Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 370: Strive to Live (Please subscribe and give me a monthly ticket!)

The most eye-catching thing is the large number of slogans left on the wall.

As if they were afraid that the Japanese would not be able to understand them all, some of the slogans written on the walls of the air-raid shelter that would never be blown down by heavy artillery were specially written in crooked Japanese.

"Yanagawa, I'm too lazy to play with you now. I'll beat you up when I get a chance!"

"Suematsu Shigeru, you big idiot, come after me if you can!"

"Kunizaki, you little fool, you didn't go to Shanxi but came here to get beaten, tell me if you are a fool!"

"Tani Hisao, oh no, Tani Hisao is finished, Sakai Tokutaro, you unlucky kid, hurry up and become the commander of the 6th Division! Please."

"Ushijima Mitsuru, you can't compete with Sakai Tokutaro, this unlucky kid, what are you still doing, just find a place to hang yourself."

"Ushijima Sadao, you stupid ass, what's the point of guarding a few kilometers away, I'm gone, and you're here to eat shit now!"

The famous lieutenant generals and major generals of the 10th Army, even the dead Tani Hisao, did not escape, and were sprayed by the slogans left by the Chinese one by one.

Moreover, it is quite in line with everyone's characteristics, and the poison of their intentions far exceeds the insulting words they use.

Of course, although Tang Dao is proficient in Japanese, it is not easy to translate "Stupid Pi", "Stupid Fork", "Stupid Donkey" into Japanese with a poor vocabulary of curse words. I almost scratched my head.

Fortunately, Tan Tai Mingyue is quite talented in language in this aspect. With the help of Tang Dao, he made it clear what he wanted to express in Japanese.

"You are so mean!" The beautiful reporter laughed so hard that she said it, and even punched Tang Dao's shoulder with her little fists in a childish manner to show how you are so mean! But I like it so much

The big men in the security camp were stunned.

Damn, Captain Tang is just so-so! Why is the beautiful reporter so attracted to him? There are so many people watching! Just get started?

If it's in a place where no one is around, wouldn't it be more than that?

But Captain Tang, facing such a beautiful scene, could not change his face and replied seriously: "The Japanese love our traditional Chinese culture the most. I am satisfying them and teaching them folk slang! They should thank me."

Thank you for nothing! If I were the Japanese generals you scolded, I'm afraid what I would want to do most is to beat you to death!

Zhao Daqiang, who was leading people to write the words written by Tan Tai on paper and write them on the wall with a brush, was almost killed by his boss's thick skin.

But he seemed to be laughing like a donkey!

Zhao Daqiang was right. The Japanese generals who were not named by Tang Dao almost got angry when they heard about this, but what he didn't know was that the slogan Tang Dao made before leaving actually resonated among the ordinary infantry of the Japanese army.

For example, the soldiers of Kunisaki Detachment saw that their major general detachment commander was talking about him, and they all agreed in their hearts.

It's not a ball. Isn't it great that we are invincible in North China! Why did he have to run here and get beaten up? The Chinese were right. The commander was a complete fool!

The soldiers of the 114th Division were nodding their heads crazily. After this battle, they had not achieved any success, but suffered heavy losses. Wasn't the commander of the division, Shigeharu Suematsu, a big idiot?

The Sixth Division was in a panic. The commander of the division died? This was impossible! But the fact was that the commander of the division seemed to have not appeared for almost two days.

The Eighteenth Division, including Ushijima Sadao himself, who was fuming, could only look sad after thinking about it carefully. It seemed that calling him a stupid donkey was the most appropriate word.

Donkey, don't take me with you.

As the saying goes, killing people is like destroying their hearts! The Chinese who slipped away quietly in the dark performed this word to the fullest.

However, facing so many slogans, none of the Japanese commanders at all levels who were furious dared to use their command knives to scrape a few times to show their respect for their superiors.

Because the Chinese are too evil. It is not enough to kill people.

The first Japanese Army Major who wanted to defend his superior's reputation had not vented his anger before he stepped on a landmine.

The broken body parts, the fresh blood sprayed on the wall, and the slogans written on the wall with ink are simply the strongest irony to the Tenth Army.

Unless they use heavy artillery to bombard, otherwise, just watch!

After receiving this news, Yanagawa Heisuke stood there for a few minutes. He had no mood to set foot in the occupied city. He coldly ordered: "Order, leave an infantry battalion of the 114th Division to set fire to Songjiang City, and the rest of the army will chase in the direction of Baihe Port Bridge. Catch up with them and kill them. In this battle, our army does not need prisoners of war."

Yanagawa Heisuke knew that the Chinese had deceived him once with a telegram, and then used these vicious slogans to attack him, just hoping that he would be angry.

And anger will make people lose their calmness, only in this way can they have a chance to escape.

All their purpose was to escape.

Because they were not a mechanized force, they relied on their legs.

And such a large army, to leave quietly without attracting the attention of the 18th Division several kilometers away from the north city, would have to wait until the early morning at least.

So, they had only been away from Songjiang City for six or seven hours. With full armor, they were at most 30 kilometers away from Songjiang, not too far.

If he continued to delay in this empty city, then these hateful Chinese would really get what they wanted.

The main force of the Japanese army set off quickly, taking everything they could bring, and rushed non-stop towards the Baihegang Bridge.

On the simple road, wheels rolled, people shouted and horses neighed, and the huge roar of tanks resounded throughout the wilderness.

The power of the semi-mechanical troops made people tremble.

However, the main road, which was as wide as two large carts, was given to tanks, trucks, cannons and various horse-drawn carriages, so the infantry could only march in the wilderness on both sides of the road.

The wilderness, which had just been exposed to the sun for two days, was still a little wet. The heavy leather boots of the infantry were covered with mud, and their steps were extremely heavy, which was much slower than the march from Jinshanwei to Songjiang a few days ago.

This actually came from the heaviness in their hearts.

The entire Songjiang offensive and defensive battle, so far, is simply a big joke for the Japanese Tenth Army.

If possible, the proud Imperial Japanese Army would even be willing to fight the Chinese to the death under the city.

Of course, this is what they think now. In the morning, most of the Japanese army was very glad that the Chinese took the initiative to retreat.

It was a different time, and men were sometimes fickle.

Compared with the heavy footsteps of the Japanese in pursuit, the Chinese were obviously much more relaxed.

The defenders of Songjiang did not have the heavy artillery weighing several tons like the Japanese army. The most powerful heavy weapons were the 75 mountain gun and the 75 field gun, and more than a dozen of them were destroyed by the Japanese heavy artillery and aircraft. The maximum weight of this kind of artillery is more than 700 kilograms, and it can be disassembled and transported by pack horses.

In order to ensure that the retreat would not be discovered by the Japanese army, all pack horses were wrapped with towels on their mouths, and their hooves were also wrapped with cotton cloth. Three soldiers were responsible for one horse, two people led the horse and one held a knife. If the horse could not bear it and wanted to run, the horse would be killed immediately.

For the rest, such as mortars, machine guns, flat-fire guns, and heavy machine guns, if there were extra pack horses, they would be transported by pack horses. If there were none, the large number of infantrymen would simply help the artillery troops to carry them in a purely manual way.

No one would think it was tiring, because the soldiers knew very well that a smooth retreat from Songjiang did not mean they were safe. The Japanese army could catch up at any time. Without these heavy weapons to help fight back, the light infantry would be easily crushed by the Japanese army.

The Chinese officers and soldiers who wanted to escape would certainly not take the main road, but also walk in the wilderness.

But the Sichuan Army wore straw sandals, and the 67th Army and the Songjiang Security Corps wore cloth shoes, which was much easier than the Japanese leather boots weighing several kilograms.

The leather boots equipped by the Japanese army were to guard against various spikes on the battlefield. What was there in the wilderness? Are there glass shards? China, which still relies on agriculture as its main source of economy, does not have so much industrial waste at this time.

Poverty will become an advantage one day.

Although the marching speed was not fast as Yanagawa Heisuke expected, after daybreak, it was still 10 kilometers away from the Baihegang Bridge, but before noon, the entire army had no problem passing the Baihegang Bridge.

As the vanguard of the entire army, Tang Dao met Lei Xiong, who had been waiting for a long time, and his familiar brothers in the Four Camps.

Comrades who had experienced several bloody battles smiled and saluted each other.

The number of familiar faces decreased again.

But this time, no one cried.

Many people died, but they were also alive.

As long as those who were alive were not dead, those people were still alive.

Now, they had to work hard to continue to live.

Even if the Japanese reconnaissance plane just flew over their heads.

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