Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 469: Tea is wasted lately!

The muzzles of six 150-meter heavy artillery pieces were raised high in the direction of the blocking position 6 kilometers away under the control of Japanese artillery.

Yes, although what Tang Dao said before was to let Japanese soldiers serve as instructors and teach Chinese officers and soldiers to control artillery, the bottom line is this

Just like a woman's underwear, even that thing has been torn off, so you can rub it if you insist.

When Tang Dao asked Tantai Mingyue to set up the camera and take a clear picture of a group of Japanese soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Akiichi Komura standing in front of the 150 howitzer, the Japanese artillerymen were completely honest.

Chinese soldiers don't need artificial hands, it's more convenient for them to do the surgery themselves.

Looking at their hard work, Tang Dao even felt that it was a waste of manpower to arrange two sets of machine guns and an infantry squad in front of each cannon to guard them.

From Komura Mingichi's perspective, Tang Dao is a devil.

It wasn't because of the cold-blooded killings. The killings alone were not enough to make more than a hundred artillerymen surrender collectively.

The scariest thing about the devil is that he completely grasps people's hearts. He swears to God in the name of his parents and nation that he will definitely let them leave this position. What gave the Japanese artillerymen hope to survive? Secondly, preserving their images and data is a mass surrender of the Japanese soldiers. The main reason why the soldiers didn't dare to be cunning at all.

They could artificially adjust the various units of the artillery so that the friendly forces about to be bombarded would not suffer such heavy losses, but the devil, who was cold-blooded and good at grasping people's hearts, told them that he had artillerymen with field radios left there. Observer, if the bombardment is not effective, the photos of everyone here will be published on the covers of major newspapers and magazines in China.

Each of their names and positions will also be attached to each photo.

This is so diabolical.

That means that the fate of all the family members of the more than one hundred artillerymen of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade here is in his hands.

As for how Tang Dao obtained the information such as name and position, it is even more simple and crude.

The more than 160 remaining Japanese soldiers who finally chose to surrender were asked to find acquaintances and form teams in twos. If no acquaintances were found, in Tang Dao's terms, it would be a pity, indicating that Amaterasu wanted him to keep company.

The Japanese soldiers who completed the team were separated and asked to tell the name and position of their companions as well as their own within one minute. If one piece of information did not match, both of them died.

Those who can speak Chinese will naturally use Chinese, and those who cannot speak Chinese can only pray that the memory of the Chinese soldiers responsible for listening to them will not be deviated.

Did anyone die in vain? Must have.

But the Japanese artillerymen who were already like good babies still had 106 people left.

However, leaving behind images and names was not the main reason why this group of Japanese artillerymen, headed by Second Lieutenant Akiichi Komura, worked so hard.

Rather, the famous abyssal psychology.

If a seaman at the beach catches one crab, he will definitely cover it with a bamboo basket, but if there are a group of crabs, there is no need to cover it.

Because one crab will climb up and escape. If there are two or more crabs, no matter which one wants to climb up, the others will stretch out their claws to pull it down.

Crabs are like this, what will happen to humans who are far more intelligent than them? The truth of the matter is, even worse.

For this group of Japanese artillerymen, what brought them to such a situation was no longer the Chinese with live ammunition beside them, but their former infantry colleagues.

If it weren’t for their incompetence, how could these noble technical soldiers have fallen to this point? Being slaughtered by the Chinese like chickens is not included. Even the fate of the family is controlled by the Chinese.

We have degenerated and become traitors to the empire. Then you incompetent people can't even think about it. You will rot in the land of the Chinese people!

Standing dozens of meters away in the dark wilderness, looking at the bright fire from a distance, Komura Mingichi even shouted orders slightly nervously because of excitement. The Japanese artillery under his command fired heavy weapons one by one with steam on their heads. The moment thirty kilograms of shells were stuffed into the barrel of the cannon and he excitedly pulled the bolt to eject the shells, even though Tang Dao was a master of psychology, even though he was the initiator of all this, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

The human heart is indeed the most terrifying thing in the world.

A smooth and warm hand quietly grasped Tang Dao's thick palm.

Tang Dao tilted his head, and Tantai Mingyue, who was standing side by side with him in the night wind, showed tenderness in his eyes.

Tang Dao tightened his palms and held Wen Nu tightly.

His heart was also calmer than before.

No matter how difficult it is, I have to fight because of my brother and because of her!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The six heavy artillery pieces, under the control of the Japanese troops, continued to fire shells towards distant areas in the night sky.

A man and a woman stood at the source of the deadly 'meteor', looking up and watching the meteor streak through the sky and rush to the battlefield.

That is its destiny.

The lives destroyed by it are also fate.

The men and women standing side by side with their hands clasped, because of love and because of comrades, stand at the place where the meteor originated, with a silent understanding.

She was telling him: You are the commander, and I will not distract you when you fight, but I hope you know that I will always be by your side until the end of my life.

He was also answering her: I will not die, and neither will you, nor will we, nor will China.

The gentleness of women and the determination of men stand in the night wind of southeast China.

The signalman Erya behind them had a face full of joy. It was the first time that his ruthless superior on the battlefield was so gentle and held the girl's hand. The signalman suddenly remembered that his superior, who was already a lieutenant colonel in the army, was just a young man in his early twenties.

Young people, of course, will be happy in sweet love.

However, except for the signalman himself, no one can see the slight loss in the signalman's eyes.

Of course, the signalman who raised his head again, like his superior and reporter Mingyue, had eyes full of joy.

The six roaring heavy artillery also told all the soldiers of the advance regiment here that they could send the Japanese to hell without using their chests and bodies to fight against the Japanese army's devastating artillery fire.

Such a battle would not be too much if it happened ten or a hundred times.

Before the battle started, Tang Dao had laid a hidden plan. The fire support company led by Pang Dahai not only had to use mortars and machine guns to provide fire support to the two guard battalions, but also had the important task of observing the battlefield and calculating coordinates.

The location and distance of the captured artillery had long been sent to Pang Dahai through the field radio. Pang Dahai, an experienced old artilleryman, had to calculate the coordinates relative to the Japanese position based on this and then return to the Tang Dao advance regiment headquarters.

Fortunately, Pang Dahai, the old artilleryman, was still alive. His experience made the calculated artillery coordinates still far off, but at least did not cause the first round of artillery to fall on the Chinese position.

Even if all the defenders were shrinking in the trenches at the moment, the power of the 30-kilogram artillery shells could not be defended by a mere trench.

The first round of artillery shells also did not fall on the Japanese position.

More than 18 shells fell two kilometers away from the left wing of the positions of both sides.

Looking at the fireball rising into the sky in the distance, Seto Uchida's face was three times uglier than the face of Colonel Masatane Kanda, who was dismissed as the front-line commander.

The Chinese actually seized the heavy artillery of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade.

What's more terrifying is that they actually tried to use this heavy artillery to bombard themselves.

Fortunately, the Chinese artillery level is not good, and it deviated by almost one or two kilometers.

'Baga! Retreat! '

This was not shouted by the wise and hardworking lieutenant colonel chief of staff of the 36th Infantry Brigade.

Instead, in a farmland where the artillery test deviated, the major infantry battalion commander who was ordered to bypass the left wing of the battlefield shouted at the top of his lungs after watching a small team guarding him being blown to ashes by a heavy artillery shell.

Yes, the main position of the Japanese army is safe and sound at the moment, but unfortunately, the Japanese infantry battalion with strong tactical execution happened to march to that area.

18 shells, that was really not wasted at all, at least an infantry squadron went to drink tea with their favorite Amaterasu.


Recently, tea is so wasted!

"It's off! It's off!" Pang Dahai was dancing and shouting at the telegraph operator in the trench. "According to my recalibrated coordinates, tell the battalion commander, all artillery, 6 rounds of rapid fire! Haha, bomb the hell out of him!"

"Damn, this fat guy is crazy! You have to calibrate a few more times? 6 rounds now?" Lu Sanjiang's forehead was sweating, and he quietly pushed his body into the trench again, and by the way, he pulled two pieces of cotton from his jacket to plug his ears.

Whether it was the deafening sound of the artillery or the crazy shouting of Pang Dahai, he didn't want to listen anymore.

The former is tedious to listen to, the latter is exhausting to listen to…

PS: Some book friends responded that the book “Ladder” I recommended last time cannot be searched. The author is ‘Kunhua’, and there is an old book called ‘Golden Age’ with 4,000 average subscriptions. If you want to read it, look for it. I wrote about love on a hot battlefield, and she wrote about love in the city of desire. The scenes are different, but true love is eternal! That’s it.

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