Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1461: It’s really ‘chasing life and Tai Sui’!

 Chapter 1461 is really ‘chasing life in Tai Sui’!

On the night of June 21, 1941, it was undoubtedly a tumultuous night for the senior generals of the Fifth War Zone, the senior officials in Shancheng who knew the inside story, and the senior officials of the 11th Army in Jiangxia.

On this night, a group of generals in the Fifth War Zone saw that the Four Troops had clearly done something they shouldn't have done. There was almost no physical evidence, and they had strongly resisted and killed the military commander in public. Their behavior was undoubtedly that of the rebels, but Miraculously, after a message was sent, the aggressive military commander withdrew.

And this was not the final miracle. At 9 p.m., the theater headquarters issued a notice. The military commander searched the 33rd Independent Brigade headquarters and found evidence that the dead brigade commander had colluded with the puppet government. 50 Garand rifles. The source of it was also found, it was from this person's hand that it flowed out.

The reason why the origin of these imported semi-automatic guns could not be found stems from a transportation loss three months ago. A ship responsible for transporting this batch of guns sank. All the guns were reported as damaged. Unexpectedly, this person quietly Hidden and provided weapons to the Japanese during this attack.

Basically, it can be inferred that the Japanese army's plan to attack Tang Dao was formulated more than three months ago, and this dead major general has been cooperating with it since then.

The owner of the grain store who was hanged did not die in vain. Not only was a medium-sized field radio used for communication found from his home, but there were even Japanese yen and a letter of appointment.

This guy turned out to be the top intelligence person in charge of the Wang Puppet Government in the western Hubei region. The Wang Puppet Government even gave him the title of major general. His mission in the fifth theater was to spy on military intelligence and recruit and instigate the backbone of the army.

The reason why the major general brigade commander committed such a rebellion was that he had long believed that China was definitely no match for the Japanese and wanted to find a way out for himself. After meeting this guy, he hit it off and provided him with weapons and weapons. All kinds of conveniences are just his certificate of submission.

After overnight interrogation, it was found that 10 mid-level officers from the 33rd Independent Brigade, starting from the brigade commander below, had been recruited. Although they did not have direct contact with Wang's puppet government, they had done a lot for their commander.

In just one hour, the matter has been concluded, which means that the major general and brigade commander has long fallen into the eyes of the military commander, otherwise the gods would not be able to find out so much inside information in one hour.

Of course, releasing this news is undoubtedly telling everyone that these two guys really deserve to be killed, and if they die now, it is a good death.

Then, an even more magical reversal came.

After internal verification by the military commander, it was found that the person who attacked, no, the person who captured the major general and brigade commander was none other than the military commander's special operations team. Because they encountered armed resistance from the other party, they had to kill him on the spot.

Good guy, this is just pinching your nose to coax your eyes. You, Zhao Lijun, are the top person in charge of the military command in the fifth theater. How can you not know about the special operations team?

But this is a notice from the theater headquarters, saying that it was done by the military command special operations team, and the military command also recognized it. Who can say that the theater commander is deceiving people?

After the announcement, the blood everywhere was washed away as if a bucket of water had been poured on it, leaving no trace behind.

The military commanders were responsible for everything, so there was no problem with the Four Elements Regiment. As for the six military commanders who were killed in the restaurant, everyone selectively forgot about them.

Little people, in any fight, are destined to be victims without even leaving their names.

If the Four Lines Group loses this round, except for Tang Dao, Ye Chenghuan, Leng Feng and a few other people, the names of the rest will be on the notice, whether it is the hero Cai Yongguan or the super sniper Niu Er or the medal. The soft-handed Yang Shoucheng and others will only become the number of rebels killed.

In less than two years, everyone will forget this heroic infantry regiment that rose up in the Battle of Songhu and frightened the Japanese army on the battlefield in North China.

War sometimes doesn't just happen on the battlefield.

For a certain major general in the mountain city, he finally recognized the fact. Tang Dao was far from being as simple as playing cards irrationally. He was a ferocious beast in the world, which provoked his bottom line. What he dared to do may not be to kill the fish and defeat the net, but to destroy the net. It can turn the whole sky upside down.

The death of Tanabe Moritake, who was under heavy protection, revealed abilities that were even more frightening than the powerful generals in the army represented by the Four Elements Group and Tang Dao. .

After the man personally listened to Major General Dai's report, he remained silent for a moment and then waved him away without saying a word.

After Major General Dai left, he looked back and saw that the lights in the quiet building were out, like a lone shadow in the dim night.

Only those who are familiar with that person will know that it is a manifestation of his extreme anger!

Tanabe Moritake's shattered head was like a sword hanging above his head, and could be chopped off at any time. Who could not be angry in his place?

However, before destroying this sword, smart people will not make any other excessive moves.

Because the smarter the person, the more afraid of death!

It's not just the people in Shancheng who are afraid of death. Hengshan Yong in Jiangcheng is also afraid.

Because, the elusive gunman killed three people one after another in the next few days.

One Japanese and two Chinese!

The Japanese's military position is also unworthy. They are Lieutenant General Fujii Yoji, commander of the 38th Division stationed in Jiangxia. This person is not well-known among the Japanese army, but he is notorious among the Chinese military and civilians.

When the 38th Division was stationed in Foshan, Guangdong, it invaded Huiyang, Xinhui, Taishan and other places. They burned, killed, looted and committed a series of war crimes and crimes against humanity wherever they went.

And these were all implemented with the tacit approval of Fujii Yoji. At the beginning of the year, after the 38th Division was ordered to be transferred from the South China Front to the 11th Army and once again become a security division, a reign of terror was implemented in Jiangxia. From February to June only , the 38th Division shot and killed 338 innocent people on the streets of Jiangxia. On the pretext of arresting anti-Japanese people, it looted hundreds of shops and stole hundreds of thousands of yuan in property.

Mentioning this person, countless Chinese people are filled with hatred.

Knowing that his reputation was too bad, someone must be thinking about him. Fujii Yoji also protected himself very strictly. He usually lived in the Jiangxia Garrison District Headquarters. Even if he needed a geisha, he would never stay overnight and send him away as soon as he was done. It belongs to the third floor inside and the third floor outside. The military commander tried to assassinate him several times but failed, and even lost a lot of manpower in vain.

In this city-wide search, Fujii Yoji was only giving orders in the headquarters, and he did not appear.

However, on this night when countless Japanese and puppet troops were holding torches and flashlights, eager to open up the entire Jiangxia City in search of the mysterious gunman, Isamu Hengshan, who had been awake all night, received another piece of bad news.

Lieutenant General Fujii Yoji, who was located in the garrison headquarters, was attacked and killed!

At that moment, Yokoyama Isamu couldn't believe his ears.

When he stood at the window, he could still see the scattered stars outside the window. Thousands of military police were still searching all night long. How did the assassin sneak into the Jiangcheng Garrison District Headquarters, which was guarded by at least 400 people, and kill an assassin? Army Lieutenant General?

Yokoyama Isamu, who was so shocked that his jaw dropped, finally made up his mind and decided to go to inspect the scene in person regardless of the obstruction of his subordinates.

However, under the threat of such a terrible assassin, Lieutenant General Yokoyama Isamu did not show any courage. He mobilized a convoy of 4 Type 94 light tanks and 10 trucks, and he himself got into one of the Type 94 tanks. Inside.

The narrow body of the vehicle is filled with the smell of diesel and the sour smell of human body fluids fermented by transpiration. The important thing is that the heat in Jiangcheng is already unbearable in summer. The internal temperature of the Type 94 tank engine is estimated to be 30 degrees Celsius if it does not ignite. At many degrees, when started, the internal temperature is close to 50 degrees.

However, the 4,000-meter road almost overheated Isamu Yokoyama, who was already over 60 years old. When he got off the bus, Lieutenant General Yokoyama's face was all pink, like a shrimp about to be cooked.

According to the explanation of modern medicine, this is the early stage of heat stroke. As long as we drive two or three kilometers more, no assassin is needed. The temperature alone can send this old devil away.

Unlike Moritake Tanabe, who was sniped from a distance, Yoji Fujii's death was much more peaceful. He was strangled to death in his sleep.

To say it is peaceful is to compare it with Moritake Tanabe, whose head has been blasted. In fact, his eyes are so bulging that they are almost out of their sockets, his tongue is sticking out of his mouth for ten centimeters, and his lower body is full of feces and urine, and the smell is unbearable. Even these scenes show The Japanese generals who had been on the tragic battlefield felt that the acid water in their stomachs was constantly churning.

Lieutenant General Yokoyama Isamu's face was still rosy, as if he had been poisoned by love.

Just don't say a word.

Because he wants to vomit!

The smell of broken human heads and the smell of the Type 94 armored vehicle yesterday evening, coupled with the peculiar smell here, really made him tired of it. In other words, Commander Yokoyama Isamu had already vomited, but he swallowed it back again with extremely strong perseverance.

This amazing operation can only be said to be worthy of a commander commanding an army of hundreds of thousands. Well done!

The murderer who sneaked into the room was extremely cruel. He could obviously stab the person's heart with a knife and cause a quick death, but he chose the most unconventional method and strangled him to death with his bare hands!

Through the scene and the shocking bruises on Fujii Yoji's neck, several Japanese generals present could completely picture such a scene in their minds.

After a tall assassin successfully sneaked into the room, he clamped Fujii Yoji's hands with one hand, tightly wrapped his legs around Fujii Yoji's legs, and then strangled his neck with the other hand, like Like a chicken, he strangled the unable to move Lieutenant General of the 38th Division to death.

During this process, Fujii Yoji, who was struggling desperately, could not make a single sound. It can be imagined how powerful the enemy was and how extremely confident he was in his own skills.

Not only did he want to kill people, but he also wanted to enjoy the desperate and fearful look of Fujii Yoji at the end of his life!

No one knows how the murderer got through the many guards and finally entered the room of Lieutenant General Fujii Yoji, because there were as many as twelve people with open and secret sentries around this room. Except for ghosts, the Japanese generals present were really looking for No reason.

Until some guards recalled that three hours before they discovered the murder of Lieutenant General Fujii Yoji, a major officer from the search team came to report the search situation to the division commander. However, when the major officer left, Lieutenant General Fujii Yoji’s voice still remained. It rang in the room.

There was absolutely no way it was the major officer who carried out the murder.

"What if there is someone who is extremely good at makeup and ventriloquism and speaks proficient Imperial dialect?" Yokoyama Isamu's eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark, eerie and scary.

"Find the Major, he is the answer!"

The efficiency of the Japanese army was still extremely high. Through the officer's certificate submitted by the major, the then captain of the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 228th Regiment of the 38th Division was quickly found, Major Sano Nakasari.

However, when the major who was supposed to be rushed to the security headquarters in confusion arrived, several Japanese soldiers who had seen the major were dumbfounded.

This is exactly two people!

The infantry captain in front of them was just a short winter melon, with a pair of short legs and a fleshy upper body, and a wretched temperament.

Not like the major who rode a motorcycle and led the guards straight to the garrison headquarters. He was tall and strong, and he looked like a resolute soldier at first glance.

Obviously, this short winter melon who was escorted back from the front line of the search was the real thing. With his size, it would be enough to choke a chicken, let alone the relatively strong Fujii Yoji.

Because none of the Mao soldiers were familiar with an infantry battalion captain-level officer, Yokoyama Yuu asked and found out that the 39th Division was originally established as a security division, but after it was assigned to the 21st Army, it became a combat division until At the beginning of the year, he returned from southern China to station in Jiangxia and once again became a security division.

It was such a change of functions that made some nobles in Japan start to have other ideas.

Although joining a front-line division will result in military exploits, it will result in death. How would the nobles be willing to let members of their families die? The security division is much safer. After all, it is also on the Chinese battlefield. It is equivalent to participating in the war. It will also be a kind of qualifications when being promoted in the future, right?

Therefore, just one and a half months ago, the 39th Division replaced a whopping 7 assistant officers and 29 lieutenants, all of whom were related households.

The junior officers and lieutenants who were replaced were all promoted to one level and returned to serve in the country, so they were naturally happy. The people who came came purely with the idea of ​​​​gilding, hang out on the Chinese battlefield for a year or two and then be promoted back to the country, and each got what they needed!

And the new officer is not even familiar with his own regiment, so how can he interact with the division headquarters? It is completely normal for the guards not to know him.

His military officer's certificate cannot be faked, and he came on a motorcycle with up to 20 infantrymen behind him. Who would have thought that when the whole city was under martial law, someone would come to the security headquarters to assassinate the division commander.

This is someone who writes fairy tales, so they can’t write this plot!

But Xiao Donggua just stood there with a confused look on his face. The truth was already coming out. Someone had forged this officer's ID card, and then swaggeringly led people to the garrison headquarters. Taking advantage of the opportunity to report, he strangled a little kid to death. Like a chicken, he strangled Fujii Yoji to death in the house, then used his skillful ventriloquism to imitate Fujii Yoji's voice to deceive all the guards outside the house, and then left with the people in a swagger.

The Japanese generals who figured this out were so depressed that they almost wanted to vomit blood!

This simply regarded the guards of the 38th Division as fools. The key is that these fools were fooled. It was not until 6 o'clock in the morning that Lieutenant General Fujii's body was stiffened before he discovered that his division commander had been killed.

Then why would the assassin forge Dwarf Melon's military ID instead of someone else's? Yokoyama Isamu looked over with gloomy eyes, and the short winter melon, who kept bowing his head, could only tell the truth.

After he arrived in Jiangxia, a friend he met in his hometown invited him to a restaurant for dinner. As a result, he accidentally lost his officer certificate. This was not a big deal, so he privately asked a classmate from the division staff to get a new one. one.

Who knew that the Chinese would use this military officer's ID card that had been lost for a month to make a fuss and cause such a big thing today?

"Idiot!" The angry Yokoyama Isamu slapped the short Donggua Major's face left and right. The constant snapping sounds not only showed Yokoyama Isamu's anger, but also showed sarcasm and weakness.

Yokoyama Isamu wanted to kill this extremely insignificant-looking person with a knife, but he knew how difficult those big nobles were. It didn't matter if he lost a major because he vented his anger, the people behind them would be killed by him at any time. A stab in the dark, especially in this extraordinary period after the defeat in the Battle of Stone Tablets.

Now there are voices from both young and old who want to replace him as the commander of the 11th Army. If not for his extremely hard work on the battlefield in the previous two years, the throne of the commander of the 11th Army would have changed hands by now.

"Look, the assassin is not one person, but a group of people. The target is bigger. It is difficult for them to hide. This will be the biggest mistake they have ever made." Hengshan Yong used his best strength to whip the unsightly winter melon until he fainted. Ran ordered.

But in the small courtyard that smelled of horse manure less than 400 meters away from the Japanese military garrison headquarters, several strong men sleeping on mats had the scene tonight echoing in their minds.

It was really the most exciting 'game' they had ever experienced in their lives. They actually watched the regimental commander Shi Shiran walk into the Japanese army's security headquarters, and then strode out quickly. The Japanese guards actually behaved themselves. Salute.

The key is, judging from the gesture he made quietly, the target has been cleared and the mission has been completed.

"Tonight is the best opportunity, believe me!" This was the decision Tang Dao made quickly after discovering the major officer's certificate in the basement.

If they hadn't been with him for two years, they would have thought that Tang Dao was trying to silence him.

But Tang Dao succeeded.

Not only that, in the next two days, Tang Dao also successfully assassinated the two most notorious senior officials of the puppet government in Jiangxia, one was the tax chief and the other was the police chief. The two implemented high-pressure policies in Jiangxia and became the most notorious Japanese officials. This loyal **** has killed countless people.

On the same night, Tang Dao hung their heads on the door of his bedroom. In addition, he also used local materials to write the four words "Chasing Ming Tai Sui" in blood.

The name "Chasing Tai Sui" resounded throughout Jiangxia for several days, and Japanese generals and senior officials of the puppet government became pale after hearing his name.

Zhao Lijun received the telegram from Jiangxia

If he had such ability, how could he allow Leng Feng to be so arrogant that day? He had already stepped forward and pinched him to death.

But there is no doubt that the more ruthless Tang Dao attacks, the more fearful he will be to those who are wary of him!

However, the undercurrent is even more turbulent!

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