Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1452: mountain spirit

Chapter 1452: The Mountain Elf

“Do you have any news about Commander Tang?” General Li looked at the dark mountains in the distance. "The intelligence I received before coming here is that he broke out. I also ordered the theater security division to go to these mountains to search for traces of the remaining attackers."

After a slight pause, even though he knew it would not be of much use, General Li said in a low voice: "Although I know that no one in your group of four groups believes it now, but please believe me, if I really want to tell you, Captain Tang Unfortunately, there is no need to resort to such despicable tactics. There are tens of thousands of troops stationed around the theater headquarters, all of them are troops directly under our Gui family. With this order, you, Commander Tang, will have to stay even if you have only three heads and six arms."

After a brief silence, Gu Xishui shook his head gently, with an icy coldness in his eyes: "The regiment commander has a strong individual combat capability. Even if these Japanese are powerful, it is extremely difficult to keep him in such a mountainous area. The regiment commander has great strength." He chose to break out of the encirclement, perhaps because enough of his comrades in the guard squad had died in the battle, and he didn't want them all to die here.

However, the field radio should have been damaged during the fierce battle. While our troops were marching to the battlefield here, the regimental commander only sent the message "I am ready to break out", and there was no news after that. "

As Tang Dao's subordinate, Gu Xishui's answer was both confident and full of sadness and anger, which was very reasonable.

"Then let the people from your Fourth Line Regiment go find your regiment leader and find him at all costs. Also, if you meet soldiers from the theater security division, don't conflict. I have given them orders to capture the attackers who are still alive. They will all be handed over to you. I also want to know who did such evil things in my territory." General Li looked at the distant mountains with a deep look.

"On behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment, I would like to thank Commander Li!" Gu Xishui stood at attention and saluted.

Even if his suspicions were not cleared, a dignified theater commander actually made a compromise with him, a little army captain. Even if it was just a pretense, Gu Xishui had to show his respect, otherwise when the truth came out, Four Elements It will be difficult for the regiment to gain a foothold in the fifth theater.

Of course, what really made Gu Xishui salute was what the commander said. If he wanted to keep Tang Dao, there was no need to go to such trouble.

"Let's go! Let's go back to the headquarters!" General Li walked out of the attack scene and walked straight to his car.

"Sir, are we going back now? Didn't you order that we must wait until Commander Tang! No matter life or death." The colonel's adjutant who followed him was stunned.

Before arriving, the guard camp had brought all field supplies, including military tents.

"Tang Dao is not dead. Not only is he still alive, but he personally directed all the actions of the Four Elements Regiment. This kid doesn't show up, but he just wants to hide in the dark, so that those who want to deal with him don't know what he will do. Just do it." General Li's face was calm, and his eyes seemed to be dancing with fire under the firelight.

"I have long said that Tang Dao is a very pure soldier, but this does not mean that he only knows how to fight. There is a tiger hidden in his heart that can jump out and bite people at any time, even the King of Heaven!"

"Sir." The colonel's adjutant obviously didn't quite understand the meaning of his commander's words.

However, he could hear the chill in it!

"I just hope Tang Dao doesn't go too far. I'm not that capable!" General Li said to himself after sitting in the car.

Both the adjutant and the driver felt a chill coming over them, something that even a theater commander couldn't suppress. How big could it be?

Could it be more terrible than the attack and murder of Captain Tang this time?

Moreover, after just walking around the scene of the attack and killing, the officer concluded that Tang Dao was still alive and was even hiding in the dark to do things. This was something that the adjutant could not figure out.

His chief has controlled Guangxi Province for many years, and even a few years later he will become the only big boss who can compete with that man. How can ordinary people compare with him?

Although Gu Xishui was smart, he was still too young after all. Although all his cold faces and anger came from sincerity, his heavy deployment of troops at the scene of the attack had made the veteran who had been immersed in officialdom for more than 30 years suspicious.

His supreme commander broke through the encirclement and escaped into the mountains. Naturally, his loyal subordinates would do their best to go to the rescue. Someone had already come to report that the main force of the Four Lines Regiment did not rush here. Only about 800 people arrived at the scene.

There are 800 people, but 300 of them are here to show off to the theater security battalion or the general commander like him, what's the matter? Is face more valuable than the life of one's own leader?

But what really convinced General Li that Tang Dao was still alive was Gu Xishui's last words, saying that there was no news about Tang Dao after he broke through.

This is too nonsense. Not to mention Tang Dao, a regiment commander who is ridiculously strong in individual soldiers and command. Even an ordinary infantry regiment commander will use the infantry regiment's internal design when there is no field radio. A good secret code leaves a mark in the mountains, letting subordinates who are following you know where you are going.

The three generals surnamed Li, Ye Chenghuan, Leng Feng and Zhuang Shisan of the Four Lines Regiment Headquarters, have all met each other. They all have their own characteristics. Ye Chenghuan is gentle and polite, Leng Feng is calm and tough, and Zhuang Shisan is sleek and worldly, but not One person belongs to the bold and wanton type.

Apart from Tang Dao himself, General Li could not think of anyone else in the Four Lines Regiment who could order a small captain and company commander to deceive him, the general commander.

. . . . . . . . .

Akagi Shigesen may have never run so fast in his life!

The popular phrase on the future Internet, "I feel like I'm so fast," can probably describe the state of Major Shigeharu Akagi running wildly through the mountains at this time.

As a top student who graduated from the Munich Military Academy in the early 1930s, Major Shigeharu Akagi was one of the very few fanatics in the Japanese Army who advocated special attack operations. Although he never received strong support from senior officials, he did so in the non-commissioned officer school. Shooting instructor Shigeaki Akagi has never given up on his philosophy.

Since entering the sergeant school in 2033, Shigeaki Akagi has been engaged in military research on how small groups of elite troops or even individual soldiers can infiltrate to assist the main force in defeating the enemy, and has worked hard to realize it.

In 8 years, Shigeaki Akagi, who was already good at shooting, increased the range of his ordinary 38-type rifle with bare eyes to an astonishing 430 meters. If equipped with a scope, it can reach an exaggerated 580 meters.

With such terrifying shooting skills, even the lieutenant general and principal of the non-commissioned officer school who looked down on his insistence on individual combat concepts had to admit that Shigeaki Akagi was terrifying.

Especially after the Battle of Songhu, when the Chinese 67th Army fled from Songjiang, there were several small groups of elite troops using the terrain to secretly attack and ambush the main force, causing huge casualties to the main force and successfully delaying the pursuit of the main force. Later, the sergeant academy finally paid attention to Akagi Shigen's 'special attack' combat concept.

And in January 1938, the ‘Eagle’ special attack team was officially formed!

The Eagle Commando is different from the scumbag commando formed by Senio Fujiwara based on ninjas and warriors and assisted by thermal weapons training. Its members are composed of elite veterans with 3 years of military service recommended by each main division and who have participated in the war. The commando team The level is brigade level, and Akagi Shigeharu serves as the captain and shooting instructor.

In essence, this special attack team composed of elite soldiers and rigorously trained is more suitable for the battlefield. They know better **** the enemy under their own guns from 300 meters away without using knives and weapons. Use ninja darts to deal with enemies.

The recommended quota for each Class A division is 30 people. The 17 permanent divisions alone recommended 510 people, and their official personnel were only 300. It took nearly a month to eliminate 210 people. , coupled with the selection of various instructors and auxiliary personnel, the application for training venues and various equipment at the beginning of the establishment, it took nearly three months to fully enter the formal training period.

It was not until early February that 209 members of the Eagle Commando arrived at Jinling on four military transport planes after receiving the mission from the Army Base Camp.

Even so, in Akagi Shigen's opinion, the combat effectiveness of the Eagle Commando, which has been trained for 30 months, is at least as good as or even better than that of a full infantry brigade.

In this world, with equal strength, no one can escape alive under the ambush of so many elites. This is the self-confidence of Major Akagi.

However, in this mountain forest of China, all the confidence that Major Akagi once had was shattered by the legendary man.

That man and his subordinates would never exceed 20 people, but they were able to withstand 200 elite members of his Eagle Special Forces for 2 hours, and killed most of the enemies who dared to attack him.

Yes, the moment Major Akagi's face was splashed with the warm blood of his observer while he was crawling on a mountain peak more than 500 meters away from his opponent, Shigesen Akagi knew that his opponent's shooting skills were at least not inferior to his own.

The observer's hand was killed by a single shot, perhaps due to the reflection of the telescope lens in the sun.

The frighteningly accurate shooting skills are just one of them. What makes Shigeaki Akagi the most horrifying is the warhead used by his opponent.

A complete head exploded like a watermelon hit by a heavy hammer. This was a firearm that Major Akagi, who was proficient in various Eastern and Western firearms, had never seen before.

He can even guarantee that it is definitely not a firearm used to shoot humans. With such strong kinetic energy, it is really too wasteful to use it to hit people. It can be used to hit tanks.

Akagi Shigesen guessed correctly, the rifle held by Tang Dao was originally used for anti-armor.

The famous PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle of the Mao Xiong Country has a 5-round magazine and uses a tungsten core warhead. It can penetrate 40 mm armor at a distance of 400 meters. The muzzle velocity is 1012 m/s even with an ordinary 14.7 mm warhead. It can also penetrate 40mm armor at a distance of 100 meters.

The armor of several main tanks of the Japanese army on the Chinese battlefield appeared extremely fragile in the face of this kind of rifle. This was the reason why Tang Dao asked Little Foreign Girl to import hundreds of rifles from the Bear Country.

Tang Dao has always been a very cautious person, even if he did not lead the assault jeep convoy and cavalry company because of his low profile, the large backpack carried on the back of Xia Dayu's horse contained the first anti-material sniper rifle of this era.

Tang Dao didn't want to use this rifle unless he was on the battlefield. Once he used this thing, it meant that his life would be seriously threatened.

But Tang Dao was finally used!

The strongest sniper from the future carries the most powerful anti-material sniper rifle of this era, which is definitely a nightmare for all infantry.

If it weren't for this sniper rifle that fired almost every shot, no matter how tough the 15 guardsmen were, they would not have been able to survive the siege of an elite Japanese army for more than 2 hours.

For the first time, Tang Dao showed his full strength in front of the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Line Regiment's security squad. Every time the anti-tank gun with an extra-long barrel was fired, one of the attackers would always be killed.

Because no one can survive being torn apart by a 14.7 mm caliber warhead, not to mention humans, even a bison will be killed on the spot.

The extremely accurate marksmanship astonished even the proud Shigeru Akagi. He was certain that it was a sharpshooter and a super powerful rifle that he had never seen before.

At least half of the 160 subordinates who were killed were killed by this gun.

He clearly saw that one of his team leaders, Lieutenant Ishiguro, had hid behind a dead tree stump. The penetrating power of the Czech semi-automatic rifle equipped by the Chinese could not penetrate the stump that was the size of a millstone. But that gun can!

With just one shot, the dead tree stump exploded into a mass of debris visible to the naked eye. Second Lieutenant Ishiguro's scream, covering his face with one hand, even overwhelmed the fierce gunfire.

The reason why it was one-handed was because the trajectory of the bullet deflected when it passed through the dead wood pile and hit his right arm. The entire arm was blown off like a shot.

Why did you cover your face? It was because the exploding wood thorns were like a hidden weapon, all piercing into the face of the poor Imperial Army lieutenant. The severe pain in his fragile eyes even made Lieutenant Ishiguro forget that his arm was shot away. fact.

However, Lieutenant Ishiguro, who suffered two serious injuries, was not so miserable that he died in pain on the battlefield. Major Akagi in the distance chose to aim his gun at his own people who kept wailing, helping him understand the inhuman pain.

There were also several heavy machine guns deployed 400 meters away from the ambush site. Although they were far away from the range of the rifles, specially trained machine gunners still built temporary bunkers with rocks in the dense bushes.

Unless someone can hit the hole that is not too big, no one can kill the shooter behind the bunker.

But that man and that gun did it!

The sharpshooter didn't even show off his extremely accurate marksmanship. Instead, he fired at the stone fortifications. If one shot failed, he would shoot twice. If two shots failed, he would shoot three times. It was like a small artillery. Shengsheng destroyed the 40-centimeter-thick stone bunker, and then shot and killed the shooter behind him.

His purpose is no longer to kill the enemy, but to use the most cruel method to make the shooter extremely fearful and choose to escape.

People can accept death, but waiting for death is a fear that no matter how brave a person is, it is difficult to accept it.

Fortunately, these soldiers who had undergone 30 months of rigorous training had already tempered their nerves to be as tough as fine steel, and no shooter was deterred by the extremely cruel shooting of the Chinese.

Then, they all died!

One bunker after another was blasted by this rifle, and then fell silent!

But for them, it was difficult to hit this terrifying shooter from a long distance.

He seemed to have the ability to predict danger in advance, and would choose to move his position the moment before danger came. No matter how hard Akagi Shigesen and the dozen or so sharpshooters and several light and heavy machine guns hidden in the distance worked, the kind of excitement mixed with the crisp sound of gunfire would Dull, it will still sound.

With every sound, someone's life is taken away.

If it weren't for the existence of this gun, Akagi Shigesen was completely confident that he could resolve the battle within 15 minutes.

So much so that later on, even Akagi Shigesen almost lost confidence, even though he had killed 3 targets, which proved that this group of Chinese people were at the end of their game.

But as long as the gun was still there, he would not dare to take a step further.

Finally, the Chinese no longer persisted. No reinforcements arrived for two hours, and the remaining soldiers in the encirclement chose to break out into the mountains.

Akagi Shigen also finally saw the hope of completing the mission.

He has been in this mountain for three days. He did not hide like a hibernating turtle. On the contrary, he could speak fluent Chinese and used his disguise to cover a fifteen-mile radius of the mountain.

With his super memory, he believed that even the local Chinese would not be more familiar with this mountain forest than him, let alone these Chinese soldiers who were just passing by.

That rifle must be out of ammunition!

The threat of losing this gun was also the reason why Akagi Shigesen mustered up the courage to lead his last 46 subordinates to chase into the mountains.

Then, the Japanese Army Major discovered that he was wrong.

The dull sound of the gun never sounded again, but the man was still there, and the man who used the semi-automatic rifle was no less lethal.

What's even more terrifying is that it's not even a sharpshooter with a range of more than one mile!

The mountains and forests of this mountain have become his natural protective color. He is like a shark hiding deep in the seabed, which may appear in front of you at any time.

That was when Shi Dakuan once again refreshed his understanding of the killing ability of his regimental commander!

As the trainee deputy squad leader of the security class, Shi Dakuan followed squad leader Yuanxiao on the task of escorting the regimental commander.

Then, he encountered the third crisis in his military career. Compared with the hand-to-hand combat on Gaojialing and the night attack on Beidou Mountain, this battle was even more dangerous.

As the brothers in the guard class continued to fall, the bullets carried by the regimental commander's weird big gun were empty, and Shi Dakuan was ready to sacrifice.

The regimental commander looked at the 13 bodies lying on the ground, gritted his teeth and made an evacuation gesture.

That was the first time since Shi Dakuan met the regimental commander that he saw his face as cold as iron, and there seemed to be two flames jumping in his pupils.

Shi Dakuan knew that the regimental commander would be extremely angry.

Not only was he heartbroken over the sacrifices of the 13 security guard brothers, but he was even more angry that he had to abandon the remains of the brothers and evacuate.

It is said that there is an unwritten rule at the regiment headquarters that no comrades, even their remains, are allowed to be abandoned unless absolutely necessary.

But in order for the three of them to continue to live, the regimental commander could only grit his teeth and choose to evacuate.

What will happen to the extremely angry regimental commander?

Two hours ago, Shi Dakuan saw Tang Dao holding a strange big gun with full firepower. He killed nearly a hundred people with enough ferocity to silence any enemy.

After escaping into the mountains, Tang Dao, who seemed like a fish returning to the sea, showed what it means to be comprehensive.

The killing skills are comprehensive.

Using Yuanxiao's extremely accurate marksmanship to attract three groups of chasing enemies, Tang Dao, with his face smeared with black mud, sneaked into the forest.

With two military thorns, he killed one group of 15 Japanese soldiers.

The whole process took less than 3 minutes!

When the other two groups of Japanese soldiers heard the screams and rushed over, except for the corpses scattered on the ground that were still shaking slightly, the murderer had long been missing.

From that moment on, Shi Dakuan knew that the identities of hunter and prey had been interchanged.

The regimental commander finally chose to escape into the mountains, not to escape, but to fight back!

By dusk, Shigeaki Akagi, who had only 12 people left around him, gritted his back molars and gave the order to divide into groups and continue the pursuit.

Then, after watching his subordinates disappear into the jungle, the founder and first captain of the Eagle Commando quietly fled in the opposite direction.

The Japanese Army Major understood, ‘Tiger! Tiger! ’ The operation has completely failed. Tang Dao is completely a devil beyond human beings. He wants to go back and tell the senior generals not to do these things that cost the elites anymore.

The 12 final elites were no longer chasing, but delaying.

Although Akagi Shigen has never seen Tang Dao, he has an intuition that the other party will never let go of anyone who has killed his subordinates.

He had to run away, to the direction of Yiling, before this devil chased him.

Eight years of hard training allowed Akagi Shigesen to develop perseverance and physical strength far beyond ordinary people. Coupled with the pressure of survival, he seemed to run faster than usual.

He climbed up a two-meter-high stone wall with just one dash; he jumped off a several-meter-high boulder without hesitation; he could jump over a nearly three-meter-wide mountain stream without using any tools.

In the pale night, the Japanese Army Major, who was running for his life, felt that he was an elf in the mountains.

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