Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1428: Xiaoqiang Tank shows off its power!

It turns out that Boss Cao, who was stationed in this highland, had an idea. Isn’t the TKS tank small?

They even dug air defense tunnels that could hide a dozen people, and they didn't care to dig three more big holes. They hid the three tanks in this big hole and covered it with steel plates, soil and shrubs. People can find some clues from dozens or hundreds of meters away, but their imagination is definitely not that rich. They can imagine that the poor and scumbag Chinese can hide tanks in the soil.

 When the three charge horns sounded, the three TKS tanks hidden in the cave followed the paved slope, broke open the steel door used for hiding, and rushed into the battlefield, catching the Japanese army by surprise.

This is an idea that Boss Cao had from the ancient cavalry coming out of the valley to finally defeat the opponent's infantry phalanx. Otherwise, Li Jijin would not have deployed the precious 3 TKS tanks on Highland 13 in one go.

You know, the entire 3rd Battalion currently only has a tank platoon with a total of 9 TKS. The 3rd Battalion has a defense line of more than 3 kilometers and 15 highlands. This is one-third of the extremely important armored strength of the 3rd Battalion. Put it all here.

It can be regarded as Li Jiujin's risk-taking, and it is also one of the reasons why Tang Dao is still confident when he said that there are too few troops on Highland 13.

Another source of confidence is that this small highland has the most powerful infantry squad in the entire four-line regiment.

 In infantry-tank collaborative training, Class 4 is also the No. 1 infantry class among the entire regiment’s rotational training.

The 15 infantrymen seemed to come out of the trenches in a chaotic manner. In fact, they must have practiced drills before the war. They followed the Xiaoqiang tank about five or six meters behind in a group of five.

You can use the steel body of the tank to block incoming bullets, and you can also use rifles and submachine guns to shoot any infantry who attempts to approach the tank within 40 meters.

Of course, the main force in delivering firepower to the Japanese army was naturally the 20mm cannon equipped on the Xiaoqiang tank itself.

  The huge roar of the tank engine was simply the chant of death. However, all the Japanese infantrymen in front of the tanks watched helplessly as the tanks rolled over them. All of them turned around and fled in panic.

 This is what the tank crews need most. Their 20mm machine guns are already hungry.

Perhaps the maximum rate of fire of 32 rounds per minute of the 20mm machine gun is far from comparable to that of the MG42 machine gun, and it cannot produce the kind of awe-inspiring momentum that makes everyone the king, but the power of the two warheads is also very different.

Even if the 7.92mm caliber warhead of the MG42 machine gun hits the human body multiple times, it will at most make a horrible hole in the human body. However, the WZ.38 20mm machine gun equipped by TKS can penetrate 40mm armor at 200 meters. Even at a distance of 1,500 meters, it can still penetrate 10 mm steel plates. In the Battle of Poland, even the main battle tanks of the German Empire were destroyed by this small-caliber machine gun.

You can completely imagine what the human body will look like after being hit by this kind of artillery shell. If it hits the torso, it will probably be fine, and it will only hit you somewhere. If it hits the head, it doesn't matter whether you are wearing a helmet or not, there is a high probability that it will be like Like a watermelon hit by a hammer, it explodes on the spot, achieving a real headshot effect.

  Such a scene that horrified the Japanese army occurred on the battlefield of Highland 13.

Even though there were two machine guns that kept screaming and spitting out streams of death metal bullets to suppress the fire, more than two-thirds of the Japanese soldiers still chose to stand up and turn around and flee amid the roar of the steel beast's engine dozens of meters away.

 Then, the commander of the TKS tank with a 360-degree periscope system stepped on the shooting pedal.

According to the drill at the Zishan training ground, when the TKS tank is moving at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour, it can reach a maximum rate of fire of 280 rounds per minute when firing at full speed. The tank has 600 rounds of ammunition in its memory, which allows the tank to fire at a rate of 200 rounds per minute. Output for a full 3 minutes.

The predecessor of the tank company was based on the two captured Japanese Type 89 tanks as teaching aids. 200 officers and soldiers trained hard for more than a year before ushering in this small and powerful tank that seemed ridiculously small to outsiders, but the officers and soldiers of the tank company But regard it as a treasure.

Because the Four Lines Regiment had encountered Japanese tanks in all the battles before arriving in North China, even the thin-skinned Type 94 Xiaoduding tank would have cost several lives to blow up with cluster grenades, and the Type 89 tank was even more Damn it, that kind of iron lump weighing 15 tons even requires a whole class of soldiers to attack and blow it up with explosives.

Countless comrades fell in front of the tanks and were killed. The bodies of their comrades were crushed by the tracks of the tanks, and the waves of blood splashed on them have still caused severe psychological damage to the officers and soldiers who survived those hellish battlefields.

 When I close my eyes, I see the tattered bodies of my comrades.

These tank soldiers who were born as infantry finally had their own vehicles, so they still disliked the thin armor of the TKS and the small caliber of the artillery. They just wanted to drive their own tanks to let the Japanese have a taste of being crushed.

The TKS's weight of 2.6 tons is not heavy, but it will make a muffled sound like a "bang" when it is pressed against a person's head!

From the very beginning, the key training project of a tank company with TKS has been battlefield assault, conducting fire strikes on enemy solid targets and infantry, while armored combat has been a secondary tactical training.

To put it bluntly, the 28 tanks of the Fourth Line Regiment’s Special Agent Battalion Tank Company rely on their 10mm armor protection to prevent them from being penetrated by heavy machine guns, rifles and other firearms, and they are also flexible in their positioning, aiming to kill infantry. Go.

Faced with the fire of light machine guns and rifle bullets from the Japanese army's futile counterattack, three 20mm machine guns opened fire continuously.

 The muffled sound of "Boom! Boom! Boom!" resounded throughout the battlefield.

  A Japanese soldier felt himself jumping forward while running. Just as he was about to roll over and hide behind a rock out of habit, he found that he was unable to complete this simple and extremely simple tactical action.

 Looking at his body instinctively, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide in horror and scream in agony!

Because, a shell just hit his waist, and the thick warhead rolled instantly, creating a hole the size of a sea bowl in his chest and abdomen. Perhaps a large number of internal organs were crushed and could not kill him in a short time, but The spine was completely shattered, but it could no longer control the lower part of the waist. The entire lower body could not exert force, and naturally it was impossible to turn the body.

 For a normal person, what it feels like to be able to see the ground through one's abdomen is probably only known by the howling Japanese infantry.

Don't tell me, this sturdy Japanese infantryman is really tenacious. Despite losing a lot of blood and suffering great pain, he screamed on the battlefield for nearly a minute without dying.

But perhaps for this Japanese infantryman himself, he may have never hated his good physical fitness and tenacity so much in his life.

 Because, a bigger nightmare is coming!

A TKS that was chasing the Japanese infantry turned a blind eye and ran over the upper body of the Japanese soldier who could not move at all. The wound that had been blocked by the hands and uniform of the doomed Japanese infantry was squeezed under the huge pressure. open.

 Various organs in the chest and abdominal cavity are directly sprayed out for at least five meters!

That extremely horrifying scene completely made the other Japanese infantrymen who witnessed it break through their defenses!

 60 meters away, there were at least a dozen Japanese soldiers lying down with rifles in their hands, charging crazily towards the small Chinese tank!

Perhaps because of the distance, the 20mm machine gun barrel had no time to turn its gun to deal with these crazy infantry, but each tank was followed by 5 Chinese infantry. They were waiting for the Japanese who were not afraid of death.

Two submachine guns and three semi-automatic rifles opened fire at the same time, sending the Japanese whose eyes were red with blood stimulation directly to Amaterasu for tea.

Facing three flexible small tanks that were firmly protected by infantry, more than 200 Japanese troops were defeated and could not form a decent counterattack at all.

So much so that 1 minute later, Major Yoshizo Sano, who saw that the situation was completely out of control, brazenly ordered two infantry cannons and two mortars to aim at the advancing tanks and fire, regardless of the fact that many of his own soldiers were still alive on the battlefield. .

However, the three Chinese mortars were not indifferent and immediately retaliated. The most important three 80mm howitzers of the 3rd Battalion Artillery Company also immediately launched a saturation bombardment of the area under Li Jijin's order.

With 6 versus 4, the power of the artillery shells far exceeded the Japanese infantry artillery and 90-meter guns. The heavy firepower of the brigade that Sano Yoshizo could rely on was completely suppressed. He could only continue to watch the three Chinese light tanks and infantry on the battlefield. Looting. It was like three big wild boars catching a group of chickens and ravaging them in the mountains. The chickens had no room for resistance.

Moreover, the 20mm machine gun is so brutal that if it hits the human body, it will directly break the person into several pieces. At the beginning of the battle, many Japanese troops used the rocks to shoot at the tanks, trying to kill the tanks behind them first. The infantry that followed then approached the tank and used grenades to deal with it.

This is a trick that the Japanese army learned from the Chinese soldiers. The Chinese soldiers often fought against a tank rushing into the trench, risking their lives at the expense of others. In the end, infantrymen approached the tank and used grenades to blow off the tracks of the tank and paralyze it.

The Japanese infantry, which had to use flesh and blood for the first time, obviously wanted to use the same tactics to deal with these three light tanks.

But the Japanese infantry, which had never practiced before, were unable to fight against the enemy this time. The TKS tank was not just a small pod with a heavy machine gun, nor was it a Type 89 tank with a 57 mm caliber short-barreled gun. What it had was a shooter. A 20mm machine gun with a speed of more than 200 rounds per minute.

The biggest feature of this artillery is that its rate of fire is high enough, and the ammunition it is equipped with is armor-piercing type. The half-man alpine stone where the Japanese hide is simply unable to hold up under the continuous firing of this artillery.

Many brave Japanese soldiers were often shot into pieces together with their bunkers by the crazy shelling of 20mm machine guns.

What would it be like to have a human body exploded by fire?

In fact, you can't clearly see human tissue flying around under the smoke. You can mostly see a burst of red rising from the black smoke. This is caused by a large amount of blood being sprayed and then being picked up by the air wave caused by the explosion of a high-kinetic energy warhead. A special phenomenon.

 On the battlefield, almost all the brave men who dared to stay behind temporary bunkers and confront tanks were beaten to death in this way.

That's not all. If there are still survivors at close range, the TKS tank will accelerate and crush them without hesitation. The Japanese melon grenade has only a few dozen grams of destructive power, and it will not do anything to the tank's ground and tracks. Decent damage.

How ferociously the pigs squealed when they were being killed, and how high-pitched the Japanese soldiers howled under the tracks. Those long howls really resounded throughout the battlefield.

Not to mention the Japanese infantrymen who witnessed this scene were so frightened that they peed their pants. Even the officers and soldiers of the 4th squadron, who had been in battle for a long time, had chills all over their bodies. They were far less happy than their comrades two hundred meters away.

 After all, the officers and soldiers in the trenches only watched the Japanese being killed, but they had never experienced the feeling of blood and meat sauce being sprayed all over them.

Of course, despite the ferocity of TKS tanks, murderers are ferocious. But in fact, it was not the 20mm machine gun that caused the greatest casualties to the Japanese army, but the MG42 machine guns in the two machine gun bunkers.

 This may be the most exciting time for two machine gunners to shoot down Japanese soldiers in their lives, bar none.

Because all the Japanese soldiers who got up and ran away were facing them with their buttocks and without any retaliation. They could hold the machine gun handle and shoot at all the "shit yellow" they could see in their field of vision.

"It's cool!" Lao Zhang in the No. 1 machine gun bunker was so excited that his whole face turned red. He completely ignored his shoulders that were sore from the recoil of the machine gun and kept shouting the word "good" and pulled the trigger. .

The two 250-round ammunition belts were all empty within 30 seconds. However, in the weather of two or three degrees Celsius, the barrels made of high-strength steel turned faintly dark red.

It stands to reason that in such cold winter weather, one barrel of the MG42 machine gun is enough to support the firing of 600 rounds of bullets, but now it is only 500 rounds, and the barrel feels like it is about to catch fire. It is clearly a long continuous fire of 20 bullets at a time. Caused too often.

Fortunately, it is extremely convenient and quick to replace the barrel of the MG42 machine gun. Machine gunners who are already extremely skilled in operating the MG42 machine gun can replace it with a new barrel in only 5 seconds at most. When faced with the ultimate moment, they can even use up their time. shortened to 4 seconds.

While the TKS tank and the infantry continued to clean up the Japanese troops who were still on the battlefield, the two MG42 machine guns opened full fire on the fleeing Japanese infantry.

In just two minutes, the two MG42 machine guns with three spare barrels wildly shot out the 10 250-round ammunition belts that had been prepared. A soldier could only manage one ammunition belt. You can tell how terrifying this wave of firepower output is.

Of the more than 200 Japanese soldiers, less than one-tenth were able to escape back to the forest 500 meters away. At least 180 Japanese soldiers were lying on the hillside.

Yoshizo Sano's head was really buzzing. Before launching the attack, he had considered many possibilities, and even considered the Chinese side laying landmines in front of the position. For this reason, the artillery wing of the division did not hesitate to attack the front of the position. Plowing artillery shelling is to help infantry clear minefields.

As a result, the **** Chinese actually used tanks that the empire could not transport here. With this tank that could withstand machine rifle bullets, the Chinese completely buried one and a half infantry squadrons they sent to fight in this mountain.

 And this is the first wave of attacks.

 In addition to the pain, Yoshizo Sano even had an inexplicable admiration for the Chinese commander opposite him.

He now fully understands that all the Chinese's previous actions were actually a show of weakness, and the purpose of the show of weakness was to induce him to send more soldiers so that he could kill them in one fell swoop.

Because the tank chosen by the opponent was simply born for this kind of battlefield terrain. Although this tank, which has never appeared on the Chinese battlefield, is smaller, its size and sufficient horsepower engine are really suitable for mountain combat. Yes, a **** of more than 40 degrees is like flat ground in the eyes of this small tank.

The Japanese Army Major even believed that even on the plains, once there were a large number of such small tanks, the 231 Infantry Regiment alone would not be able to stop the Chinese advance.

 Fortunately, the Chinese people's financial resources are limited, and they only have a few vehicles. If there were more, this battle would really be impossible to fight.

The Japanese Army Major is looking for comfort in the pain, counting on the poverty of the Chinese government to limit the opponent's firepower.

 But he was very wrong, because the opponent faced by the 231st Infantry Regiment was the most unique army in the entire Chinese army.

Except for part of their military expenses being borne by the Ministry of Military Affairs, all their equipment and rewards come from arms dealers.

Let alone saying they are poor, giving them the word "rich" is an underestimation. They should use the word "rich to the point of fluidity".

In addition, among the three highlands where the battle has started, there is another highland with two TKS tanks, but each department uses Xiaoqiang tanks differently.

For example, on Highland No. 8, they dug out a shallow trench that was 1 meter deep, 15 meters wide, and over 50 meters long, dozens of meters above their own trench, for the Xiaoqiang tank to maneuver forward, left, and right. The lower half of the Xiaoqiang tank was covered by the trench. Protected, a turret was exposed to bombard the Japanese troops below.

And because they can maneuver at will, the Japanese infantry artillery basically poses no threat to such a flexible 'turret' unless it can accurately hit a turret that is no more than 1.3 meters above the ground.

The Japanese were completely stunned by the armored forces emerging from the Chinese position. They never dreamed that the Chinese were not only ahead of them in light firepower, but also surpassed them in heavy firepower.

'The Sano Battalion had 287 killed and 85 wounded; the Chida Battalion had 179 killed and 93 wounded; the Moriha Battalion had 146 killed and 76 wounded; the Chinese deployed at least 5 tanks of unknown type on the highlands, which had 20mm mechanisms. The gun has an extremely high rate of fire and strong penetration, which poses a great threat to fortifications and infantry! "

 An hour later, Colonel Masakichi Yamada looked at the casualty and battle status reports from his subordinates, and felt dizzy for a moment. (End of chapter)

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