Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 438: The Sorrow of the Giant Wave

Although the Japanese army was full of confidence, they did not blindly launch an infantry charge immediately.

They still used firepower suppression to the best of their ability before the infantry charge.

The ammunition belts swept by 24 heavy machine guns hit the fresh soil dug out on the trenches more than 1,000 meters wide on the other side of the stream. There was no smoke and dust, but the soil was splashing.

At least 30 grenade launchers were gathered and fired four rounds in a row. Hundreds of grenades blew the quiet Chinese positions into a mess.

Even for all the Japanese infantrymen who were crawling only more than 100 meters away from the Chinese positions, they could clearly see the human remains blown away by the grenades that just fell into the trenches.

"Squad leader, my leg, my leg is gone, help me find my leg." In the trench, a Chinese soldier pressed his leg that was completely broken and exposed the hideous wound, and screamed in panic.

Even though they were ready to face death, the soldiers still collapsed emotionally when the pain came.

The body and hair are given by parents, and almost no one can watch their limbs being lost like that. They are soldiers, but also ordinary people.

"Aniu, don't move, don't move, everyone is looking for you." The old soldier on the side took off his clothes, knelt in the trench with sweat on his forehead, and asked someone to wrap the wound of the broken leg that people dared not look directly with military uniforms, and quickly wrapped the thigh with a belt.

There were flesh and bones exposed there, and there were white strips, which were the tendons of the human body, and substances such as ligaments in the future.

The old soldier had experienced countless battlefields, and naturally he was not scared by the terrible wound, but he knew very well that if he did not wrap the wound tightly and strangle the femoral artery with a belt, his soldiers would die of massive blood loss before the wound became infected.

"I want my legs, I can't be without legs! How can I farm without legs! My father and mother are waiting for me to go back and take care of them in their old age!" The soldier cried like a child who had suffered a great injustice.

Looking up at the sky, the wounded soldier's eyes were filled with despair.

"Aniu, don't panic. Your father and mother are taken care of by the brothers. Your family's land is also taken care of by me and the brothers." The old soldier felt miserable and comforted his emotionally broken soldier softly.

He knew that what his brothers were really afraid of was not losing their legs and becoming disabled, or even dying, but that no one would take care of their parents at home.

Aniu was an only child with two younger sisters. He joined the army not for national hatred or family feuds, but simply to make more money to support his family.

After three years in the army, because he was young and strong and willing to endure hardships, he was transferred from an ordinary infantry unit to the division headquarters guard battalion. A few months ago, he asked someone to take a letter to his parents in his hometown, saying that he had been promoted and could get an extra dollar a month, asking his parents not to treat him badly, and to buy some flowered cloth for his two younger sisters to make flowered cotton jackets during the Chinese New Year.

However, with the advent of war, all the dreams of this ordinary soldier were shattered. Even if he could survive, his simplest wish of farming to support his parents in their old age could not be realized without a leg.

"Really? Squad leader, don't lie to me." A glimmer of hope flashed in the soldier's desperate eyes.

"I swear to God, if I, Feng Daxian, can live, your Zeng Aniu's parents are my Feng Daxian's parents, not only you, but also the parents of all the brothers in the squad. If you break this oath, God will punish you with five thunders." The voice of the sergeant squad leader who hugged his soldiers tightly at that moment even drowned out the sound of the Japanese army's crazy grenade explosions and heavy machine gun bullets whizzing over their heads.

That was the promise of comrades.

Promised before the war, promised again during the war.

Because parents thousands of miles away are worried about their children, and how can children not worry about their parents?

The Chinese people's concern for blood ties is the most important foundation for the continuation of the Yellow River civilization for 5,000 years.

"Then I'm relieved, squad leader, let me sleep for a while, and it won't hurt when I fall asleep." The soldier who had entrusted the biggest hidden worry in his heart completely put his mind at ease, his eyelids drooped, and he whispered softly.

The old soldier's heart suddenly hurt, and it hurt so much that it was digging his heart and liver. As a veteran with rich combat experience, he knew that this was a manifestation of excessive blood loss. It was not that he was sleepy, but that a large amount of blood loss caused his brain to be severely hypoxic.

This sleep is a deep sleep, and he will never wake up again in this life.

The old soldier can wake up the soldier who is about to fall asleep and let him hold on for a while until the medical team in the rear comes up.

But what can he do? On such a battlefield, can the medical team solve his blood loss?


The final outcome is that his brother will lie alone in the wild, suffering great pain, and swallow his last breath alone.

"Sleep! Aniu, you won't feel pain when you fall asleep." The old soldier chose to hug the soldier and whispered in the gunfire.

He also knew that his brother, whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker, could no longer hear.

He looked up at the sky, but there were no stars twinkling in it. The dark clouds were deep, and tears flowed along the corners of his eyes, leaving two clear traces on his face covered with smoke and dust.

But this was the only thing the veteran could do, to use the warmth of his chest to accompany him to sleep.

On the battlefield full of artillery fire.

"Aniu, your leg, your leg! I found it." The soldier who had the best relationship with Aniu in the infantry squad rolled and crawled, and sent the half-broken leg that had been blown away from the trench more than ten meters away.

However, what greeted him were two people who were frozen like statues.

The veteran squad leader hugged the soldier with a broken leg tightly.

The soldier with a broken leg was silent.

"Aniu, I found your leg! You are so nice, come and talk to me!" The soldier fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

"Why are you crying!" The expressionless old soldier stared at him fiercely. "If you want to cry, wait until we are all dead."

Turning his head to listen to the movement outside the position, his eyes flashed with a ferocious luster, "The heavy machine gun shooting of the devils is decreasing, and the grenade throwing is becoming sparse. The infantry is about to charge. Everyone, get ready for me, beat him up, two magazines per person, throw grenades to me after they are all used up."

The old soldier's judgment was correct.

In order to prevent accidental injuries to their own people, the 24 heavy machine guns at the back gradually stopped firing, and less than half of the grenade launchers were still throwing. Killing has become secondary. Its main purpose is to form gunpowder smoke in front of the Chinese position to make its vision worse and cover the infantry's charge.

"Kill the chicken!" The roars of the Japanese front-line commanders were even heard in the Chinese trenches.

The muffled sound of the Japanese army's heavy leather boots hitting the ground even overwhelmed the explosion of the grenade at that moment, making people's scalps numb.

It was a charge of nearly 800 people, and even on the 1,500-meter-long defense line, it seemed dense.

Under the reflection of the afterglow of the flares, a Japanese soldier with a bayonet rifle could be seen almost every 5 meters.

From 150 meters away, the Japanese army entered a full-speed charge.

If nothing unexpected happened, they would be able to rush to the Chinese position in 25 seconds.

The tip of the bayonet flashed coldly in the white light, showing the determination and courage of the Japanese army's attack.

The Chinese side continued to remain silent.

As if they had never existed.

In the field 600 meters behind the Japanese army, two majors clenched their palms at the same time.

They believed in the bravery of their subordinates, but they also knew the tenacity of their opponents. In the past six days, although the opponents were embarrassed, they also made them headache.

How will the opponent respond to their fierce punch?

Silence is more terrifying than the response of fierce rain of bullets.

Their battlefield intuition reminds them that perhaps what awaits them is not what they want to see.

However, it is hard to reverse what has been done.

The battlefield does not allow for looking back and forth.

The two Japanese Army majors, who were so nervous that their faces were stiff, hated their intuition.

It was really an incomparable torment.

During the period when the Japanese infantry rushed a hundred meters.

But when the flames began to splash on the Chinese position, large groups of Japanese soldiers fell down, and the earth-yellow color that was bravely moving forward was like a huge wave hitting the reef, and could only roll back.

The two Japanese majors knew what real pain was.

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