Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 476 The Sorrow of the Great River

Yes, Cheng Dahe survived.

Just before the Japanese army was about to attack, Major Scar knocked out the last soldier under his command and buried him in the soil that had been softened by the shells.

In order to keep him alive, Major Scar even used his own flesh and blood and the last few seriously injured soldiers as camouflage. He believed that as long as the Japanese still wanted to fight, they would not use such bloody craters as positions.

As for whether Cheng Dahe would be suffocated to death in the soil in a coma, or whether he would not be discovered by his comrades who attacked the hill again, that was not within Major Scar's consideration.

Letting him live for the time being, so that he would not die with him, was his last tactical arrangement as the battalion commander.

Major Scar succeeded. The last soldier of his sharp knife company survived tenaciously. The Japanese who were shocked by his flesh and blood bullets instinctively stayed away from the crater, which made them fail to find the soldiers buried shallowly in the soil. The soft soil also had enough gaps to provide oxygen to the soldiers who were in a coma to maintain their lives.

But surviving is not necessarily happier than dying, especially for such a young man who was the only one left in the army.

After experiencing the joy of finding a survivor, Major Stingy's forehead was also aching. Even he could not bear such a cruel blow, let alone a young man...

"Where is this!" The young soldier who was carried on a stretcher in the wilderness opened his eyes in a daze, turned his head to look at the dark gray around him, and asked.

"Captain Zhou, he's awake! He's awake!" The two soldiers responsible for carrying the stretcher were so excited that they shouted loudly.

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and Major Stingy came jogging all the way, followed by several lieutenants.

"Boy, you finally woke up. Let me tell you, we are on our way home. We will meet up with our main force in two hours!" Major Stingy was really gentle at this moment.

Even gentler than when he unbuttoned his wife's clothes on their wedding night.

"Sir, did we win this battle?" Cheng Dahe's eyes sparkled when he saw Lao Zhou.

"Of course, we not only won the battle, but also drove away the bastards of the 36th Infantry Brigade. Now there is no one to block our way. You sleep a little longer. We should return to the defense zone of our main force at dawn. It's okay." Major Stingy nodded fiercely and answered the little corporal.

"Then, where is the battalion commander? I remember he was on the battlefield with me, and there were several brothers!" Cheng Dahe shook his still dizzy head.

His memory was obviously still stuck at the moment before he fell into a coma. He even forgot that it was his battalion commander who knocked him out personally.

"Lao Zhao..." Major Stingy could only remain silent.

The officers and soldiers around him were silent.

Facing the only soldier who survived on the ‘Guling’ position, these iron-blooded soldiers who had experienced countless cruel battlefields could not tell the truth.

Because it was too cruel.

There were 150 people in a guard company, and he was the only one alive. From this moment on, all his familiar faces would not appear beside him.

There would be no more veteran squad leaders urging him to catch up with the main force, no more platoon leaders roaring and ordering the entire army to enter the position, and even the major battalion commander who stood in front of the entire battalion and told the group of young people that they would ‘defend the position to the death’ would no longer exist.

Because they are all dead.

A small mound of earth buried the responsibility of middle-aged people for life and the passion of young people. Regardless of family affection, love, and friendship, they all returned to dust and merged with the position they once guarded.

“How is the battalion commander? Is he seriously injured?” Seeing that there was no answer, Cheng Dahe couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, but he still had expectations in his heart.

In his last memory, he was with the battalion commander. If he could live, the battalion commander should also live.

After being hit hard, his brain completely lost the memory of Major Scar’s personal attack on him. It might be because of brain concussion, but it was more likely that he had selectively forgotten it.

Footsteps sounded.

"Commander Tang is here!" someone announced in a low roar.

Everyone stood in awe.

Like Major Scar and others, Tang Dao attached great importance to the only young soldier left on the hill position. As soon as he received the notice of his awakening, he came in person.

Because the living soldier no longer represents himself, he has become a flag and a spirit.

Disrespecting this flag and spirit is a blasphemy to the 200 people who died on the hill position.

Not to mention Tang Dao, even the three lieutenant generals of the army at the command center stood up collectively and saluted to the northwest of the hill after receiving the reason why Tang Dao would lead his troops to return one hour later.

It is easy to say the four words "fight to the death and never retreat", but it is really rare in this era to fight until there is not a single soldier left in the army.

Even ants are greedy for life, let alone the intelligent humans at the top of the food chain.

"They are all dead, your battalion commander, company commander, squad leader, and all the comrades on the hill position, all died." Tang Dao walked to Cheng Dahe who was still lying on the stretcher and answered him with a firm look. "You are the only one left. Your battalion commander knocked you out and buried you in the mud until we attacked the hill position again and found you."

"Are they all dead? Even the battalion commander is dead?" Cheng Dahe was stunned, his eyes suddenly widened and even tore the corners of his eyes, bleeding.

The medical staff beside him carefully wiped the blood off him with cotton cloth soaked in clean water, and the soldiers did not react at all, like clay sculptures.

The officers surrounding him couldn't bear to see his heartbroken look anymore, and they all looked away.

But no matter how cruel it is, people have to face the truth.

"I'm sorry, soldier, I know this is cruel, but you have to accept it, because you are already the last soldier of the first company of the 108th Division Guard Battalion. As long as you are alive, your company will still be there." Tang Dao continued. "Your 108th Division Commander has called my advance regiment headquarters and will draw the elite of the entire army to rebuild the Guard Battalion's Sharp Knife Company, and you will become the squad leader of the first squad of the first platoon of the Sharp Knife Company. Your comrades who have died in the battle will be jointly applied to the theater command by the 67th Army Headquarters, the 43rd Army Headquarters, and the 128th Division Headquarters for collective military merit. Each of them is eligible to receive a medal!"

"Soldier, your superiors left you behind in the hope that you would rebuild the Sharp Knife Company, and you have a heavy responsibility!" Tang Dao looked at Cheng Dahe, who was still as dumb as a chicken and bleeding from the corners of his eyes, and felt very sorry in his heart, but he could only say so.


The whole audience fell silent!

The light before the dawn in the sky was looming!

The dull and pale faces of the soldiers reflected under the torches looked a bit miserable!

"Kill! Kill the devils!" Cheng Dahe roared heartbreakingly, and his tears mixed with the blood from the corners of his eyes finally rolled down.

No one knew how Cheng Dahe survived that lonely and cold night, but everyone knew that the vanguard company of the 108th Division Guard Battalion was not completely wiped out.

Before the end of the Southeast Campaign, the vanguard company was rebuilt, and the only captain company commander left in the 108th Division Guard Battalion became the new guard battalion commander. All the surviving guard battalion officers and soldiers were promoted by one level, and those who died in battle were promoted by two levels.

Cheng Dahe became the new squad leader of the vanguard squad, just as Tang Dao said, but his rank was not promoted to sergeant, but to second lieutenant.

Because he was the last hope of all the dead guard battalion officers and soldiers.

If he had not been in the army for too short a time and his original rank was too low, according to the temper of the lieutenant general commander of the 108th Division, he might have been directly promoted to lieutenant in the army and served as the company commander of the spearhead company.

However, the second lieutenant-level squad leader is also a rare phenomenon in the army.

Scar Major, no, it should be Colonel Zhao, the promotion order to colonel in the army was personally issued by Minister He of the Military and Political Department.

A total of 6 lieutenant generals in the entire Jiashan defense line jointly sent a telegram to the Songhu War Zone Command, and no one dared to ignore it.

Moreover, they were several lieutenant generals in the army who had fought against the Japanese Tenth Army for four days and nights in Songjiang and blocked the Japanese Tenth Army for seven days and nights in the Jiashan defense line.

Of course, the most unignorable thing is not just those, but the war report telegram sent in the early morning and shocked the whole country.

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