Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1487: It's time to show off your strength!

 The generals of the 10th Preliminary Division were stunned, but Leng Feng's eyes were stern.

He quickly realized that this was Tang Dao telling him in disguise that there were still quite a few loopholes in the suggestion he had just made.

As he said, a retracted fist is more powerful when punched out, but after shrinking the entire Hengyang South City position, it will undoubtedly reduce the overall defense depth.

If the Japanese artillery is ready, it can easily cover Hengyang City with artillery fire. It is no wonder that Zhao Zili, considering the overall situation, insists on relying on the original defense fortifications south of the Hunan-Guangxi Railway.

Tang Dao found a delicate balance between shrinkage and lack of troops. Half of the Huangcha Ridge that had been excavated was not lost, but the main positions were all shrunk to the Zhangjiashan and Tianma Mountains 2 miles away.

The original depth of the position designed by Chief of Staff Zhao Zili is still retained, and the main position of the 10th Preliminary Division is closer.

However, it is not easy for Huangchaling, a forward-type nail position in front of the main position of the 10th Preliminary Division, to be firmly nailed in front of the main position with a width of 5 kilometers.

This battle requires one battalion! After Leng Feng's mind flashed and he understood what Tang Dao meant, a determined look appeared in his eyes. He took a step forward and stood at attention, saluting: "Sir, this battalion will live up to the trust of your officers!"

"Absolutely not! Director Tang, this is related to the life and death of hundreds of brothers in your regiment. Don't act out of emotion. At worst, I will reserve 30 regiments of the 10th Division to defend Huangcha Ridge." Ge Youcai reacted, He quickly stepped forward to stop him.

There was also an apology on his face. He also wanted to understand Tang Dao's meaning, but in order to find a balance between the overall situation and his 10th Division, he had to send out an infantry battalion for free from the Four Lines Regiment. He did not care about this matter no matter what. It can't be done either.

"Haha! Speaking of which, Master Ge, you may not believe it. This is Huangcha Ridge! Counting all the armies in Hengyang, we can only defend it with one battalion of the Four Lines Regiment. Any other army may not be able to do it." Tang Dao said. He said with a smile.

What the hell! What the regimental commander said was so offensive! Leng Feng felt a pain in his cheek.

After the generals of the 10th Preliminary Division over there, including Ge Youcai, were stunned for a while, many of the officers' eyes turned angry.

Just now, their teachers had good intentions, but in the end, they were so hot-faced and cold-blooded, and even pretended to be so persuasive by the director of Tang University in front of them.

You are the Four Elements Regiment, and our 10th Army is also the Taishan Army, okay? Your four-line regiment is famous all over the world, and our 10th Army is also a first-class strong force in the 9th Theater.

"Director Tang is so confident, so all my brothers in the 10th Division are a little unconvinced. Come on, Commander Feng, I won't mention the previous achievements. I will just tell you how many brothers, how many guns, and how many cannons you have in the 30th Regiment." Let me introduce you and let Director Tang see if he is qualified to guard this Huangcha Ridge." Ge Youcai narrowed his eyes and said suddenly.

This army lieutenant general has a round face, a beard, murderous eyes, and a very tall figure. It is difficult for people not to think of him as a brave general, so many people They all ignored his extremely useful brain.

Of course he knew that Tang Dao would never act like this for no reason. Maybe he was taking the opportunity to show off the strength of his Four Elements Regiment here, so that in the future the First Battalion of the Four Elements Regiment could prepare with him here for each regiment of the 10th Division. Fight together.

People in the military have a strong mentality. The stronger you are, the more the soldiers will look up to you. The weaker you are, the more they will look down on you.

As for Huangchaling, a position that must be isolated from the main position, if you want to defend it, in addition to having sufficient defensive power, you also need support from the main position in the rear. Otherwise, if you are surrounded by the Japanese army, let alone There were only a few hundred men in one battalion, and even a division would have to die on a position with a radius of only 0.3 kilometers.

I'm afraid Tang Dao just wants to let the chief officers of the 10th Preliminary Division know that my people are capable of guarding the front and left and right wings, but I will leave all the rear to you.

However, Ge Youcai was also a little curious about how sophisticated the current combat organization and firearms of the Four Elements Regiment were.

It is said that the Four Elements Regiment can withstand a Japanese division, but what is heard is false and what is seen is true, isn’t it?

"Reporting to the commander, in the third battle of Tanzhou, our 30th regiment lost 1,200 officers and soldiers, 383 retired from active service due to injuries, only 467 returned from injury, and only 800 were able to fight again. "The colonel leader named Feng Zishi stepped forward, but after all he couldn't help but tease his past achievements first.

During the third Battle of Tanzhou, if the 30th Regiment, under the leadership of Ge Youcai, had not fought back the Japanese troops with several life-threatening counterattacks, it is estimated that the south gate of Tanzhou would have been lost long ago, and there would not have been the amazing record of the 10th Division. The 10th Army was given the title of 'Taishan Army'.

However, the 30th Regiment paid an extremely heavy price, with battle losses as high as 80%.

"I asked you to talk about personnel and equipment, what are you going to do in the past?" Ge Youcai glared and said sternly.

As the former commander of the 30th Regiment, this battle was truly the one he mourned in his heart. Others were proud of the achievements of this battle, but Ge Youcai, the commander of the regiment, took the remaining 300 remnant soldiers and spent a week with his own hands after the war. Ge Youcai never wanted to experience that feeling after burying more than 1,200 brothers in his life.

"Yes!" Feng Zishi quickly stood at attention and continued: "With the concern of the military and division commanders, our regiment was the first to replenish personnel and equipment. To date, our 30th regiment has 2,209 combat personnel and 438 civilians accompanying the regiment. There are 1,097 medium-sized rifles, 46 submachine guns of various types, 45 pistols, 73 light machine guns, 22 heavy machine guns of various types, 2 combat anti-aircraft guns, and 12 Type 82 mortars. The current ammunition reserve depends on the division. The participating countries will gradually add it, and the specific amount is not yet available.”

"You Feng Zishi, don't forget to join my army at this time and put your heart into my belly. I will definitely keep my word this time. I will give you as many bullets as you want. If I am missing one bullet, I will put my division headquarters in my heart." You are the headquarters of the 30th Regiment," Ge Youcai scolded with a smile.

Although he was scolding, I have to say that Master Ge was still in a good mood at the moment. As the main force of his 10th Division, the 30th Regiment not only had a base of 800 veterans, but also had nearly full strength, with more than 400 soldiers. The civilian husband said that he was helping to move supplies and wounded soldiers, but in fact he could replenish the troops at any time. The entire infantry regiment's ability to fight continuously was even stronger than during the Third Battle of Tanzhou.

Moreover, the 30th Regiment has many firearms, which can basically meet the standards of one medium-sized rifle for each infantryman, 8 light machine guns for a company, 6 heavy machine guns for a battalion, and 3 mortars. That was the standard of the German Arms Division a few years ago. Standard! It is unthinkable to prepare a 4-group B division like the 10th division.

Not to mention that the 30th Regiment also has two anti-tank guns. Those things are great treasures. The Japanese Xiaodouding tanks can basically penetrate each other with one shot. Even the Type 89 tank can hit it if it gets close. wear.

This is also thanks to the continuous replacement of the direct troops of the Central Army of the 9th Theater with new American equipment in the past two years. Only the Pre-10th Division can obtain these pretty good equipment. Although it is not as good as the ace troops like the 74th Army, think about the past Pre-10th Division. All the divisions received were made in Hanyang. One infantry squad even had soldiers who had no guns but only grenades. Only if their comrades were killed in battle could they be qualified to pick up their comrade's guns and fight. From Ge Youcai to Colonel Feng Zishi of the 30th Regiment, they were already incomparable. satisfied.

As an infantry regiment like the 30th Regiment with complete personnel and equipment, Ge Youcai was confident that he could withstand the attacks of two to three Japanese infantry brigades in a defensive battle.

"No, Master, I will accept as many regiments as you give me. If you want to put the division headquarters in my regiment headquarters, wouldn't it mean that I will be pushed to the front line to be the battalion commander? This loss-making business cannot be done." Feng Zishi waved his hands repeatedly. .

It was rare to see Captain Feng, who had a calm personality, make a joke, and the generals of the 10th Division burst into laughter.

The atmosphere that was still a bit solemn just now has relaxed a lot.

"The 30th Regiment of your army has enough personnel and equipment to fight the Japanese. I even believe that the brothers of the 30th Regiment can rely on the Zhangjiashan position to withstand the fierce attack of an infantry regiment of the Japanese." Tang Dao smiled and stretched out his big gun. The thumb first praised, and then changed the topic: "However, the continuous firepower is still insufficient to defend the Huangchaling position that is more than 2 kilometers away. It is still a little difficult for you to defend this position."

"Then I, Feng Zishi, want to hear what kind of personnel and equipment your First Battalion has, Director Tang, and how it can hold Huangcha Ridge." The army colonel with a calm and honest personality was surprised when he heard what Tang Dao said. Somewhat unhappy.

His 30th Regiment not only has a brilliant record and veterans who have been through the fire of war, but also has good equipment. Why is it not good in this person's eyes?

No matter who it was, no one would be able to bear this tone!

"Then let Chief of Staff Leng introduce to you the personnel and equipment of our first battalion. Oh! I forgot to tell you that Chief of Staff Leng is also the commander of our first battalion of the Four Elements Regiment." Tang Dao smiled slightly.

"Our first battalion currently has 965 combat personnel and 356 reserve officers and soldiers. The reserve officers and soldiers were recruited from local aspiring young people in Hengyang starting in May last year. The training takes about a year.

Our battalion has 3 infantry companies and 1 artillery company. In addition, during wartime, we have 1 special tank platoon and 1 heavy force platoon. We are equipped with a total of 326 Czech semi-automatic rifles, 160 assault rifles, and various bolt-action rifles. 28 guns, 120 MP38 submachine guns, 236 pistols, and 530 guns of various types in reserve.

16 light machine guns, 4 12.7 mm heavy machine guns, 16 60 caliber mortars, 4 82 mortars, 3 80 mm howitzers, 4 150 mortars, and 12.7 mm heavy machine gun assault equipment 4 jeeps and 9 light tanks with 20mm machine guns.

Ammunition reserve, currently about 20 bases! "Leng Feng talked about the personnel and equipment of his battalion, and naturally he was very familiar with them.

What does it mean to have a buzzing head? The generals and generals of the 10th Preliminary Division collectively opened their mouths in disbelief.

I thought that Director Tang Da was enough to show off, but I didn't expect that the lieutenant colonel with a cold face and a cold face to keep away from strangers could be so awesome. They have heard the name of semi-automatic rifles. The performance of the eight-pellet guns shipped by the Americans is very impressive. Pulling the bolt once can shoot eight times in a row. The firepower is so fierce that it is enviable for thieves.

But what the **** is an assault rifle?

There are more than 200 pistols. How can your four-line regiment be so awesome that you can equip an army corporal with a pistol? In the 10th Preliminary Division, even the second lieutenant's pistol must be approved by the regiment headquarters, even if the gun was seized from a Jaap.

Of course, forget about this. It is said that Tang Dao has a daughter from an American consortium who has some money. It is probably no problem to get some beautiful swords and buy some firearms.

But why does your infantry battalion have both an 80mm gun and a 150mm gun? The most outrageous thing is that there is a light tank equipped with a 20mm machine gun.

He's such a good guy, he doesn't even make a draft when he brags.

"Mr. Ge and you guys don't believe it?" Tang Dao grinned when he saw the reaction of the 10th division generals.

"Brother Tang! Don't blame me, Lao Ge, for being ignorant. The key point is that what Chief of Staff Leng said is really exaggerated. Not to mention that our Preliminary 10th Division doesn't have a 150-weight force, even the 10th Army doesn't have one. ! And those light tanks, all the tanks in the 9th theater were pulled out, but they were only about thirty or forty, and they were kept like treasures by Commander Xue. Even during the last battle in Tanzhou, they were reluctant to take them out. , I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death." Ge Youcai didn't use his official title to address Tang Dao at this time, and directly called him brother.

This change of title is very particular. The two are brothers, and bragging between brothers is a private behavior, not considered in the military. Even if Tang Dao's **** is eventually exposed, it is not a big deal.

For this reason, Ge Youcai's 800 tricks really meant that he was not wronged.

"In this way, Leng Feng's artillery and tanks are still stationed. You can visit it when you have time, so as not to think that Leng Feng is bragging. I can let you guys experience the assault rifle and the pistols equipped by the officers and soldiers of our regiment first. Check out the performance." Tang Dao said while waving to the cavalry squad leader who was on guard 50 meters away.

"Bring all the brothers here!"

10 cavalrymen, led by the cavalry squad leader, stood neatly in front of the generals of the 10th Preliminary Division.

"Unload the gun!" Leng Feng roared.

The commander gave the order, and all 11 cavalrymen gently placed the precious assault rifles in their hands on the grass in front of them, then pulled out the pistols from the gun pouches tied to their thighs, placed them next to the rifles, and then collectively took a step back and continued to stand at attention. posture.

The movements are clean, neat and uniform. Just by doing this, the Four Elements Group's reputation as the elite is well-deserved.

Of course, what made all the school officers look at each other was that some of these cavalrymen were non-commissioned officers and some were still privates, but everyone was equipped with a pistol. This was not false.

Before coming, I am afraid that the Lengda Chief of Staff would not have specially equipped the escorting cavalry with pistols just because he wanted to show off!

Perhaps there is only one explanation. This is a guard squad specially equipped for the officers of the Four Lines Regiment. They are the most elite soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment and naturally have the best equipment. Two years ago, Tang Daobudu was plotted by the Japanese and traitors, and 13 guards were killed in the battle, right?

Feng Zishi was the first to step forward. Instead of taking the 1-meter-long 'lance', he picked up the Black Star pistol.

He just held it, stretched out his hand to fumble a few times, took out the magazine, looked at it, pulled the bolt, held it with both hands, aimed at the open space, and shouted "Good gun."

That was the intuition from a veteran. Even before he fired the gun, the weight and grip of the gun already made him feel the advantages and disadvantages of this pistol that he had seen for the first time.

"Where is the big tree? Captain Feng, why don't you give it a try." Tang Dao smiled slightly and pointed to a big tree about 40 meters away that was as thick as an adult's thigh.

Ge Youcai waved his hand lightly, and the few guards and soldiers who remained beside him immediately ran to the distance to inform the soldiers and civilians who were still working to leave temporarily. One soldier stayed behind a 20-meter rock on the side of the big tree. On call.

He is responsible for telling his superiors about the power of bullets.

"Bang bang bang!" Feng Zishi emptied the pistol magazine in one breath, but his face turned a little red.

The recoil of this gun was obviously beyond his estimate. He didn't feel it until the next two shots, and he didn't know whether they hit the big tree.

"Report, one shot, the bullet penetrated the tree trunk and disappeared!" The guard ran over to report.

The Army Colonel's face turned redder.

But Ge Youcai and the other school officials were astonished.

Veterans like them don't know how powerful the pistol is, but it only has an effective range of 50 meters. It can penetrate the trunk of a large tree at a distance of 40 meters, which means that the effective range of this pistol is definitely more than 100 meters.

"Captain Feng was able to hit one bullet with this gun for the first time. This shooting skill is amazing. The first time I used it, I was not as good as you, Commander Feng!" Leng Feng said.

"It is indeed a good gun. It has a long range and great power. However, the recoil is a bit too great and the gun body is a little heavy. It cannot be used by non-elite people." Feng Zishi, who was rescued, made a pertinent comment.

"This is a submachine gun that our regiment imported from the Mao Xiong Country, but because its range is far enough, it is also called an assault rifle by the officers and soldiers of our regiment." Tang Dao took the initiative to pick up a five-point gun that appeared in advance on the ground. Six-type submachine gun', aiming at an unfinished fortification 300 meters away.

There is also a row of hard sleepers erected on the fortification. These things are designed to withstand the pressure on the ground when the train passes by. They have both toughness and hardness. If a rifle wants to penetrate them, it must be within a distance of more than 200 meters.

"Bang bang bang!" Tang Dao fired continuously with a rifle that was only one meter long, emptying the 30-round magazine in less than 15 seconds.

The ferocious and continuous firepower made the officers led by Ge Youcai drool with envy in their eyes.

Not to mention the range can be as high as several hundred meters, it can be as high as one or two hundred meters! If the infantry has such a gun, it will be over if more Japanese soldiers come and pick up the gun.

"Report, the number of bullet holes in the sleepers exceeds 20, and most of the bullets passed through the sleepers and hit the sand." After half a call, the guard came panting from 300 meters away to report.

Mud, you already have this gun, what else do you need? No wonder Director Tang dared to say that he could defend a position 4 miles wide with just one infantry battalion. This continuous firepower was enough!

The generals of the 10th Preliminary Division were really petrified at this moment.

Anyway, during the war, the key point Feng Zishi told his battalion commander was: "Keep an eye on the back of Huangcha Ridge for me. If any Japanese dare to go around, I will greet you with a heavy machine gun. The rest, brothers of the Four Lines Regiment." It will be done.”

The incomparable trust in the friendly forces led to the fact that the 30th Regiment and the Japanese army did not retreat even when they were killed in mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Tang Tuanzuo was so good at pretending that he really did it. (End of chapter)

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