Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 523: Failure Theory! (Please support with monthly tickets and subscriptions!)

"Report!" Tang Dao, who had calmed down his excitement, shouted softly!

"Come in?" The two lieutenant generals in the room who were smiling at each other in a sympathetic way heard Tang Dao's voice, and both of them were a little surprised.

At this time, shouldn't Tang Dao still be in his independent camp?

You know, although the independent camp is still mostly composed of Tang Dao's old subordinates, the Songjiang Security Corps has 500 people in it, and it is said that most of them have been downgraded by Tang Dao. As the chief officer, he must appease the people before the war, so why did he run to the command center?

It can't be that he wants something again! Thinking of this, Wu and Guo, two veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time, couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Tang Dao's swing of the small hoe was not only accurate but also full of reasons that were hard to refuse. It was definitely the only one they had ever seen in their lives.

He can fight and poach people. I don't know if it's lucky to have such a subordinate! Or is it lucky!

I'm afraid it's more of a lucky thing. If it were someone else, they would have been sent to the logistics department to manage the packhorse carts because they were so unpopular.

But they really couldn't bear to part with Tang Dao!

Since they couldn't bear to part with him, they could only put up with his annoying little hoe.

"You kid, are you missing something again?" Looking at Tang Dao who walked in with his head held high, Lieutenant General Wu spoke unhappily. "However, whether you want someone or something, I advise you not to open your mouth, and don't say you just want to chat. I also know that we two old guys are not as beautiful as reporter Tan Tai Mingyue, and you kid are not interested in that!"

"Sir, you are going to block Tang Dao's way!" Tang Dao smiled bitterly. "I just thought that the two commanders were worried about the battle situation and couldn't sleep all night, so I came to give them some midnight snacks. That was the millet porridge that Mingyue cooked for a long time."

"Sending midnight snacks! Okay, I appreciate your kindness. I'll leave the porridge, and your child can leave now." Lieutenant General Wu waved his hand calmly and sent the guest away with a gift.

Tang Dao...

Did I blackmail this commander too much, so that he felt like "once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of the rope for ten years" when he saw him? In the future, I should be more reserved, so as not to be driven away when I meet him. Tang Dao began to reflect on himself.

However, since I came here, I can't leave.

Facing the pleading look from Tang Dao, who stood straight and had no intention of leaving, Lieutenant General Guo could only help the colonel battalion commander of his independent battalion to smooth things over, "Just say whatever you want to say, don't use the porridge as an excuse! I'll give you one minute. And the porridge! Hurry up and bring it to me, I'm really hungry now!"

"Er Ya, bring the porridge to the officers, and bring the beggar chicken too!" Tang Dao, who didn't have to leave directly, shouted out of the door.

The chicken was also an unexpected gain from the assessment training this evening.

But to be honest, it was still Hammer's trophy.

It's not that Hammer started to evolve arrogantly after being hit by a bullet, from a guard dog to a hunting dog. This guy used to rely on his nose to look for sparrows shot down by Tang Dao.

The fresh smell of blood is like a beacon in the dark night for a dog with a sense of smell sixteen times that of humans.

But no one expected that Hammer not only found the sparrow, but also found a pheasant with its wings stuck in the bushes. It was probably the unlucky chicken that was frightened by the sound of gunfire like the Japanese in the distance, and ran in a panic, but was stuck in its former hiding place.

Hammer was also a dog that had not eaten much meat for many days. It was okay if it was far away, but once it got close, the smell of the pheasant could not resist the dog's nose that was particularly "intimate" for meat.

Hammer was so excited that he pounced on it and bit it, and his dog hair was caught by the bushes.

What made a certain "private soldier" sad was that in the army, spoils of war need to be handed in, and this time Commander Tang was too much, and there was no "rebate" at all, and the whole chicken was confiscated. Fortunately, there was a roasted sparrow as compensation in the end, otherwise Hammer could sit there straight until the end of time.

There is no justice for people to bully dogs.

Most of the troops may be rough men who do killing work, but when it comes to making food, there are many capable people.

Although Tang Dao's barbecue is good, the veteran is also good at making beggar's chicken. Look at how skillfully he handles the chicken feathers, then stuffs a lot of salt into the chicken's stomach, wraps it with dry lotus leaves from the pond, covers it with yellow mud, and stews it under the bonfire in the trench. He is very skilled in this operation. He definitely eats chickens from ordinary people's homes every day.

After Tang Dao's order, Erya knocked open the hardened mud shell and unwrapped the dry lotus leaves. Before people entered the house, a burst of fragrance rushed into the noses of the two lieutenant generals in the command center.

"You bastard, if General Guo doesn't say anything, the chicken you brought will not be kept?" Lieutenant General Wu asked with a shudder in his throat.

"Master is wise!" Tang Dao grinned!

Will I die if I don't tell the truth? Lieutenant General Guo looked at Lieutenant General Wu Da, who was almost choked to death by Tang Dao's truth, with a smile, and then glared at Tang Dao: "Go and clean up the table, we can talk while we eat."

"Yes!" Tang Dao smiled and went to clean up the battle table covered with the battle map.

Giving gold, silver and jewelry is not as pleasing to the leader as giving a chicken, I'm afraid it's only in this era. In the next few decades, if you dare to give this, you will be blocked on WeChat in minutes.

The porridge was millet porridge in a clay pot, which had been cooked for at least three hours. It was thick and fragrant, and paired with the delicious beggar chicken, the two lieutenant generals who had eaten countless delicacies could not help but salivate.

They were all soldiers, and even though they were of high status, they were not so particular. The two did not even use chopsticks. Each of them tore off a chicken leg and ate a mouthful of porridge with a mouthful of chicken. Just looking at the way they ate, even Tang Dao, who was already full, had the urge to join in.

That is, there was no so-called chat while eating. No one asked Tang Dao why he came.

However, both of them were very restrained people. Not long after eating a chicken leg to feed the glutton in their stomachs, Lieutenant General Wu first put down the chicken bone in his hand, glanced at the half chicken left on the table, and called the guard outside: "Go, share this half chicken with the brothers outside!"

Then he cast his eyes on Tang Dao, his face had become calm: "Speak! What do you want to say!"

"Sir, have you ever thought about what we should do after this battle?" Tang Dao spoke directly.

The two lieutenant generals who took the towel to wipe their hands looked at each other, and both of them smiled bitterly. Tang Dao could think of it, so how could they not have thought of it? The two of them had previously "confessed" to each other that they were not optimistic about the future after this battle.

With their battlefield experience, the Battle of Nanjing was inevitable, but facing the nearly 300,000 Japanese Shanghai Expeditionary Forces plus the Tenth Army, they all knew that the chances of winning were extremely small. If they wanted to hold on, it would depend on how the general deployed the troops.

After all, there were still 400,000 troops withdrawn from the Songhu front, plus the Sichuan Army and Guizhou Army that were still heading to the battlefield, they were actually not without the power to fight.

Just by looking at their expressions, Tang Dao knew that although they were desperate, they actually still had illusions, the illusion of holding on to Nanjing.

This may also be the illusion that most generals of this era still have.

Yes! The ancient city of Jinling has strong defenses, and can gather more troops than the Japanese army. With the deployment of defenses along the way, the strength of the Japanese army can be weakened layer by layer. The Japanese army, which has been separated from the support of the naval fleet and stretched the battle line to nearly 300 kilometers, may not be able to conquer this strong city.

But Tang Dao knew that nearly half of the hundreds of thousands of troops had lost their morale, and more importantly, the supreme commander appointed a city defense commander who was much better at talking than he was actually capable.

Failure was inevitable, but the almost stupid commander made it worse, and finally created an unacceptable defeat and the darkest page in the history of the Chinese nation.

Fantasy can only be fantasy, and some things must be faced, even if they are extremely cruel.

Tang Dao knew that although he was now the battalion commander commanding a thousand people, he was just a drop of wave in the ocean on the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops were fighting. He was unable to reverse the suffocation of history, even if he had tried his best, even if he added this army of 20,000 troops.

A small army cannot change the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting, nor can it change the incompetence of those who stand high above.

If you can't change the tragedy, you can only try to reduce it.

"The battle of Nanjing will be lost!" Tang Daoshi broke the sky.

Please remember the domain name of the first release of this book:. _wap.

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