Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 448 Heartbroken Major

The completely cruel attack method was an extremely torturous process for the officers and soldiers of both China and Japan.

The Japanese army was not without cowardice. Some people broke down emotionally on the battlefield where their companions were injured and died one after another, and their flesh and blood were bloody. They turned around and fled frantically.

But the Japanese infantry squadron leader at the rear was extremely ruthless under the death threat issued by Masane Kanda.

The two light machine guns erected in front of the last wave of infantry did not become suppressive firepower to support the infantry, but were specifically used to kill deserters who dared to escape from the front line.

The Japanese infantry turned around and fled no more than twenty meters before they were mowed down by their colleagues from behind with machine guns.

"Anyone who disobeys military orders and leaves the battlefield without authorization will be treated as a deserter!" the Japanese captain shouted in the darkness with blood-red eyes.

To advance is to die, and to retreat is also to be accused of being a deserter. Not only will the pension not be obtained, but the family will be humiliated. The Japanese army, which has completely cut off their retreat, can only grit their teeth and move forward.

Some fired a few shots at the figures in the Chinese trenches illuminated by flares, and were knocked down by the crazy rain of bullets; some only threw a grenade, and were splashed by delay grenades thrown from above. The pieces exploded into a sieve.

Just ten minutes.

The Japanese troops laid out nearly a hundred corpses on both sides of the attack positions.

That's the full strength of nearly two infantry squads.

However, their deaths are not meaningless.

Japanese grenades are not very powerful, but the flying shrapnel can also bring the cold death.

The guard battalion led by Major Scar was already the elite of the 108th Division. All members were equipped with steel helmets, but they could not stop the nearly fifty grenades thrown by the Japanese within 20 meters within ten minutes.

More than 60% of the soldiers in the front-line positions were injured or killed by fragments from the explosion of Japanese melon grenades.

"The third squadron is stationed in the frontline trenches. Come with me to replace your Platoon Leader Zhou and the brothers from the first squadron and the second squadron." Major Scar watched helplessly as only five or six figures were still shaking in the frontline trenches in front of him. He was in pain. The final decision was made.

This is the last reserve unit in his hands. Investing in this infantry squad means that he has no more strength left.

Being forced to devote the last effort was not the main reason that made the Army Major's heart bleed, but the two infantry squads! It only took ten minutes to consume almost all of it.

If he continued playing at this pace, in ten minutes at most, his rows would be finished.

Not just one row.

The second row located on the side position, based on the intensity of gunfire sound, the intensity of the attack they encountered was probably not weaker than here. The intensity of the Japanese attack on the three platoons on the other side may not be as strong as on these two sides, but even Major Scar, the battalion commander, did not dare to withdraw troops from them.

The principle is the same as in Songjiang City. Even though the Japanese over there are not as willing to attack as the two sides, you don't know when they will evolve into a strong attack. Maybe, they will wait for the moment when your troops are empty.

An infantry company may not last half an hour.

Major Scar led the last 13-man guard squad under his command and rushed into the front-line trench along the traffic trench.

Looking around, the trenches were full of fallen dark gray military uniforms, which made my heart even more painful.

The soldiers didn't care about this and entered the vacant fighting positions one after another, shooting downwards.

The major bent down and pulled them one by one. If there were still any survivors, they would be taken to the second line of trenches behind them.

Although he didn't know the final outcome of this battle, at least he couldn't let his brothers be blown up by grenades that fell into the trench while they were still breathing.

However, he was disappointed. He tried to pull ten people in succession, but all of them were weak and unresponsive.

Here, there are no wounded. As long as they can still move, they will continue to fight until they are hit by shrapnel again or until a wound that cannot be blocked leaves the blood in the body empty.

The Japanese retreat or die, and the Chinese also retreat or perish, just like two bulls with red eyes in a bullring. If they still want to live and breathe preciously, they have to kill each other.

"Where's your platoon leader?" Major Scar pulled over a soldier who was crawling over and digging through the bodies of his comrades in search of magazines. "Let him take you to carry the wounded to the back first!"

"Wounded?" The soldier raised his head and looked at his livid-faced battalion commander. Under the cold white light of the flare, the soldier's face, darkened by gunpowder smoke, showed a trace of sadness. "There are wounded here and there. The platoon leader said that anyone who can breathe must fight against the Japanese."

"You bastard, Chow Tai Fook is a bitch, you are so reckless!" Major Scar almost lost his temper. "Go and find me the idiot Chow Tai Fook!"

Tears flashed in the soldier's eyes and he pointed not far away: "Platoon leader, where are you!"

Where the soldier pointed, no one was fighting, but there was a figure wearing clothes and sitting quietly in the trench with his legs crossed.

Is this an injury? Major Scar's heart skipped a beat. He bent down and walked quickly for a few meters. Then, his figure suddenly froze.

The person sitting was covered with blood on his head and face. He couldn't recognize who he was at all. He didn't have his legs crossed, but both legs were missing. A military uniform covered his chest, and he was so quiet. Leaning against the earthen wall of the trench.

Extremely quiet!

The battlefield where the fierce fighting was still taking place seemed to be unable to disturb him.

Trembling, Major Scar pulled open the military uniform covering his chest, revealing the rank of second lieutenant on the collar of the uniform that had been blackened by smoke.

Tears suddenly overflowed from Major Scar's eyes.

If it wasn't for his military rank that made him certain, how could he believe that the one-meter-long remains in front of him were the platoon leader of the sharp knife platoon of his guard camp, the tall Northeastern man who was nearly 1.8 meters tall!

He shouldn't die here, at least, not so quickly! He was the pacesetter in the entire 108th Division's competition, especially his marksmanship, which was the best in the entire guard battalion. He had just been promoted from sergeant squad leader to second lieutenant in less than half a year.

"The platoon leader died for the brothers. In order to increase the lethality, the Japanese tied several grenades with ropes and threw them together. The platoon leader got down on him out of desperation for the sake of the two brothers next to him." The soldiers on the side couldn't help crying. Own.

No wonder the 1.8-meter-tall tall man turned into a "dwarf". No wonder his soldiers wrapped his chest with military uniforms.

Because, they were all blown up!

Major Scar gritted his teeth and gently re-covered the military uniform of his sharp knife platoon leader. His eyes were filled with blood. After a long while, he roared in a low voice: "Go, pass my order, everyone, bring the brothers with you." , retreat to the second-line trenches!”

"What?" The soldier thought there was something wrong with his ears and stared at his battalion commander, dumbfounded.

"What are you still doing? Go notify everyone, take the brothers, and evacuate to the second-line trenches for me!" Major Scar suddenly yelled.

"Yo Xi! The Chinese are finally weak." A trace of relief finally appeared on the cold face of the Japanese captain who received the news from the front. "Order the front to continue the attack, and the 3rd Infantry Team will send two teams to support!"

At this point, a Japanese infantry squadron has deployed 150 troops on the position faced by Major Scar.

He had less than 20 soldiers under his command, and the Japanese army captain opposite also had only an infantry squad of 15 people.

Some soldiers provided fire cover, and some soldiers were responsible for carrying the bodies and a few two or three wounded. The front-line trenches were finally abandoned.

The Japanese army finally broke into the trenches after testing several times.

Although there was no one there, that was the result they had spent dozens of people trying to achieve.

"Onboard!" the Japanese soldiers cheered and rushed into the trenches.

As many as 70 Japanese soldiers rushed into the 50-meter-wide trench. The other two infantry detachments entered the battlefield late and advanced towards the battlefield while being shot by Chinese soldiers from time to time.

"Since you like grenades so much, let me give you a taste of the power of large grenades!" Major Scar in the second-line trench looked at the Japanese troops about to move 30 meters away with cold eyes.

There were seven or eight large bags tied with ropes at his feet, with a lot of fresh soil on them, which seemed to have been dug out of the earth.

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