Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 434: Bah in your face!

The cavalry suffered heavy losses, but gained a lot.

The remains of nearly 50 people who died in the battle were found and brought back, and six heavy 96-type 25mm machine guns were also dragged back by the carriages they found on the scene.

The 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade seemed to be the strategic support force of the Japanese army, but in fact it was just that, far from the level of mechanization of Western countries. The 150 heavy artillery was basically dragged by pack horses, and the shells were also transported by small carriages.

Therefore, when the cavalry returned, they also brought back more than 30 pack horses and a dozen carts, which were just right for transporting the wounded.

The infantry over there had already started the attack.

The 150 howitzer was indeed powerful and could cause a large number of casualties to the Japanese troops in the position, but it was unknown when they could kill them all with shells.

Moreover, the Japanese troops in the position probably knew that they might die faster if they left this position, and they just held on and did not collapse. Their tenacious will made the Chinese soldiers who gradually moved towards the position have to admit that this was a headache opponent.

However, after their most important firepower, the six Type 96 machine guns, were destroyed one by one by the 150mm howitzers and accurate mortars that relied purely on lethality, they were no longer able to stop the attack of nearly two infantry companies.

The four infantry squads of the Fourth Battalion that were involved in the charge had submachine guns and Mauser pistols. Although Guo Shouzhi's Guard Battalion's First Company was slightly inferior in the number of submachine guns and Mauser pistols, its firepower was almost the same as that of the Fourth Battalion.

It can be said that the more than 400 Japanese troops led by Komura Hisashi encountered the most elite Chinese army in the entire southeast battlefield, whether in terms of equipment, will or tactical skills.

The Tang Dao infantry squad is basically 15 people. Except for the light machine guns and grenade launchers that were assigned to the squad to provide fire support for their companions outside the position, the remaining twelve people, including the squad leader, marched in groups of three.

Tang Dao didn't have much time to explain to them the three-three system tactics that would be fully formed in the Northern Snowstorm War. He just told them that no matter charging or defending, they should trust their comrades, and only care about their own direction, leaving the two flanks to their comrades.

The soldiers of the Guard Battalion had already tasted the sweetness of this three-person grouping in the street fighting in Songjiang, which greatly reduced their burden of observing the battlefield comprehensively and focusing on dealing with the enemy in front. If one person was attacked, the other two would quickly rescue and attack the enemy.

Not to mention the soldiers of the Four-Line Battalion, their training intensity was stronger than that of the 67th Army and the 43rd Army, and they fought bloody battles in Songhu for two months. They knew how to save their lives better than anyone else, and they knew how to kill better than most people here.

With such a group of elites rushing into the position like wolves and tigers, the fate of the Japanese army can be imagined.

Whether they wanted to run or resist, they would basically die, and there was no second choice.

As the 2nd Company under Zhuang Shisan also rushed into the position closely, the Japanese army was already doomed.

I don't know how many Japanese soldiers died under the guns of Chinese soldiers. The Type 38 rifle would be swept down by a volley of bullets after firing almost one shot, and then it would be stabbed down by a long gun without mercy.

This is a battlefield, there is no mercy.

Tang Dao issued a military order before the war. He didn't want to see any Japanese who had the right to breathe except the Chinese.

This is Chinese land, even the air is Chinese.

Of course, the Japanese army is also tenacious. Even on such a battlefield where they are bound to lose, they still go forward one after another. Without guns, they hang a circle of grenades and rush over as running bombs.

Lei Xiong emptied the bullets of the submachine gun in his hand in one breath, and shot a strong Japanese soldier with his chest exposed into a sieve. He didn't even have time to lie down, and was thrown over by the air wave caused by the Japanese army that suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist eight meters away.

"Damn it, why are the devils here so stubborn?" As brave as Lei Xiong was, he couldn't help but sweat on his forehead and spit out a foul smell.

Fortunately, his intuition was wrong just now. He did not choose to use his best fighting to kill the Japanese who rushed over, but shot them without mercy. Otherwise, he would definitely be blown up by the several melon grenades hung on the Japanese.

"Everyone, do not fight the Japanese hand-to-hand at will, use guns to kill them." Lei Xiong, who was glad that he was not impulsive, spit out the sand in his mouth and passed down the order.

But this did not stop the casualties of Chinese soldiers. A person who wants to die will not be defeated by bullets so easily.

This is not only useful for Chinese soldiers, but also for Japanese.

At least ten people were killed or injured in the crazy suicide counterattack of the Japanese army.

The Chinese soldiers, whose eyes were red from the casualties of their companions, responded to their opponents with more fierce bullets. Whether they were alive or dead, even if they were lying still, they would be tempted by bullets.

The Japanese soldiers who were seriously injured and fell to the ground pretending to be dead and tried to make a profit by pulling two and one, had no chance to secretly throw grenades.

The sudden explosion of corpses, flying in the air in pieces, was nothing new on this battlefield.

But obviously, the desperate counterattack of the Japanese was successful.

That was also the battlefield where the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade held out the longest in the entire battle. After being hit by a 150mm howitzer and three mortars, it still held out for 20 minutes.

It was not until Li Jiujin personally led an infantry squad to attack a trench at the rear of the position, threw more than a dozen grenades in succession, and killed all seven or eight Japanese soldiers hiding in the deep trenches with pistols, that the Chinese soldiers perhaps found out the reason why the Japanese soldiers in this position fought so desperately.

They were basically all captain-level officers. One of them was a short and fat man who was blown to pieces and still held a command knife before dying. He was actually an army colonel.

That should be the highest commander of the Japanese army in this position.

The army colonel obviously didn't expect that he would be killed by the grenades thrown by the Chinese like raindrops without even having a chance to fight with a knife. According to his expectation, he could at least swing the sharp saber in his hand a few times.

Otherwise, why would his eyes be so round and round, and he looked so unwilling at a glance.

"Damn it, why is he only a colonel in the army, not a major general?" Li Jiujin grumbled with regret while "grabbing" the command knife from the dead body.

It's not "grabbing" it! Even if the dead colonel was dead, that hand was tightly holding the handle of the knife. Li Jiujin pulled it twice but couldn't pull it out. In anger, he simply chopped off the dead man's fingers with a bayonet, and finally got the colonel-level command knife out in the blood.

Old soldiers don't know that although many Japanese officers like to carve chrysanthemum patterns on their knife handles, not everyone dares to carve the royal family emblem "Sixteen Petals Eight-fold Chrysanthemum" on the knife handle.

That is only the sword that the emperor bestowed on senior generals of the navy and army, or the sword used to motivate the most loyal ministers.

Although Komura Hisashi is already a middle- and senior-level officer in the Japanese army, he is still far from being a general-level officer like mud looking up at the clouds.

Obviously, he is a minister.

Of course, very close. As a classmate and friend of this generation of Japanese emperors, Komura Hisashi, who graduated from the artillery college, was promoted to the rank of army colonel in his thirties. It won't be long before he will be promoted to the rank of general officer. Even Sumida Raishiro was usually polite to his subordinate and never criticized him harshly.

It's a pity that the classmate and friend of His Majesty the Japanese emperor died quietly in the cold mud in southeastern China.

However, death does not mean the end of the nightmare.

A Chinese army second lieutenant is cutting off his fingers in the most rude way to take out the command knife he is proud of.

Li Jiujin doesn't understand the royal emblem, but the Type 94 saber is still very sharp.

After the war, we don't want anything, just this captured saber, the battalion commander will definitely agree to me. Li Jiujin wiped the blood on the handle of the knife on the short and fat colonel's military uniform and inserted it into his belt, secretly thinking of "lining his own pockets".

"Ahem, ugh! "There was a lot of dust in his throat, and the old soldier coughed up phlegm out of habit, and spat it on the face of the dead Japanese colonel.

"Damn it, you dare to stare at me even after you die, am I a bluff? Brothers, let's go and continue to fight the devils, and try to get a Japanese sword for everyone to play with!" The old soldier excitedly led his soldiers into the darkness.

"Let's go! "The soldiers were all very excited.

Even Buddha could not resist the temptation of making a fortune, let alone these illiterate soldiers.

If they knew that in the future, the Type 94 saber that Li Jiujin had inserted in his belt would be worth more than 500,000 yuan, they would be even more motivated.

The Japanese officer with a saber on his waist was a walking golden baby! If you put all the equipment in the future China, it would be a house.

I, your grandfather, saved a house for you when I was young! Tell your future grandson a story with this, and he will love it, even if it is for the house.

There was only a mess and the bodies of the Japanese soldiers lying around, and the Japanese army colonel staring at the sky with an unwilling look.

In addition, there was a mouthful of thick phlegm on his face.

"Puh in your face!" This is the answer of the Chinese soldiers to the invaders.

This time it really happened.

It is said that the Japanese lieutenant who was responsible for collecting the bodies after the war did not dare to report it to his superiors, for fear that a certain emperor would be furious after knowing this fact.

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