Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1483: worker bee

Chapter 1483 Worker Bee

Hengyang suddenly has 50,000 new troops, so naturally this huge human resource cannot be wasted.

At Tang Dao's suggestion, a new Civil Engineering Department was established under the headquarters. Zhao Junmai personally served as the director, and Bai Sheng, the battalion commander of the Four Lines Regiment's Engineer Battalion recommended by Tang Dao, served as the deputy director, responsible for the entire urban area. Fortification planning and construction.

Zhao Junmaike is not only the mayor, but also a top student in civil engineering. A few days ago, he had actually made a city defense plan for the entire Hengyang City based on the changes in the war. However, he was suffering from a lack of personnel and materials. There is no time to implement it.

At this time, he already had enough manpower in his hands, and he had obtained the permission from the top in terms of materials. Regardless of whether it was public or private, all the resources in the Hengyang area were requisitioned as military supplies. Naturally, the government supplies could be used at will, and private supplies would be waiting for the Hengyang War. The government will then provide compensation at one-third of the current price.

After the order to requisition materials was issued, 1.2 million pieces of wood were donated by lumber dealers across the city. The workers left behind in the lime factory started production at full capacity. Based on the existing materials, they can produce 20 tons of lime per day.

Not to mention, under the leadership of Zhao Junmai, more than 10,000 people came to the Changheng Railway and directly dug up the railway from Tanzhou to Hengyang for nearly 30 miles. Not to mention the rails and sleepers, they were used as roadbed. All the pebbles were cleared away.

It is said that the US military reconnaissance planes that were conducting reconnaissance in the sky were confused.

After all, the Japanese forwards who were scouting yesterday were still near Tanzhou. How come an army of tens of thousands arrived in Hengyang today?

When I lowered my height and took a closer look, I realized that it was actually the Chinese digging up the railway.

The American pilots were amazed. This kind of efficiency and speed of mobilizing tens of thousands of civilians to participate in work in one day is probably only possible in Eastern countries. In the United States, it is impossible to even think about it.

The railway was so clean that it would have taken nearly a month to repair it, let alone repair it during the war. Even after the war, it would have taken nearly ten thousand workers to repair it.

And these huge supplies were moved into Hengyang City by 50,000 young men like ants. Under the guidance of Zhao Junmai's "military first" principle, all civilian houses with combat value were opened and tunnels were dug. For future street fighting.

The streets and alleys in the city are all built with overlapping fortifications. If you want to pass through these roads, unless you run over the fortifications one after another, you can only use the wall penetration technique.

Although Bai Sheng, the deputy, was also an experienced expert, he also learned a lot of new things from Zhao Junmai, a top civil engineering student who was familiar with military matters. That was one of the reasons why Tang Dao asked him to be his deputy.

Tang Dao knew that the Battle of Hengyang in time and space could hold out for 47 days under the violent attack of 100,000 Japanese troops. In addition to the tenacious fighting will of Fang Xianjue and the 10th Army, the perfect fortifications inside and outside Hengyang City were also indispensable. That Mayor Zhao is a master of fortification.

The Four Lines Regiment mostly fights in the mountains, and no one dares to say that mountain combat fortifications are second, but this kind of city defense warfare is very rare. Bai Sheng and the Four Lines Regiment need to learn from others.

Of course, Bai Sheng's years on the battlefield were not in vain. He also put forward some practical opinions on the various fortification plans set by Zhao Junmai.

One of the most ruthless suggestions is to set up permanent bunkers on the rear flanks of some fortifications.

These bunkers were hidden in residential buildings before the Japanese army attacked. Without entering the residential buildings for careful inspection, they are as harmless as ordinary houses. They will only blow up the residential buildings after the Japanese army breaks through some fortifications on the streets and begins to invest troops to continue advancing. They pushed open the shooting port blocked by blue bricks and fired at the Japanese infantry exposed in front of them with light machine guns and submachine guns.

This kind of bunker is made of green bricks mixed with concrete. The outer layer is as thick as 0.8 meters, and the inner layer is supported by steel rails and sleepers. It can not only withstand the blast of grenades and other explosives, but even direct fire from 70mm infantry guns.

In order to prevent the Japanese army from using infantry to blast the bunker, there are traffic concealment trenches on both sides of the bunker. Soldiers can come out of the bunker at any time to use these trenches to block the approach of Japanese infantry, and mines are planted around the bunker.

It would take a lot of effort and effort for the Japanese army to remove such a bunker that was almost made of steel.

Of course, the biggest shortcoming of such a bunker is that the bunker will always be isolated outside one's own positions. It will face the Japanese aggressors' crazy retaliatory attacks and will basically not receive support from one's own infantry. Moreover, it is almost impossible to have any support. Any escape route.

With the current manpower in Hengyang, it is impossible to dig an underground escape passage of several hundred meters for every bunker.

Once the infantry squad stationed in such a bunker begins to perform their mission, it means that their lives are about to come to an end.

"Such a bunker is a disposable disposable product for suicide!" Zhao Junmai was shocked by the completely crazy suggestion of the engineer major of the Sixings Regiment, and it took him a long time to give such an evaluation.

He somewhat knew why the Four Lines Regiment was sure to win every battle, and even the engineers had to die for death. You can tell how terrifying such an army is.

The Japanese are good at martial arts, but they are not good at death!

However, such a fortress requires too high a standard of willpower from the defenders. How many of the more than 20,000 officers and soldiers stationed in Hengyang would be willing to enter such a fortress?

It's one thing to not be afraid of life and death on the battlefield. After all, rabbits bite people when they are anxious. Once a person gets angry, there are many Chinese soldiers who die with the enemy with grenade and explosive packs. But before the war begins, they have already told Officers and soldiers, you will die, this feeling is different again.

After all, officers and soldiers are fighting against the Japanese to live and die!

Including him, the mayor of HY who stayed behind, also thinks so. Zhao Junmai doesn't want to die, at least not now. He still wants to wait for the victory of the Anti-Japanese War to realize his life ambitions. He hopes that under his leadership, more More Chinese people live and work in peace and contentment and escape poverty.

In a sense, he is both an idealist and a pragmatist, otherwise he would not have chosen to follow General Xue closely and ignore the plight of his friend Fang Xianjue, nor would he have fought in the Battle of Hengyang When he came, he decided to follow Zhao Zili to open the city's wartime regulations.

Only those who survive the war have the opportunity to continue their ideals. This is Zhao Junmai. There is no absolute good or bad, only the intertwining of ideals and practicality.

"I named this kind of fortress worker bee." Although Bai Sheng's voice was soft, he said with great determination.

"There is a kind of bee called a worker bee. Its stinger is not exposed normally. It will be exposed only when it senses danger. A stinger is equivalent to the life of a worker bee. It is connected to the internal organs of the worker bee. When the bee stings out, the worker bee Die," Zhao Junmai muttered to himself. "This is certainly heroic, but how many people are willing to join such a swarm of mortal bees?"

"Our commander said yesterday during the mobilization of the entire army of our Fourth Army Regiment: Living towards death may have been possible on previous battlefields, but this time in the Battle of Hengyang, it was far from enough. This time our regiment arrived in Hengyang, You must have the determination to die to have a 23% chance of saving the important land in the southwest." Bai Sheng lowered his eyelids and responded in a low voice.

"Even if you fight to the death, there is only a 23% chance of victory? Do you, Commander Tang, really think so?" Zhao Junmai's eyes showed deep bitterness.

He didn't expect the famous Tang Dao to be so pessimistic. This was different from the confident Tang Da Tuan Zuo he saw.

"Yes, my regimental commander said that only if the entire army is brave and unafraid of death can we have the possibility of victory. But if you hold on to the idea of ​​​​living, then it is very likely that you will not even have this 23% chance. There’s no **** left,” Bai Sheng continued.

"Sir Zhao, do you know? The regimental commander did not leave any suicide note or letter to his wife this time. Dean Tantai did not leave. She took the initiative to stay and resume her old career as the regimental commander's secretary and war correspondent."

"What? Tantai Mingyue didn't leave? What about your Colonel Tang's son?" Zhao Junmai couldn't help but widen his eyes. Before Fang Xianjue came back, the 10th Army, including officials of all sizes in Hengyang, had made preparations in advance. Those with families had already taken trains to Guizhou or Kunming Province in early May. , let alone his wife and children, his concubine and his sweetheart are probably far away from the war zone in Hunan Province.

A man like Tang Dao who left his wife and children on the battlefield is truly an anecdote.

"Chief Shanhe and Director Tantai are gone. Originally Director Tantai was unwilling to leave. Dean Tantai and his younger brother Tantai Mingjing are both in the military. How can he, a father, be willing to leave, but he can't stand the couple together. They both knelt down and begged." Bai Sheng's eyes were filled with tears.

"According to Captain Erya who was present at the time, Dean Tantai asked her father: If my son Shanhe loses his parents, how can you tolerate him losing his father again? If my mother loses her children and husband, how can she live? Shanhe I hope Abba will put more effort into teaching me in the future.

Director Tantai asked her back with tears in her eyes: Have you ever thought about how your mother and I would survive alone in the world if all my children were lost?

Dean Tantai said: I remember my father once taught me that life is only eighty years old. I hope that I can live according to my own wishes in this life, and that the bright moon will accompany my husband to death on the battlefield, which is my heart's wish! It’s selfish of me as a daughter, please forgive me, dad! "

"Hey!" Zhao Junmai let out a long sigh and gave Bai Sheng a thumbs up: "You, Commander Tang and his wife, are really role models for our entire Chinese army. I, Zhao, am convinced. But, I'm afraid I will never be able to do anything in my life." I can no longer be a person like him.”

"Our commander also said that everyone has his or her own personality and circumstances. If the world were full of people like him, it would be a bit boring. Just be yourself. But this time in Hengyang I can only apologize to everyone for the war. China cannot lose Hengyang, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem.

Not to mention the 5,000 people of the Four Lines Regiment, plus the 20,000 people of the 10th Army, that is 300,000 people in Hengyang. If it is for Hengyang, they can stay here. Of course, it depends on how many lives the little devil plans to trade for. There are currently more than 20,000 people. Hengshan Yong wants to break into the city, but he can't even think about it if he doesn't have the lives of 180,000 or so little devils. "Bai Sheng put away his tears and replaced them with confidence.

That kind of confidence comes from Tang Dao's calculations and also from years of battlefield experience.

The total number of Japanese troops killed by the Si Xing Regiment has exceeded 100,000 so far. This time, relying on the strong city and the equally tenacious friendly forces, why not kill another 100,000?

"Okay! I trust you, Commander Tang! This bunker has been built." Zhao Junmai also suddenly felt heroic.

If he really wants to die here, he can kill 108,000 Japanese soldiers. This will be the first time on the Chinese battlefield in the more than ten years since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War. Perhaps the names of most of the officers and soldiers will not be known to the world, but he did As the third-ranking figure in the Hengyang garrison, he is destined to leave his name in history, and this is worth it.

"Sir, the people in this bunker may not necessarily die." Bai Sheng smiled and took out a pen and paper to draw a simple structural diagram.

"We don't have time to dig escape tunnels for more than 100 bunkers like this, but we can dig shelter rooms for them."

It turns out that Bai Sheng designed this kind of 'suicide bunker'. Under each bunker, there is a 15-square-meter basement that is 15 meters deep into the ground and about 20 meters across. There are two extremely hidden passages in the basement leading to the ground. The ventilation pipe also stores food and water that can feed about 10 people for 30 days.

Once the Japanese army uses artillery or infantry blasting to destroy the bunker, it will be difficult for the bunker to effectively shoot at the Japanese troops on the ground. The surviving soldiers can enter the shelter room and then use the explosives hidden inside the bunker to carry out secondary damage to the inside of the bunker. A blast completely destroyed the bunker into rubble.

During the war, even if the Japanese army knew that such a shelter existed, they would not expend great efforts to dig it out. They would definitely choose to wait until after the war.

Similarly, the remaining soldiers who entered the shelter had to wait until their colleagues dug them out of the ground after the war.

Of course, there are only two endings for them. If Japan wins, they will die. If China wins, they will live! But there is still a choice. It is much better than being killed by the Japanese army without doing anything.

"As long as there is a way out, it will be fine. Anyway, as long as we stay in Hengyang City, we will have to fight against the Japanese devils. I have decided on this bunker. After it is built, it will be handed over to Commander Zhou of the 3rd Division. He has a main force to fight for." Set up defenses in the city," Zhao Junmai decided.

At this time, the two people did not expect that it was this kind of "suicide bunker" with almost no return that caused unimaginable damage to the Japanese army.

This kind of bunker was named "Worker Bee No. 2" before the war. Each bunker is stationed with an infantry squad, equipped with one M1919A4 medium machine gun, 4 M3 submachine guns, 4 rifles, and 2 pistols.

Originally, given the status of the 10th Army in the 9th Theater, they would not be equipped with this newly imported American medium-sized machine gun firing 7.62 mm caliber bullets that was recently imported to China. However, this time Fang Xianjue's large opening of the lion made it possible for them to equip it. The man gained confidence and simply gave 400 of the 1,000 M1919A4 machine guns that had just arrived in Guangxi Province from Yunnan and Burma to the Hengyang defenders.

Fang Xianjue, who suddenly became rich with light machine guns, was naturally not stingy and directly gave the latest machine guns to these infantry squads who entered the Jedi.

The bunker with ferocious firepower not only knocked down the Japanese soldiers from behind with a sneak attack, but also suffered no losses in the confrontation with the Japanese soldiers.

Having 6 shooting holes makes their field of vision wide enough. The 14-kilogram body of the M1919 machine gun is enough to ensure a certain degree of mobility. The four M4 submachine guns provide stable auxiliary firepower, which can fully ensure the continuity of firepower.

Moreover, there is a walkie-talkie in the bunker. No matter how fierce the artillery fire is, the bunker can request artillery support from the rear mortar positions.

With radio equipment that can report at any time, the 'Worker Bee 2' fortress becomes even more tactical.

The Japanese army mobilized a large number of troops to besiege them for important matters, and immediately issued a request for artillery support in the bunker. Mortar shells as big as raindrops could blast the Japanese infantry who had little cover until they cried.

Some commanders even saw it and thought it was so exciting! Simply deploy five or six mortars to do nothing, just wait for the request for artillery support from the 'Worker Bee 2' fortress.

Bai Sheng was originally a "suicide" attack on the rear flank of the Japanese infantry. During the battle in the city, commanders at all levels turned it into a weapon for "anti-encirclement and reinforcement" according to local conditions.

Although in the end most of the "shit-stick" Worker Bee No. 2 Fortresses were bombarded or demolished by the Japanese with infantry artillery, there were still two Worker Bee No. 2 Fortresses that persisted until the Hengyang War.

The infantry squads in these two fortresses, without exception, shot out all the machine gun bullets, submachine gun bullets and even rifle bullets. In the last two days, they even used Japanese-style equipment. They took advantage of the night. , to pick up the guns and bullets from the corpses on the position that the Japanese soldiers had no time to drag away.

You know, in order to ensure sufficient firepower output, 10,000 rounds of machine gun bullets and 3,000 rounds of submachine gun bullets are stored in each fort.

Supported by so much ammunition, each fortress is like a porcupine covered with thorns. Even if a lion wants to eat them, it will have to pay a sufficient price.

According to the battle report of the 11th Army that was later declassified, the most tragic battle fought in the attack on these strong fortresses, the infantry alone lost 470 people. That was half of the infantry brigade, not counting the engineers and engineers who were killed by artillery shells. Armored troops, artillery.

Bai Sheng, who proposed this fortification proposal, was awarded a fifth-level Baoding Medal. Mayor Zhao Da also took advantage of it and received a Blue Sky Medal, which almost made Mayor Zhao Da, who was lying in the hospital, laugh out loud. .

The third-in-command in Hengyang City had fifteen wounds. If it weren't for the doctors and nurses in the underground field hospital, and the complete set of penicillin and other medicines, it would have been impossible to put him anywhere else.

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