Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 519 The freshest ingredients

The officers around Tang Dao were all a little confused!

What is a small barbecue?

The next moment, Tang Dao fired a shot at the sky above the small woods more than 100 meters away.

Dozens of small black shadows flew up from the woods.

In this early winter season, there is only one kind of bird in the wild - sparrows!

A few minutes ago, because of the constant gunshots and explosions, the sparrows were startled and circled in the sky. After finally waiting for the humans below to quiet down, the sparrows retreated back into the woods.

"Damn it, it's finally quiet!" The sparrows probably thought so at that time.

But they were still too naive.

Human beings are born to love tossing! What's more, a certain army colonel was planning to get some barbecue ingredients, and he didn't have to pay for it.

This shot drove the sparrows who had just rested out of the woods again.

The sparrows were startled by the sudden gunshots and flew up to the sky in a mess. The officers and soldiers looked up at the small black dots that were barely visible from more than a hundred meters away, and more or less understood what Tang Dao meant. He was preparing to get some fresh ingredients.

However, although there were many sparrows, it did not mean that anyone with a gun could shoot two sparrows to eat with wine.

Most of the officers and soldiers came from rural areas and had no idea how many kilometers per hour a sparrow could fly, but they knew that once a sparrow flew up, you could basically only watch helplessly and use rice and nets to trap it, and you might get some harvest.

In fact, the flying speed of sparrows is not among the top birds, but its maximum flying speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour, which is about 15 or 16 meters per second. However, sparrows have short wings and do not fly high. If you want to shoot them with a gun, you can take a shotgun and rely on probability to shoot down one or two. But if you want to shoot them down with a single-shot rifle like Tang Dao, your brain circuit is enough.

Even if you shoot them down, you can't make any barbecue.

The reason is very simple. The Mosin-Ganna rifle is 7.62 caliber, and the bullet is as thick as a little finger. If it hits a person, it will be a hole as big as the mouth of a cup. The small body of a sparrow with less than one or two pounds of meat will be broken into pieces.

It's really a small barbecue!

Looking at Tang Dao who raised his gun and started to aim at the air, several company commanders who had formed enough images in their brains looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They didn't think there was any pleasure in eating minced meat with feathers.

Yes, although it is difficult to shoot sparrows with a rifle, based on their understanding of Tang Dao's gunmanship, especially Leng Feng, Li Jiujin, Cheng Tieshou and others who had witnessed Tang Dao's continuous shots hitting a stone rolling in the sky when it first arrived at the warehouse, they were still very sure that Tang Dao could shoot down a few.

However, a piece of minced meat with feathers had to be roasted over fire, which was really unpalatable!

Tang Dao was very serious.

After aiming for a few seconds, he fired!

He stood in place, holding the gun with both hands, pulling the trigger, pulling the bolt, moving the muzzle, pulling the trigger, and pulling the bolt again

Fired five shots in a row, and five black shadows fell from the sky.

The officers and soldiers of the independent battalion who looked up at the sky widened their eyes.

This move was more accurate than the two sharpshooters of the special operations team just now.

No matter how accurate they were just now, they were shooting at fixed targets.

On the battlefield, no one would be so stupid as to stand still and let you shoot. Although the shooting distance of the Tang Dao is much shorter, the target's moving speed is definitely not comparable to that of humans. In terms of overall difficulty, it is no longer reflected by the number of rings.

Moreover, five birds were shot with five shots, and every shot hit proved that this was not a fluke.

But what shocked the officers and soldiers more than the officers and soldiers were a few officers who thought they knew the shooting skills of the Tang Dao very well.

They had expected that the Tang Dao could shoot down five sparrows with one shot, but the sparrows were not turned into five blood mists by the bullets as they imagined, but fell down seemingly intact.

"Xiaoshan, take a few brothers to find the sparrows." Li Jiujin's mind moved slightly, and he ordered Yang Xiaoshan beside him.

Before Yang Xiaoshan could move, the 'Hammer' who had already stood up and sat upright ran forward.

Obviously, the Hammer was already impatient, and he did not regard himself as an outsider. We are Yang Xiaoshan's brothers!

"Fuck! Hammer, don't eat it first. That's for the chief's dinner. If it's gone, we can only eat dog meat." Li Jiujin looked at Hammer, who was running very fast despite his weak hind legs, and shouted behind him.

"Woof!" Hammer, who was still lame, almost fell into the pit. He turned around and roared angrily.

I guess that meant "Shut up! I'm not a dog, you're the real dog!"

"Haha!" A laugh rang out in the wilderness.

Hammer has a high status in the army now, not just because it was rescued by Chief Tang himself, but because Hammer really lived up to the rank on his uniform vest. He participated in patrols before his injury was fully healed. With his "thousand-mile ears", the burden on the soldiers was much lighter.

No matter how light the footsteps are from hundreds of meters away, it can immediately prick up its ears to remind the sentries to be on high alert. In the end, it can even accurately distinguish the difference between Japanese big-toed leather shoes and Chinese soldiers' cloth shoes and straw sandals.

Although it has never used its teeth to participate in combat, the soldiers who are familiar with it have already regarded it as a comrade and brother. Hammer's reputation is so great that it even surpasses several famous company commanders. Even the hundreds of soldiers who have just joined the security regiment have not yet known their superiors, but they know Hammer, this magical dog first.

That is, Li Jiujin likes to tease it the most, and he often says that he wants to eat dog meat. Hammer always grins when he hears this. In the past, it rarely moved because of its bad legs. Later, its legs were able to walk a little. The most common action is to squat behind Li Jiujin and stare at Li Jiujin's buttocks.

In the words of Yang Xiaoshan, who has been with it, it is looking for an opportunity to bite the "enemy" who wants to eat dog meat the most before being eaten. The buttocks should be the easiest to bite.

From then on, Lao Li never stood in front of "Hammer" again, but the catchphrase of "eating dog meat" has never changed.

The "grudge" between a man and a dog may continue like this until one day a dog bites first.

The officers and soldiers' laughter did not interrupt Tang Dao's movements. After one magazine was emptied, Tang Dao took a magazine handed over by Erya, loaded the bullets smoothly, and raised the gun again.

This time, the speed of the five consecutive shots was faster than the previous round. Before Hammer, with his tail erect, ran a few dozen meters, five sparrows fell from the sky.

Reload the bullets again, shoot again!

Three magazines, fifteen bullets, fifteen sparrows, every shot hit.

With Hammer's sensitive nose, all fifteen preys were picked up by Yang Xiaoshan who ran over.

The eyes of several company commanders who gathered around were completely dull.

Tang Dao's shooting skills were two points more exaggerated than the Battle of Sihang Warehouse.

The small bodies of the fifteen sparrows were intact, except for the bird heads.

That means that Tang Dao's fifteen shots did not hit the half-fist-sized bird bodies, but all the human-eye-sized bird heads.

This extremely terrifying shooting skill has exceeded the scope of what ordinary people can imagine.

"The commander is the commander! When can I be half as good as him?" Niu Er's eyes showed a bit of disappointment.

With the continuous experience of the battlefield, Niu Er's shooting skills have never stopped improving. It is his greatest wish to catch up with the commander's footsteps.

But when he saw that Tang Dao now showed a better shooting skill than before, the distance between the two sides not only did not close, but became farther and farther. The new lieutenant who had been tempered on the battlefield and thought he was very resolute could not help but feel a strong sense of frustration.

"You are already the first sharpshooter of the independent battalion, what else do you want?" Lei Xiong, who had not spoken much, smiled and patted Niu Er, who was a little lonely. "If we keep comparing with Commander Tang, then we don't need to live. You know, less than a month ago, he was still my subordinate, Lei Xiong!"

"Commander Lei, if it were you, how many could you shoot down?" Niu Er asked with some curiosity.

"Me? If it's a rifle, I'm sure I can shoot down five or six. If I come with an MG34 machine gun, I may be able to shoot more!" Lei Xiong grinned.

"Hiss!" Niu Er couldn't help but gasp.

According to his estimation, if he were to fight, he could basically guarantee to hit one with three shots from a rifle. As for the machine gun, he had no confidence at all.

It seems that Lei Xiong is better than him, not to mention the Tang Dao.

What the first sharpshooter of the independent battalion, that's just to encourage him by the superiors. If these veterans who have been in the army for nearly ten years are counted, it would be good for him to be ranked in the top five.

However, this aroused Niu Er's fighting spirit.

One day, he will become the real first sharpshooter of the independent battalion.

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