Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1418: Incompetent Baga!

Chapter 1418 Incompetent Baga!

 Sarge Naoying was standing on the mountain peak, the telescope in his hand not being lowered from his eyes for a full 20 minutes.

  Fierce gunfire rang out six hundred meters ahead. It should have been an exchange of fire between the leading soldiers sent by the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the regiment and the Chinese defenders hiding in the mountains and forests.

This mountainous area is unfamiliar to Saji Naokage, but the map is already extremely familiar in the mind of this Japanese army colonel.

He knew that ahead was the mountain range that the Chinese called Pai Cao. Except for the canyon passage clearly marked on the map, the only way to pass through the mountain range was to climb over a mountain with an altitude of more than 600 meters.

But obviously, as a member of the Saji family who received an elite education from an early age and grew up in the Imperial Army to become a senior officer at the rank of Colonel Captain, Saji Naokage would never make such a low-level mistake.

 The more unique you are, the more likely you are to be exploited by your opponents.

Therefore, the division ordered the 232nd Infantry Regiment to be the vanguard in the direction of Changyang. George Naokage drew a cross on the passage marked on the map. He would rather have the entire regiment split the thorn bushes and climb over the mountains than to I won't take that road full of danger.

For this reason, Saji Naokage issued several military orders on the way. An infantry squadron and a baggage squadron accompanied the artillery squadron directly under the wing. This was not to protect the safety of the artillery squadron, but to allow the four 75mm mountain guns of the artillery squadron to climb over. Provide enough manpower and animal power when climbing mountains.

 After all, it is a big guy weighing more than 600 kilograms, and it is also the guarantee of the heavy firepower of the entire infantry regiment.

 The clear sound of gunfire from the front has proven that the Chinese are stationed in this mountain forest. What he wants to know now is the approximate strength of the Chinese here and which unit they belong to.

Unfortunately, the hands of the imperial intelligence agency are not that long. Before departure, the division can only provide a limited number of stone tablets and the numbers of Chinese troops stationed nearby.

 The rest must be judged by the frontline commanders at war.

Saji Naoe judged by himself that the two main infantry divisions of the famous Chinese 18th Army should be stationed in the central defense area of ​​​​Shipai and would never appear easily on the periphery. Then most of the Chinese soldiers who appeared here were from some B divisions and other local factions. A miscellaneous army.

 The combat effectiveness may be average, but if there are a large number of troops, it will be a headache.

They have not yet reached the real combat area required by the division, and Saji Naoe does not want to cause too many unnecessary losses here.

However, even though it was already the middle of winter, this mountainous area belonging to the Wushan Mountains was full of evergreen trees and shrubs. The field of view through the telescope was full of lush greenery. After looking at it for a long time, he could not see that the Chinese were in the mountains. trenches and fortifications deployed in between.

  Could it be that the Chinese arrived in a hurry and had no time to dig the fortifications? This beautiful picture only flashed through Saji Naoe's mind, and was immediately annihilated by him.

Saji Naoe is by no means the kind of person who takes chances. If he had to make a judgment, he would rather believe that his opponent was sophisticated and used these holly trees and shrubs to camouflage the trenches and fortifications.

From this perspective, Saji Naoe, who received an elite education, is definitely a qualified colonel-level commander. Although he won consecutive victories in the Zaoyi battle, he was not arrogant or impetuous, even if he judged that most of the enemies on the opposite side were defeated. The motley crew did not underestimate their opponents because of this.

He even guessed a very important point correctly. The field positions that the mountain infantry company spent 6 days building were all camouflaged.

This is mainly because the mountain infantry company, as a light infantry company, does not have enough air defense. If you want to resist the threat from the air, in addition to digging the air raid shelter deeper and deeper, the more important point is to hide the position so that it cannot be seen from the ground. It doesn't matter if you can see clearly, what's important is that you can't see clearly from hundreds of meters above.

  But Saji Naoe believed more in the strength of his subordinates. He believed that all resistance from the Chinese would be buried by his brave and combative subordinates with guns and cannons.

Just very soon, as time passed, a report from a Japanese military signal soldier came running, which made Saji Naoying's relatively good mood disappear.

As the vanguard of the entire infantry regiment, the 3rd Infantry Battalion encountered an obstruction from the Chinese. However, it was by no means the position that Colonel Naokage imagined the Chinese deployed relying on the mountainous terrain. Instead, it was a small group of Chinese hidden among the green peaks. of blocking.

To put it bluntly, the nearly 1,000 men of the 3rd Infantry Brigade were beaten and unable to move even before they came into contact with the main force of the Chinese.

‘Our unit encountered precise fire from a small number of Chinese people hiding in the mountains and was not allowed to move forward. The terrain was treacherous and it was impossible to pursue them in depth. We requested artillery support from the regiment headquarters! ’ The 3rd Infantry Battalion’s request for help was put euphemistically, but that’s what it revealed.

The mountain infantry company is not an ordinary field infantry company, and Gu Xishui will naturally not use his own shortcomings to match the enemy's strong points.

 Three infantrymen excluded the ordinary defensive positions deployed on the mountains around the card slot. Gu Xishui dispatched a sniper team led by 18 precision shooters.

Each team has three people, one shooter, one observer and ammunition hand, and one fire support man carrying an MG38 submachine gun and a Black Star pistol.

Their purpose is to hide on the cliffs that are difficult for ordinary people to climb and snipe the Japanese troops marching in the mountains from a long distance!

The 3rd Infantry Battalion, which was the first to break into what was later called the Death Mountain Forest by the 232nd Infantry Regiment, shot down one of its lieutenant-level infantry squad leaders with the first shot of the Chinese ace sniper Pang Zilong. Within hours, 5 second lieutenants, 9 captains and 76 soldiers were lost.

 And this loss does not include the dozens of seriously injured people!

Moreover, the entire infantry brigade cannot advance more than 300 meters in the mountains in an hour. Otherwise, Major Tominaga, who is known for his toughness and even bloodbathed a Chinese mountain village with a population of more than a hundred people in order to track down six Chinese deserters, would never be so generous. Shamelessly ask Saji Naokage for heavy fire support.

It was beaten by Chinese snipers with accurate shooting skills hidden in the dense forest.

 Many times, people were shot in the head, and they were still unable to determine the specific location of the enemies high up in the bushes.

They even had to sacrifice several lives to find out its approximate location. Grenades, mortars and even infantry cannons blew up soil and branches and leaves. It seemed very powerful, but they continued to shoot at them and harvested lives. His precise shooting skills forced the tough Japanese Army Major to admit that it was of no use without a ball.

Pang Zilong's temporary loan to the mountain infantry company was Gu Xishui's only request to Tang Dao after receiving the mission to intercept the enemy from Changyang.

After all, the mountain infantry company was established in the shortest time and has a slightly weaker foundation. Take the marksman as an example, Tang Tuanzuo is not included. Three of the top five snipers recognized by the Four Lines Regiment are in the reconnaissance company, and two are in the reconnaissance company. In the infantry battalion, Gu Xishui, who had already made up his mind to take advantage of the steep terrain of Wushan and the climbing ability of the mountain infantry battalion, decided to use snipers to first consume the lives and morale of the Japanese army.

Niu Er was the master sniper of the reconnaissance company, so Gu Xishui naturally had no choice but to choose Pang Zilong. Tang Tuanzuo agreed. Lu Sanjiang, the commander of the reconnaissance company, had a good relationship with Gu Xishui. There is reason to say no.

Pang Zilong is truly worthy of being a talent that can catch up with Niu Er. With a Czech semi-automatic rifle with a 4x scope, he successfully sniped the most Japanese enemy at a straight-line distance of 400 meters on a cliff with an altitude of about 180 meters. Commander of the Forward Knife Infantry Squad.

The unlucky Japanese army lieutenant was actually very good at hiding himself. His military uniform was similar to that of ordinary Japanese soldiers. He did not wear long leather boots, nor did he wear white gloves and carry a command knife in a pretentious manner. However, the two of them broke away from the formation and ran away. The Japanese soldiers who came to talk to him bowed their heads respectfully, which still revealed his status.

The bullet fired by Pang Zilong passed through the side of his fragile neck, and the blood flowing from the bullet hole the size of an egg was comparable to the New Year pig slaughter in rural China.

Then, Pang Zilong fired three more shots, successfully killing one person and wounding two others, and then calmly led the two team members to leave through the already selected retreat route.

The reaction of the Japanese infantry was already extremely fast, but it only took less than 3 seconds for Pang Zilong to fire 4 shots in a row, which was still far beyond their ability to understand. It took more than ten seconds for the Japanese grenadiers to begin to rush toward them. Pang Zilong's team fired grenades from the previous fighting position, except to explode some flowers and plants, but it had no effect.

The Japanese Army second lieutenant who acted as the captain of the vanguard team did not fail to make efforts. He quickly sent a 15-man team to search deep into the jungle, and provided fire cover with 2 grenade launchers and 2 light machine guns.

But the Japanese army underestimated the difficulty of the terrain here. Even though the mountain road was only 400 meters long, it took the strong and hard-working Japanese army a full 10 minutes to approach the cliff where the target had been found. Then, they were attacked from another place. A blow from 120 meters away.

The opening scene was still precise shooting, and the two most exposed Japanese soldiers were killed. The remaining Japanese soldiers fought back desperately while using the familiar tactic of approaching the Chinese side from both sides of the mountain to expose firepower points.

 Two-wing outflanking can be applied to the brigade level or to the small unit level. The Japanese army defeated countless Chinese armies with this simple and easy-to-implement tactic.

But this tactic must first have a prerequisite, that is, the firepower is strong enough, so strong that China can only use all its strength to defend the central position, and this will leave opportunities for the two wings.

But this time, despite the fact that China only has one rifle firing, it is incredibly accurate, and this precise firepower is continuous, as if there is no need to pull the bolt.

 That's right, this is why Pang Zilong would rather give up part of the shooting range and choose a Czech semi-automatic rifle.

This time he is not staying in his own position to shoot cold shots, but is going to rely on mobile warfare to kill the Japanese troops in the wild, constantly consuming their troops and morale.    Continuous firepower output is one of the conditions for Pang Zilong's ability to ensure the safety of his entire team.

He emptied 10 bullets from the magazine in one go, killing 3 Japanese infantrymen and a tenacious Japanese machine gunner who emptied at least one magazine. The remaining 4 Japanese soldiers, including a grenade team, were suppressed. After reaching the rocks, they didn't even dare to raise their heads, let alone suppress the exposed firepower of the Chinese.

The sight of the Japanese troops circling the two wings was obscured by the woods, and they could only hear the constant gunshots. They thought that their colleagues were fighting fiercely with the opponent and clinging to the opponent!

Same, who would have thought that someone could suppress 4 infantrymen, a machine gun, and a grenade launcher with just one rifle!

We marched forward bravely and finally passed through the woods. We saw that we were less than 50 meters away from the Chinese flank. If we went forward another ten or twenty meters, we could throw a melon grenade to kill him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his figure was exposed, a black gun barrel protruded from behind the stone not far away.

 “Click, click, click!” The modified 32-round magazine-type MP38 burst out with bursts of firepower.

In just 3 seconds, 32 bullets were poured out.

 Less than 50 meters away, the Japanese infantrymen were caught off guard by the roaring flames. They had no time to react and were swept to the ground.

Three Japanese soldiers fell in a pool of blood. Only one Japanese infantryman who was lucky enough to rely on his teammates to block the incoming bullets rolled desperately in the grass to escape the sudden fire net.

The Japanese infantryman, who was almost wiped out when he came up, had no intention of fighting and crawled towards the dense forest. Only by hiding in the dense forest that could cover his body could he have a chance to escape.

It’s a pity that the Japanese army’s shit-yellow uniforms are very suitable for fighting in northern China, but in the mountains of central China with dense evergreen plants, the shit-yellow uniforms should not be too obvious.

The soldier who had changed the magazine looked at the shit-yellow color that vaguely appeared in the bushes. Without saying a word, he fired another round of nearly 10 bullets at it.

 In the tactics of the four-line regiment, fire support personnel never play with precision. They rely on strength to work wonders. If one shuttle is not enough, then another shuttle is used.

The fleeing Japanese infantry trembled violently and collapsed in the grass only five or six meters away from the dense forest.

 A large bullet unfortunately hit his back spine. He was still alive, but his brain had lost control of most of his body.

 A person paralyzed alone in this inaccessible mountain, the outcome can be imagined.

As for whether his companions will come to rescue him, it all depends on whether his squad leader dares to send another squad to repeat the same mistake.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army hiding 400 meters away was extremely anxious. The team he sent was attacked, but the two grenade launchers he arranged were unable to attack the enemy because the smoke rising from the mountains was far away from the grenades. out of range of the cannon.

Either the grenade team moves forward to the hillside more than 100 meters away, or it asks for help from the group headquarters and uses the two mortars to reach that area.

 Obviously, it would be at least 10 minutes before his signal trooper ran to report to the group leader, and then the two mortars at the group headquarters opened fire again. His soldiers couldn't wait that long.

 Only allow the grenade team to move forward!

But the Japanese army second lieutenant always had an intuition that the Chinese in the mountains were not just the ones who had just attacked them. There were also countless Chinese hiding in corners that they could not see, shooting deadly bullets at them.

 In the end, reason defeated intuition!

 Under the protection of 6 Japanese infantry, 2 grenade groups advanced towards the hillside more than 100 meters away.

Unsurprisingly, the Japanese troops were attacked before they reached the target area.

This time, it was not a long-range sniper attack. The two Chinese firepower groups were actually hiding under the nose of the Japanese army.

The roar of four submachine guns instantly turned the 10 Japanese soldiers who were still trudging in the valley into **** gourds rolling all over the ground.

“Kill the chickens!” the angry Japanese Army second lieutenant roared, brandishing his Southern Fourteenth pistol, and ordered the infantrymen who were freely searching for bunkers in the mountains to hide, and the two Type 96 machine guns to shoot at the enemies covered with bushes.

Only at this moment did the Japanese Army second lieutenant finally understand that the opponent first used the method of sniping the commander to make the vanguard squad angry, and divided his troops to chase them, and then used the vanguard squad's attention to be in the distance to be most effective against the vanguard squad. Threat of long-range fire - Grenadier launches.

The Japanese Army Second Lieutenant reacted fairly quickly in the crisis and quickly judged the tactics used by the Chinese.

But what he didn't know was that since there were 4 submachine guns here, it meant that there were 4 firepower groups of the mountain infantry company, and there were 4 sharpshooters who were among the best in the mountain infantry company.

One of the shooters even hid on the cliff where Pang Zilong was previously. The grenade thrown by the Japanese grenadier was only 3 meters away from his hiding place. A shrapnel even scratched his helmet and left a deep gash. trace.

 But they strictly adhered to Pang Zilong's previous plan. Before the Japanese grenadier was killed, they remained lurking and even preferred to give up the attack plan.

 Fortunately, the Japanese were eager for revenge, and the two groups of grenadier men completely entered the ambush circle no more than 40 meters away from the four fire support men.

 “Bang bang bang!” Clear gunfire sounded continuously in the mountains.

 Two Japanese machine gunners lying on the rocks were shot to death one after another!

The Japanese Army second lieutenant who slammed his head into the grass beside the rock was frozen. The Chinese were no longer satisfied with killing a few members of his vanguard team with long-range cold shots. Instead, they wanted to use a combination of distance and near tactics to kill him, a vanguard with 51 troops. squad.

 What's terrible is that they almost succeeded, because the grenade launchers and light machine guns in the vanguard team had misfired.

Although light machine guns still exist, not everyone can control a light machine gun and reach the level of a professional machine gunner.

 Fortunately, they still had an infantry squadron. With the heavy footsteps coming from the distance, the Japanese troops of the vanguard squad finally arrived.

 As for the Chinese, they had already fled.

The more than 100 Japanese troops who arrived looked at the scene of casualties in disbelief. A search team consisting of an entire infantry team went to find the small team that went deep into the mountains. Only one person survived.

It’s the unlucky kid whose spine was completely broken and urine and feces burst out!

In just ten minutes of fighting, this infantry squad, which is known as the most elite of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, along with its lieutenant squad leader, was killed and 11 were seriously injured!

The angry Japanese captain continued to push his troops deeper. Within two hundred meters, they were treated like a vanguard squad.

 But this is just a microcosm of the 3rd Infantry Group. The three infantry squadrons sent by the 3rd Infantry Group in three directions all suffered similar attacks.

The two Type 90 mortars were simply not enough. Seeing the **** corpses and seriously wounded soldiers who were wailing for death, Major Tominaga roared an unknown number of times and had no choice but to look for them shamelessly. Your Excellency, my captain.

 “Baga!” Colonel Naokage roared for the first time since hearing the gunfire.

I can only say that the Japanese nation’s vocabulary for expressing anger is really poor.

Any Chinese person can scold someone for more than ten minutes without saying anything serious.

  . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Yesterday, my classmates treated me to dinner, and because they drank Maozi, Feng Yue was persuaded by a group of greasy men to drink 2 taels, and ended up getting drunk. No one else can drink as much alcohol as this scumbag! So I didn’t update yesterday, so I’ll explain it to you.

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