Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1465: It’s really difficult!

After this battle, the Jinan Garrison Brigade became famous in the North China battlefield, almost becoming an infantry brigade on par with the 683rd Brigade.

The old commander of the second war zone simply regarded the garrison brigade as his own heart. Not only did he personally inspect the garrison brigade's station in Zishan, but he also paid for the garrison that originally belonged to the local armed forces and had to be raised by the Southern Hebei Administrative Office. The brigade is assigned to the troops directly under the Second Theater Command.

However, even the old man from Jin Province did not assign a brigade commander to the garrison brigade to control this elite infantry brigade.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but although the Four Elements Group and Tang Dao are suppressed, as long as Tang Dao is around, he knows that no matter how many officers he sends to the garrison brigade, he can't actually control this almost all Tang Dao army. An elite force composed of direct subordinates.

This approach is actually more of a show of goodwill.

Although the Japanese targeted the military commanders for the several assassinations that took place in Jiangxia controlled by the Japanese from June 21 to the end of June 1941, they could only fool ordinary people. Big bosses like them knew that night. What happened in the fifth theater.

And based on what the old man from Jin Province knew about the Tang Dao, the Tang Dao had fought so many dangerous battles on the North China battlefield without even scratching its oily skin. How could it be seriously injured by a surprise attack by 200 little devils? Maybe that was just a cover-up trick by that boy Tang Dao. Others thought he was still lying in the hospital bed, but he was hiding behind the scenes to cause trouble.

One bad thing is that the several cases of killing Japanese generals and high-ranking puppet army officials in Jiangxia were all Tang Dao's own work!

The old man from Jin Province couldn't help but feel a chill in his chest when he thought that the Four Elements Group or Tang Dao could freely come and go in the heavily guarded Jiangxia City to pick up the heads of high-ranking officials as if they were searching for objects.

The fighting power of Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment is so strong that they can even defeat a Japanese division with one regiment. This is not scary for a big man like the old man from Jin Province.

What really frightens them is that Tang Dao and Si Xing Tuan don't seem to take so-called big guys like them seriously, and they don't have much awe. It's okay not to provoke them. If they cross their bottom line, You are a big boss when you are alive, but you are nothing when you die?

When the Si Xing Regiment was idled by the Fifth War Zone, the old man from Jin Province made a special report to the Ministry of Military Affairs and requested that the Si Xing Regiment be transferred back to the Second War Zone to avoid another crisis like the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain.

In that battle in July, if the 80th Group Army had not disregarded the past suspicions and deployed all the elite guard brigades, not only would the Zhongtiao Mountain defense line have been destroyed, but the 200,000 troops stationed within it would also have most likely disappeared. When I think of this, the old man from Shanxi Province His forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Without Zhongtiao Mountain, the headquarters of his commander-in-chief of the second theater would have to be moved to the east of the Yellow River. The little territory in Jin Province would be gone, and his commander-in-chief of the second theater would exist in name only.

But obviously, he, the commander of the Second War Zone, did not have enough face. The Ministry of Military Affairs rejected him outright, but in the end, it still left him a little face and allowed Tang Dao, who had just recovered from a serious injury, to return to the Taihang Mountains to recuperate. While recovering from his injuries, he participated in famine relief operations in some areas of Henan Province as the deputy commissioner of the Southern Hebei Administrative Office.

In the past, the great famine in Henan Province that shocked the world and killed 3 million victims of starvation broke out from July 1942 to the spring of 1943. But in fact, drought had broken out in some areas of Henan Province since mid-1941, but at that time The chief executive of Henan Province actually chose to conceal the report. This led to the senior officials of the mountain city government to misjudge the severity of the disaster, leading to the disaster.

In 1941, due to the large yellow flood areas formed after the bombing of Huayuankou in 1938, it was extremely difficult for Japanese infantry to march in the mud, let alone tanks and artillery. Therefore, the Japanese army only occupied a small area in eastern Henan and northern Henan. , most areas in Henan Province are still under the control of the Shancheng Government.

However, the Japanese bombing of cities in Henan Province never stopped. An American painter named Gram Baker happened to come to a bombed city in Henan Province. He wrote in his memoirs: Those bombers were like a swarm of wasps flying over us. There was a buzzing overhead, and then the city looked like an ant's nest with wooden planks suddenly removed, and the Chinese were greatly frightened.

Luoyang, this ancient city, has long been devastated, but compared to the war that can destroy everything, perhaps what is more terrifying is the punishment from nature.

The fields have been cracked, and Yu Province, which has not experienced the rain for a long time, is like an old man in his twilight years. In thousands of villages, there are farmers everywhere who are only skin and bones. There are no weeds in the fields. The farmers are holding sickles and looking for something edible.

While describing war and drought, in one of this American painter's paintings, a middle-aged man as thin as a skeleton is holding a tree as thick as a bowl.

However, this Chinese man with suffering written all over his face was not climbing the tree, but chewing the bark with his teeth.

The bitter bark was already the only energy that the middle-aged man had to survive in the autumn of 1941.

Tang Dao, who had been preparing for this terrible drought and famine two years in advance, naturally could not let history repeat itself. Members of the intelligence system controlled by Gong Shaoxun had arrived in Henan Province long ago. They not only took many photos, but also contacted them through the Rockefeller Company. Fucked that American painter.

After arriving in Shancheng, what the American painter saw along the way in Henan Province and the painting he made on the spot shocked the senior officials of Shancheng City. This was completely different from what was reported by the Henan Provincial Government.

Since the secret investigation team arrived in Henan Province in September and returned to report to the mountain city government in November, they realized the seriousness of the problem. If they are not prepared in advance, if the drought continues or even expands next year, there will still be 60 counties with a population of more than 10 million. A terrible famine will break out in Henan Province.

However, disaster relief requires not only people but also materials. Now construction requires money, buying arms requires money, and military expenditures also require money. Money can be printed, but if you print too much, won't it become like waste paper?

Don't tell me, at this time, the domestic economic and financial order has not been completely destroyed, and he still wants to work hard to save it.

Because China's domestic inflation has begun to slide toward the abyss, and has not yet completely entered the stage of falling out of control.

Just like the French currency that has been in use since 1935, in 1937, 100 French currency could buy two cows, but in 1938, you could only buy one, and in 1941, you could only buy one pig. I don’t know if it has depreciated. How many times.

But only the little butterflies from the future know that this level of inflation is really nothing. In the following years, the inflation rate climbed like a rocket. By 1948, 100 French currency could only buy 4 grains of rice. This also shows that This money is somewhat useful. By 1949, 100 French currency will only buy 2.50 millionths of a grain of rice.

The terrible inflation is ruthlessly devouring the wealth of ordinary Chinese people like a greedy beast. The only advantage may be that it also traps the Japanese who make counterfeit banknotes and impact China's financial order.

During Japan's all-out war of aggression against China, a Major of the Japanese General Staff named Yamamoto Kenzo was transferred to the Army's Ninth Scientific Research Institute to take charge of a top-secret task code-named "Sugi Work." This task was to destroy counterfeit currency and The mountain city government's legal currency system disrupts China's domestic economy and destroys China's economic resistance.

Yamamoto Kenzo graduated from the 15th class of the Japanese Army Accounting School. He was very interested in currency circulation. When he was young, he had an incredible dream of counterfeiting currency, but he never found an opportunity. While he was in Manchukuo, he conducted detailed research on China's currency system. He also spent several years studying the currency circulation in mainland China, outside the customs, and Korea, and became a true "China expert."

Before Japan's full-scale invasion of China, he joined the Japanese Kwantung Army and went to Manchukuo in Northeast China to conduct military and geographical research. When observing the circulation of legal tender in Central China, I noticed that most of the legal tender on the market at that time was printed by the Central Bank of China and the Bank of Communications. The printing manufacturers were Denaro Company, Walder Company and American Banknote Company of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

The anti-counterfeiting measures of these banknotes are mainly watermarks and secret marks. Some rice banknotes have red and blue silk threads sandwiched in the portrait area. The process is not complicated and it is not difficult to forge. Moreover, China's domestic currency counterfeiting methods were backward at that time, and the general public's awareness of anti-counterfeiting banknotes was not It is very strong. If you forge a batch of counterfeit currency, there should be no problem in disrupting the Chinese economy. This will have a certain role in promoting Japan's invasion of China.

After many arguments and researches, Kenzo Yamamoto first selected the 5-yuan legal currency as the experimental subject. He produced a printing plate for the 5-yuan legal currency in Japan. After printing more than 100,000 yuan of finished product, he quickly shipped it to China to arbitrage supplies. Unexpectedly, these counterfeit 5-yuan banknotes have long been invalidated and withdrawn from circulation in China, and people do not recognize them. The first plan to counterfeit legal currency failed, which he didn't expect. He was probably too excited and made the decision without market research. His work was in vain. At the same time, he was severely reprimanded by his boss.

Mission failed but still not giving up. In April 1940, Yamamoto Kenzo repeated his old tricks and forged batches of China Farmers Bank 1-yuan, 5-yuan, and 10-yuan denomination notes, totaling more than 5 million yuan. He also used a special process to turn them into old banknotes and secretly transported them China, and mixed them with real legal currency, and delivered them to the Japanese invasion agencies and "trading companies" and other institutions in occupied areas for use. These fake legal currencies were widely popular and became the Japanese invaders' rush to buy supplies, undermine China's financial order, and seek military expenses for the Japanese invaders. important means, causing damage to the Chinese economy.

Two years later, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese army captured Hong Kong Island in December 1941. The Special High School Section seized the mint set up by the Shancheng Government on Hong Kong Island and the minting machines that had not been transported away in time. They also seized a batch of semi-finished products of 5-yuan denomination legal currency from China Bank of Communications, as well as banknote printing machines, legal currency codes, and dark ledgers. These, along with the above-mentioned proceeds, were secretly transported to the "Ninth Army Scientific Research Institute" in Kyoto. Sanbon Kenzo took the lead in selecting and dispatching special personnel to study and tackle the key problems.

At this point, Japan obtained all the secrets of printing legal currency and began to print legal currency frantically.

According to statistics, in the seven years from 1939 to 1945, the Japanese invaders produced a total of 4 billion yuan in counterfeit currency, making it the largest counterfeit currency manufacturer in the world.

However, no matter how good Japan's wishful thinking is, there are times when it makes mistakes. Due to the Japanese invasion and domestic turmoil, the flow of legal currency has changed. Before the Japanese invaders' counterfeit banknotes can further take effect, the Yamashiro government itself began a crazy currency campaign. swell. Therefore, the tons and tons of counterfeit banknotes that cost a lot of manpower and material resources to produce, cost a sufficiently high transportation cost, and risk being discovered and spent in areas controlled by China are just a drop in the bucket in China, where inflation has reached a climax. Not worth a penny.

If you are more courageous and invest a little more, if you spend 400 billion, you might be able to buy a few hundred kilograms of rice and make rice **** for everyone to eat.

Yamamoto Kenzo's dream was shattered. He was puzzled and lamented: "China is really a daunting country."

Just talking about the production and sale of counterfeit goods, if the Japanese want to cause trouble in China, it is really a big deal in front of Guan Gong - dead, dead!

This is a bit far-fetched. In November 1941, the man and his think tanks looked at the people's livelihood in Henan Province that was about to be eroded, and were very worried about money.

Then, the old man from Jin Province was very 'sensible' and brought him a pillow when he was dozing off.

Tang Dao's name appeared in that man's field of vision again.

To be honest, that person didn't want to see this name at all. Ever since he took that position, there have been many people who wanted to kill him in their hearts, but there has never been one person who came close to putting this sentence on their forehead.

The stunning shot in Jiangxia City, and the two consecutive assassinations in which he swaggered to strangle a Japanese army lieutenant general to death, were almost such a 'letter of war'.

He is 100% sure that the Four Elements Group will be destroyed, but he is not 100% sure that no one will be killed. That is a huge hidden danger.

Therefore, it is the most appropriate arrangement to put it on the shelf and not use it until the Sino-Japanese War is over.

As a result, when the old man from Jin Province mentioned Tang Dao like this, the man had an idea and arranged something for Tang Dao. He could also use his connections with the Rockefeller consortium behind him, and it could also keep him away from the Four Elements Group, making it easier to deal with the Four Elements Group. Carry out differentiation.

There is never absolute loyalty in this world. The Four Elements Group is monolithic now, but that doesn't mean it will be in the future.

However, the man who had this idea did not take action. Instead, he asked the old man from Jin Province to use his connections to run up and down, until Tang Dao himself sent a message to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, hoping that he could return to the Taihang Mountains to recuperate and visit his wife and children.

The Ministry of Military Affairs issued a military order to agree to Tang Dao's request, and assigned him the job of deputy commander-in-chief of disaster relief.

As for the commander-in-chief, of course it is Commander Jiang who was recently transferred from the 10th Theater Command to the 1st Theater Command.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the commander of the First Theater Zone is just a commander-in-chief, and the real responsibility must be done by the deputy commander Tang Dao.

Because the Executive Yuan allocated a total of 3 million French currency in food and beverages!

Three million French currency only buys 600,000 kilograms of white flour at the current market price, which sounds like a lot, but this is disaster relief. More than 3 million people in 20 counties have been affected by disasters in the control areas of Henan Province. 600,000 kilograms of grain is enough for these 3 million people. Eat for a day?

Many people think that this is the problem that the man gave Tang Dao. Maybe before the Chinese New Year, Tang Dao will be charged with being detrimental to disaster relief and first be removed from his position as deputy commissioner of the Southern Hebei Administrative Office.

Tang Dao was very calm. He set out from the Fifth War Zone with 30 guards and soldiers, transferred to a boat at Shipai Fortress and arrived at the mountain city. He had no intention of returning to the Ministry of Military Affairs to report on his work, and arrived directly under the **** of the armed **** team of Rockefeller Far East Branch. Jiulongpo Airport.

The little foreign girl stopped pretending at this time and actually sent Tang Dao in person to fly directly to Chang'an on an American transport plane escorted by 10 American Wildcat fighter jets.

And when saying goodbye at the airport, he took the initiative to hug a member of the group who still had a bandage on his head and touched his cheek with his lips.

Let’s not talk about how awesome Tang Dao’s treatment was with a special plane and a squadron of fighter jets to **** him. Let’s talk about Laura’s intimate behavior, which really shocked the eyes of the mountain city’s senior officials.

Yes, Westerners have a cheek-to-cheek ceremony that makes Easterners feel extremely uncomfortable, but touching the cheek with lips is either between elders and juniors, or between lovers.

Miss Laura, is she going to tell the world? Tsk tsk! Captain Tang is really a lucky person! Many dirty middle-aged greasy men had countless unbearable images in their minds at that moment.

And only some people who really understand the mystery know that this means that Laura is using her own way to draw her own bottom line to certain people. The reason why Rockefeller Company is still here is because of the existence of Tang.

"Ahem! Mingyue, you know, Laura did this because she was worried that I would be assassinated again, at least to eliminate threats from the inside." Tang Dao, who had returned to Taihang Mountain, coaxed Xiao Shanhe to Gang in the dead of night. Tantai Mingyue, who was sleeping next to her, explained this way.

"Well! Thank you Miss Laura for your kindness for me!" Tantai Mingyue gently leaned her head on her husband's arms, feeling at ease in her heart but at the same time there was an unconcealable sourness.

No matter how generous she is, she can't accept that the Western woman took this opportunity to show her love to her husband passionately!

Tang Tuanzuo said at this moment that he was really embarrassed!

It wasn't until a long time later that there was a stinging pain under his ribs. It was the "Nine Yin White Bone Pinch" that his wife had not used for a long time. Tang Dao then breathed out fiercely, stretched out his hand and hugged his wife tightly. She was plumper than when she was a girl. Quite a few bodies.

As the saying goes: A little separation is better than a wedding! He's been saying goodbye for more than half a year, so what kind of small goodbye is that?

At that moment, the fire in Tang Tuanzuo's body was like an active volcano about to erupt, and he had more various moves than he had thought of when facing the enemy.

"Wow! Mom! I want mom!" A loud cry sounded from the couple's bedside.

Tang Shanhe sat up from the crib and looked at his father who was even more confused than him with tearful eyes, crying loudly.

Tang Dao

In the early morning of the next day, looking at Tang Tuanzuo who slept until three o'clock in the morning and then went out, the guards all grinned knowingly.

I'm afraid they didn't know that a poor man told his fat son the story of his big-headed father and his little-headed son in the middle of the night.

The story was so exciting that he even lulled himself to sleep in the end.

Really, coaxing a baby is much more tiring than fighting. (End of chapter)

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