Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 513 New Infantry Squad Organization

After Tang Dao's explanation and encouragement, no one was dissatisfied.

And quite a few people also looked up to Qian Dazhu, the youngest and least experienced main infantry company commander.

Don't underestimate a small group assessment. In the end, the soldiers showed what the squad leader and the deputy squad leader needed most.

As Tang Dao said, the squad leaders he selected only entered the top 20 in the cross-country running and did not show much because they helped their teammates to carry the load.

But this also led to their victory in the subsequent stabbing phase. It was because they chose to help their slightly weaker comrades in the same group, so that in the three minutes before the next stabbing battle, those comrades with weaker physical strength chose to support them, just like the third group where Zhima was, the three veterans of the four-row camp received unanimous support, so they could perfectly form a three-three formation.

Moreover, because of the help, the three groups of slightly weaker soldiers still maintained enough physical strength, and the advantages formed by the chain reaction continued to accumulate, so they almost won the fourth group with almost the same strength.

Of course, this is not absolute, luck is also very important.

For the fourth group, Tong Dachui, the veteran of the Fourth Camp who led the team, also helped the two soldiers of the former Security Corps who were lagging behind to the best of his ability, so that they would not fall behind. However, the extra ten kilograms of weight consumed his physical strength. He should have been stronger, but he did not show his true strength in the bayonet.

What's more terrible is that there are only two veterans of the Fourth Camp assigned to Group 4. Even if the two former Security Corps soldiers support them, there are five former Guard Battalion veterans. Their opinions certainly did not form a dominant position. Their physical strength was originally consumed, and their formation was at a disadvantage, so they naturally lost.

However, this failure may become the advantage of Group 4, no, it should be said that it will be the advantage of the fourth squad of the second platoon of the third company in the future. If they don't fail, how can those former Guard Battalion veterans realize their own problems? That's much better than dying on the battlefield!

There is also the 9th class where Chu Weijiang, who just made an opinion, is located. The reason why Chu Weijiang ranked second in total score is that in addition to his excellent personal performance in the cross-country running assessment, they also won the group bayonet confrontation, but it was also a miserable victory. In the three-minute battle, they kept three people and the opponent had two, only one more than the opponent.

If it were placed on the real battlefield, this infantry class would be almost finished.

After Tang Dao’s explanation, these elite soldiers just let them think about how to unite and survive in the next cruel battlefield.

‘This road is blocked! ’ is an inspiring slogan, but what can stop the Japanese guns and artillery, in addition to courage, is more life, and the flesh and blood that dare to be put on the defense line.

On the battlefield, if you want to survive, courage, wisdom and luck are indispensable.

The wisdom shown by Qian Dazhu is far beyond his age, which is more important than Tang Dao, the highest military commander of the independent battalion, personally coming out to support him.

From the expressions on the faces of the soldiers who started to re-integrate the two teams and the ten infantry squads that had been determined, it can be seen that most of them are already very convinced of their new company commander.

The effect of this assessment led by Qian Dazhu is perfect both for the superiors and the subordinates.

Yes, each infantry company has 10 infantry squads instead of 9.

Because each infantry company has added a small artillery squad and a heavy machine gun squad, Tang Dao decided after weighing the pros and cons to reduce the number of infantry squads in each infantry squad, and to set up another infantry squad under the direct jurisdiction of the company.

In this way, a formation that can be called a fire support platoon can be formed, and four second lieutenant platoon leader positions can be added.

There is no way. The independent battalion merged the two elite infantry battalions of the Four-Line Battalion and the Security Battalion. Most of them are veterans. After two major battles, they were basically promoted by two levels, and some were even promoted by three levels. Even if the sergeants were divided into three levels, it would not be enough for promotion.

There are several second lieutenants who have to serve as deputy platoon leaders at the level of lieutenants, while Qian Dazhu, who is highly valued, serves as infantry company commander at the rank of lieutenant. The comparison between the two shows that it is obviously too disrespectful to their military exploits and ranks, which can easily cause psychological imbalance.

The four extra positions are just the right place to arrange for those people.

Tang Dao is no longer the small platoon leader who only needs to subdue three squad leaders to deal with an infantry platoon in the past, but the commander of an infantry battalion with nearly 1,200 people. Coordination and balance of people's hearts are also what he needs to learn and improve.

Of course, the establishment of a fire support platoon and the addition of several lieutenant positions to balance people's hearts are only one of them.

More importantly, in addition to the three infantry platoons that must be at the forefront on the battlefield, the infantry company commander also has an infantry squad of 12 people in his hands. That is his reserve team, which can be used at the most critical moment.

The reserve team is extremely important to any armed force. If you put all your strength into the battle at the beginning without reserve, then this armed force is steel, but it lacks a lot of toughness.

It's like a knife. Hardness is not the only indicator to judge the performance of the knife. The toughness of the steel is the first consideration along with hardness. To simply understand hardness and toughness, hardness is the ability of steel to resist deformation, while toughness is the ability of the knife to resist breaking after being impacted or deformed.

If the hardness is low, the knife is easy to curl, and if the toughness is too low, the knife is easy to break.

On the battlefield, the reserve is the guarantee of the resilience of an armed force. The opponent will despairingly find that every time it seems that they are just a little short of breaking through the position, but they are always just a little short.

Of course, some people oppose it, because this will weaken the strength of the infantry platoon. The original 14-man infantry squad will be reduced to 12 people, and it will be disadvantageous to fight against a small squad of 15 people of the Japanese army.

Moreover, the independent battalion will not act separately. If an infantry company cannot hold on, there are still the special agent company and the baggage company under the battalion headquarters. They are the real reserve team and can support the front line at any time.

But Tang Dao thinks it is still worth it, because he knows best what kind of battlefield the independent battalion will face in the future.

With the end of large-scale battles, the battlefield that the independent battalion will go to will no longer be a battlefield where both sides will easily invest tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

At that time, the infantry company will become an independent combat unit. If it cannot learn to deal with the battlefield with more than 100 people, it will only be eliminated.

The current battlefield is their last chance for "internship".

Therefore, Tang Dao still insisted on his decision. There were ten infantry squads in an infantry company, nine of which were assigned to three infantry platoons, and one infantry platoon was left for the fire support platoon, which served as the guards of the artillery squad and the heavy machine gun squad, and was also the last reserve of the entire infantry company.

Each infantry squad had 12 people, including one squad leader, one squad deputy, one precision shooter, two light machine gun shooters, one grenade launcher, and six riflemen.

In the battle, the squad deputy commanded six riflemen in front, the squad leader commanded the light machine gun fire group and grenade launcher in the back, and the precision shooter was more flexible and moved around the entire infantry squad.

In the end, the facts also proved that the elite of the Four-Line Camp, which came from the Imperial Guard, did have the ability to match their status.

Not only were 80% of the 10 squad leaders and squad deputy selected from the 10 infantry squads of the Third Company all veterans of the Four-Line Camp, but the most basic commanders chosen by the company-level chief officers of the other three infantry companies were also mostly from the original Four-Line Camp.

The sergeants and officers who had seen the assessment process knew that the results of the three infantry companies would probably be similar to those of the third company, and those who were originally dissatisfied had basically disappeared.

Compared with the selection of squad leaders and squad vice-squadrons, which require both sufficient military strength and unity and leadership, the selection of precision shooters is undoubtedly much easier.

After experiencing the huge physical exertion of cross-country running assessment and bayonet fighting, the shooters who signed up for the shooting assessment had to face the wooden target 200 meters away where the light had dimmed after only less than ten minutes of rest.

Because time was urgent, there were not enough ten rings drawn on the wooden board, only three rings. Hitting the inside of the fist-sized ring counted as 10 rings, the outside as 8 rings, and the outside as 5 rings, and no more outside was counted.

Each person had only five bullets.

From high to low, the best were selected.

20 people, almost all of them were veterans of the Fourth Battalion and the Guard Battalion.

The results were also uneven, with the best getting 42 rings and the worst only 5 rings.

However, even the worst, no one laughed at it. In the dim light, it was possible to hit a target 200 meters away that would never look larger than a helmet. Even if only one shot was hit out of five, only a quarter of the 1,100-strong independent battalion could barely do it.

Of course, no one would disagree with this kind of assessment result that was based purely on performance.

However, after all the assessments of the third company were completed, the number of people watching outside the garrison not only did not decrease, but increased.

Because, there was a little episode.

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