Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1394: General's family affairs

Chapter 1394 The General’s Family Matters

Tang Dao failed to catch up with his eldest brother's funeral after all.

To show his respect for the fallen general, the man made an extremely rare visit to the airport in person, held the coffin and cried bitterly. Together with Commander Zhang's old superior, General Feng Yu, he personally carried the deceased to a temporary residence in the Double Cypress Tree in Beibei.

 Two days after the funeral, a grand state funeral was held for General Zhang!

The elegiac couplet written by General Feng Yu in his own handwriting is "The heroes and martyrs will always be remembered." The elegiac couplet of General Feng Yu is: "The greatest contribution to building uprightness during the War of Resistance will never be forgotten. After joining the army, he spent half his life in the country and suffered the country's tribulation. He mourned the loss of Yuanliang."

Messages of condolences were sent to the country from home and abroad. The leader in Anyan City also asked the Eighty Group Army's mountain city office to send an elegiac couplet saying "Serve the country with all your loyalty"!

What shocked the Chinese and foreign reporters who gathered at the general's funeral even more was that when they heard that General Zhang was going to be buried, hundreds of thousands of people in the mountain city came to the streets and filled both sides of the road from Beibei to Qingmuguan Meihuashan, forming a line. Incredible three-dimensional passage.

And if a plane flies over the mountain city, you can easily see the public memorial site, because countless people are still flocking there from all over the mountain city.

Fortunately, the government and the army also made plans and set up security forces and roadblocks at various intersections to explain to the people who came to see the general off and to persuade them to return. If they entered any area again, they would be able to do so without the Japanese dropping bombs. Squeeze people to death.

At that time, the mountain city was the focus of Japanese bombing. Especially at such an important moment, the probability of Japanese aircraft coming to bomb was as high as 99%.

It is their job to record such a big event. They even prepared suicide notes when they came, but why did these Chinese people do it? In order to commemorate a person, he would rather throw away his precious life. It is difficult for many Western reporters to understand the thoughts of these Chinese people.

It can be seen from the two letters that the general had the intention of fighting to the death before this battle. All the soldiers and civilians on the scene covered their faces and wept. However, the soldiers and civilians in the audience knew that the two sons and one daughter of the Zhang family were more sad at the moment. .

The Japanese Navy's Second Air Force, who was so aggrieved, could only continue to request reinforcements and recruit at least 16 or even 24 fighter planes before continuing to bomb the mountain city.

The youngest son was born in 1931, which was the time of the September 18th Incident, so he had a different name from his elder brother and sister, so he was named Wei Guo.

Not only did my father die on the front line, not only was my mother still in the hospital because of her terminal illness, but also because the general did not leave a single word to the family when he was leaving.

"With a height of ten feet and a waist of eight feet, isn't he just a big oil drum? From now on! If you hear another classmate describe your uncle like this, Wei Guo remembers to go up and beat him, and while beating him, tell him, Your uncle is the oil drum, and so are your whole family." Tang Dao knelt down and put the gift he had prepared into the child's hands with a smile.

Of course, Tang Dao was very clear about the affairs of his eldest brother's family. At that time, the general's eldest son Lian Zhen was 30, his third daughter Lian Yun was 17, his youngest son Wei Guofang was 9 years old, and his son Yu Lianjing died of typhoid fever when he was young. It is extremely frustrating. If this son is still alive, he will definitely inherit the mantle of general in the army at this time.

But the Zhang family's son seemed to have matured at this moment. From then on, there were three sentences left in the Zhang family's ancestral motto: "Ancestors, ancestors, and grandchildren must not forget Qiqi! Ancestors, grandchildren, and grandchildren must not forget Qi28! Be a person who is useful to the country!" All come from this man who is already thirty years old.

"Of course I know you. Although my eldest brother and I have never seen each other again since Xuzhou, we have exchanged many messages. You are his most beloved son. Just hearing your name makes my ears grow calluses." Tang Dao said gently. ’s smile.

The general's second daughter and youngest son are very curious about Tang Dao. They have not seen their father for much time, but they know what a great husband their father is. He can actually regard a young man who is twice his age as a brother. This shows that Tang Dao has great achievements. A place for people.

A total of 16 Zero fighters came, and half of them were killed in one day. The pilots of the remaining 8 fighters no longer had the confidence and momentum they had previously had. Thinking that the Chinese had obtained the latest fighter jets from the United States, only Their eight fighter planes were really unable to protect the safety of the bomber formation.

“Uncle, do you know my name?” The young boy looked at Tang Dao, who had a temperament similar to that of his father, and was extremely surprised.

By the time Tang Dao arrived in the mountain city, it was already four days later. Tang Dao visited the Zhang family late at night. Although Tang Dao was five years younger than Zhang's eldest son, the Zhang eldest son still led his three younger siblings to carry out the gift of son-nephew. To counter Tang Dao.

Especially after knowing the name of Tang Dao, there were many reports about Tang Dao and its troops in newspapers. In the northern battlefield, the battle against Japan was almost always victorious.

On the day of the general's funeral, the Japanese army did not come to harass for the first time. It was not because they had any conscience, nor because Shancheng was ready to fight back with all its strength, but because the two air defense companies led by Tang Dao had endured to the extreme before they exploded. One blow really crippled the Japanese naval air force stationed at Jianghan Airport.

 It didn’t happen before, and it won’t happen again!

Hearing what Tang Dao said was so funny, the 17-year-old girl's sadness at losing her father was diluted a lot, and a smile filled her round eyes.

It was a Wildcat fighter jet composed of bullet shells. After Tang Dao came up with the idea, Army Lieutenant and Shen Chonghai spent nearly three days on the ship to complete it. It was really difficult for the two Chinese land and air forces to kill the enemy. It was the first time in their lives that they were rough guys without blinking an eye.

  At the funeral, the general read two letters written by the general before the war in person. One was a letter to all officers and soldiers: The country has reached such a point that there is no other way but to die for it. I even more believe that as long as we can maintain this determination, our country and our nation with a history of 5,000 years will never perish at the hands of the Japanese slaves from just three islands. The determination to die for the country and the nation will never change even if the sea is clear and the stone is not broken!

The other letter was written to his subordinate Feng Zhi'an, then deputy commander-in-chief of the 33rd Army: "I look up to you as my brother: I have decided to march to the east bank of the Xianghe River tonight. Regardless of everything, the enemy who marches north will die." Fight. No matter whether you do good or bad, you must be comforted by your conscience. From now on, I don’t know whether I will be separated for a while or forever.”

"Uncle, my classmates said that you are one foot tall and eight feet in waist. You eat ten pounds of Japanese meat and drink ten pounds of blood every day. Every time you go to war with the Japanese, you can scare hundreds of Japanese to death with a loud roar!" The young general's son, who was not yet ten years old, finally couldn't help but asked out of curiosity when he saw the legendary uncle.

They had long known about the existence of Tang Dao's uncle from the letters his father sent back during the Battle of Xuzhou. Although Tang Dao and the general had never engaged in the act of burning yellow paper to worship the leader, they had already recognized it in the general's heart. The existence of this little brother Tang Dao.

 That’s because the West has never understood China or the Chinese nation!

This country and nation with thousands of years of heritage, whether it is the all-powerful in the turbulent and chaotic years, or the hard work in the prosperous and prosperous times, there is always Confucius, the eternal teacher who "hears the Tao in the morning, and will die in the evening", and the "long-term breather". Qu Yuan, the Sanlv doctor, covered his tears and lamented the hardships of the people's life. Mencius, the Yasheng, said, "You cannot have both, and you will sacrifice your life for righteousness." There is the upright Sima Qian who "Yu Hongmao"; there is the talented Cao Zhi who "sacrificially went to the national disaster and regarded death as if he were returning home"; there is the poet Du Fu who "lives in tens of thousands of mansions and shelters all the poor people in the world" and cares about the sufferings of the people. Wen Zhenggong, Fan Zhongyan, who "worries about the world first, and rejoices after the world's happiness", Wen Tianxiang, who is upright and upright, "Since ancient times, no one has ever died, leaving a loyal heart to illuminate history", Wen Tianxiang, who "lives and dies to benefit the country, how can it be?" There is Lin Zexu, who is not afraid of sacrifice because of misfortune and good fortune," and Tan Sitong, who is upright and upright, "I will smile at the sky with my horizontal sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder intact."

They are like what the great writer Lu Xun said, "There is no need to wait for the torch. There will be no torch after all: I am the only light." Leading the entire Chinese nation, even if it is a long night, they will move forward firmly. The Chinese character has never been compromised. The battle at Yashan was ended.

“Father.” When the 17-year-old girl heard Tang Dao talk about her father again, tears welled up in her eyes.

The last time she met her father was in September after the July 7th Incident. That time her father returned home in a hurry, only had one meal at home, and then left in the dusk.

On the day her father left, the 14-year-old girl lay on the window sill and watched. It wasn't until her father's tall figure disappeared for a long time that she reluctantly left the window sill wiping her tears.

Unexpectedly, this separation would be forever. The 17-year-old girl lost her father forever on this day.

Seeing his sister cry like this, the young boy panicked a little and stepped forward to hug his sister. Although his small body was not strong at all, he still tried his best to comfort her in his own way.

"Uncle Tang, I'm really sorry. My mother is seriously ill in the hospital. For fear of aggravating her condition, I haven't dared to tell her the bad news of her father's death in battle, so I can't." Zhang's eldest son is already 30. Although he has not inherited the majestic figure of a general, he still has the courage to tell her. Humble and courteous, he looks well-educated at first glance.

"Sister-in-law is seriously ill in bed?" Tang Dao looked surprised. He came from a later generation and only knew the general context, but the details were not clear. He only found out after asking.

It turns out that the rumor in later generations that the general's widow died on a seven-day hunger strike after hearing the sad news that the general died in battle was purely false. The general's widow had been seriously ill and was being treated in the hospital a few months ago. The Zhang family has still kept the news a secret until now. The three sons of the Zhang family have gone. You have to take off your mourning clothes when visiting the hospital, and if you want to cry, you can only cry at home.

"No matter how serious the disease is, it must be treated. Money, doctors and medicines are not a problem." After Tang Dao heard about the disease, he frowned and made an immediate decision.

It was only then that the Zhang family realized how powerful their uncle was, who was only 25 years old and had the rank of Army Colonel.

In the Zhang family, less than half an hour after the phone call was made, the hospital in the mountain city that only treats Westerners called and expressed its willingness to accept patients and said that the latest drugs would be shipped from the United States for the patients. There will also be a medical team coming from the United States.

Even if the patient's condition is stable, he can be transported to the United States by special plane for treatment. There is no need to worry about the cost, as it will be fully borne by a Chinese company in the United States.

You should know that in the past, a deputy minister and general from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs was responsible for the coordination, and the hospital sent a doctor to the Chinese hospital to participate in the consultation. This attitude is completely different from the current attitude.

"Lian Yun is already 17, which is the age for studying. If you want, you can accompany your sister-in-law to the United States. You can take care of your sister-in-law and also study. Although the Western heritage is not as long as my Chinese heritage, its Western culture also has its own characteristics. You can Whichever one is strong will make up for my shortcomings! And the West is indeed leading the world in terms of technology.

There is no need to worry about the expenses for living and studying there, someone will help you arrange it. "Tang Dao said.

Tang Dao knew the living conditions of the general's three sons in the future. Because their fathers were anti-Japanese heroes, the three of them would have no worries about food and clothing in the future. Their descendants would either be teachers or engage in business, and they would all be elite figures.

 But compared with the shock that the military sacrifice gave to the whole of China at that time, it was still less after all.

 A general-level group army commander personally stood on the front line with a gun and fought with his officers and soldiers. How much did this inspire the Chinese soldiers at that time? The extent of the blow to the raging capitulationists at that time cannot be clearly stated using any numbers.

Why has history firmly nailed Wang Ni to the pillar of shame, just like Qin Hui and his wife in the Song Dynasty who knelt in front of Yue Wumu's tomb for 800 years and were not forgiven? It is all because of them that a nation almost fell into disgrace. abyss.

A general used his sacrifice to silence the capitulationists for a long time and made the voice of the warring factions spread throughout China again. What kind of credit is this?

Tang Dao didn't know if this would change the girl's future, but he believed that with the protection of his elder brother and the bonus of studying abroad, the girl's future would definitely be stronger than before.

The youngest Weiguo, in Tang Dao's memory, he and the sons of generals would be sent to the Mao Xiong Kingdom to study after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. This time, his influence in the Eighty Group Army, his father's reputation, and him who are still alive His little uncle is protecting him, and he will never be bad in the future.

As for the eldest son, who is already the backbone of the family, he has his own way to go, so Tang Dao will no longer interfere.

Tang Dao had calculated the present and the future, but he didn't expect that his appearance itself would be a bug. His uncle, who had the stalwart figure in a child's memory, solved his mother's treatment problem as soon as he appeared on the scene, but he was completely captured. But the heart of a 9-year-old child.

 Finally, the 17-year-old girl followed Tang Dao's advice and one month later she took several members of the Zhang family of the same age to accompany her mother overseas for treatment.

 The general's widow's condition had improved after receiving the best treatment, but due to her husband's sacrifice, she suffered from heart disease that was difficult to treat and she died overseas a year and a half later.

However, the girl and her family had to stay in the United States because of the outbreak of the Pacific War and the closure of air routes and shipping. So they chose to study for eight years and obtained a doctorate in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.

One month before the end of the war in China, with the help of Rockefeller Company, I returned to China with my mother's remains in my arms, and buried my mother and father together in Meihua Mountain, fulfilling my mother's wish.

It is self-evident how important a strictly educated PhD in engineering was to China, which was extremely short of talents at that time.

Originally, the country had planned to ask her to return to Yanjing University as an engineering lecturer, but the girl resolutely decided to work as an engineer in the arsenal that had been moved from Dakouzidong Town to the original city and renamed Taihang Military Factory.

There has always been an extremely sad point in the girl's heart. She believed that her father's death was due to the failure of the artillery, which led to the Japanese invaders cutting off their retreat. She wanted to build artillery for China that would frighten the enemy.

In the end, she became the best student and partner of Mr. Xiao He, who would later become China's first female academician. She made extremely outstanding contributions to China's domestic machine gun family and domestic howitzer family, and became the most famous one 70 years later. During the second major military parade, I walked up to the tower and watched China's most elite soldiers and the latest weapons and equipment marching across the square in neat formation.

Standing there is an old woman who is almost a hundred years old. Perhaps her cloudy eyes are filled with the figure of her father who disappeared into the dusk 80 years ago!

But the 9-year-old boy had a dream of being a soldier and flying because of his father and the heroic young uncle who suddenly burst into his sight, as well as the Wildcat fighter jet handmade by two rough men.

He still went abroad this time, but he did not study ordinary subjects. Instead, he was admitted to the flight academy on his own. In the second year after the Icefield War, he flew the fighter plane sold to China by the Bear Country and returned to the country to participate in the war.

By the time the war was over, he had the "First Class Combat Hero" military medal on his chest!

However, he did not have the opportunity to walk onto the gate tower with his sister in that grand military parade. The experience of being hit by more than a dozen shrapnel caused him to pass away in the third year after the complete victory of the Southwest Jungle War.

His tomb is 99 meters to the left of his parents’ tomb. Perhaps the biggest dream of the Chinese hero who lost his father at a young age is still to cuddle up in the arms of his parents and be a child who is ignorant of the world!

 It's just that the war made him grow up ahead of schedule.

He tried his best to hang military medals on his chest, but he just hoped that when he saw his father again, his father would pat him on the shoulder and praise him: "You did a good job, you didn't disgrace your father!"

Everyone hopes to live their own life, but in fact there is always some dampness, even if there is a long enough life to heal!

He just did what he should do with Tang Dao. On the third day after arriving in the mountain city, he served as the leader of China's equipment receiving group and personally led 108 of China's top pilots. Accompanied by General Stilwell, he flew Go to Asan Kingdom.

  . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I was drunk at a party last night, and it was already the next morning when I woke up, so I didn’t ask for leave. I’ll just tell you about it in today’s update. Sorry!

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