Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1470: But err! (Please ask for a monthly ticket!)

 Chapter 1470 is nothing! (Please ask for a monthly ticket!)

The man in a suit who came out first was squatting at the door dejectedly with two rifles pointed at him, not even daring to look at Zhao Lijun.

Obviously, he was forced by the situation to send out the safety signal before.

It's just that this guy is usually extremely loyal to him and has received strict training in torture to extract confessions. Why he rebelled in just 30 seconds really surprised Zhao Lijun.

The man in a suit squatting on the ground actually wanted to see the man squatting there with a smile waiting for Commissioner Zhao the last thing he wanted to see at the moment.

When he came up, a gun was pressed to the back of his head. The tall man just whispered in his ear: "The Zhoujiazhuang incident happened, and those involved will die. If you cooperate with the arrest of Zhao Lijun, you will die, but you are in Tanzhou My family is safe and sound! You should be very clear about my resume. I, Tang Dao, have never told lies except to the Japanese.”

In fact, since the military commander was brazenly attacked at the highest command post of Henan Province ten minutes ago, the man in the suit knew that Tang Dao's men who had murderous intentions would never leave anyone alive, whether it was for Zhoujiazhuang or his own future.

Zhao Lijun may still have a chance to survive as a witness, but those of them who were subordinates and participated in this matter are definitely dead.

Now that Tang Dao said this, his psychological defense quickly collapsed. Tang Dao's nearly brilliant combat experience was a golden sign. He never fought an unprepared battle.

Even Tang Dao, who is known to no more than 5 people in the Henan Province Military Command, knows the secret. What does it matter if they know the information that should be top secret?

One of the countless thoughts that came to the man in the suit's mind was correct. Tang Tuanzuo never fought unprepared.

When arresting the county magistrate and security chief, Tang Dao had already sent a telegram to Gong Shaoxun's intelligence department, asking them to report the location of the highest military command office in Henan Province and the personnel information.

But the commander surnamed Jiang contributed the most.

That night, the original words that Tang Dao asked Laura to tell him in person in the afternoon were brought back intact. Before that, Zhoujiazhuang was massacred by bandits, and the head of a county and the head of the security team were kidnapped. News of the kidnapping in the county had reached his ears.

When the three pieces of news were combined, even the city government of General Jiang could not help but be shocked!

He is also well aware that some people want to take advantage of the millions of pounds of disaster relief food, but he is well versed in the principle of "when the water is clear, there will be no fish". If his subordinates just work hard but there is no benefit, he will How does a theater commander win over people's hearts?

I didn't expect that those people's appetite was too big. 100 pounds of flour was replaced by 20 pounds of old wheat. The price difference was seven to eight times. Not to mention, in order to scare the people from telling the truth, they directly sent people to pretend. The bandits slaughtered the entire Zhuangzi.

It’s okay now! Provoked Tang Dao, the **** of death.

Others don't know, but he, who was once the commander of the 10th war zone, knows how ferocious Tang Dao is. Sneaking into Jiangxia to kill Tanabe Mingwu is really nothing in terms of Tang Dao's real combat experience. It was crossing the Yellow River with a company and disturbing more than 20,000 people in the dignified Third Division, not to mention the explosion. A fierce man who destroyed a heavy fort.

There was such a tiger and wolf saying that he wanted to kill people. Even if the target was not an admiral and commander like him, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his chest!

If the Tang Sword really stirred up real fire, then he might really have to kill Major General Chunfeng who was far away in the mountain city, and that would really be called breaking the sky.

That person controls the largest intelligence system in China and is deeply trusted by him. If he kills that person, even the king of heaven, I, will not be able to save Tang Dao.

It would be okay if Tang Dao died, but what if he didn't die? What if someone touches his family? A ferocious tiger is scary enough, but the destructive power a mad tiger can cause may be even more difficult to imagine.

And such crazy tigers may not be limited to Tang Dao. How obedient is the Four Lines Regiment with 5,000 elite soldiers to Tang Dao?

It has been almost 4 months since Tang Daodu left. The Military and Political Ministry sent several officials to express condolences. They were polite, but they didn't even prepare lunch, so you know the attitude of the Four Elements Group.

They will only listen to Tang Dao.

Other troops can get some money from military expenditures, ordnance and ammunition to make them obedient, but the Four Lines Group, which has the backing of the Rockefeller Foundation, lacks these?

"This matter does not involve Mr. Chunfeng. It should be a private decision of the current Henan Province Inspector Zhao Lijun. If you want to arrest this person, I can order the 15th Army in Luoyang to fully cooperate. The intelligence information about this person will be delivered to you tomorrow." .

In addition, Miss Laura does not speak Chinese, and the translation of what she said cannot be fully explained. I have been thinking hard and still can't understand it, so I can only give up. To avoid misunderstandings, I hope Deputy Commander Tang will be careful in what he says in the future! "

After pondering for a moment, Commander Jiang weighed the pros and cons and directly sold the arrogant and domineering Commissioner Zhao to Tang Dao without telling him anything. He even handed over some of the secrets he knew to Tang Dao.

Otherwise, Tang Dao really wouldn't be able to wait so easily at the exit of the secret passage for this guy to fall into a trap.

The military commander is very good at collecting intelligence through underground networks, but which of the commanders in various theaters is a simple person? Defending the army is the first priority, followed by the Japanese. However, many theater commanders have an almost ridiculous but very real way to save their lives.

The military command continues to infiltrate into the military, but the military's counter-infiltration has never stopped. The subordinate who was extremely loyal to Zhao Lijun was suppressed by his new superiors because of Zhao Lijun's transfer, so he directly took refuge with the new theater commander. It's human nature to take shelter, but I didn't expect Zhao Lijun to come back so soon.

It was embarrassing, but I could only wait and see for a day. It wasn't until Tang Dao wanted Zhao Lijun's head that the secret was truly revealed.

The moment he saw Tang Dao, Zhao Lijun should have known who had betrayed him.

The old couple who were always at Tofu Fang were unexpectedly serving this man tea and water just a moment ago!

However, after all, he is the top intelligence person in charge of the military unified province, and he has seen the world.

"You are Tang Dao!" Zhao Lijun, who had thought everything through but was a bachelor, jumped out of the well and looked directly at Tang Dao with a calm expression.

"You and I both serve the country, maybe we can sit down and have a good chat!"

"What are you talking about? How did Commissioner Zhao collude with the military officials and those brats to extort money from the disaster relief food? Or talk about the cruel methods you used to intimidate people to massacre villages and wipe out households? Or, let's talk about your work in Henan The province relies on the golden sign of military control to do evil, and even the administrative officials and garrison commanders in Luoyang have to look at your face?

Really, I had only heard about how domineering Commissioner Zhao was in Henan Province before, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that those rumors were just the tip of the iceberg. All I can say is that you are not Japanese, but what you do and your heart are almost the same as those of Japanese. " Tang Dao, who had already sat down on the millstone, smiled even more brightly when he heard what Zhao Lijun said.

"Captain Tang's words are wrong! Yes, as you said, I used my position to collect some money in Henan Province, but all the money was used to develop and develop the intelligence station in Henan Province. It doesn't count. On the periphery, our military command alone has 1,500 registered personnel of various types in Henan Province, and the monthly expenditure is 200,000 yuan, but the bureau only allocated 50,000 yuan to me, and I, the inspector general, have to figure out the rest. How can I do it without getting money?

What's more, this kind of thing is not limited to my province of Henan. It is the same everywhere in the country. The director also said that tens of thousands of brothers in our army have sacrificed their lives for the cause of fighting the Japanese aggressors. We cannot leave them unable to support their families. Be small! Those of us who are officials can only work hard to make some money to subsidize funds besides dealing with the Japanese. "Zhao Lijun, however, has his own explanation for his money-making behavior.

This set of rhetoric has obviously been said countless times. At this time, it is not only smooth and smooth, but also a bit tragic.

Of course, what's more important is that there is a subtext. These are all tacitly approved by the superior. Can you, a small army colonel, take care of it?

"Military command funds are insufficient, and intelligence stations in various places need to find ways to earn money to subsidize funds. I can understand this. For example, in my Four Lines Group, my superiors allocated me 500,000 French currency a year, but this is only enough for the brothers to eat some porridge and steamed buns. , if I can farm, I can occasionally make cabbage soup as a snack. If I eat this every day, it will be too much to fight the Japanese, even to kill the bandits. Then I, as the leader, can only find a way to do it. Find money, supplement nutrition for the whole group, and get more ammunition reserves! Who made China poor?" Tang Dao did not refute Zhao Lijun's words, but nodded in agreement.

"Haha! Look, Captain Tang, don't we have a good chat! Why do we have to get so tense? What happened in Hekou County in June was that I asked Chief of Staff Leng to come to my place without checking the situation in advance. Sit down, I was reckless in this matter. I would like to apologize to Commander Tang and Chief of Staff Leng here. It’s hard to say what problems the Four Lines Group will encounter in the future, but as long as you are in Henan Province, give me someone Zhao. Just say it and I can do it." Zhao Lijun also smiled.

Pointing to the courtyard more than 300 meters away, where the gunfire was still fierce, he asked, "How about Commander Tang come and sit down with me?" That naturally meant that the misunderstanding was resolved, and the fire was turned off, so as not to cause more casualties.

"Inappropriate! Inappropriate!" Tang Dao shook his head slightly.

"As the saying goes: A gentleman loves money and gets it in the right way! The money I make is the foreign money I make, but the money you make is the hard-earned money of the Chinese people. If you open your business and do business, you will make the hard-earned money. , but you want to make money and take your life, so that’s really inappropriate.

Commissioner Zhao, I can only say that you have narrowed the path. "

"Since you said that, Tang Dao, I have nothing to say. As the saying goes, people who are different cannot conspire with each other. If you want to kill or chop, it's up to you. But I can remind you, Tang Dao, that I am a major general-level inspector. You Maybe you can arrest me for the charges imposed on me, but if you execute them privately without trial, you are committing a serious crime!" Zhao Lijun looked solemn, looking like he was waiting for death without fear.

Perhaps the so-called reminder at the end exposed his vulnerability.

This military commander, known as the "Tai Sui Chasing Life", who once dared to push even administrative commissioner-level officials into the Yellow River and drown him, was afraid of death after all.

"Haha! Imposing charges, Commissioner Zhao, do you know? This is the funniest joke I heard in 1942." Tang Dao stood up and laughed suddenly.

"Let's not mention the Zhoujiazhuang tragedy, nor the couple and their young daughter who you personally ordered to be hanged. Just say that you made a huge sum of nearly 40,000 yuan from Yinchuan County, a hilly county with a population of less than 150,000. The funding, if it involves 20 counties, is nearly 800,000.

800,000 oceans! That can buy millions of kilograms of food and save hundreds of thousands of people from fire and water, but it is pocketed by greedy people like you with noble reasons. Wasn’t it pleasant to have wine, meat and beautiful women last night? But you high-minded people can watch the common people being forced to eat bark and leaves to satisfy their hunger, and you vividly illustrate the story of the rich people's wine and meat, the stinky roads, and the frozen bones. "

Tang Dao laughed so hard that tears came out, and he was filled with tears in the cold wind.

When he came to this time and space, he saw countless blazing battlefields and experienced countless partings of life and death. His brother's blood was flowing on his body, and his brother's grave stood in front of him like a dense forest. The Japanese army was cruel and cruel, massacring hundreds and thousands of people. Even hundreds of thousands of people, his heart was gradually tempered to be strong in such misery.

But when he learned that the family of four had been hanged at the entrance of the village as a warning to others because of his arrival, Tang Dao finally realized that he had underestimated the boundless evil in some people's hearts.

Those evildoers are simply worse than the Japanese devils. The Japanese are a foreign race. They want to fight for a place for their own nation. They are mortal enemies of the Chinese nation. They massacred the people of the Chinese nation. Sooner or later, someone will copy them the same way. Return it.

But these people, purely for their own selfish interests, actually disregard the life and death of millions of people. Their inner evil is such that no one but **** cannot tolerate them.

"Commissioner Zhao, I'm afraid you are still thinking that as long as you are alive, you will still have a chance! Commissioner, Major General of the Military Command, really has a great reputation.

Then let me tell you the current reality. First of all, the county magistrate and the security chief did not use torture at all. My subordinates just used military thorns to pin their limbs to the wall, then stripped them naked, poured cold water on them and threw them away in the cold wind. In five minutes, they were all gone.

The 16 people from the top to the bottom of the military liaison station who colluded with them were all killed by our department yesterday evening. No one was left alive, because I don’t need survivors to prove what you, Commissioner Zhao, have done. Since the Zhoujiazhuang incident, , you, Commissioner Zhao, are not qualified to sit on the trial bench.

I'm not going to hide it from you, if you say now that these are all behind the scenes of your Director Chunfeng, as long as you sign and sign, I will have my own means to let him go down to accompany you, and you won't be lonely.

"I can contribute all my money to your regiment for military expenses, as long as you promise to send me to a military court. In the past two years, I have made a lot of money, beyond your imagination." Zhao Lijun's legs went weak and he almost He didn't kneel down, so he could only force himself to lean on the edge of the well to fight for the last glimmer of life.

"Oh? How many? Tell me." Tang Dao raised his eyebrows.

"50,000 taels of gold! No, no, there are 2 million silver dollars and various calligraphy and painting antiques, I will give them to you." Zhao Lijun looked at Tang Dao's face and stopped hiding it, directly exposing his family fortune.

"A fortune worth millions of silver! You really worked hard to become an official!" Tang Dao sighed. "What a pity! This still can't buy your life. But if you reveal the insider transaction with the 31st Group Army and sign it, I might be able to consider it. Otherwise, I can only take your head and all the military commanders involved in Henan Province." The fate of those involved in the Zhoujiazhuang incident has come to light.”

In addition, do you want to ask, how did I know the location of your military intelligence station and the exit of your secret passage? If you think about it carefully, the 15th Army stationed in Luoyang is not deaf, so why haven't they made any movement yet? Just based on Commander Chiang’s warrant in my hand? "

"It's him, Jiang Dingwen, he betrayed me! He also took the money, and the 31st Army." Zhao Lijun's face was pale, but his eyes were extremely sinister.

"That's right! Give up your car to save your handsome man. Other cars are not enough, but your car, Commissioner Zhao, is enough.

After all, I have picked off many heads of Japanese major generals. This is the first time for me to be a military commander. It is quite new. I also look forward to how your director Chunfeng dares to look for it in the face of your head and countless irrefutable evidence. I'm in trouble.

Really, a lot of people think they know me, but they are wrong! You kill people only for the weak, but I like to kill the so-called strong people who think they are superior! Don't shake your legs. Since your behavior is similar to that of beasts like the Japanese devils, then I will use their caesarean suicide method to deal with you. My knife is very fast and I guarantee that you will only be in pain for an hour before you die. "Tang Dao continued.

"Okay! Since they betrayed me, don't blame me for being unrighteous. All the old wheat that replaces flour comes from the warehouse of the 'Hongfa' grain store controlled by the relatives of Commander Tang of the 31st Army. It is in the secret room of my office. They have an accounting record of the items they took out of the warehouse during this period. In addition, all the flour, rice, and corn they collected will be sold at the stores of Hongfa Grain Store. The word "disaster relief" is still on many flour bags. They just want to. You can't rely on it!" Zhao Lijun gritted his teeth and bought all his partners.

Even though he had received strict training, he knew that what Tang Dao told him so much was actually a ploy to let him drag down the general named Tang of the 31st Group Army, but he could not let himself become the one who had already smelled the breath of death. Let’s destroy the abandoned car together!

"Very good! Commissioner Zhao, your proactive explanation means that at least I won't have the smell of blood on my hands." Tang Dao smiled.

Then, Tang Dao stood up and prepared to leave, as if he had regarded Commissioner Zhao at the mouth of the well as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The next moment, the gun rang out!

When Tang Dao turned around, Zhao Lijun reached out to his waist and prepared to fight, covering his wrist that was almost broken by the bullet and howling loudly.

"Why bother?" Tang Dao looked back and sighed slightly.

"Help Commissioner Zhao bandage his wrists. The fact that the dignified military commander, Major General, tried to cut his wrists before hanging himself out of fear was a bit too deliberate. Are all military commanders so brave? By the way, Commissioner Zhao hanged himself alone. Hang up all the people who have participated in Zhoujiazhuang! Just don't let the beams collapse." Tang Dao's metallic voice echoed slightly in the tofu shop.

Such evil people can only fight evil with evil. Tang Dao's way of retaliating is so simple, and it is also his promise to the innocent family of four.

Zhao Lijun collapsed on the ground, with urine and feces pouring out!

Shi Dakuan and a guard each picked up the limp Zhao by one foot and dragged him along, their eyes filled with contempt.

The so-called ‘chasing life in Tai Sui’ is nothing more than mediocrity!

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