Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 381 I will kill you!

The 67th Army was not a battle-hardened army.

They had fought a few battles with the Japanese in North China, and then came to the southeast and fought a fierce battle with the Japanese in Songjiang.

The battlefield is the best melting pot, removing the dross and retaining the essence. It does not mean that everyone who survived several battles is an elite, but they definitely have their own unique skills, even if it is purely by luck.

The various units of the advance regiment are the most essential parts of this piece of steel that has been constantly refined by the battlefield furnace. Whether it is the machine gunners and machine gunners or ordinary soldiers, they all know that for an airplane that is hurtling at a speed of 100 meters per second, let alone venting their anger and shooting at the air, even if they aim seriously, 99% of the bullets will fall into the void.

Therefore, they did not chase the target and shoot, but aimed at a certain airspace at the same time, judging whether the Japanese plane was pulling up, descending or turning in the airspace based on their own prediction of the battlefield.

Various airspaces that were predicted in advance were densely covered with bullets flying with the hot anger of the infantry, forming a fire net.

The Japanese planes were like fish swimming desperately in a net of bullets.

Junji Watanabe, who was less than 400 meters away, felt the hair on his neck explode at this moment, like a little rabbit being chased by a hound.

Although he couldn't see it, he could feel the streams of bullets passing by the metal fuselage more than ten meters or even several meters away.

That was the intuition of a soldier.

It was extremely accurate.

The Japanese Navy Major took the lead in dropping heavy bombs from the moment he appeared, and was the first to switch to strafe the running trucks, and jumped into the low air to kill the cavalry that attracted his attention. Even the "Hammer" could feel his murderous intent and hummed a warning to the shadow of the plane passing by in the sky.

It was simply a knight riding a white horse, wearing bright silver armor, a red cloak and holding a silver gun.

There are many Chinese proverbs about describing this kind of person! The rafters that stick out first rot first, and the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind!

The reason why Zhao Zilong, the White Horse and Silver Spear, was not shot into a sieve on Changbanpo was that Prime Minister Cao had a hobby of collecting famous generals, but the Tang swords and soldiers on this battlefield only wanted to get people's heads.

Among the 19 machine guns distributed along the 5-li front line, at least 10 were staring at him and shooting. Because the anti-aircraft machine guns had a slightly shorter range, there were probably only 8 machine guns chasing Junji Watanabe and shooting furiously, and the infantry and light machine gunners hiding in the woods, I don’t know how many of them poured bullets around the "White Horse and Silver Spear".

The dense bullets scared the poor Japanese Navy Lieutenant Colonel so much that the hair on his testicles stood up.

The cavalrymen who were originally running around on the ground still did not stop their horses' running steps at this moment, but this time, they were the host and kicked the horses' bellies to chase the shadows of Japanese planes.

They did not raise their rifles in vain to meet the enemy, they just simply chased.

Only those who understand them know that they are waiting for their own artillery fire to take effect and damage and destroy the Japanese planes. As long as the Japanese pilots dare to parachute, they will become their prey. Horseshoes and sabers will be the only choice to deal with them.

Of course, rescuing their own parachuting pilots is also one of their tasks.

And no matter how frightened the Japanese naval aviation major in the sky was, he could only accept the baptism of bullets painfully.

His fighter plane only pulled up less than 50 meters, and before returning to an altitude of 400 meters, he felt the fuselage shaking constantly. Looking sideways, visible bullet holes appeared continuously on the two wings.

The Chinese ground firepower far exceeded his imagination. In just a few seconds, his fighter plane was hit by dozens of bullets. The two fist-sized transparent holes on the wings proved the horror of the high-altitude and flat-level dual-purpose machine guns.

A trace of despair finally flashed in Junji Watanabe's eyes. He knew that no matter what the final outcome of this battle was, he had a more than 90% chance of not seeing it.

The Chinese on the ground who had been silent and watching him kill would never let him go, and it was very likely that most of the firepower was chasing him.

"Captain Watanabe, it's an honor to fight side by side with you, but I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore!" A Japanese pilot's farewell came from the radio.

"Takeshi Naoki, what do you want to do?" Junji Watanabe was stunned.

But he soon knew what his best subordinate was going to do.

"Empire, military fortune!" accompanied by a roar.

A carrier-based bomber that had already risen to about 580 meters and was about to escape in 20 seconds flattened its fuselage, and then resolutely turned its nose down and dived!

In the corner of the eyes of the Japanese Navy lieutenant who was still trying to pull up the body, the No. 09 aircraft of his comrade-in-arms was like a ferocious golden eagle, rushing down.

The two 30-kilogram bombs hanging under the wings were also dropped, blowing two woods on the ground into a sea of ​​fire, and at least two anti-aircraft machine guns were silenced.

The three machine guns on the Type 96 bomber fired fiercely, aiming at the countless flames on the ground.

Chinese soldiers have warriors who dare to attract aircraft fire with one man and one horse, and Japanese soldiers are equally courageous.

At least, in this Japanese pilot, Chinese soldiers also felt the fearlessness of their opponents.

His purpose was not to show the power of Japanese naval fighters with bombs and machine guns, but to attract fire like Chinese veterans, so as to earn a glimmer of life for his superiors and colleagues.

In the face of the bravery and fearlessness of the opponent, the best answer given by the Chinese soldiers is naturally: kill you!

The Japanese pilot, like his colleagues, underestimated the power of the ground firepower network.

In addition to the 19 anti-aircraft guns and more than 20 anti-aircraft machine guns used for air defense, the advance group also had more than 60 light machine guns. The Japanese planes that dived at a low altitude of 200 meters and broke into the ground firepower network were like moths flying into the fire. In less than 5 seconds, although they were not blown up in mid-air, the metal fuselage full of bullet holes would definitely scare people with intensive disorder.

Not to mention the pilot inside. In order to save fuel, there was not even a protective steel plate installed at the bottom of the cockpit, which caused him to be shot into a sieve before the plane completely stalled.

The out-of-control plane plunged into the wilderness and exploded into a ball of fire.

The Japanese pilot who took the initiative to face death was destined to be disappointed. The time he bought for his colleagues was too short.

The plane's pull-up is not like a dive. The instantaneous speed can reach more than 100 meters per second. However, the engine with more than 700 horsepower can only break free from the bondage of gravity by more than 1 ton of metal fuselage at a pitiful speed of more than ten meters per second.

Watching his colleague explode into a ball of fire to protect him, Junji Watanabe, who was holding back his grief, only rose less than 100 meters during this period, and had not even returned to the 500-meter altitude that he had previously thought was dangerous enough.

The veteran and his warhorse not only used their lives to attract Junji Watanabe's deadly firepower, but also dragged the Japanese Navy lieutenant commander into the abyss of death. No matter how hard he tried to climb, he couldn't climb out.

A bullet hit the engine. The 7.62mm machine gun bullet had actually exhausted its power after flying nearly 500 meters. The weak kinetic energy was only enough to penetrate the skin but not enough to cause enough damage to the engine. However, the metal foreign body rolled into the air intake, causing the Nakajima [Kotobuki] 41-type air-cooled 9-cylinder engine to emit billowing smoke.

The consequences of a sudden stall are terrible. The speeding plane can only rely on inertia to move upwards. Two seconds later, the terrible gravity offsets the moment when the engine can no longer provide more kinetic energy. The entire fighter seems to be stagnant in the void, forming an extremely weird static picture.

Cheng Tieshou and Heizi, who are operating the MG34 machine gun, have been staring at Junji Watanabe.

More than one-third of the bullet holes on the wings and fuselage of the Japanese Navy Major were left by this high-rate machine gun with a heavy machine gun barrel.

The MG34 machine gun with a shooting range of up to 1,000 meters is the best light and heavy dual-purpose machine gun of this era, without a doubt.

The Germans, who were restricted from developing heavy weapons due to the defeat in World War I, took a different approach to designing the "black technology" that will make the Western powers tremble two years later.

When the fighter loses sufficient mobility, how can the two best machine gun shooters of the Fourth Battalion miss such a rare opportunity?

Two machine guns separated by more than 800 meters in a straight line pulled the trigger almost at the same time. Each machine gun fired nearly 40 bullets in 1 second, forming a terrible crossfire, and more than 20 bullets hit the metal fuselage.

"I was shot?" Junji Watanabe lowered his head in disbelief.

The large blood stain on his chest was slowly getting bigger.

Three consecutive machine gun bullets hit his chest, not only tearing the lungs that he relied on to breathe, but also blowing his heart into pieces.

Darkness struck, and the Japanese Navy lieutenant who sank into the abyss did not get more opportunities to think, and his once extremely proud head drooped.

After the engine stopped, the fighter plane briefly stayed in the void for three seconds, turned down, like a high-diving athlete, and threw himself into the embrace of the earth without hesitation.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

A brilliant firework exploded on the ground.

And this brilliance, from the brilliant blood flowers blooming in the eyes of the Japanese Navy, it was only 30 seconds later.

If you kill my brother, I will kill you!

This is the battlefield.

So far, the arrogant Japanese naval aviation has paid a heavy price.

But this is not the end.

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