Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1475: Debate (Part 1)

Chapter 1475 Debate (Part 1)

The two people who basically reached an agreement once again paid military salutes in front of Sun Mingjin's tomb. Fang Xianjue, who was in a good mood, decided to go to Tang Dao, the offensive and defensive training base that had been in place for more than half a year.

Many people in that base knew about it, but all the generals in the war zone knew that Tang Dao had offended that person. Unless they had to, the Four Lines Group was destined to carry the ash bucket until the end of the war. Although they were very sad, in order to avoid suspicion, However, except for a few generals such as General Guo, the deputy commander of the 27th Group Army and Major General Xie Jinyuan, who were very close to Tang Dao, Fang Xianjue, whose military headquarters was in Hengyang, had never come to see him once.

Thinking that he would have to cooperate with the powerful army of the Four Elements Regiment in the future and that he was now a casual counselor of the Ministry of Military Affairs, Fang Xianjue no longer had the scruples he had before.

However, before leaving, he still sent guards to inform Zhao and Sun, who were waiting for him at the foot of the mountain, that he would stay with his close friends in the tomb for two days, so that they could return to Hengyang City on their own without waiting any longer.

After arranging everything, Fang Xianjue, who was in a good mood, let Tang Shanhe sit on his shoulders and accompanied Tang Dao and his wife to walk down the mountain. He listened to Tang Shanhe's milky voice telling him stories, and Lang Lang burst out from time to time. laughter.

Although a young life is delicate, looking at it growing strong, a mature life form will always have expectations for the future involuntarily.

Especially in these war-torn years, this thing called hope is even more precious.

This may be the happiest day for the famous tiger general in the 9th Theater since his best friend died in battle last December.

But this tiger general in the army may not have expected that the surprise given to him by the engineering colonel was far from over.

Sitting in Tang Dao's assault jeep, which many division commanders were not equipped with, Fang Xianjue arrived at the legendary offensive and defensive training base.

When the jeep was still 1,000 meters away from the base, Fang Xianjue couldn't help but take a breath when looking at it with the naked eye.

What kind of training ground is there? It is clearly a carefully constructed military fortress!

There are no walls blocking the fortress, and countless loess-built houses are clearly visible inside. It is precisely because of these houses that people cannot see how many fortresses and fortifications are deployed inside. However, the outside of the fortress is lined with deep trenches and barbed wire. It was densely covered, especially the several artificially built hills that were 20 to 30 meters high. Facing the attacking side, they were all cut into cliffs close to 90 degrees, which looked terrifying.

"This is..." Fang Xianjue asked subconsciously as he looked at the military fortress that was obviously different from what he had imagined.

"Hey, this is a terrain replica of a corner of HY City. It is a fortification design made by Ye Chenghuan, Director of the Political Department of our regiment, and Leng Feng, Chief of Staff, after nearly ten field offensive and defensive drills!" Tang Dao chuckled. road.

"It seems that you, Commander Tang Da, have been preparing for a rainy day since last year! Your sense of battlefield is really the second person I have ever seen in my life, and only Mr. Baili is better than you." Fang Xianjue's eyes flashed. Out of amazement.

What he marveled at was obviously not how tight the fortifications in front of him were, but that Tang Dao had started preparing for the Battle of Hengyang a year in advance. This kind of predictability of the battlefield was so strong that even he was in North China in February. The front army suddenly became completely alert after launching a surprise attack on the first theater.

"Thank you, Commander Fang. I can't say I have a sense of battlefield. Being prepared for danger in times of peace is a characteristic of the Chinese nation. Our regiment is based in Hengyang. If there is a war, Hengyang city will be the central battlefield. Naturally, I can only order our regiment to replicate the terrain of Hengyang." , Do corresponding defensive fortification deployment and defense drills. The more you sweat in training, the less you will bleed in war," Tang Dao said modestly.

"It's better to sweat more in training and bleed less in war. If I can really return to the 10th Army, I must convey your concept of Commander Tang to the entire army." Fang Xianjue strode towards the civil fortifications.

He wanted to see how Tang Dao's Four Lines Regiment was able to deploy fortifications in urban defense battles. Although he had only studied with Mr. Baili for a few months, he was well versed in the key points of positional defense, "three points for guns and seven points for fortifications." , the 10th Army also attaches great importance to the construction of various fortifications in its daily training.

For example, his young chief of staff, Sun Minyu, studied architecture and had considerable insights into the construction of field fortifications. Although he was a bit young and arrogant, Fang Xian absolutely admired and valued him.

"Come on, first tell me your opinions on the defense of Hengyang City, such as where the Japanese army's main attack direction will be." Fang Xiangjue did not ask whether the defense focus of this military fortress, which simulates part of the terrain of Hengyang City, is not inside but outside. This is not a low-level question, but a question about Tang Dao's judgment on the direction of the Japanese army's main attack.

Although this simulated military fortress had actually exposed Tang Dao's intentions, he still wanted to hear Tang Dao's analysis.

"HY City is a small town, but despite its small size, its strategic location is extremely dangerous. The Xiangjiang River, Zhanshui River, and Laishui River surround the city. In modern times, Wu Sangui first proclaimed himself emperor in Hengyang, and later Zeng Guofan trained troops in Hengyang. They all took a fancy to the strategic value of Hengyang as the hub of Hunan Province and the key waterway of the Xiangjiang River.

This geographical environment is quite similar to Xuzhou. Both are small in scale but very important in location. Xuzhou is the intersection of Jinpu and Longhai railways, and Hengyang is the intersection of Guangdong-Han and Hunan-Guangxi railways.

Moreover, the most similar thing between the two cities is that there are no mountain barriers around them, and they belong to the "place of four battles" often mentioned in military books. The so-called place of four battles means that they are surrounded by enemies on all sides. "Obviously, Tang Dao's travels around Hengyang for more than half a year were not in vain. He has already understood Hengyang's strategic position and surrounding terrain very clearly.

After saying this in one breath, he knew all the treasures from his family. Fang Xianjue nodded frequently, admiring the young army colonel in front of him who was not yet 30 years old.

As the saying goes, don't fight an unprepared battle. Tang Dao simply made all the preparations in advance. No wonder he led the Four Elements Regiment across the battlefield for so many years without ever losing.

This has something to do with the military quality and equipment of the officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment. More importantly, it must be that the commander Tang Dao has enough foresight and meticulous preparations.

Tang Dao waved his hand, and Shi Dakuan, who was the driver for the two of them, quickly took out a map of Hengyang from his backpack and spread it out in front of the two of them.

This map is really not small. It not only contains detailed place names and street names, but also the height and length of the mountains around Hengyang, the width of the rivers, and not even a small stream. It is simply a miniature sand table.

"This is what Jia Yue and his surveying and mapping team spent five months painting. This is the only painting in the whole of China." Tang Dao looked at Councilor Fang with a warm luster in his eyes and said.

Fang Xianjue felt a little depressed in his heart. This feeling of being able to see the whole situation almost while sitting in the command post is simply the dream of all commanders. You are totally greedy for me, aren't you?

"However, if Chief Fang is reinstated and can apply for our Four Elements Regiment to participate in Hengyang, then this map will be hung in your war room, Chief Fang." Tang Dao pursed his lips and continued.

"Remember from now on, don't take a big breath when giving gifts. No wonder you are still a small group leader." Being treated like this by Tang Dao, the always serious Commander Fang Da couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. "Haha! Tang Dao will definitely remember Commander Fang's teachings in his heart." Tang Dao laughed and pointed at the map. "Since it can be attacked from all four sides, which side will the Japanese choose as the main direction of attack?

What is not controversial is Chengdong! Hengyang faces the Xiangjiang River to the east. This section of the river is wide and the water is deep and the waves are strong. Moreover, we have several airports in Liuzhou and other places at this time, and we already have air control. It is unlikely that the Japanese army will forcefully cross the Xiangjiang River with bombs dropped on their heads. .

In the east of the city, our defenders only need to use one or two battalions to guard along the river bank, and set up mines in the middle of the river. About eight 37mm anti-tank guns are set up on the bank. Once the Japanese army is really stupid and attacks, they will have permanent The fortified 37mm combat artillery or the Japanese 70mm infantry cannon can teach them how to behave!

Even if they really succeed in forcing the crossing, the river bank is flat and there is no obstruction. We will set up heavy artillery positions in the city and use pre-set artillery units to cover the Japanese troops landing on the river bank with artillery fire. We can let them stand no matter how much they come. Come up and go out lying down.

This place can be used as a place to lure enemies! "

"I have an idea, good!" Fang Xianjue looked at the map of Hengyang City and nodded noncommittally.

He had made a special trip on horseback to observe the terrain in the east of the city when he was stationed in Hengyang at the beginning, and he came to the same conclusion. Unless the Japanese were crazy, they would choose this place as their main attack site.

"The north of the city is possible. If the Japanese army attacks Hengyang, Tanzhou must have been lost. If the Japanese army comes from that direction, the front will naturally reach the north city." Tang Dao pointed his hand towards the north of Hengyang City.

"Oh?" Fang Xianjue didn't even nod this time, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

Fang Xianjue has fought with the Japanese army for many years and is extremely familiar with the Japanese tactics. Although the Japanese army always likes to boast that it is tough, in fact, it rarely adopts central breakthrough tactics in actual combat. When they engage in encirclement warfare, they often invest a large number of troops and heavy firepower in frontal battlefields to attract the attention of their opponents. The truly decisive attacks are mostly launched from the roundabout wings.

In addition, since the first two battles of Tanzhou, the Changheng Highway has long been destroyed to prevent the Japanese army from coming from Tanzhou. It is difficult for the Japanese heavy artillery and tanks to be transported through this road. There is still steam water in the north of the city. Although steam water It is not as wide as the Xiangjiang River, but it is also one of the three Xiangjiang rivers and is not easy to swim across.

From the perspective of terrain and tactics, the north of the city was not a good place for the Japanese army to deploy troops. Fang Xianjue personally did not agree that the Japanese army would launch a main attack from the north of the city.

"There is steaming water in the north of the city. Even the Japanese with short legs will drown if they fall in. Yokoyama Isamu probably won't be that stupid. Most of the main attack areas can only be in the west and south of the city." Tang Dao saw Fang Xianjue's words. The look on his face showed that he didn't know what he was thinking, but he changed the subject and pointed at Xicheng and Nancheng.

Fang Xianjue's eyes were calm, but he really hoped that Tang Dao would have a different opinion.

The matter of city defense had been debated several times at high-level military meetings within the 10th Army. The generals of each division and brigade had different views on whether the Japanese army should attack from the west city or the south city, and the debate was quite fierce.

To the west of Hengyang City, Daximen is the boundary, and the terrain on the north and south sides is completely different. From the Daximen to the north to the Zhishui River in the north of the city, the terrain is open and flat, with fish ponds everywhere. However, from the Daximen to the south to the Xiangjiang River, the terrain is undulating and endless hills, with mountains and east-west directions. The Hunan-Guangxi Railway runs parallel.

Zhou Qingxiang, commander of the 3rd Division of the 10th Army, believed that the terrain in the northwest of the city was open and flat, which was conducive to the movement of the Japanese mechanized troops and could give full play to their firepower advantage. The reason for the direction is also very simple. It is a feint attack from the beginning and will cause heavy casualties to the infantry.

This view was once the mainstream among the generals within the 10th Army, and even Chief of Staff Sun Minyu was persuaded by this view.

Fang Xiangjue did not agree with this view. He believed that the mountainous area to the south of the city was indeed difficult to attack, but it was also not conducive to the defense of the city.

Since ancient times, the taboo of defending a city has been to dodge. For the attacking party, once they seize the commanding heights outside the city, it means seizing the initiative to attack the city. Therefore, since ancient times, the emphasis on siege of a city is to "defend the danger rather than the ridge, capture the mountain first". The Taiping Army knew this well back then. When they defended the city, they usually defended the high ground outside the city instead of defending the city. When attacking the city, they First, seize the high ground outside the city and launch an attack inside the city from a condescending position.

The Japanese army is quite conceited about its artillery strike capabilities and mountain combat capabilities. Therefore, when they attack a city, most of them first seize the commanding heights and then bombard the city with artillery from a high position. This is why the Japanese army used heavy troops in the three battles of Tanzhou. Attack Yuelu Mountain, and General Xue simply located his theater headquarters in Yuelu Mountain.

That mountain range is actually the lifeline of Tanzhou. Once Yuelu Mountain is lost, Tanzhou City will not be able to hold on.

"Sir Fang, I am not talking about the threat the commanding heights pose to the city, nor am I saying that although the mountains south of the city are not conducive to the attacking party, once the attack is successful, the entire Hengyang can be quickly controlled and the battle quickly ended.

Let’s just talk about the principle of quick battle and quick decision that the Japanese army has always advocated. If they mainly attack the west of the city, even if they succeed, will they still have to attack the south of the city? Well, when attacking from the outside, they attack from the top, but attacking from the inside can make the mountain shorter. Woolen cloth? Instead of struggling to conquer the west of the city and then attack the south, it would be better to crush the most difficult part of the city and conquer the south first.

In addition, Hengyang Airport, Guangdong-Han Railway, and Hunan-Guangxi Railway are the three most strategic military facilities in Hengyang. Among them, Hengyang Airport and Guangdong-Han Railway are located outside Hengyang City and are basically undefendable. They will be lost in the event of war. The Hunan-Guangxi Railway is different. This railway is close to the south of the city, one end connects to the urban area of ​​​​HY, and the other end connects to the southwest rear. Reinforcements and supplies must come through this line. It can even be said that this is the lifeline of Hengyang. The Japanese army If we take the south of the city as the main attack direction, we can cut off the Hunan-Guangxi Railway, cut off all connections between Hengyang and our southwest rear, and become a lone army.

Therefore, I can be sure that the south of the city will become the most fiercely contested battlefield between the two sides after the war begins. "Tang Dao pointed his finger at the mountainous area south of Hengyang City and said with great confidence.

The reason why Tang Dao dared to build a simulation training ground based on the terrain around the south of Hengyang City half a year in advance was precisely because this judgment was personally made by the former tiger general at the military meeting at the end of May, and the Japanese army did exactly this. .

This time, he just announced this time point one month in advance.

And if Hengyang had one more month, it would be enough to make a lot more preparations in advance, as long as Fang Xianjue could be completely convinced by him.

Regardless of the fact that the transfer order from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs has been issued, Fang Xianjue will fly to the Mountain City Military and Political Ministry in two days to report. But Tang Dao knows that except for the transferred commander of the 190th Division, the 10th Army is not under his control. Ge Youcai, commander of the 10th Reserve Division, and Zhou Qingxiang, commander of the 3rd Division, were both his confidant generals, and the 10th Army was still firmly under their control.

This is like Tang Dao not having any worries even after leaving the Si Xing Regiment for more than half a year. From the chief of staff to the commanders of several main battalions in the Si Xing Regiment, they are all comrades who have fought with him on the battlefield for several years, even though the Military and Political Department sent a regiment leader , let alone the fact that military orders cannot get out of the regiment headquarters, it is very likely that people will not live long before they die due to accidents.

In this troubled world, if you want to survive, you have to stick together. Brothers who have never died help each other. Who can guarantee that they will live to see the sun tomorrow? From that person down to an ordinary soldier, this is true.

"If that day comes, Chengnan will belong to your Four Elements Regiment and the 10th Preparatory Division." Fang Xianjue took a deep look at Tang Dao and gave Tang Dao his promise. "Come on, take me to see the fortifications designed by your regiment."

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today's update is a little late. I mainly want to check the terrain and various information around Hengyang, which is a big headache.

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