Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 509 The old abacus's little abacus

Qian Dazhu chose the assessment location outside the garrison.

Because the battalion headquarters was notified in advance, after Tang Dao's permission, Peng Chong, the commander of the special forces company who had just returned from the field hospital, mobilized the guard platoon with his arms hanging, and set up sentries around the assessment route map drawn by Qian Dazhu. A cavalry squad of Lu Sanjiang was used to set up cavalry patrols at a farther location.

Tang Dao was very satisfied with the vigilance of his subordinates.

This was wartime, and even if the commander had made a judgment that an invincible attack was coming, it was still necessary to be careful.

It was almost dusk at this time!

Hearing that the third company would pass the assessment to select a squad leader, a deputy squad leader and a precision shooter, many officers and sergeants walked out of the garrison and watched on the slope.

Not to say that he was deliberately making fun of himself, but Qian Dazhu, who was just a recruit a dozen days ago, became a legend at the level of the eighth company commander of the independent battalion, which really made many officers and sergeants with far more seniority than him very envious.

They especially wanted to see what kind of ability this young man had that made Captain Tang so favor him and let him rise all the way to become the commander of the four main infantry companies of the independent battalion.

"Everyone! Among the more than 100 of you, there are veterans of the Four-Line Battalion who fought their way out of the Battle of Songhu, and soldiers from the 67th Army, 43rd Army, and Security Corps who fought to the death in Songjiang. They are all elites in the army. Some of them are familiar to me and some are unfamiliar to me. If I select squad leaders, deputy squad leaders, and precision shooters from them based on closeness, will the rest of you be dissatisfied?" Qian Dazhu, standing in front of more than 100 people under his command, spoke loudly in the wilderness.

"Yes!" There were sparse responses from the team.

"Tell me loudly, yes or no?"

Qian Dazhu pursed his lips tightly, and the beard on his lips, which had not been shaved for more than ten days, was no longer as blue as before, but looked thick and dark, and the whole person looked several years older than his actual age.

"Yes!" More than a hundred people answered in unison.

Obviously, most people think so.

After all, being a squad leader, a deputy squad leader, or a precision shooter will earn you an extra dollar in military pay, which is the most immediate benefit. For these ordinary officers and soldiers, no one wants to give it up.

Of course, more importantly, once you become a squad leader, is it still far from being a platoon leader?

These soldiers have all experienced several major battles and crawled out of the pile of dead bodies, so they naturally know the ways to be promoted in order.

The independent battalion is not like the temporary establishment of the guard battalion. It has been filed with the Ministry of Military Affairs and the theater command. As long as the 43rd Army is still there, the independent battalion will exist. As long as he is not dead, the possibility of the infantry squad leader stepping from the sergeant to the officer ranks is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

Officers and soldiers are essentially different, both in terms of treatment and reputation. A platoon leader is about the same as a town mayor in his hometown! Even if he dies, his official title will be engraved on his grave to bring honor to his parents and relatives.

Thousands of years of traditional Chinese thought have influenced every Chinese, whether now or in the future, whether educated or not, the lower the social level, the more people want to climb to a higher level.

"Very good! This is the third company I want to see. If you have something to say, just tell me directly. Don't keep it in your stomach and let it get moldy." Qian Dazhu nodded with satisfaction.

"Then let's decide who can be the squad leader, the deputy squad leader, the accurate shooter, the strong one goes up, the weak one goes down! First platoon leader, you come to announce the assessment plan"

"I say this little guy is not bad! He is very imposing at the beginning. I think he will be a superior in time!" Pang Dahai sat on the ground and praised Qian Dazhu with a smile.

"He is still far from it!" Cheng Tieshou on the side curled his lips. "Our commander sometimes likes to talk a lot, but more often, he just does it! Is this guy capable?"

"Hehe! Whether he can do it or not is up to the battlefield. I say, my two brothers, don't compare people with your commander all the time. They are not human beings. In my opinion, Dazhuzi is quite capable to survive the battlefield until now!" Li Jiujin held a cigarette in his mouth and spoke for Qian Dazhu with a smile.

The old soldier is no longer the old soldier he used to be. As he became a platoon leader and a company commander, the "greasy" on his body has been hidden by him. Only in front of colleagues of the same level will he show a little.

"I didn't hear the other words, but I heard you say that the commander is not a human being!" Cheng Tieshou glanced at the old soldier who was half lying on the hillside with a cigarette in his mouth. "But! Good brothers like us can solve everything with a pack of cigarettes."

"The commander is not a human being, but a god!" The old soldier rolled his eyes and argued. Pointing to the other side, "Fuck, the damn old abacus is opening again. Let's go and join in the fun. Maybe the old abacus will not even have pants to wear after winning."

"Damn Li Jiujin, you are too stingy. I want to blackmail you for a cigarette, but you run away!" Cheng Tieshou rolled his eyes at the old soldier who not only changed the subject but also slipped away.

It was as if he had eaten the pack of cigarettes he just mentioned.

"Come on, come on, the betting is open. Let's bet on whether the new recruit company commander can use his method to evaluate qualified and convincing squad leaders and deputy squad leaders today." The old abacus on the hillside grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and greeted them with all his strength. "One-on-one bets, bet one dollar and win one dollar, bet two dollars and win two dollars, bet twenty and you will make a fortune."

Lao Abacus is a veteran of the Four Elements Camp, but this guy is probably the slowest person to advance in the Four Elements Camp. The military rank has been promoted from private to sergeant to first-class sergeant, but he has not become squad leader or squad deputy. He is still a top soldier in Leng Feng's company.

It's not that he's afraid of death or something, it's just that he has a damn gambling habit and wants to gamble wherever he goes. The most awesome bet is to make a bet before going to the battlefield, betting on his own life and death. Although no one will fall for his trick, if he dies, who will he get the money from?

A typical bad gambler! No commander would dare to use such a person as a squad leader! When Te Liang is fighting, is it okay to have a gambling game?

But this guy knows that his 'hobby' is hindering his development, but he still enjoys it. Now another gambling game started.

Although gambling is prohibited in the army, on such a battlefield, if you are alive today, you may become a corpse tomorrow. As long as you don't disobey orders and want to be a deserter, most of the officers will turn a blind eye to other things, even if you smoke. Just close your eyes and pretend you can't see.

Moreover, Lao Abacus is a veteran of the Four Elements Battalion. He has fought side by side with Leng Feng, Lei Xiong, Tang Dao and others. It would be wrong to look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

Therefore, Lao Abacus started a gambling game at this time. The officers pretended not to see it and did not participate, but many soldiers joined in.

"Why do you believe in the law?" Yang Xiaoshan, who had always been honest and honest, had now become a platoon leader and was transferred to Zhao Daqiang's command. At this time, he was dragged to the platform by the old abacus. For the sake of his old comrades, he could only Can ask according to what he taught beforehand.

"That's a good question, Platoon Leader Yang!" Old Abacus explained to a group of top soldiers with high spirits. "As long as none of those big company commanders think that Qian's company commander's assessment method is wrong and the people selected are not strong, then it will be convincing. I am the banker and bet on Qian's company commander. As long as you beat me and lose, then you will be convinced." One for one.”

"This means that as long as I say that he made the wrong choice, even if you lose, I will win?" Li Jijin squeezed in and asked with a smile.

"Captain Li, you can't deceive people like this!" Lao Baanpan's face suddenly wrinkled. "You can also bet one and lose one with the banker."

"What do you mean by cheating? How do you put it in the words of the chief? I am an objective person and will never lose my heart because of some small gains." Li Jijin smiled brightly, stretched out his hand and dropped two pieces of ocean. "Come on, I bet he's still too young, so he may not be satisfactory to everyone."

"I'll vote with Captain Li too!"

"I'll put in three dollars!"

Seeing that Chief Li was so sure, and he was also like a judge, with the power of veto, the big soldiers who were watching had to place their bets.

It is true that the probability of Lao Abacus losing is too high.

Not to mention that Qian Dazhu is so young, it is extremely difficult for him to satisfy all the company commanders present.

The old abacus opened this gambling market, which is almost like giving away money, so why don't you invest?

However, amidst the excitement, some people also came in the opposite direction, such as Yang Xiaoshan who was forced to come here, and Xia Dayu who liked to join in the fun when he was young.

Sneakily, they each invested two pieces of money in Ocean and Banker.

As soon as Lao Abacus collected the money, he changed the bitter look on his face and touched the money bag in his hand with high spirits.

Winning or losing the gambling game may not be important to this bad gambler. What is important is that the gambling game is open and he enjoys the pleasure of being the banker.


However, gambling is definitely a technical job, and you can never win simply by luck.

The final facts also proved this.

That was also the most glorious moment in Lao Abacus's gambling game in his life.

Just like Li Jijin quietly pulled Xia Dayu to remind him not to be stupid, Xia Dayu only replied with a wink: "I believe sir!"

"Ouch! I've been tricked by the Japanese!" Li Jijin suddenly realized and slapped his thigh desperately!

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