Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 506 Breaking out of the comfort zone

The first to bear the brunt of the attack was Qian Dazhu.

This rookie from the Sichuan Army was only a private before the Battle of Songjiang. Who would have thought that he would be promoted one level after each battle, from a private to a sergeant, and then to a second lieutenant after the Battle of Cangcheng. After the battle to annihilate the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, he became a lieutenant.

Of course, the rank was promoted several levels in a row, which means that he had made great achievements in the war. Whether it was the Cangcheng or Songjiang street fighting or the battle to annihilate the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, Qian Dazhu's record was there. No one would say anything even if he was like riding a rocket.

However, he was directly appointed as the chief officer of an infantry company with the rank of lieutenant, and he was also the commander of the second infantry company, and his position was above Li Jiujin who had always followed Tang Dao. This was a bit too awesome, and it also showed that Tang Dao valued him very much.

Moreover, judging from Tang Dao's choice, he was not looking at his military qualifications or the length of time he had followed him, but his performance on the battlefield. Of the four major infantry company commanders, except for Leng Feng, who was promoted from a former army lieutenant, the other three, including Li Jiujin, were still privates before the war.

Yes, although this list of appointments was issued in the name of General Guo, everyone knows that this must be the choice of Tang Dao.

Even Zhao Daqiang, who once served as a personal guard beside Lieutenant General Liu Yuqing, was directly promoted from the platoon leader of the guard platoon to the commander of the 4th Infantry Company. It was not because of nepotism. Zhao Daqiang led his guard platoon in the battle to annihilate the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, conquered four positions in a row, and seized 6 machine guns with the strength of a platoon. He is an absolute tough guy.

The reason why he and the new commander of the special agent company, Major Peng Chong, were unable to attend the meeting of the independent battalion was because they were still in the 67th Army Field Hospital.

The two tough guys were injured. One was shot in the arm and the bullet was still embedded in the bone, and the other was bitten by shrapnel in the buttocks and cut off half a pound of meat.

As a result, the two men actually insisted on not being carried on a stretcher for nearly 20 kilometers. As soon as they arrived at the defense line, they were ordered by Tang Dao to be rushed to the field hospital. Otherwise, perhaps these "minor injuries" did not kill them at the time, but they died of wound infection in the end, and it was too late to cry.

So, although they were absent from the meeting, they still made many appointments.

In addition to Qian Dazhu, Lv Sanjiang and Gu Xishui were definitely Tang Dao's "favorites". One served as the cavalry platoon leader and also served as the deputy company commander of the special forces company, and the other directly became the captain of the special operations team directly under the battalion headquarters. Tang Dao has already said that the level of the special operations team is at the deputy company level, which also means that Gu Xishui will be promoted to lieutenant in the army at any time. More importantly, he will be under Tang Dao's personal command.

The power demonstrated by Tang Dao in the small-scale harassment war against the 36th Infantry Brigade of the Japanese Army in the wilderness is obvious to all. With his personal guidance, the role of this special operations team is obvious.

Being able to fight under the eyes of the superiors, there will be no less military exploits. What about Gu Xishui's future prospects? If things go well, they will be promoted more than several infantry company commanders.

These three are definitely the rising stars of the independent battalion, even though they are only lieutenants and second lieutenants now.

Of course, in addition to the three of them, some other newly promoted lieutenants who did not attend the meeting were also reused.

For example, Heizi, the powerful machine gunner, Cheng Tieshou had originally reserved him the position of machine gun platoon leader, but he was transferred to the special operations team by Tang Dao as the third captain.

Another example is Sergeant Mo Songzi, who was recruited by Tang Dao from the 67th Army and killed the Japanese reconnaissance balloon. After this battle, he was promoted to second lieutenant and became the heavy machine gun platoon leader under Cheng Tieshou.

Or, Taozi, the only surviving communications soldier under Qian Dazhu, also served as the communications platoon leader of the special agent company because of his heroic performance in this battle.

With so many things, Tang Dao's appointment letter fully expresses a central meaning, that people who have made contributions during the battle must be promoted and reused, which is obviously a boost to morale.

As for whether there are people who are dissatisfied, of course there are some, such as the newly appointed commander and deputy commander of the baggage company.

The baggage company is a logistics unit in both the Chinese and Japanese armies, and is considered the second line.

From this moment on, they basically no longer serve as the chief officers of the front-line combat units, and naturally they are less likely to receive meritorious service and awards than others.

But then again, it is not certain whether they really want to fight for their lives on the battlefield. At least from the equally serious expressions on their faces, it is impossible to tell what they are feeling at the moment.

Perhaps, they are not necessarily overjoyed.

But in general, basically everyone has the position they want, and most of the hanging hearts are relieved.

The rest, of course, is the question of how to reorganize the troops, and it depends on which plan Tang Dao chooses.

"Okay, according to the military orders of the superiors at all levels, the appointment has been completed, sit down!" Tang Dao pressed his hand down and sat down first.

All the officers sat down and looked at Tang Dao expectantly.

Especially the three infantry company commanders, the artillery company and the anti-aircraft firepower company are all professional players, and there will not be too much change.

For example, Pang Dahai's artillery company is nothing more than the remaining mortars and two 92 infantry guns captured from the Japanese army. There will be no reduction in personnel, but only an increase in personnel. The additional personnel are most likely the artillery company of the original security group, which not only has 6 mortars but also artillery.

In fact, this person is the one who can rest assured. Otherwise, why would the tall Shandong fat man smile so warmly? And he was willing to give cigarettes to his colleagues with a smile after sitting down?

Cheng Tieshou's anti-aircraft fire support company was basically the same. Three twin-mounted machine guns, two MG34 machine guns, and the remaining six Maxim heavy machine guns, including the four heavy machine guns that came with the security group, were all in his pocket. He would never be short of equipment and personnel.

There was no need to worry about the baggage company. They only needed to worry about whether they could count or raise and drive horses.

The only ones with warm eyes were the three new infantry company commanders. They were most concerned about personnel arrangements and equipment.

"The guard platoon of the special forces company is mainly composed of the guard platoon of the former guard battalion. The shortage of personnel will be recruited from the Songjiang Security Regiment with outstanding performance. The number of personnel is temporarily set at 40, the communication platoon has 16 personnel, the medical platoon has 20 personnel, and the cavalry platoon will remain unchanged with 22 personnel;

In addition to the guard platoon equipped with Mauser pistols and submachine guns, the communication platoon and the medical platoon are equipped with a Type 14 Nanbu pistol, and the cavalry platoon is implemented in the same way.

The artillery company is composed of the former guard battalion artillery platoon, the artillery squad of the Fourth Battalion, and the artillery company of the Songjiang Security Regiment. It has 150 personnel and is equipped with two Type 92 infantry guns and six Type 82 mortars.

The anti-aircraft fire support company is composed of the former guard battalion heavy machine gun platoon, the heavy machine gun squad of the Fourth Battalion, and the heavy machine gun company of the Songjiang Security Regiment. It has 150 personnel and is equipped with three machine guns and six heavy machine guns.

The baggage company is composed of officers and soldiers of the former Songjiang Security Regiment. It has 150 personnel and is equipped with pack horses 200 horses, 30 carts, soldiers are equipped with Type 38 rifles, sergeants and squad leaders are equipped with Type 14 pistols, and each baggage platoon is equipped with a Czech light machine gun.

The infantry company is composed of the three infantry companies and guard companies of the original security battalion, the two infantry platoons of the four-line battalion, and all the remaining personnel of the Songjiang Security Corps, with 150 personnel. The firepower composition of the infantry squad and infantry platoon remains the original firepower configuration of the security battalion. The company headquarters adds a mortar squad and a heavy machine gun squad, each equipped with two 82 mortars and a Maxim heavy machine gun.

All specific personnel allocation lists will be drawn up by Deputy Battalion Commander Lei Xiong for the infantry company, Deputy Battalion Commander Guo Shouzhi for the artillery company and the anti-aircraft fire support company, and Chief of Staff Zhuang Shisan for the special agent company and the baggage company. You should each notify your original subordinates and report to your new company in the afternoon. Dismissed! "

After Tang Dao finished speaking, he waved his hand to drive people away, pretending not to see the bitter faces of the officers.

He had made it very clear, and by the way, he also clarified the division of labor for his three deputy battalion commanders.

Lei Xiong will be in charge of the infantry company in the future, Guo Shouzhi will be in charge of artillery and fire support, and Zhuang Shisan will be in charge of logistics.

"Also, there will be extra meals at noon, one can of meat plus two white flour buns for each person, a bowl of rice, and no wine!" Tang Dao added an extra sentence when these chief officers were walking out.

This is a farewell dinner!

It can only be said that this is a reorganization plan that is both joyful and painful!

The organization of the four infantry companies was basically disrupted and reorganized, and the personnel changes were not small, which made the four infantry company commanders scratch their heads, but there were also happy ones. Tang Dao sunk the mortars and heavy machine guns to the company, greatly enhancing the company-level heavy firepower.

The personnel changes in the artillery company and the anti-aircraft fire support company were not big, they were just supplemented, but the equipment was less. Pang Dahai's artillery company lost a few mortars, Cheng Tieshou's fire support company lost a few heavy machine guns, and the two most powerful MG34s were also missing.

On the contrary, the two people in the baggage company were the most happy. All the people came from the security group and the personnel were very familiar. However, their original equipment was gone, and they were all replaced with rifles and pistols.

There were losses and compensations. No one was completely satisfied, but no one was completely disappointed.

The reason why the phoenix can be reborn is that it was reborn from the ashes?

The same is true for the army!

If you can't bear to part with the past, you won't welcome the new.

If you want to quickly form a new army composed of personnel from several troops and combine them into a whole, it is necessary to break the familiar comfort zone.

All the unfamiliarity will change after a battle.

This is the concept of Tang Dao.

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