance of the village in high spirits and sat on a chair. He shouted loudly at the village guard training, but he was not depressed at all because he was a severely disabled person.

Someone wanted to challenge the authority of this soldier with both legs disabled. The veteran who was sitting on a chair holding a Black Star pistol given by the platoon leader before leaving casually took out a gun that was resting on a big tree 30 meters away. The sparrows were shot down, and the sparrows were fried and served to him as appetizers at noon.

These are the soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment. Even if there are only half of them left, their spiritual will that has experienced the test of war is as strong as gold.

Tang Dao also took time to visit the soldier who followed him in the counterattack to regain the position during the battle at Sizhou Mountain. Tang Dao clearly remembered that the soldier's legs were hit by a Japanese machine gun, but he still climbed in The Japanese army took position and killed two Japanese soldiers with guns, and was eventually rated as a second-class military merit.

However, because of this hellish crawl, his already **** wound was contaminated with too many bacteria. Even if he was given five times more antibiotics than an ordinary person, the wound infection could not be suppressed, and he had to choose to saw it in the end. Legs save lives.

The original intention of the regiment was to let him stay in the factory where he was stationed until the war was victorious. After all, someone like him had completely lost the ability to work. It would be difficult for him to marry and have children after returning to his hometown. He might even be despised by others. A soldier of the Fourth Army Regiment, No one can tolerate this insult.

 But this soldier insisted on going home, for no other reason than that he did not want to waste the regiment's funds. The 300 yuan serious injury allowance given by the regiment and his military exploits were enough to support him for a lifetime when he returned home.

Such a soldier is naturally worthy of Tang Dao's personal visit.

It was precisely because of the hard publicity of this veteran and his comrades that Tang Tuanzuo's reputation in Jinxi County reached its peak. Even if he did not recruit him personally, as long as his name was reported, Jinxi County would respond to hundreds of responses.

It was only two days after the county government issued the order to call out migrant workers. The employees of Rockefeller’s Far East Branch walked out of their tents and looked in front of them in disbelief.

 Groups of Chinese farmers carrying simple burdens were converging towards their valley from various trails.

On the first registration day alone, 17,000 people from 23 townships came. By the second day, the total number of arrivals had exceeded 30,000, accounting for almost one-third of the total population of a county.

It was not just men, there were even more than 4,000 women. They were mainly young couples whose children were still young. In order to prevent their father, who was nearly sixty years old, from going to work, the couple gritted their teeth and simply abandoned their children to their parents. The couple all came.

Of course, there are also older girls. In order to make more income for the family, the girls who have not yet left the court will cut off their long, shiny black hair, put on men's clothes, and follow their brothers and uncles in the village.

In the exact words of Mr. Lawrence, deputy manager of Rockefeller's Far East Branch: "That early morning was the most shocking moment in my life. Chinese people carrying simple baggage and holding banners with the names of villages and towns on their backs flocked to the foot of the mountain from all over the place. , looking from a distance, it looks like leaping streams flowing in here.

I have no doubt that, given enough tools, these streams composed of Chinese people can wash away the 400-meter-high mountain at my feet.

Oh, God! This only uses the power of one county, but there are thousands of counties like this in China!

What are the Japanese so crazy that they actually try to devour such a country with such a huge land area and population.

God bless, I hope we will always be allies! "

  . . . . . . . .

Tang Dao was not able to witness this grand event with his own eyes.

On July 28, Tang Dao received news that shocked him and made him extremely sad.

 General Zhang died in battle!

The Battle of Zaoyi was originally supposed to take place in May. Perhaps because of the changes on the North China battlefield, the Japanese China Expeditionary Forces Command had no time to take care of it. It was not until Tang Dao arrived in the mountain city that it approved the half-year-long battle plan of the Japanese 11th Army. .

The operational plan of the Japanese 11th Army is as before. Its operational purpose is: "To defeat the main force of the enemy's fifth theater on both sides of the Han River, further weaken the Chinese army through victory in the battle, and promote political and strategic changes against China." contribute to progress.”

 The guidelines for the battle are: "Be prepared in the shortest period of time, first capture the enemy on the left bank of the Han River south of the Baihe River, and then completely eliminate the core force of the enemy on the right bank of the river near Yiling."

Just because of the unexpected delay, the Japanese army failed to launch the offensive before the arrival of the rainy season, but coincided with the rainy season. This made the Japanese mechanized troops move slower than usual, making it difficult to defend and attack. When Tang Dao learned of the battle in Shancheng, he contacted the 67th Army Headquarters and the 33rd Group Army Headquarters. After a brief analysis of the war situation, Tang Dao repeatedly told General Zhang not to stray too far from the main force of the group army and to enhance his awareness of confidentiality. Try to report as little or no specific troop deployment locations as possible, and reduce radio communications with troops at all levels to avoid being discovered by the Japanese army about the location of the group army headquarters.

In the past time and space, the main reason why the 33rd Group Army defeated Xiangyang was because the Chinese army had a weak sense of confidentiality. The telegrams between the Military Commission and the Fifth War Zone were intercepted by the Japanese army; the Japanese army also reported the relevant leaders from General Zhang. The specific location of the 33rd Group Army was learned from the telegrams of the actions of the 5 divisions.

So Sonobe and Ichiro decided to concentrate the forces of the 13th and 39th Divisions, move south along the east bank of the Han River, counterattack the 33rd Group Army, and order the 3rd Division south of Xinye to withdraw to the vicinity of Zaoyang to cover the rear.

Japanese intelligence agencies have also long detected the outgoing communication status and location of the 33rd Army Headquarters radio station based on the radio contact call sign and radio wave direction. After learning that General Zhang's headquarters was located about 10 kilometers northeast of Yicheng, the Japanese army encircled this area with the cooperation of aviation forces.

 That night, the Japanese 39th Division advanced toward the Pumpkin Shop from Fangjiaji and Nanying, and completed the tactical encirclement of the 33rd Group Army Headquarters at dawn the next day.

 With the support of artillery fire, besieged on all sides. The 74th Division of the defenders fought bravely and continued to carry out counterattacks. The fierce fighting continued until the afternoon, and the special agent battalion also participated in the battle. At this time, the Japanese offensive force had reached more than 5,000 people. They concentrated artillery fire and troops to launch a general attack on the last position of the defenders, with more than 20 aircraft assisting the battle.

General Zhang, who personally led the battle, was wounded in many places, but still commanded calmly. The 74th Division and the Special Agent Battalion were exhausted and suffered all casualties. General Zhang was seriously wounded in the chest and died heroically.

On the same day, the Japanese 13th Division also defeated the main force of our 33rd Group Army. The southern encirclement had been broken through. The Japanese army immediately adjusted its forces and concentrated on Zaoyang.

Faced with Tang Dao's personal call to persuade him, General Zhang called back: "I am a rare and brave general in our army. Please read the call carefully. Please consider the suggestions you put forward. Please don't worry too much and wait for me." News of the victory over the bandits, let’s have a drink with my brother someday!”

At this time, there was a rainy season, and the Japanese army was not moving as fast as before. There were 350,000 troops in the fifth theater. The special agent battalion of General Zhang's headquarters had all changed their equipment because of the Tang Dao. The MP28II submachine gun alone had as many as 200 rifles. It has 30 poles, light machine guns, 30 grenade launchers, and 16 mortars. Its firepower from both distance and distance is not inferior to that of a Japanese infantry brigade.

By the time Tang Dao left the mountain city and returned to his hometown, the battle of Zaoyi was still in an anxious state. The 33rd Army was encircling the 13th Division. If nothing unexpected happened, even if the battle was not won, it would not be defeated.

Who would have known that within a few days, the situation would take a turn for the worse.

General Zhang actually remained the same as before in time and space. He led his headquarters to separate from the 59th Army, the main force of his own group army, and fought against the enemy with only 6,000 people from the 74th Division of the 55th Army.

The Japanese army still detected the location of General Zhang's headquarters through the radio. In order to eliminate this serious threat, they actually assembled three divisions to launch a fierce attack on the six divisions belonging to the 33rd Group Army.

Since the Military Commission judged that the Japanese army's intention to advance westward was not to occupy Yiling, Xiangjun, and Fancheng, but to find and annihilate the main force of the Fifth Theater Zone in Zaoyang, east of Xianghe River, the main force of the Fifth Theater Zone was deployed between Zaoyang and Zaoyang. A decisive battle with the Japanese army in the east or south of Jing (men) and Dang (yang).

As a result, the Japanese army was caught off guard. The Japanese army used the force of two peripheral divisions to suddenly attack the 33rd Group Army, which was looking for an opportunity to lay siege to the 13th Division. The Japanese army's strength suddenly expanded to more than 50,000 men, and there were aircraft to assist.

The 33rd Group Army quickly recovered and awaited reinforcements, but most of the reinforcements were hundreds of kilometers away. The fifth theater commander ordered Yube to rush for reinforcements at night, but the Military Commission was worried that the Japanese army's encirclement of reinforcements would destroy the previous strategic plan and was hesitant.

 It was during these three days of hesitation that the 33rd Army was forced to fight a **** battle with the enemy with 60,000 people versus 50,000 people.

Because the Japanese army had already determined the location of the 33rd Group Army headquarters, they used two detachments with nearly 13,000 troops to break through the defense gap of the 33rd Group Army, completely cutting off the 74th Division from its main force, and used more than 10,000 troops to attack the 33rd Group Army. The 74th Division and the 33rd Army Special Agent Battalion formed an encirclement.

General Zhang, as before, personally held a gun and led the civilian staff of the headquarters and the special agent battalion to fight the enemy in a **** battle. In the end, he was shot in the chest and died on the spot!

Fortunately, this time was not like before. The 33rd Army Special Agent Battalion was well-equipped. After the death of its commander, it immediately organized a death squad and attacked the Japanese defense line with less than 400 remnant troops. More than 360 of the 400 people were killed on the spot, with less than one The platoon fought its way out of the encirclement.

The most elite guard force of the 33rd Group Army brought back the body of its commander at the cost of 95% death in battle.

The 67th Army, which was coming from Yiling overnight and had just arrived in Jingmen less than 50 miles away from the battlefield, received the news that made soldiers and civilians across the country sad. Commander Wu cried out in pain and shouted to the 67th Army officers and soldiers marching in the heavy rain: "Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The 67th Army launched a tidal wave of attacks against the Japanese invaders in the early morning of the next day, surrounding a Japanese detachment that had not had time to evacuate. Under the bombing of more than 20 Japanese planes, more than 40,000 people from three infantry divisions went forward and took turns to attack the Japanese invaders. Attack the Japanese position of 5,000 people.

 After a **** day of fighting, the Japanese invaders were finally wiped out at the cost of 12,000 battle losses, and China won the greatest victory in the Battle of Zaoyi.

 But so what? China's first group army-level commander died on the anti-Japanese battlefield.

When the news came out, the Fifth Theater Headquarters, led by the commander surnamed Li, all took off their hats to pay tribute and observed a moment of silence. Minister He of the Military and Political Department, who was sitting in a quiet small building, looked out the window and remained silent for a long time. , all visitors were blocked from the door.

 Tang Dao rarely sheds tears. Even in the Battle of Mouse Mountain, where two Sichuan Army companies killed nearly a thousand enemies at the cost of 95% casualties, he only stood on the top of the mountain covered with the flesh and blood of soldiers with red eyes.

 Because there, he was a general, and in front of his soldiers, he could not shed tears, even if his heart was so painful that it almost beat.

 But this time, Tang Dao shed tears.

 In the carriage, Laura saw this man who was as hard as a rock for the first time. His eyes were closed, but his face was filled with tears, like an abandoned child.

Tang Dao is not a general this time, but a younger brother. His elder brother has already died on the battlefield!

Tang Dao thought he could change everything, but he was wrong. The rut of history still moved forward so stubbornly, crushing his beautiful vision to pieces.

Tang Dao raised his head slightly. He had his eyes closed from the beginning to the end, but at this moment, he saw the honest elder brother nodding and smiling at him in the void.

 “It is my lifelong wish to die in battle!” General Zhang’s heroic words still lingered after he drank the wine in his glass.

 He hoped to use sacrifice to prove his life ambition, and he finally got his wish.

"I need a special plane. I want to take back my brother's remains. In addition, I need 6 Wildcat fighter jets. I want to pay tribute to my brother with the life of a Japanese pilot!" Tang Dao opened his eyes and said softly.

 “Okay! I’ll help you!” Laura nodded without hesitation!

  . . . . . . . . .

PS: It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass today and a guaranteed monthly pass tomorrow! (End of chapter)

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