Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 373 Assembly Order

How can Tang Dao not be crazy?

Regardless of his past life or this life, Tang Dao was obsessed with the military camp and had never tasted the sweetness of love.

Although as a young man with a sound mind and body, he has a strong attraction to the opposite sex. In his previous life, he became the sharpest military thorn in the Southwest Military Region. The motherland needs him. In this life, he embarks on the anti-Japanese battlefield and is on the line of life and death every day and night. struggling.

Tang Dao has never had extravagant hopes for love.

Even before the Battle of Songjiang, he had felt Tantai Mingyue's love, but Tang Dao, who had never flinched on the battlefield, still flinched. He was afraid that it was just an illusion of Tantai Mingyue's love.

Tantai Mingyue may only love the halo of heroes, not Tang Dao himself. This is the most common mistake girls make.

But now, he was being burned by the brave girl of the Republic of China with the surging and extremely hot fire of love, which burned him like a knife and made his eyes and eyebrows soften.

She said it clearly enough, if you die, I will bury you, and then die with you; if I die, you bury me, and when the war is won, you can bring your lover and children to see me.

Such a woman, even if she is as strong as steel, will turn into softness around her fingers!

It turns out that saying that women are water is not a particularly correct metaphor. Some crazy and strong warriors actually had a word flash in their minds at this scene: steel-making furnace.

Women are so terrifying, just relying on words is enough to melt fine steel into 'water'.

However, Tang Dao did not look back.

The soldier who has never frowned in the face of hail of bullets has no courage.

He was afraid that when he turned around and saw her eyes, he would not be able to help but agree to her request.

However, he wanted her to live.

Not because of love.

As a well-known war correspondent, her life is much more important than her heroic death.

China needs her to spread the courage of soldiers to everyone.

Therefore, in the eyes of the two signal soldiers, Tang Dao, whose body was obviously stiff for more than two seconds, continued to move forward: "No! I refuse!"

As if she had expected Tang Dao's answer, Tantai Mingyue showed sadness on her face: "Tang Dao, you bastard! Do you think it will be safe for me to follow the main army? The Japanese left more than 10,000 corpses and nearly 10,000 soldiers under Songjiang City. A wounded soldier, and you killed an army lieutenant general. It was such a shame and humiliation. How could they let the murderer go?

Now that most of our army has retreated in the direction of Kunshan, even if they rush to catch up, they will not be able to achieve their strategic goals. Yanagawa Heisuke will definitely change his tactics and make it his mission to destroy the entire Matsue army.

I am not afraid of death. Before the whole army is destroyed, I will use the gun you gave me to fight like you and keep the last bullet for myself.

But I hope that after I die, the person I like can bury my body in the soil so that the Japanese will not find it. For this reason, I am not even afraid that the ferocious appearance after death will be seen by the person I like. Don’t you Lieutenant Colonel Tang Daotang Can't you even satisfy this wish? "

Tang Dao's body shook violently.

Although his footsteps kept moving, he still knew that he had hesitated.

Because what Tantai Mingyue said is right.

Ever since he, a little butterfly from the future, came to Songjiang, the stubborn rut of history had been changed.

The Japanese Tenth Army could no longer deal a heavy blow to the Huxi Army as it did in time and space, defeating the last vestiges of morale of the Chinese elite. Then their target is most likely to focus on the more than 20,000 soldiers who left Songjiang.

Whether it is the partial division of more than 3,000 people he will lead or the main force in Songjiang, the chances of survival are actually about the same. Even for him, as long as he can withstand Japanese bombings, because he has fewer troops and is more mobile, the chance of survival will be worse. Bigger.

Of course, it was not so much Tantai Mingyue's analysis that made Tang Dao hesitate, but rather what Tantai Mingyue said about leaving the last bullet for himself that hit Tang Dao's heart hard.

Tang Dao knew very well that the Songjiang defenders used the guns and bullets in their hands to make the Japanese bleed, but Tantai Mingyue used the pen in his hands to add salt to the Japanese wounds.

For Tantai Mingyue, a war correspondent who constantly used frontline battlefield diaries to boost the morale of Chinese soldiers and civilians, the Japanese army hated her no less than the Chinese officers and soldiers. Even if she dies, they will probably humiliate her body to undermine Chinese morale.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit beyond the bottom line for soldiers from many countries, for most Japanese, it is routine operation.

Rather than doing this, it would be more appropriate to follow her by her side as she said. Even until the last moment, he believed that he could protect her.

No matter life or death!

Seeing Tang Dao's hesitation, Tantai Mingyue felt happy, knowing that his change of tactics was effective, and quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Also, I can not only record the bravery of our soldiers with the pen in my hand, but also record the bravery of our soldiers at critical moments. I can also lead the signal soldiers as a medical team to rescue the wounded. My major in university is medicine. "

Yes, this beautiful reporter has gone to great lengths to follow the chief, and she can even become a doctor. If the chief is still like a stone in a pit, then that's too much. Erya and Xia Dayu quietly looked at each other and sighed in their hearts.

Fortunately, perhaps sensing the complaints in the hearts of his two signal soldiers, Tang Dao said: "Erya and Dayu, you two will accompany the Tantai reporter to pack your personal belongings and arrive at the gathering place in 20 minutes."

Is this agreed? The two signal soldiers looked at Tang Dao's back as he quickly left, and looked at each other in disbelief.

Ten seconds later, Xia Dayu had already run to Tan Tai Ming Yue, who was also standing there, and said with a smile: "Sister Ming Yue, I welcome you on behalf of the entire advance team."

The servile Er Ya curled her lips slightly, but her eyes were also filled with joy.

In the war, the Tang Dao was as bright as the stars in the sky. In the hearts of the young soldiers who worshiped him, only a woman like Tan Tai Ming Yue could match him.

The moon matches the stars, perfect.

Who said that there is only cruelty in war? No matter how terrible the war is, it can't destroy the tenderness of love.

The military discipline of the Songjiang defenders who have been tempered by war is stricter than before. Although they are extremely tired after marching all night, the command of the headquarters gave an order. 30 minutes later, three guard battalions and an anti-aircraft battalion carrying 12 Oerlikon machine guns have all arrived at the designated area of ​​the Tang Dao.

That is the forefront of the entire Songjiang army, a wilderness only 8 kilometers away from the Baihegang Bridge.

In the open field, the entire guard battalion had lined up, and the three guard battalions and the anti-aircraft battalion quickly joined.

The baggage battalion had reported to Tang Dao in advance that it would arrive later because it needed to deliver the wounded and supplies to be transported.

Tang Dao stood at the front of the queue, with a straight figure, waiting for the last six cavalry companies to return.

Because they needed battlefield reconnaissance, they were basically active ten miles outside the army. It took enough time to assemble, so Tang Dao reserved 10 minutes more for their military orders.

Reaching out his pocket watch, there were only five minutes left before the assembly time, and Tang Dao frowned slightly. If the cavalry could not arrive on time, the last link of his entire tactical plan could not be realized.

Military law is ruthless. Even if he had fought side by side with these brave Northeast Army cavalrymen, he would never be partial to them.

The ears of the "Hammer", who had been quietly lying beside Niu Er, stood up, and the dog head looked into the distance.

The "scout" with the best hearing in the Fourth Camp heard a voice from afar.

In the last two minutes of the assembly order, the sound of horse hooves rumbled from afar like thunder, and the earth trembled slightly.

The soldiers who had been standing quietly in the wilderness could not help but look up, and a black shadow appeared two miles away.

The Chinese cavalry arrived at the last assembly time.

The last puzzle piece in the Tang Dao tactical board was complete.

"Report! The cavalry battalion was late because it took a long time to assemble because it was scattered. Please punish us, sir!" Gu Shaoxun, who was the first to enter the assembly area, jumped off his horse, ran all the way to the front of the Tang Dao, saluted, and shouted loudly.

The cavalry officer may have been in too much of a hurry, and the dust and sweat made his face look like a big clown, which made him look extremely embarrassed, but at this time he did not bother to tidy up his military appearance and immediately reported forward.

However, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to the military order issued by the Tang Dao.

Gu Shaoxun's military rank was not high, he was only a major in the cavalry, but he was the commander of the cavalry battalion directly under the military headquarters. On weekdays, the lieutenant general was always friendly to him. Seeing him treat Tang Dao like this, the other major guard battalion commanders standing in front of the queue were secretly awed.

They knew that the deputy director Tang who became their temporary superior was definitely a ruthless character.

But Tang Dao was much more "ruthless" than they imagined.

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