Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 403: Audacious (Double monthly tickets at the end of the month, please vote!)

For a bullet at a distance of 500 meters, it may only take half a second for the person to die before the sound arrives!

But for a mortar shell, it takes a ‘long’ two or three seconds.

But that was still too fast for the reaction of Sano Torata and the drunk captain and several other Japanese soldiers who followed him after ‘taking off on the spot’.

It’s not that they didn’t hear the sound, but, with all their imagination, they could hardly believe that someone would move a cannon here.

Even if we don’t mention the 20,000 or 30,000 infantrymen who were temporarily resting in this wilderness, the 23rd Infantry Regiment, which was located at the front of the army and acted as a blade, had nearly 3,000 people.

If someone moved the cannon here, it would be almost like two gangsters were going to fight, but the opponent rushed over alone and arrogantly threw a pile of shit at the hundreds of heroes holding knives, guns, sticks and clubs who were ready for battle. Everyone had a face full of shit.

The damage was great, and the insult was even greater.

But obviously, the accurate shot fired by the Tang Dao caused much more damage than throwing a pile of poop.

"So, the power of the mortar is so great!" When Sano Torata was flying in the air, the last thought that flashed through his mind was a little strange even to himself.

Perhaps, this is also the normal reaction of humans after trying new things!

In addition to the Japanese army colonel who "took off on the spot", the Japanese captain with a red face and a body full of alcohol, there were four guards and two Japanese army second lieutenant squad leaders who ran from a distance to receive the colonel's lecture. All were caught in the fragments of the 3.8 kg grenade.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield for a few days, just looking at their bloody bodies, without touching their pulses or measuring their heartbeats, knows that these big guys and small guys have almost no need to be rescued, and they are absolutely dead.

The Chinese mortar may have limited destructive power against fortifications, but it is very lethal to infantry. It is almost impossible for anyone to survive within a radius of 3 meters from the impact point.

What's even more terrible is that when the shells flew over, several Japanese officers still stood straight like pine trees, with a full sense of iron-blooded soldiers.

Then, there was only blood to be shed.

The panicked Japanese infantrymen still didn't give up, and frantically pressed the first aid kits on their superiors.

Unfortunately, a group of Japanese officers and non-commissioned officers had already been blown into rag dolls by the more crazy flying shrapnel, and Sano Torata, who took off on the spot, had half of his head cut off by a shrapnel.

This also reminded the Japanese infantrymen who survived by chance that they had to wear helmets even when sleeping in the future, just in case another shell flew over!

"Enemy attack!" The bright bonfire was splashed everywhere by the air wave, and the faces of the anxious and sad Japanese infantrymen were even more like ghosts.

His Excellency the regiment commander is dead! The squadron leader is dead! The squad leader is also dead! This is definitely an unimaginable nightmare for the surrounding Japanese infantrymen.

But the nightmare is still not over.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The continuous gunshots were like the sickle of the god of death, and the panicked Japanese soldiers fell in the flickering fire.

In less than half a minute of shooting, more than 10 Japanese soldiers fell in the area.

Without the gunshots, just looking at the scene of casualties, it was like a large-scale attack by the Chinese.

But what shocked the experienced Japanese infantrymen was that it was not caused by continuous machine gun shooting, but pure rifles.

Several colleagues who fell had actually made tactical evasive actions, but none of them were spared. The enemy's shooting accuracy hiding in the dark made these veterans who were confident that they could kill moving targets at a distance of 300 meters mistakenly think that this was just a nightmare.

This is because they have not yet found that the location of the Tang sword is 500 meters away from them, otherwise, these Japanese infantrymen who have always claimed to be the world's first army will definitely doubt Risheng.

However, after a brief panic, they finally found the main reason why the opponent could accurately kill them in the dark.

Bonfires scattered everywhere.

Their earthy yellow figures were illuminated in the darkness like a bunch of that thing, which was very conspicuous.

"The enemy is in the southeast direction, grenade launcher, find his specific position, fire grenades, and kill him." The Japanese sergeant hiding in the grass gnashed his teeth and roared.

The grenade launcher soldier who also hid his body in the dark wanted to roll his eyes at his superior at that moment, and throw the grenade launcher at the same time.

So many people were killed to know the approximate direction, but what is the specific distance? Do you think this little barrel is an artillery cluster! You can do it, you come!

An infantry squad was suppressed to death by one or several guns, and they didn't even dare to show their heads, and only dared to shoot randomly in the general direction.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the Japanese infantry to finally realize the benefits of strength in numbers.

The patrol team located more than 100 meters outside the infantry squadron camp finally realized that their camp was attacked.

Several flares were fired towards the darkness in the distance.

In the bright light of the flares falling slowly, the Japanese soldiers who dared not look up easily saw a guy covered with grass, carrying a long gun and a large cannon on his shoulders. He nimbly dodged the machine rifle bullets and jumped down the hill with his long legs.

He ran away.

That speed was like a wild boar being hunted.

The Japanese soldiers were stunned.

It was not that the opponent was too agile, but that it meant that only one person attacked them?

One person, carrying a gun and a cannon?

Who are you kidding!

Mitsuru Ushijima, who was awakened by an urgent telegram in the middle of the night, also thought so.

Of course, his focus was not on the number of attackers, but that he, like his rival Tokutaro Sakai, also lost an infantry regiment commander of the main regiment.

"Colonel Torata Sano was attacked and killed? How is this possible? Were they ambushed by the Chinese because they were greedy for merit?" Mitsuru Ushijima took the telegram sent by the regiment headquarters of the 23rd Infantry Regiment and asked the lieutenant colonel chief of staff who sent him the telegram.

Perhaps, in the mind of this Japanese Army major general, he could accept that the Chinese used tactics to ambush and cause the colonel commander of his own regiment to die.

After all, in that case, his army could hold on to the main force of China, and the dead army colonel would not have died in vain.

Unfortunately, the lieutenant colonel chief of staff gave him the answer: "Colonel Torata Sano was ambushed by the Chinese at night!"

"Damn it, when did the Chinese artillery range become so far?" Mitsuru Ushijima stared with his eyes wide open, incredulous.

"The Chinese fired artillery about 500 meters away from the camp! According to the report in the telegram of the 23rd Infantry Regiment, the attacker was one person!" The lieutenant colonel chief of staff answered with some difficulty.

"One person?"

Ushijima Mitsuru's face turned from red to blue and then black. Those who didn't know him would think he was a spy from China.

Even the authentic Sichuan Opera face-changing didn't change as fast as his!

"Baga! Shame, this is the shame of the Imperial Army!" Ushijima Mitsuru's roar spread far away in the silent night, like a wounded wild boar howling.

"I know, it's that Chinese, the Chinese who attacked the division commander! Order the 23rd Infantry Regiment to find that Chinese at all costs, whether dead or alive, I will peel off his skin and make a lantern to hang in my military tent." The Japanese Army Major General, who was walking back and forth in the field tent like a trapped beast, suddenly had an idea and classified the two attackers as one person.

Although one used a gun and the other used a cannon, the daring pattern was the same.

Even if it was not one person, it must be one person, as long as he could be found and killed.

Don't tell me, the furious Ushijima Mitsuru guessed right this time.

In the midst of the heavy encirclement of the Japanese army, he successfully sniped an army lieutenant general and escaped, and dared to shoot a Japanese colonel with thousands of troops in the dark. In addition to Tang Dao, the king of individual soldiers from the future, the millions of Chinese and Japanese troops gathered in Songhu really couldn't find another person.

However, although it was known that Tang Dao, the sneak attacker, was bolder than ordinary people could imagine, Ushijima Mitsuru still underestimated Tang Dao's courage.

In the daytime battlefield, the Japanese army became the king of this land with superior forces and artillery clusters, but in the dark

Tang Dao was the spokesperson of the god of death.

Even in order to pursue him, the awakened 23rd Infantry Regiment not only had all its members on alert, but also sent out an infantry squadron to pursue from three sides.

An infantry squad was in the middle, chasing Tang Dao along his escape route, and the other two infantry squads were a hundred meters apart, ready to encircle him on both wings at any time.

Each infantry squad was no more than 10 meters apart, and the nearly 200 Japanese infantry formed a huge net.

The Tang Dao that took the heavy mortar with it while fleeing was like a fat and heavy fish in the eyes of the Japanese army, and sooner or later it would become their fat prey...

ps: Double monthly tickets will be issued at the end of the month, dear book friends, Fengyue depends on your support for the last three days. Also, book friends who want to join the group, please join the second group, the first group is full, and it has not yet been upgraded to a group of thousands. It is estimated that it will be upgraded by November, and everyone can join.

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